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Demolition of 60 Sukhumvit beer bars: Chuwit's fate known today


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I congratulate Khun Chuwit on ridding Sukhumvit Road of this sleazy area of run down beer bars and prostitute pick up dens. It has got rid of the many drunken perverts who used to frequent the area, and given us a restful quiet park to stroll, or sit and read the paper each day.

I gather Khun Chuwit has provided this park on his land and at his expense. He is to be thanked.

Id like to be known as Mr Drunken Pervert to you , please address me in the proper manner.wai2.gif

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One more time: Chuwit leased the land to a third party who in turn leased the land to a series of small businesses. The third party received the rent form the small businesses but failed to pay Chuwit. Chuwit gave notice to everyone and when the small business owners didn't move (because they were paying rent and thought they were legal) Chuwit brought in some army pals and bulldozed the site. Later, Chuwit was made to convert the land into a park for use by everyone, at his expense.

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Why, in mentioning this atrocity, does everyone only talk about beer bars? This was a thriving tourism centre of craft shops with artisans working right on the spot (and who lost everything to this hideous creature). There were clothing shops, salons, gift shops and so on. Chuwot's actions on that night were those of a total scumbag. Yet many of you readers love him!!! Why? He was a pimp, a tout, an acknowledged briber of police and is, by this action, clearly not a man of the people.

Well, yes, all that is true but he looks good in the shades doesn't he?

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I congratulate Khun Chuwit on ridding Sukhumvit Road of this sleazy area of run down beer bars and prostitute pick up dens. It has got rid of the many drunken perverts who used to frequent the area, and given us a restful quiet park to stroll, or sit and read the paper each day.

I gather Khun Chuwit has provided this park on his land and at his expense. He is to be thanked.

Id like to be known as Mr Drunken Pervert to you , please address me in the proper manner.wai2.gif

Are you sure you have the right guy? Your description sounds like Chalerm.

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I congratulate Khun Chuwit on ridding Sukhumvit Road of this sleazy area of run down beer bars and prostitute pick up dens. It has got rid of the many drunken perverts who used to frequent the area, and given us a restful quiet park to stroll, or sit and read the paper each day.

I gather Khun Chuwit has provided this park on his land and at his expense. He is to be thanked.

If you could take your tongue out of 'Khun Chuwit's' botty for a while, maybe you would like to be made aware in your seemingly staggering ignorance that 'Khun Chuwit' is responsible for far more 'sleazy areas' and 'drunken perverts' in the city than Soi 10 ever was....anyway. Lesson over, enjoy your Daily Mail in the park.

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I congratulate Khun Chuwit on ridding Sukhumvit Road of this sleazy area of run down beer bars and prostitute pick up dens. It has got rid of the many drunken perverts who used to frequent the area, and given us a restful quiet park to stroll, or sit and read the paper each day.

I gather Khun Chuwit has provided this park on his land and at his expense. He is to be thanked.

Id like to be known as Mr Drunken Pervert to you , please address me in the proper manner.wai2.gif

I'm sorry to offend you Khun D Pervert. Where do you get your daily ration of beer and booty now?

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Was this the one where he made a night time mission to demolish shops on his land set up by squatters that had no right to be there and refused to leave?

In Thailand, you squat in a place long enough, and if the owner makes no effort to notify or remove you or register with authorities, and you start paying electric or some utility then you have rights to claim residence. If long enough you can start legal process to claim ownership or at least residence and cannot be removed. I saw it in Rayong so it must be true.

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Seems we are only hearing half the story here.

why did he arrange for the demolition?

What is at the site now?

The Site has been rebuild into a beautiful little park....

with lovely loudspeakers to play music, national anthems, and news while you enjoy peace and quiet.

and it is only open a couple hours in morning and afternoon. closed up tighter than a nun's ass all other times.

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I am amazed that in Thailand, how often criminals get a pass and their lawyers go to jail. Seem a complete reversal of the way things work elsewhere.

It didn't say the lawyer went to jail, only that he was sentenced. None of these people will actually serve any time. Cops convicted of murder here and sentenced to death were released on bail AFTER losing their final appeal with the supreme court. Don't show up for the supreme court verdict - no arrest warrants just reschedule - justice in Thailand is non-existent for the elite.

..............."Cops convicted of murder here and sentenced to death were released on bail AFTER losing their final appeal with the supreme court"......................

..................."justice in Thailand is non-existent for the elite"......................

Since when are cops classed as "elite" ? whistling.gif

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Were I a betting man, I'd say Chuwit will get a pass ... They always take care of their own.

more than once he has threatened to show a book with names and Thai Baht amounts showing the regular payments he made to whom and when for decades.

that got some attention. and it continues to be leverage.

once in a while for good measure, he scopes out a gambling den that is 'well hidden' and alerts the guys running it and the police at same time. the police are obliged to go break it up but the surprise is on them as they find only a couple boys cleaning tables. so the police look foolish, but no real harm is done to anyone.

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It was his land. That area was not and still is not zoned for "entertainment" . If they had stayed he would have had an even worse time getting them out. He figured in the end most people would rather have a park for the time being verusus a bunch of hookerized beer bars.

Never been a big fan of his. He ran thousands or underage girls from upcountry thru his massage hotels/ parlors.

I saw the rubble heap hours after it was done. You could see everything from the bars all crushed. He didnt mess around.

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I congratulate Khun Chuwit on ridding Sukhumvit Road of this sleazy area of run down beer bars and prostitute pick up dens. It has got rid of the many drunken perverts who used to frequent the area, and given us a restful quiet park to stroll, or sit and read the paper each day.

I gather Khun Chuwit has provided this park on his land and at his expense. He is to be thanked.

If you could take your tongue out of 'Khun Chuwit's' botty for a while, maybe you would like to be made aware in your seemingly staggering ignorance that 'Khun Chuwit' is responsible for far more 'sleazy areas' and 'drunken perverts' in the city than Soi 10 ever was....anyway. Lesson over, enjoy your Daily Mail in the park.

I bow to your superior knowlege of the disgusting brothel bars in our city. At least you still have plenty of choice to persue your predilictions. Actually I prefer The Gaurdian for my news.

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So I guess he had interests or friend with interests in other plazas. Wonder where all the patrons went. Not very thai to bulldoze the lot and not get a profit over it. What is it a flamin Christian park? What a waste of space, the park too.

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I congratulate Khun Chuwit on ridding Sukhumvit Road of this sleazy area of run down beer bars and prostitute pick up dens. It has got rid of the many drunken perverts who used to frequent the area, and given us a restful quiet park to stroll, or sit and read the paper each day.

I gather Khun Chuwit has provided this park on his land and at his expense. He is to be thanked.

If you could take your tongue out of 'Khun Chuwit's' botty for a while, maybe you would like to be made aware in your seemingly staggering ignorance that 'Khun Chuwit' is responsible for far more 'sleazy areas' and 'drunken perverts' in the city than Soi 10 ever was....anyway. Lesson over, enjoy your Daily Mail in the park.

I bow to your superior knowlege of the disgusting brothel bars in our city. At least you still have plenty of choice to persue your predilictions. Actually I prefer The Gaurdian for my news.

It's common knowledge and a matter of fact that Chuwit owns one of the largest massage parlour empires in Bangkok and has done so for many many years.

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I congratulate Khun Chuwit on ridding Sukhumvit Road of this sleazy area of run down beer bars and prostitute pick up dens. It has got rid of the many drunken perverts who used to frequent the area, and given us a restful quiet park to stroll, or sit and read the paper each day.

I gather Khun Chuwit has provided this park on his land and at his expense. He is to be thanked.

If you could take your tongue out of 'Khun Chuwit's' botty for a while, maybe you would like to be made aware in your seemingly staggering ignorance that 'Khun Chuwit' is responsible for far more 'sleazy areas' and 'drunken perverts' in the city than Soi 10 ever was....anyway. Lesson over, enjoy your Daily Mail in the park.

I bow to your superior knowlege of the disgusting brothel bars in our city. At least you still have plenty of choice to persue your predilictions. Actually I prefer The Gaurdian for my news.

Thank you.

I was merely highlighting your stupefying ignorance of the man you were simpering over in your previous post, seemingly unaware that he is a huge player in 'our' city's sex trade, including some very iffy 'recruitment' practices but please carry on hero worshipping this very iffy park building individual in your lame efforts to show off what a good little puritan you are....

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Seems we are only hearing half the story here.

why did he arrange for the demolition?

What is at the site now?


I wonder what is inscribed on the other gate post?

May be "praise be to allah" (the King of the Soapies hedging his bets)

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I congratulate Khun Chuwit on ridding Sukhumvit Road of this sleazy area of run down beer bars and prostitute pick up dens. It has got rid of the many drunken perverts who used to frequent the area, and given us a restful quiet park to stroll, or sit and read the paper each day.

I gather Khun Chuwit has provided this park on his land and at his expense. He is to be thanked.

If you could take your tongue out of 'Khun Chuwit's' botty for a while, maybe you would like to be made aware in your seemingly staggering ignorance that 'Khun Chuwit' is responsible for far more 'sleazy areas' and 'drunken perverts' in the city than Soi 10 ever was....anyway. Lesson over, enjoy your Daily Mail in the park.

I bow to your superior knowlege of the disgusting brothel bars in our city. At least you still have plenty of choice to persue your predilictions. Actually I prefer The Gaurdian for my news.

It's common knowledge and a matter of fact that Chuwit owns one of the largest massage parlour empires in Bangkok and has done so for many many years.

I hope that you are enjoying them all. Do you have a frequent user discount card?

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Why, in mentioning this atrocity, does everyone only talk about beer bars? This was a thriving tourism centre of craft shops with artisans working right on the spot (and who lost everything to this hideous creature). There were clothing shops, salons, gift shops and so on. Chuwot's actions on that night were those of a total scumbag. Yet many of you readers love him!!! Why? He was a pimp, a tout, an acknowledged briber of police and is, by this action, clearly not a man of the people.

So IF he is guilty of all of the above than why was he not locked up at the time or exterminated by the other bad bastards,,,,,OR Where they scared at the time or even now that he could/can reveal some High placed Massive Corruption.

Edited by Doc46
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In some way, I admire this guy, he certainly is not squeaky clean, but he 's got a bigger pair than some of the current leaders and as the case shows, he gets things done.Plus he has a little book locked away, I surmise, with a few well known names in it.

Anyway, he can well afford to buy his way out of his troubles.

yes I too, but you can't have someone like him as PM

now why am I not surprised you "admire him"? pimp, gangster and not an ounce of compassion for the people lives he ruined

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It is worth mentioning that, apart from beer bars, a number of other small businesses were in the Sukhumvit Square area. When the rented army mob demolished everything (except the spirit house) one Sunday morning, hundreds of mostly very poor Thai workers (sometimes their families' only source of support) were rendered unemployed. Small business owners with their entire life savings invested became immediately destitute. Chuwit's remorse may be genuine, but his crime was disgusting.

If his remorse is indeed genuine then he'd compensate those who were financially damaged and ruined by his actions.

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Seems we are only hearing half the story here.

why did he arrange for the demolition?

What is at the site now?


Actually, there's now a very nice park surrounded by an attractive wall and with well maintained lawns and landscaping, large shade trees, water fountains, park benches, and a small running tract around the perimeter. My condo is just down the soi (soi 10) and I enjoy the park very much, as do lots of others.

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IIRC the area was to be re-developed, but there was such a stink that he decided to leave it as open space to reduce the criticism.

BTW why is anyone surprised at religious hypocrisy, its a lot more common than strict observance (if that's possible) in every religion.

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There is a small park there now as Kotsak in post #13 shows with his photo.

I walked past it on Saturday. It's called a park but there's really nothing there.

Either you walked past somewhere else, or you're near blind. Actually Chuwit "Garden" is a very nice park. See my previous post above.

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