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Students with pierced ears, visible tattoos to be barred from vocational schools

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Back in the "good ol' days" when I was in management and had the responsibility of up to 300 staff, part of my job description was the hiring and firing of employees. I would NEVER employ staff with visible tattoos or body piercings. Why, you may ask? Well, besides being hideous to a large percentage of people (other staff and customers), it degraded the image of the organisation. Company policy was to allow body piercing, provided any visible would be removed during working hours. A maximum of 2 ear rings/studs was allowed. Initially, I hired 1 or 2 staff according to this policy to my regret. They continually "forgot" to remove the jewelry and it quickly became a nightmare to police at work. Subsequently, these people were subject to the 3 strikes rule and eventually had to find new employment elsewhere. Also, during their term of employment they had encouraged other staff members to get piercings, thus compounding the problem.

I still believe significant body piercings and tattoos limit employment opportunities. A neat appearance will appeal to almost 100% of employers, whereas someone who attends an interview with a nose ring, lip ring, a tongue stud and arms covered in tattoos is unlikely to get a second interview, regardless of their qualifications.

You don't get a second chance to make a good first impression.


I think this is a step in the right direction. If it discourages young kids from getting massive tattoos where everyone can see them, then I'm all for it. Personally I think tattoos are really ugly and make those that have them look unapproachable and unfriendly. There are other ways to show your individuality that are more subtle than a mahoosive celtic design running across half your body.

If places at colleges are at a premium why should they be wasted on individuals who are less likely to benefit from them. Employers have the absolute right to hire who they want, how someone looks is relevant to a company if they are representing that company to the public.

I think fat people look utterly disgusting but that doesn't stop me from approaching them/them approaching me and being friendly to them. Surely fat people should be expelled as well because hey... if you can't control the crap you put in your mouth then how can you possibly concentrate on studies?

Do you also support the view that companies should be able to say "no" to muslim women wearing head scarves?


This is absurd. Denying someone education is ridiculous because of the way they look. This is discrimination.. Next they tell you that all bald men cannot take course

This is just another reason Thailand has problems

So now Tattoos indicate anti social behavior I guess the west has a lot of anti social people Oh yea Don't Let Maroon 5 into the Country



Japan is deep in a recession, who cares if they won't hire people with tattoos?

the Japanese companies in Thailand are not in a deep recession.

No as you say they are not....Just a typicle hearsay post... Or should I say a TV post


"All children have a right to education. They also have rights over their bodies"

And Employers have the right to decide who they will employ !


I think this is a step in the right direction. If it discourages young kids from getting massive tattoos where everyone can see them, then I'm all for it. Personally I think tattoos are really ugly and make those that have them look unapproachable and unfriendly. There are other ways to show your individuality that are more subtle than a mahoosive celtic design running across half your body.

If places at colleges are at a premium why should they be wasted on individuals who are less likely to benefit from them. Employers have the absolute right to hire who they want, how someone looks is relevant to a company if they are representing that company to the public.

I think fat people look utterly disgusting but that doesn't stop me from approaching them/them approaching me and being friendly to them. Surely fat people should be expelled as well because hey... if you can't control the crap you put in your mouth then how can you possibly concentrate on studies?

Do you also support the view that companies should be able to say "no" to muslim women wearing head scarves?

If you think fat people are disgusting, that is your choice, and when a thread opens up about fat people being banned from college please feel free to chime in.

Just wanted to point out that you maybe should change your weird view on seeing tattooed people as unapproachable and unfriendly when that issue only exists in your head. If you don't want to, fine, up to you :)


This hairbrained piece of genius has nothing to do with the government, it is another misguided idea of some official that has to be heard to make him feel powerful, a common flaw amongst Thais that think themselves important, I would assume that someone with a bit of sense will step in and knock this on the head

A Thai official with a bit of sense?????????


And what if your too stupid to use the word "you're" and "your" correctly Einstein?

After chastising a poster for using your and you're incorrectly you go and do it Hlover. Ironic, isn't it?



Makes perfect sense to me.

If your stupid enough to have tats your too stupid to be educated.

Please explain how having tattoos makes a person stupid?

Is it not stupid to permanently disfigure yourself?

If someone could find a way to remove a tattoo completely after say six months, they would sure get rich.

Or what about a tattoo ink that fades completely over a year or two?


Obviously, crimes and anti social behaviour are never cause by unpierced or untattoed people.

Obviously from the technical colleges experience it is the students that have excessive "visible" tattoos and "big ear" ear ring holes that have caused trouble in the past.. Possibly when they are banned from mainstream classes it will be the quiet, dedicated glasses wearing students that suddenly decide to throw ping pong bombs at people and stab the teachers with shanks made in machine shop! But probably not!


Obviously, crimes and anti social behaviour are never cause by unpierced or untattoed people.

Obviously from the technical colleges experience it is the students that have excessive "visible" tattoos and "big ear" ear ring holes that have caused trouble in the past.. Possibly when they are banned from mainstream classes it will be the quiet, dedicated glasses wearing students that suddenly decide to throw ping pong bombs at people and stab the teachers with shanks made in machine shop! But probably not!

Still don't see how it is legal to set this classification up. Arbitrarily banning people for a tattoo is basic discrimination.


Makes perfect sense to me.

If your stupid enough to have tats your too stupid to be educated.

Please explain how having tattoos makes a person stupid?

Is it not stupid to permanently disfigure yourself?

If someone could find a way to remove a tattoo completely after say six months, they would sure get rich.

Or what about a tattoo ink that fades completely over a year or two?

Does circumcision of penises count as disfiguring?


Obviously, crimes and anti social behaviour are never cause by unpierced or untattoed people.

Obviously from the technical colleges experience it is the students that have excessive "visible" tattoos and "big ear" ear ring holes that have caused trouble in the past.. Possibly when they are banned from mainstream classes it will be the quiet, dedicated glasses wearing students that suddenly decide to throw ping pong bombs at people and stab the teachers with shanks made in machine shop! But probably not!
Still don't see how it is legal to set this classification up. Arbitrarily banning people for a tattoo is basic discrimination.

They are not banning them. They are just not allowing them into the mainstream day time course work. They can still enrol on the evening classes.. And it not banning for a tattoo, it visible tattoos. Most tattoos can be covered.... If you can't cover it then it's in a stupid place!


If people with the brilliance, broad mindedness and vision of these policy makers are the product of the Thai education system, then maybe they are doing students with tatoos a favor by banning them from the opportunity to become further stunted, blinkered and suppressed by their schooling.


Makes perfect sense to me.

If your stupid enough to have tats your too stupid to be educated.

Please explain how having tattoos makes a person stupid?

Is it not stupid to permanently disfigure yourself?

If someone could find a way to remove a tattoo completely after say six months, they would sure get rich.

Or what about a tattoo ink that fades completely over a year or two?

Does circumcision of penises count as disfiguring?

Do you walk around with yours "visible"?


piercing and tattoo is important not IQ....how typical for Thailands education system

Pirsing and tatoos is just a inverse of the IQ of the carrier !

More this ugly compromitting behavier of this people,

should be banned totally,

Cutt of their ears when ever catched as first step !!

Ugly maintaining the the body scin and surface is not fashion,

this is just provocating UGLY !!


Makes perfect sense to me.

If your stupid enough to have tats your too stupid to be educated.

Please explain how having tattoos makes a person stupid?

it doesnt. its usually the ones without tattoos that are stupid, and narrow minded, and boring.


Personally, I dislike multiple and large piercings and tattoos in general.

I think it's horrible to discriminate against people who do like them however.

I wouldn't hire someone with face or neck tattoos, but I'd never deny them a chance at education.

I'm amazed at the amount of people on this thread who deem the denial of the right to education based on tattoos or piercings acceptable.

Probably the same people who deplore their own country's nanny state status.

Basic human rights should never be denied.


piercing and tattoo is important not IQ....how typical for Thailands education system

Pirsing and tatoos is just a inverse of the IQ of the carrier !

More this ugly compromitting behavier of this people,

should be banned totally,

Cutt of their ears when ever catched as first step !!

Ugly maintaining the the body scin and surface is not fashion,

this is just provocating UGLY !!

no end to the amount of noise coming out of your rear end, is there? do you ever shut up long enough to take a dump?


piercing and tattoo is important not IQ....how typical for Thailands education system

Pirsing and tatoos is just a inverse of the IQ of the carrier !

More this ugly compromitting behavier of this people,

should be banned totally,

Cutt of their ears when ever catched as first step !!

Ugly maintaining the the body scin and surface is not fashion,

this is just provocating UGLY !!

Your posts are always both incoherent and bigoted.


Makes perfect sense to me.

If your stupid enough to have tats your too stupid to be educated.

Please explain how having tattoos makes a person stupid?

Is it not stupid to permanently disfigure yourself?

If someone could find a way to remove a tattoo completely after say six months, they would sure get rich.

Or what about a tattoo ink that fades completely over a year or two?

Does circumcision of penises count as disfiguring?

You mean your Willie? Yes, except maybe for medical reasons.


Personally, I dislike multiple and large piercings and tattoos in general.

I think it's horrible to discriminate against people who do like them however.

I wouldn't hire someone with face or neck tattoos, but I'd never deny them a chance at education.

I'm amazed at the amount of people on this thread who deem the denial of the right to education based on tattoos or piercings acceptable.

Probably the same people who deplore their own country's nanny state status.

Basic human rights should never be denied.

And again! THEY are not denying an education. They are technical colleges that have decided that their young students (age range 16-22) will not have visible tattoos or large ear opening piercings in the mainstream classes. If students have these and are unable or unwilling to cover up then they will have to take evening classes.

I do wonder what the rules are in the USA or UK.


and I always thought Thailand was a tattoo culture.

So much for those that are covered in tattoos from the temples done by monks.

Why is vocational schools about getting jobs? Why is it not about creating jobs and going into

business for yourself? Why is the Thai old school mentality all about getting a job rather than being the

business owner. If I became a certified mechanic or welder, I certainly wouldn't want a job, I'd start a business.

Come on Thailand, you're not creating happiness and equality, but you're doing the opposite, creating

division and taking away opportunity. Shame shame shame for being so shallow,.

Shallow has reached a new depth! bah.gif

Newly-certified mechanics or welders would know how to use the tools of the trade, but nothing about running their own related business. They would require a significant amount of work experience and there's no way to get that except by getting a job first. With or without tattoos.

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