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Employers Unfazed by Work-permit Crackdown

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Khmer Times/Jonathan Cox

PHNOM PENH (Khmer Times) – Sixteen undocumented Vietnamese migrants were arrested yesterday at a construction site in Preah Vihear, the latest in a spate of arrests of workers without papers. This summer has seen a spike in arrests, fines, and deportations of expat workers – with police saying that more fines of Westerners due next month.

Despite the crackdown, employers and analysts remain confident that it will not have a negative effect on business.

The Numbers

Many of the people arrested for lacking work permits have been in the manual labor sector. Uk Haisela, the chief of investigations at Interior Ministry Immigration Department, said the government has arrested 2,791 people since 2014. The arrestees came from all over the map, but Vietnamese nationals comprised the vast majority.

read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/14130/employers-unfazed-by-work-permit-crackdown/


Wrong side of the border chaps try Thailand there is literally thousands of em working here without papers.

But hey that's ok we take their money monthly on their border runs, so it evens up..


Cracking down mainly on undocumented Vietnamese workers doesn't surprise me in the least bit. Not only are Vietnamese not the flavour of the month and already heavily discriminated against in Cambodian society, but the Vietnamese are a crafty people that often try to get away with illegal activities like working illegally, overstaying their visas, etc. much more than other nationalities in this region.

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