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Minutes of silence, march mark Brown anniversary in Ferguson

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If cops are as brutal as their thuggish opponents, then they're not on the side of law and order. A thug in a uniform is a thug.

If they're not going to follow the law of the land and protect and serve all of the citizens regardless of race and economic standing, they need to find another line of work.

If you want to strap on a gun and be a cop, learn to deal with people from different backgrounds with respect and to de-escalate rather than exacerbate the perfectly natural tension of an interaction with the police.

You want a nice easy job in law enforcement? Become a night watchman at a warehouse. Then you can yell and scream and pull a gun on any stranger you run into.

If that is on response to my post, you misunderstood. At no point did I say anything about a cops' interaction on a regular basis. It is interaction with thugs. Extrapolating that to a constant use shows only a lack of comprehension.

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And you've missed the point of the Ferguson demonstrations.

All these people aren't protesting because of the death of one guy. They're protesting years of mistreatment and abuse by the police force in Ferguson.

His death was just the catalyst. And the escalation that's finally getting the attention of the state and federal authorities, who are finding out just how dysfunctional the FPD has been for decades.

I comprehend just fine. It helps when I can look past my own experiences and actually try to empathize with people who have vastly different backgrounds, even when I don't agree with them.


The whole Brown affair is a scam.

He was asking to be shot and he was. Good riddance.

The rioters wanted to riot and they did. Good luck.

The present 'minute of silence' and 'march' shows the stupidity of the majority of population who need 'idols'.

By the way, not only blacks.

The 'marking' of Brown 'anniversary' is akin dog marking of the pole.

The problem is not Ferguson, not even US - the problem is bio-mass stupidity in the World.

It is not Jews vs Arabs, it is not Muslims vs Non-Muslims, it is not Sunni vs Shiites, it is not Russia vs US and it is not Blacks vs Whites, -

it is stupid vs stupid!

Yes, I know, I am a fascist, a nazi, extreme right, hate people, a moron, a maniac and will burn in Hell, thank you.


Missouri is a state whose law on police use of guns continues to be inconsistent with the SCOTUS decisions on the issue. There in fact usually is some sort of law or prosecutor almost anywhere that protects police in their national crimewave of serial killings of unarmed black Americans. The rightwing racism among the police is more than evident.....

Here are 7 racist jokes Ferguson police and court officials made over email

The US Department of Justice found many, many things wrong in its investigation into the Ferguson Police Department, including a pattern of racial bias. But perhaps the most disturbing findings were the racist email exchanges between police and court officials, which show outright hostility and prejudice toward the St. Louis suburb's black residents.

Here are the seven emails the Justice Department uncovered, all of which come from current employees and were apparently sent during work hours:


Publicus, thanks for the jokes.

Majority of bio-mass is stupid. By this virtue majority of American Public of all colours is stupid.

The jokes prove only one thing - not racism, but humour. It is a healthy sign. Not all is lost.

Pity you find these jokes disagreeable. I do not.

And if you think these are bad, - you should look at Jewish jokes about Jews!

And Jews always had and still have more serious problems than Americans.

Yet they survive and even thrive thanks to their sense of humour.

Americans are taking themselves and their problems too seriously. biggrin.png


Perhaps the reason so many white folk were involved can be found in the DOJ report on Ferguson: (A report that would have never been initiated had it not been for the death of the thug... oh the irony). A few excerpts, underlining mine:

Ferguson has allowed its focus on revenue generation to fundamentally compromise the role of Ferguson’s municipal court. The municipal court does not act as a neutral arbiter of the law or a check on unlawful police conduct. Instead, the court primarily uses its judicial authority as the means to compel the payment of fines and fees that advance the City’s financial interests. This has led to court practices that violate the Fourteenth Amendment’s due process and equal protection requirements.

Partly as a consequence of City and FPD priorities, many officers appear to see some residents, especially those who live in Ferguson’s predominantly African American neighborhoods, less as constituents to be protected than as potential offenders and sources of revenue. This culture within FPD influences officer activities in all areas of policing, beyond just ticketing. Officers expect and demand compliance even when they lack legal authority. They are inclined to interpret the exercise of free-speech rights as unlawful disobedience, innocent movements as physical threats, indications of mental or physical illness as belligerence. Police supervisors and leadership do too little to ensure that officers act in accordance with law and policy, and rarely respond meaningfully to civilian complaints of officer misconduct. The result is a pattern of stops without reasonable suspicion and arrests without probable cause in violation of the Fourth Amendment; infringement on free expression, as well as retaliation for protected expression, in violation of the First Amendment; and excessive force in violation of the Fourth Amendment.


The one year anniversary of the death is also a good time to remind the world that there's still massive dissatisfaction on the part of the public, while the city just last week declined to approve a consent decree from the DOJ to put federal monitors in the FPD to force them to clean up their act. It seems that the good folks in Ferguson aren't going to let this one get swept under the rug. Good for them.


So it isn't just about the killing of one thug...


I think the name of this news article should have been, "Welcome to the 2nd Annual Ferguson Riots." It is mind boggling how many black people are participating in the destruction of property in Ferguson, because a black gang member attacked a white police office and was shot as a result of this attack.

What is equally mind boggling and disturbing, are some of the Thai Visa posters who actually blame the Ferguson police for this incident. One has to wonder are the supporters of the rioting blacks under the influence of illicit drugs or can they actually be that naive.


You're mistaking support for the good people in Ferguson for their effort to clean up a corrupt justice system and police force, with support for a small minority of the agitators who will always look for any opportunity to score that 50" big screen TV, create some mayhem and strike out at whitey the man. (Edit: Lots of the vandalized businesses are owned by blacks)

Shoot the looters as far as I'm concerned- black, white or brown. (If it falls within Missouri law to shoot looters in the act, that is) I'm not defending them at all.

And, of course, there are some that will fall in between- whose anger at years of police abuses and lack of real justice get the better of them and turn a peaceful demonstration into a violent clash. Arrest them and let the FEDERAL courts settle those cases... But don't run them through the corrupt Ferguson justice system.


Perhaps the reason so many white folk were involved can be found in the DOJ report on Ferguson: (A report that would have never been initiated had it not been for the death of the thug... oh the irony). A few excerpts, underlining mine:

Ferguson has allowed its focus on revenue generation to fundamentally compromise the role of Fergusons municipal court. The municipal court does not act as a neutral arbiter of the law or a check on unlawful police conduct. Instead, the court primarily uses its judicial authority as the means to compel the payment of fines and fees that advance the Citys financial interests. This has led to court practices that violate the Fourteenth Amendments due process and equal protection requirements.

Partly as a consequence of City and FPD priorities, many officers appear to see some residents, especially those who live in Fergusons predominantly African American neighborhoods, less as constituents to be protected than as potential offenders and sources of revenue. This culture within FPD influences officer activities in all areas of policing, beyond just ticketing. Officers expect and demand compliance even when they lack legal authority. They are inclined to interpret the exercise of free-speech rights as unlawful disobedience, innocent movements as physical threats, indications of mental or physical illness as belligerence. Police supervisors and leadership do too little to ensure that officers act in accordance with law and policy, and rarely respond meaningfully to civilian complaints of officer misconduct. The result is a pattern of stops without reasonable suspicion and arrests without probable cause in violation of the Fourth Amendment; infringement on free expression, as well as retaliation for protected expression, in violation of the First Amendment; and excessive force in violation of the Fourth Amendment.


The one year anniversary of the death is also a good time to remind the world that there's still massive dissatisfaction on the part of the public, while the city just last week declined to approve a consent decree from the DOJ to put federal monitors in the FPD to force them to clean up their act. It seems that the good folks in Ferguson aren't going to let this one get swept under the rug. Good for them.


So it isn't just about the killing of one thug...

Most, if not all police departments are revenue generators.

(Pssst....your first paragraph,.. that's not irony..)


Most, if not all police departments are revenue generators.

(Pssst....your first paragraph,.. that's not irony..)

1) True, but not to the exclusion of due process.

2) Yes, it is.


I think the name of this news article should have been, "Welcome to the 2nd Annual Ferguson Riots." It is mind boggling how many black people are participating in the destruction of property in Ferguson, because a black gang member attacked a white police office and was shot as a result of this attack.

What is equally mind boggling and disturbing, are some of the Thai Visa posters who actually blame the Ferguson police for this incident. One has to wonder are the supporters of the rioting blacks under the influence of illicit drugs or can they actually be that naive.

Rightwingers who consistently vote Republican continue to be in denial which means no improvements can be made anywhere or anytime under any circumstances. The rightwingers' denial is a dead end approach.

Which is why Congress in 1994 enacted the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. The law inter alia granted to DoJ authority to obtain in federal court a "consent decree" enforcing reforms on racial white police departments resistant to change their racial culture.

According to an analysis by Joe Domanick of the John Jay College of Law,

One of the laws provisions empowered the government to sue police agencies anywhere in the country if they exhibited a pattern and practice of using excessive force and/or violating peoples civil rights.

Since the law came into effect 20 years ago, two things have become apparent: how resistant many police departments remain to fundamental reform; and how critical, therefore, the consent decree has been first, in forcing police departments to jettison their often brutal racist, and unaccountable warrior-cop cultures; and second, in transforming them into organizations committed to policing constitutionally and with legitimacy among the populations they serve.


The rightwingers in Ferguson and elsewhere do however like that the "Oath Keepers," a little known group of "volunteers" have been active in Ferguson despite the police shooing them away. Self-appointed Oath Keepers had gone to Ferguson from Nebraska, Texas and Indiana. One Oath Keeper "volunteer" from Texas had an infidel patch on his Kevlar vest as he stood on a Ferguson rooftop as one of many self-appointed protectors of Ferguson.


Missouri is a state whose law on police use of guns continues to be inconsistent with the SCOTUS decisions on the issue. There in fact usually is some sort of law or prosecutor almost anywhere that protects police in their national crimewave of serial killings of unarmed black Americans. The rightwing racism among the police is more than evident.....

Here are 7 racist jokes Ferguson police and court officials made over email

The US Department of Justice found many, many things wrong in its investigation into the Ferguson Police Department, including a pattern of racial bias. But perhaps the most disturbing findings were the racist email exchanges between police and court officials, which show outright hostility and prejudice toward the St. Louis suburb's black residents.

Here are the seven emails the Justice Department uncovered, all of which come from current employees and were apparently sent during work hours:


Publicus, thanks for the jokes.

Majority of bio-mass is stupid. By this virtue majority of American Public of all colours is stupid.

The jokes prove only one thing - not racism, but humour. It is a healthy sign. Not all is lost.

Pity you find these jokes disagreeable. I do not.

And if you think these are bad, - you should look at Jewish jokes about Jews!

And Jews always had and still have more serious problems than Americans.

Yet they survive and even thrive thanks to their sense of humour.

Americans are taking themselves and their problems too seriously. biggrin.png

And if you think these are bad, - you should look at Jewish jokes about Jews!

You'd need to correct your own erroneous presumptions and cultural deficits that miss completely what other people know and have experience of. The presumptuousness of the lecturing statement is weak and feeble socially, culturally, intellectually.

No surprise actually coming as it does from a nihilist. wink.png


Ah, yes. The lefts' constant barrage (in true Hitlerian style) sleight of facts. Michael Brown was a thug.

The rightwing that consistently votes for Republican evangelical preachers and other wackos on the far right keeps denying everything, so it is missing a lot, as usual....

One Year on, Ferguson Protesters Don’t Plan to Go Away

The police killing of an unarmed teen was a “Vietnam” moment that galvanized a national movement.

The burst of post-Ferguson protest seemed at first glance to be déjà vu. Violent unrest and protest after police killings of unarmed black men was a front-page story in the 1960s, and arguably goes back even further. But today cell phones and police cameras have changed the political calculus—bringing long-simmering problems home to white Americans far removed from the troubled communities—much the way television cameras changed the national dynamic during the Vietnam War.

If the burning of the Vietnamese village of Cam Ne broadened the Vietnam protests in 1965, the bystander video of Eric Garner’s death three weeks before Brown’s was perhaps its analog. At a New York City protest last December of the decision not to prosecute the officer who killed Garner, one veteran police reform protester told a reporter that something was different about the crowds: they were younger and whiter than for previous protests.

“I’m just shocked; I’m surprised. It’s like Vietnam,” she said.


Rightwing denial only continues the chaos time and time again, decade after decade.


Missouri is a state whose law on police use of guns continues to be inconsistent with the SCOTUS decisions on the issue. There in fact usually is some sort of law or prosecutor almost anywhere that protects police in their national crimewave of serial killings of unarmed black Americans. The rightwing racism among the police is more than evident.....

Here are 7 racist jokes Ferguson police and court officials made over email

The US Department of Justice found many, many things wrong in its investigation into the Ferguson Police Department, including a pattern of racial bias. But perhaps the most disturbing findings were the racist email exchanges between police and court officials, which show outright hostility and prejudice toward the St. Louis suburb's black residents.

Here are the seven emails the Justice Department uncovered, all of which come from current employees and were apparently sent during work hours:


Publicus, thanks for the jokes.

Majority of bio-mass is stupid. By this virtue majority of American Public of all colours is stupid.

The jokes prove only one thing - not racism, but humour. It is a healthy sign. Not all is lost.

Pity you find these jokes disagreeable. I do not.

And if you think these are bad, - you should look at Jewish jokes about Jews!

And Jews always had and still have more serious problems than Americans.

Yet they survive and even thrive thanks to their sense of humour.

Americans are taking themselves and their problems too seriously. biggrin.png

You'd need to correct your own erroneous presumptions and cultural deficits that miss completely what other people know and have experience of. The presumptuousness of the lecturing statement is weak and feeble socially, culturally, intellectually.

No surprise actually coming as it does from a nihilist. wink.png


During my travels in America I did notice a certain peculiarity about some (not all, but many!) American educated College Graduates -

- they drrawl and

- they are extremely verbose.

Read again your own words. A typical "intellectual sounding" drivel with lots of complicated yet disjointed words void of any meaning.

I have expressed an idea, an opinion. I tried to put it in very simple terms. Try to discredit my idea, not me. And try to do this in a simple way.

But to describe simply your thought you must at least have one. Than you must use logical way of putting it forward.

Talking to you is like to a brick wall. You read and write every word but there is no connection between them in your mind.

And thanks for yet another title: a nihilist!


Missouri is a state whose law on police use of guns continues to be inconsistent with the SCOTUS decisions on the issue. There in fact usually is some sort of law or prosecutor almost anywhere that protects police in their national crimewave of serial killings of unarmed black Americans. The rightwing racism among the police is more than evident.....

Here are 7 racist jokes Ferguson police and court officials made over email

The US Department of Justice found many, many things wrong in its investigation into the Ferguson Police Department, including a pattern of racial bias. But perhaps the most disturbing findings were the racist email exchanges between police and court officials, which show outright hostility and prejudice toward the St. Louis suburb's black residents.

Here are the seven emails the Justice Department uncovered, all of which come from current employees and were apparently sent during work hours:


Publicus, thanks for the jokes.

Majority of bio-mass is stupid. By this virtue majority of American Public of all colours is stupid.

The jokes prove only one thing - not racism, but humour. It is a healthy sign. Not all is lost.

Pity you find these jokes disagreeable. I do not.

And if you think these are bad, - you should look at Jewish jokes about Jews!

And Jews always had and still have more serious problems than Americans.

Yet they survive and even thrive thanks to their sense of humour.

Americans are taking themselves and their problems too seriously. biggrin.png

You'd need to correct your own erroneous presumptions and cultural deficits that miss completely what other people know and have experience of. The presumptuousness of the lecturing statement is weak and feeble socially, culturally, intellectually.

No surprise actually coming as it does from a nihilist. wink.png


During my travels in America I did notice a certain peculiarity about some (not all, but many!) American educated College Graduates -

- they drrawl and

- they are extremely verbose.

Read again your own words. A typical "intellectual sounding" drivel with lots of complicated yet disjointed words void of any meaning.

I have expressed an idea, an opinion. I tried to put it in very simple terms. Try to discredit my idea, not me. And try to do this in a simple way.

But to describe simply your thought you must at least have one. Than you must use logical way of putting it forward.

Talking to you is like to a brick wall. You read and write every word but there is no connection between them in your mind.

And thanks for yet another title: a nihilist!

you should look at Jewish jokes about Jews!

This is the condescending and presumptuous statement in the post to which I object and which rightfully must be rejected as self-limiting on the part of the writer, who is also a nihilist.

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