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Protecting Young Thai Girls

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Often referred to as a "love hate relationship"..........she loves the Money, he Hates being alone, and look what the money can get.

This topic and subject matter just keeps on revolving. same old arguments, same old regurgitated but slightly re-worded responses.

I disagree.

I'm not suggesting that big age gaps in relationships are wrong because I don't believe they are. If a 55 year old wants to date or marry a 25 year old, all well and good. If that's based on money or whatever, who cares?

I'm suggesting that Thai girls under the age of 22 - unlike similarly aged girls in the USA or Europe - don't really have the emotional maturity to consider the implications and ramifications of having a physical relationship with a man three times their age and, therefore, should be protected from predatory foreigners who are far more likely to seek them out purely for sex.

I'd like to see it extended to Thai men too but there are some cultural aspects that might cause stiff resistance.

Most of us are from countries where the sight of a 60 year old man clearly in a physical relationship with a 17 or 18 year old girl would be considered highly objectionable so most of us wouldn't have a problem with the passing of such a law.

So you are really a racist?

You are saying that because thai girls with their brownish skin and black hear are too stupid (you know, genetically according to you) they can't "handle" these kind of things and need "protection".

And only prejudice people would care what kind of age gap a couple has. It's basicly non of your <deleted> business.

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I say NO to :

fat farangs with skinny women

dumb farangs with smart women

diseased farangs with anyone

broke farang with anyone

drunk farang with anyone

racist farang with anyone

ugly farang with anyone

this is repugnant!!!!!

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Why not make it world-wide, you can't just discriminate. So it would be illegal for some 60 year old, mega-rich rock star in America or the UK to marry or have sex with any girl under 20. Good luck with that. Why do you think all those 16 year old groupies are down at the stage at rock concerts?

Nice one!


Age of consent in Spain is 13, why not have a go there first?

Seems it's 16 now: http://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/spain-raises-age-of-consent-for-marriage-and-sex-to-16-1.2295109

I personally think it's good they raised it from 13.

In Sweden anyone who is 15 or older can have sex with anyone who is 15 or older UNLESS you are under 18 and have sexual realtionship with someone you have a "dependency" for... like stepdad/mom then it's a crime.

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Any such law, like many others concerning that kind of activity would merely push it underground or into the shadows, but would do little to eliminate it. As they say its the oldest profession in the world.

In Thailand having laws requires someone to enforce them, therein is the major problem, action and consequence balanced against power/position and hard cash. Anyone who has spent any time in Thailand knows how that story will end. Is it right ?, no, but it is realistic of the environment you are talking about.

Maybe it would drive it underground, maybe it wouldn't but the mere existence of the law would be enough in many cases to deter all but the hardcore who might be desperate enough to risk a lifetime ban or imprisonment.

I thin it would be a useful deterrent if an older sex tourist or sexpat feared being reported to the authorities by concerned locals or other foreigners for openly flouting the law.

I think it could work

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Any such law, like many others concerning that kind of activity would merely push it underground or into the shadows, but would do little to eliminate it. As they say its the oldest profession in the world.

In Thailand having laws requires someone to enforce them, therein is the major problem, action and consequence balanced against power/position and hard cash. Anyone who has spent any time in Thailand knows how that story will end. Is it right ?, no, but it is realistic of the environment you are talking about.

Thailand indeed has a known reputation to not enforce its own laws, but not so if foreigners are on the wrong side of the law.

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The OP has raised a

valid issue. It's easy to

say the girls are

consenting adults but

everyone knows that 17

or 18 year old Thai girls

have the mentality of 13

-15 year olds back home

- they're not really adults

so they can't consent.

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I object your Honour. Old men (being expats) should be exempt.

There is no reason to justify the above. They are worthy of the highest respect as they contribute so much to the Thai economy. & its people.

A round of applause for ol' farts.

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The OP has raised a

valid issue. It's easy to

say the girls are

consenting adults but

everyone knows that 17

or 18 year old Thai girls

have the mentality of 13

-15 year olds back home

- they're not really adults

so they can't consent.

It's not at all a valid point. If they haven't been "certified" then they can consent at 18.

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The OP has raised a

valid issue. It's easy to

say the girls are

consenting adults but

everyone knows that 17

or 18 year old Thai girls

have the mentality of 13

-15 year olds back home

- they're not really adults

so they can't consent.

That's a bit of a generalization, so therfore not really a valid issue.

I have observed plenty of 17 year-old Thai girls who are way more mature than their western counterparts. Not all of them, of course. But then again in some cases a 27 year-old Thai girl is as immature as a 13 year old western girl.

It's not about saying: this nationataily are a bit slow and can't make proper decisions, but this race are developed and can. Its about finding the right age to balance it out across the world.

I personally think 18 should be the world-wide age of consent.

And after reading your post again (sorry, I have had a few Leos and am a little slow....you are ridiculously condecending...."18 year old Thai girls have the same mentality of 13 year olds back home....what planet do you live on to make such a generilization???)

So you think it is OK to have sex with a 14 year old western girl but not an 18 year old Thai woman?

What exactly are you saying?? I demand an answer.

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The OP has raised a

valid issue. It's easy to

say the girls are

consenting adults but

everyone knows that 17

or 18 year old Thai girls

have the mentality of 13

-15 year olds back home

- they're not really adults

so they can't consent.

That's a bit of a generalization, so therfore not really a valid issue.

I have observed plenty of 17 year-old Thai girls who are way more mature than their western counterparts. Not all of them, of course. But then again in some cases a 27 year-old Thai girl is as immature as a 13 year old western girl.

It's not about saying: this nationataily are a bit slow and can't make proper decisions, but this race are developed and can. Its about finding the right age to balance it out across the world.

I personally think 18 should be the world-wide age of consent.

And after reading your post again (sorry, I have had a few Leos and am a little slow....you are ridiculously condecending...."18 year old Thai girls have the same mentality of 13 year olds back home....what planet do you live on to make such a generilization???)

So you think it is OK to have sex with a 14 year old western girl but not an 18 year old Thai woman?

What exactly are you saying?? I demand an answer.

sorry, I have had a few Leos and am a little slow..

So you think it is OK to have sex with a 14 year old western girl but not an 18 year old Thai woman?

You are correct, you're a bit slow because you had some Leo's and actually should refrain from posting when you have had a few beers, because he never said anything like that.

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"I've seen a few threads on this forum in which men aged 50-60 years old and up seem to revel in how close they can get to breaking the laws of decency and the land when it comes to paying to bed young Thai sexual partners aged 17-18"


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Predictable cries of ageism when someone suggests that 50+ year old men actively pursuing 18 year old Thai girls for sexual relationships is morally repugnant.

Can't really expect anything else given the sheer numbers of sexpats and sex tourists on the forum but I think most right-thinking people in our home countries would fully support the imposition of a law that criminalised it.

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Predictable cries of ageism when someone suggests that 50+ year old men actively pursuing 18 year old Thai girls for sexual relationships is morally repugnant.

Can't really expect anything else given the sheer numbers of sexpats and sex tourists on the forum but I think most right-thinking people in our home countries would fully support the imposition of a law that criminalised it.

Where u turned down by an 18 year old bar girl recently ?

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I've seen a few threads on this forum in which men aged 50-60 years old and up seem to revel in how close they can get to breaking the laws of decency and the land when it comes to paying to bed young Thai sexual partners aged 17-18.

"The younger, the better" seems to be the order of the day provided they don't go below the legal age.

I find this morally repugnant and I know I'm not alone

Compared to Western girls of the same age, 17-18 year old Thai girls aren't as mature or experienced so, with that in mind, do they really have the emotional capacity to make a decision to have sex with a man 3 times their age?

I don't think so

Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50 to have sexual relations with any Thai female under the age of 22?

I think it should.

Worthy sentiment but 'two

consenting adults' is the

well-worn line that these

men reel off with a really

smug look on their faces

as if it trumps anything you

could possiblysay


I have to say, I'd definitely be

in favour of that law. There's

nought wrong with older

guys going with younger

women but a line's gotta be

drawn somewhere.

A line is drawn somewhere. The OP wants to redraw it based on his own personal preferences and his knowledge of young Thai and Western girls. I think he also wants different lines for young studs like him and more mature gentlemen like you or I, though he does not explicitly say that.


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while I may find seeing really old men with a very young girl a bit of putting, it is none of my business if he wants to make a fool of himself or if she wants it make a lot of money doing it especially if it is legal, sometimes they even love each other. 16 is the age of consent in Australia, I have known of several couples where the female is under 20 and the male over 50, if it works for them its fine and nothing to do with anyone else, same here. What I find strange is you dont mind old thai men doing it but only farangs, this is in itself totally ridicules your gripe, you cant very well have one rule for local males and another for farangs especially where sex is involved. I realize that it does look pretty bad and every farang will have their own opinion of it but maybe you should ask the girls what they think, most see an easy target, a bit of horizontal dancing and a pocket full of cash. Some of them are extremely immature but many are not, they see these "dirty old men" as an easy target so maybe you should be criticizing the girls instead of the men seeing they are the ones that are making money from it. This really sounds more like a personal bias thing and one from someone new to it all, young too probably. The problem my friend is yours, you need to change your moral outrage and just accept that these girls know exactly what they are doing and that thai men as well as all other nationalities of males are always ready to make fools of themselves when it suits them, especially if it gives them bragging rights. As for age difference, whats wrong with it, some males age a lot slower than some females so find they are more suited to younger people, you do realize old farang women over 50 (and thai women) do the same thing with young males(under 22) or is that ok by you.

Edited by seajae
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I've seen a few threads on this forum in which men aged 50-60 years old and up seem to revel in how close they can get to breaking the laws of decency and the land when it comes to paying to bed young Thai sexual partners aged 17-18.

"The younger, the better" seems to be the order of the day provided they don't go below the legal age.

I find this morally repugnant and I know I'm not alone

Compared to Western girls of the same age, 17-18 year old Thai girls aren't as mature or experienced so, with that in mind, do they really have the emotional capacity to make a decision to have sex with a man 3 times their age?

I don't think so

Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50 to have sexual relations with any Thai female under the age of 22?

I think it should.

Worthy sentiment but 'two

consenting adults' is the

well-worn line that these

men reel off with a really

smug look on their faces

as if it trumps anything you

could possiblysay


I have to say, I'd definitely be

in favour of that law. There's

nought wrong with older

guys going with younger

women but a line's gotta be

drawn somewhere.

A line is drawn somewhere. The OP wants to redraw it based on his own personal preferences and his knowledge of young Thai and Western girls. I think he also wants different lines for young studs like him and more mature gentlemen like you or I, though he does not explicitly say that.


May have missed this but where did it explain he was a young stud ? It sounds more like he is a pot bellied lower class male, maybe from somewhere like Rotherham, married or has a girlfriend who has gone to seed, pig ugly and he is completely envious of those others with a stunner, regardless of age or reasons, and are lucky enough to have an attractive lady to befriend.

In fact apart from mushy peas which perhaps is his staple diet, the other most obnoxious thing is the bile that he sprouts. Live and let live. People should not make moral judgments on others based on their own prejudices or lack of attainment in their lives.

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May have missed this but where did it explain he was a young stud ? It sounds more like he is a pot bellied lower class male, maybe from somewhere like Rotherham, married or has a girlfriend who has gone to seed, pig ugly and he is completely envious of those others with a stunner, regardless of age or reasons, and are lucky enough to have an attractive lady to befriend.

In fact apart from mushy peas which perhaps is his staple diet, the other most obnoxious thing is the bile that he sprouts. Live and let live. People should not make moral judgments on others based on their own prejudices or lack of attainment in their lives.

A more conveniently self-

serving argument I've yet to

hear. Fabricate whatever

profile of me you like but

you should be focusing on t

he topic, not on the poster.

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Strange thread. The law regarding the legal age for "paid'" sex is unambiguous. The OP might find the idea of older guys going with young girls repugnant but that's no basis for imposing his narrow views on others. Good provocative thread though.

Edited by brewsterbudgen
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May have missed this but where did it explain he was a young stud ? It sounds more like he is a pot bellied lower class male, maybe from somewhere like Rotherham, married or has a girlfriend who has gone to seed, pig ugly and he is completely envious of those others with a stunner, regardless of age or reasons, and are lucky enough to have an attractive lady to befriend.

In fact apart from mushy peas which perhaps is his staple diet, the other most obnoxious thing is the bile that he sprouts. Live and let live. People should not make moral judgments on others based on their own prejudices or lack of attainment in their lives.

A more conveniently self-

serving argument I've yet to

hear. Fabricate whatever

profile of me you like but

you should be focusing on t

he topic, not on the poster.

Are you the OP as well?

As I mentioned, the OP did not say either that he was a young stud nor that he should be allowed access to us more senior gentlemen; I will now also state an inference that he has a desire to limit us gentlemen who have stored up a little, biologically speaking, for 'the winter ahead' from enjoying the more petite and delicate of fruits. He's probably a vegetarian as well.


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Why can’t they take prostitutes in their own countries? Why do they have to come to Thailand to take prostitutes? I have no problem with prostitution and I think it should be legalized and sex workers should have all legal benefits and social protections、in fact sexpests who come to Thailand to take women may be actually undermining legal, unionized prostitutes in their home countries.

Edited by arunsakda
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Why cant they take prostitutes in their own countries? Why do they have to come to Thailand to take prostitutes?

Two reasons:

1) they can't afford taxis, or prostitutes, in their own countries

2) there seems to be less of a stigma associated with prostitution in Thailand, so that less desperate girls take up the trade, and are more committed to success in their career

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Are you the OP as well?

As I mentioned, the OP did not say either that he was a young stud nor that he should be allowed access to us more senior gentlemen; I will now also state an inference that he has a desire to limit us gentlemen who have stored up a little, biologically speaking, for 'the winter ahead' from enjoying the more petite and delicate of fruits. He's probably a vegetarian as well.


Nope.I thought the post

was aimed at me.


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Why can’t they take prostitutes in their own countries? Why do they have to come to Thailand to take prostitutes? I have no problem with prostitution and I think it should be legalized and sex workers should have all legal benefits and social protections、in fact sexpests who come to Thailand to take women may be actually undermining legal, unionized prostitutes in their home countries.

Prostitutes in western countries tend to be less attractive, often have drug problems and charge more. Plenty of men still use them though. They don't "have to" come to Thailand but the girls are much nicer here.

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Maybe OP should be more concerned about protecting underage girls from getting pregnant from their Thai boyfriends than about imposing his self-righteous, intolerant, paternalist and puritan worldview on others.

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Maybe OP should be more concerned about protecting underage girls from getting pregnant from their Thai boyfriends than about imposing his self-righteous, intolerant, paternalist and puritan worldview on others.

This isn't a topic about underage Thai girls and their Thai boyfriends, is it?

It's a topic about barely legal Thai girls and the elderly foreign men who travel halfway around the world to indulge in activities with them that would see them heavily derided if they did the same in their home countries.

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