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Thai Ministry list of 'farang forbidden jobs' is a barrel of laughs


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Thailand won't progress until they teach English in all schools. Look at Singapore and Malaysia - streets ahead. They would only need to employ native English speakers for around 15 years and then the first generation of English speaking Thais could take over.

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Here is the list.


I'm particularly gutted by no. 21. (the card) I've always been a bit of a card.

I didn't know no. 23 (Job Buddha) was based in Thailand nor up for grabs. I would have thought non-Thais could do that elsewhere, though.

No. 18 (Lghn a job) baffles me completely but I suspect it's what the compiler of this list does.

Oh no, look at what ThaiVisa have done.

We've embarrassed the Labour Ministry to take down the English webpage - well done everyone!

(it was OK 15 minutes ago, but now has gone)

This proves my suspicion that TVForums are actively monitored by planted Govt agents!


Or somebody with an ounce of common sense saw how terrible it was and took it down to spare it from more deserved ridicule.

Oh the face lost ! biggrin.png

Years ago I did the overland trip from Kathmandu to Lhasa, Tibet. There is a government run tourist agency in the old quarter of Lhasa with a huge sign out front that says - "Tour of the Tits".

The German guy who was on the tour was keen to go, but his wife would not let him.

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Direct your mirth at Google Translate or Bing.

It should not be humour directed towards the Ministry, but pity. No English speakers in the office? I can hardly credit that. The pity is that the boss that approved the promulgation could not condescend to ask advice from a subservient.

Mind you, to be fair...if you are not bilingual you would not know that these online translators are atrocious.

Farangs certainly should learn that this town is Pattaya 'patty ya' not ' pa ty ya' or other nonsense as spoken by farangs selling real estate on TV. Should be forbidden if you don't know where you live.

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Direct your mirth at Google Translate or Bing.

It should not be humour directed towards the Ministry, but pity. No English speakers in the office? I can hardly credit that. The pity is that the boss that approved the promulgation could not condescend to ask advice from a subservient.

Mind you, to be fair...if you are not bilingual you would not know that these online translators are atrocious.

Farangs certainly should learn that this town is Pattaya 'patty ya' not ' pa ty ya' or other nonsense as spoken by farangs selling real estate on TV. Should be forbidden if you don't know where you live.

I see from your previous posts you are from the USA, can you tell me how to pronounce this word please, ALUMINIUM?
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Direct your mirth at Google Translate or Bing.

It should not be humour directed towards the Ministry, but pity. No English speakers in the office? I can hardly credit that. The pity is that the boss that approved the promulgation could not condescend to ask advice from a subservient.

Mind you, to be fair...if you are not bilingual you would not know that these online translators are atrocious.

Farangs certainly should learn that this town is Pattaya 'patty ya' not ' pa ty ya' or other nonsense as spoken by farangs selling real estate on TV. Should be forbidden if you don't know where you live.

I see from your previous posts you are from the USA, can you tell me how to pronounce this word please, ALUMINIUM?
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I'm just gutted i can't work as a gold or silver otter. I've been taking swimming lessons for ages.

I am baffled by number 1. The proletariat - Isn't that just being of or from the working classes?

On a serious note if there are any EAL teachers, doing a 'jobs' topic here, this could be your next lesson plan, spot the mistakes and rewrite so it actually makes sense - And for homework have them translate it back into Thai (just for a laugh)

A few years ago just for fun I had an English contract translated into Thai by a supposed leading agency. I then sent the Thai document to a different agency and had it translated into English. Any resemblance to the original English was purely coincidental.

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Found the list OK, mainly manual jobs, but then towards the bottom they say "civil engineering" wow ! does that mean Thailand is the world hub of civil engineering and therefore doesn't need any pesky farangs trying to interfere in such a perfect system !!!

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The list seems more geared towards keeping the low-skilled and 'cultural' jobs for the Thais, which is fine...But I noticed that taxi driver has been taken off the list and could swear that it was there in previous released lists...

The engineering and architectural entries are confusing, as any major engineering projects in the country are designed, commissioned, and checked by foreigners.

garments making... I see many Burmese and Indian tailors here
cigarette making by hand.. see many foreigners rolling their own too!
street vending... seen some of these, but not for a while now
office or secretarial work... I see many foreign secretaries and office workers
legal or lawsuit services... lots of foreign lawyers about too!
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Direct your mirth at Google Translate or Bing.

It should not be humour directed towards the Ministry, but pity. No English speakers in the office? I can hardly credit that. The pity is that the boss that approved the promulgation could not condescend to ask advice from a subservient.

Mind you, to be fair...if you are not bilingual you would not know that these online translators are atrocious.

Farangs certainly should learn that this town is Pattaya 'patty ya' not ' pa ty ya' or other nonsense as spoken by farangs selling real estate on TV. Should be forbidden if you don't know where you live.

I see from your previous posts you are from the USA, can you tell me how to pronounce this word please, ALUMINIUM?

Or try:

Are you Aluminiuming them my man?

No I am Copper bottoming them.

Edited by ResandePohm
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For your information, Aluminium can also be spelled and pronounced aluminum depending on which country a person is from. There is such a thing as American English.

Let's not forget how the British screwed up the spelling of Island.

Anyone care for a fag?

Your bird is really sexy.

Put the grocieries in the boot.

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In America it is normal for a man to sneak a peek at a woman's fanny as she walks by but if you are trying to do the same in the UK you should expect firm boot in the face... =]

Both are perfectly fine in parts of Thailand... =0

Oh this thread has made my day, thank you, oh thank you Ministry of Labor... =]

Is language not just the absolute best part of humanity... ??



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Thais just can't be bothered about anything foreign except a cursory excuse to say they publish in English. To think such things are published in such atrocious nonsensical language at ministerial level just emphasises the disdain in regard for foreigners by Thais. It infiltrates everywhere not least the courts.

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