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Protecting Young Thai Girls

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I don't have a problem with older guys and young Thai girls, although I would point out that frequently the supposed teenager is actually in her thirties with one or two kids. My Thai girlfriend is 49, and looks about 30.

I do, however, feel very uncomfortable when I see much older falangs with young Thai boys. Don't know if that's homophobic, just the way I feel.

The OP is entitled to his opinion, however archaic and out-of-touch with modern mores that may be. I suspect there are many cultures where young woman- old guy is accepted as normal. And as other posters have pointed out, the issue of enforcement is quite impractical.

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I don't have a problem with older guys and young Thai girls, although I would point out that frequently the supposed teenager is actually in her thirties with one or two kids. My Thai girlfriend is 49, and looks about 30.

I do, however, feel very uncomfortable when I see much older falangs with young Thai boys. Don't know if that's homophobic, just the way I feel.

The OP is entitled to his opinion, however archaic and out-of-touch with modern mores that may be. I suspect there are many cultures where young woman- old guy is accepted as normal. And as other posters have pointed out, the issue of enforcement is quite impractical.

So you're fine with straight people doing something, but not when gay people do it?

In what world is that not homophobic?

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I don't have a problem with older guys and young Thai girls, although I would point out that frequently the supposed teenager is actually in her thirties with one or two kids. My Thai girlfriend is 49, and looks about 30.

I do, however, feel very uncomfortable when I see much older falangs with young Thai boys. Don't know if that's homophobic, just the way I feel.

The OP is entitled to his opinion, however archaic and out-of-touch with modern mores that may be. I suspect there are many cultures where young woman- old guy is accepted as normal. And as other posters have pointed out, the issue of enforcement is quite impractical.

I suspect there are many cultures where young woman- old guy is accepted as normal.

All Asian cultures for a start. Most Western cultures do, as long as the man is perceived as rich and famous. If he's a regular Joe Blow, he's just a dirty old man.

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Often referred to as a "love hate relationship"..........she loves the Money, he Hates being alone, and look what the money can get.

This topic and subject matter just keeps on revolving. same old arguments, same old regurgitated but slightly re-worded responses.

I disagree.

I'm not suggesting that big age gaps in relationships are wrong because I don't believe they are. If a 55 year old wants to date or marry a 25 year old, all well and good. If that's based on money or whatever, who cares?

I'm suggesting that Thai girls under the age of 22 - unlike similarly aged girls in the USA or Europe - don't really have the emotional maturity to consider the implications and ramifications of having a physical relationship with a man three times their age and, therefore, should be protected from predatory foreigners who are far more likely to seek them out purely for sex.

I'd like to see it extended to Thai men too but there are some cultural aspects that might cause stiff resistance.

Most of us are from countries where the sight of a 60 year old man clearly in a physical relationship with a 17 or 18 year old girl would be considered highly objectionable so most of us wouldn't have a problem with the passing of such a law.

I can assure you that most girls of 14/15/16 in the villages in my neck of the woods and surrounding areas. are having regular sex with the lads in the village. In some cases a different lad every night. They may not be having sex with old men, but they are sexually experienced. Many of 15 are "married" and living with their "Thai husbands" and having kids.

More than one mother has been known to take her daughter to a bar in Pattaya or Bangkok, and ask that she be employed, and paid for turning tricks rather than be doing it for free in the village.

If you thnk its wrong, then you avoid girls under 20. Let everyone else decide for themselves and in conjunction with the girls they want to bed!

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I don't have a problem with older guys and young Thai girls, although I would point out that frequently the supposed teenager is actually in her thirties with one or two kids. My Thai girlfriend is 49, and looks about 30.

I do, however, feel very uncomfortable when I see much older falangs with young Thai boys. Don't know if that's homophobic, just the way I feel.

The OP is entitled to his opinion, however archaic and out-of-touch with modern mores that may be. I suspect there are many cultures where young woman- old guy is accepted as normal. And as other posters have pointed out, the issue of enforcement is quite impractical.

I suspect there are many cultures where young woman- old guy is accepted as normal.

All Asian cultures for a start. Most Western cultures do, as long as the man is perceived as rich and famous. If he's a regular Joe Blow, he's just a dirty old man.

Yep..... there are quite a few older wealthy male (and even female) movie stars married or dating much younger women (or men). Young enough to be their daughter and sometimes granddaughter. or son or grandson.

If you're a wealthy Hollywood celebrity.... it's O.K. .....

Bur if you're regular middle class........you're a "Dirty Old Man"... or if you're a female... you're a "Cougar".

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I don't have a problem with older guys and young Thai girls, although I would point out that frequently the supposed teenager is actually in her thirties with one or two kids. My Thai girlfriend is 49, and looks about 30.

I do, however, feel very uncomfortable when I see much older falangs with young Thai boys. Don't know if that's homophobic, just the way I feel.

The OP is entitled to his opinion, however archaic and out-of-touch with modern mores that may be. I suspect there are many cultures where young woman- old guy is accepted as normal. And as other posters have pointed out, the issue of enforcement is quite impractical.

I suspect there are many cultures where young woman- old guy is accepted as normal.

All Asian cultures for a start. Most Western cultures do, as long as the man is perceived as rich and famous. If he's a regular Joe Blow, he's just a dirty old man.

Yep..... there are quite a few older wealthy male (and even female) movie stars married or dating much younger women (or men). Young enough to be their daughter and sometimes granddaughter. or son or grandson.

If you're a wealthy Hollywood celebrity.... it's O.K. .....

Bur if you're regular middle class........you're a "Dirty Old Man"... or if you're a female... you're a "Cougar".

Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin. Mind you, he was only 22 at the time.

Edited by giddyup
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I've seen a few threads on this forum in which men aged 50-60 years old and up seem to revel in how close they can get to breaking the laws of decency and the land when it comes to paying to bed young Thai sexual partners aged 17-18.

"The younger, the better" seems to be the order of the day provided they don't go below the legal age.

I find this morally repugnant and I know I'm not alone

Compared to Western girls of the same age, 17-18 year old Thai girls aren't as mature or experienced so, with that in mind, do they really have the emotional capacity to make a decision to have sex with a man 3 times their age?

I don't think so

Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50 to have sexual relations with any Thai female under the age of 22?

I think it should.

Thailand has lots of laws but they never seem to be enforced,so why bother.

If it's not broke don't fix it.

This is going to be one of those HOT topics, probably good for at least 50 pages. Welcome To Thailand TVF.

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Same old song different lyrics.

Is this comment from the moderator being sarcastic? Do you agree that an old man should be with a women 1/3 of his age?

Hell yeah!

Why not. She is less likely to be physically hurt by an older farang than by an unemployed drug addicted alcoholic Thai layabout, who will impregnate her and bugger off.

It's her life. As long as she is legally old enough, then let her decide.

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Same old song different lyrics.

Is this comment from the moderator being sarcastic? Do you agree that an old man should be with a women 1/3 of his age?

servers are running hot now....

i vote: any man, of legal age, could be with any girl, of legal age...

Otherwise, get back to nature and fight for it...

If you want to change a rule... then change YOURS first...

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Another nutjob with a low post count posts his ravings.

The Thais don't care what foreigners want or do ......... they just want the money.

And they will get it by extortion or taking you to court, when you have sex with their under-age daughter.

Hedge yourself do the mother at the same time ...

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Thais are not unaware that their country has an unfortunate reputation. One only need to look at the Hangover series of films to see "Thailand" is an international metaphor for debauched behavior. I think the authorities should randomly raid and prosecute for vague morals charges, these randy foreigners. From scummy bars in Patts to lobby lounges in 5 star Silom hotels. Name and shame and out put pictures in the media. Hopefully they will catch a few high profile western Ceo's or politicians.

This should stop many from flying halfway around the world to buy sex. They can take a prostitute in their own country, no? Plenty of slappers on West Street Scunthorpe for example. No need to come to Thailand to debase and violate local women.

I have not read the rest of the posts yet, so if there have been similar replies, I apologise.

So a man that uses a prostitute in his own country is simply paying for the services of a slapper

If he uses a Thai prostitute, he is debasing and violating her?

Wow, I am afraid that I simply do not see any logic in that argument

I wish i used a prostitute rather than being married, would have been a hell of a lot cheaper and more fun, so Giddyup to the young girls woo hoo

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biggrin.png Shall all men get brain washed or lobotomies to erase the memories of dating teenage girls when we were teens? We are certainly further from the goalpost as over 50 men but why is it a no no? Billy Joel the singer just had a baby at age 66. So, gay is normal right?

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I've seen a few threads on this forum in which men aged 50-60 years old and up seem to revel in how close they can get to breaking the laws of decency and the land when it comes to paying to bed young Thai sexual partners aged 17-18.

"The younger, the better" seems to be the order of the day provided they don't go below the legal age.

I find this morally repugnant and I know I'm not alone

Compared to Western girls of the same age, 17-18 year old Thai girls aren't as mature or experienced so, with that in mind, do they really have the emotional capacity to make a decision to have sex with a man 3 times their age?

I don't think so

Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50 to have sexual relations with any Thai female under the age of 22?

I think it should.

Worthy sentiment but 'two

consenting adults' is the

well-worn line that these

men reel off with a really

smug look on their faces

as if it trumps anything you

could possiblysay


I have to say, I'd definitely be

in favour of that law. There's

nought wrong with older

guys going with younger

women but a line's gotta be

drawn somewhere.

It is, the line is very specific; although it varies by country, it's called the age of consent.

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I agree to the extent that it's a line I won't cross myself. Morally repugnant, no I don't see it as that. What I do find morally repugnant are individuals who would force their own value system. Do you really think that your moral code has achieved such a high ground that everyone else should be forced to follow it? If you are not Pope Francis then keep your ravings to yourself.

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Dear Mr BKKBodhisattva. I suspect you think you're morally superior to most others... your nickname certainly suggests that. However, if you've managed to be racist, sexist, and ageist all in one post. There may still be some distance to enlightenment...

Why racist? Well, supposedly Thais are less intellectually mature (and competent) than their western counterparts so cannot be trusted with the same discretion and decisions as them. Given this mental feebleness, they apparently need laws to protect them.

Why sexist? Because you seem to believe that an adult woman (again) needs protection from the law because she cannot make decisions for herself.

Why ageist? Because you want 30 year-olds to have rights that would be removed upon reaching 50 or 60.

Now before you or others accuse me of arguing from my own self-interest, I'll declare that I'm 53 and in the 5th year of a good relationship with a 33 year old... last time I was with someone below 21 I was also below 21. [but perhaps even a 53-33 relationship is an issue in your world?]

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A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?

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A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?


My 42 year old Thai wife of 9 years quite likes holding hands. But she is a bit embarrassed in front of older close family members on a cultural basis.

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Morals have nothing to do with it

Just 2 factors are relevant

The legal age in that country for a person to have sex

And a guarantee that the act is consensual albeit for money or desire

Endeth the lesson


Emotional maturity is so subjective

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oh... on holding hands , it tells all the other young hotties this old fart belongs to you . samo samo all over the world . good god was this worth complaining about ? i think not ..............

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A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?

Another nasty narrow-minded and superior post. Do you personally know the couple in the photo? Do you know their ages and the circumstances of their relationship? You jump to the conclusion the woman in the photo is a 2-week rented prostitute. That's possible, it's also possible they have been married for 10 years and are a very loving couple. Posts like yours speak volumes about the state of your own mind.

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Either a Troll or a self righteous prat

Oh I get it.

I'm a troll because I dare to question what you perceive is your God-given right to pay to push your senile penile into a girl a third of your age?

Well alright then

cheesy.gif @ "senile penile"

Who's going to draw the line, you?

No, the law

Really dumb question

'The Law' has already done that, people on high moral horses don't draw very good lines.

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