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unusual condo lease provision?

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I,m supposed to be signing lease for condo in Rajadamri area this weekend. Rent is twice what I'm paying in Chatachuk area as it's much larger (70 sq M) and of course the area. Was given copy of lease to preview by rental agent and there is a provision never seen on five prior leases here or in US. "Tenant to pay for all repairs and maintenance cost in maximum amount of Baht 2,000". Does this mean all incidental repairs for a total of 2,000 baht and once that threshold reached, owner then pays ALL repair costs going forward or does it mean tenant pays first 2,000 baht of repairs (like a deductible) for each instance and then landlord picks up balance? Is this standard on leases for more expensive units? Am not to happy about this..if it's just to the total of 2,000 baht for all repairs guess I'd still sign but don't want liability of deductible of 2,000 for each repair incident?

It did say landlord "to pay for all major repairs of any damage on water system, electric system, structural and deterioration by normal used" (not typo-contract wording). He will also pay to have A/C SERVICED YEARLY.

I don't know if this is standard for more expensive properties or landlord doesn't want to be involved with minor repair hassles (he is well known former CEO of very large, listed quasi private state enterprise) and has never rented the property before. It was his place to stay for going into the city.

I've been fairly lucky with all prior landlords-never had any deductions from deposit and they also give me a rather nice gift around New Years. They have treated me like they were lucky to have me as a tenant--the vibe from this lease on first impression is that he thinks he's doing me a favor renting to me!

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I have similar wording that minor repairs are just arranged and paid for by me. Owner lives abroad and has another resident handle the rent, deposit, etc. and seems just an administrative feature as have not had any issues with getting things done. If no wording to the contrary you could see owner or manager being pestered for small things like light bulbs, leaky water fittings, etc. It does help when you have reasonable renters and owners. Also good to just be able to get things done yourself rather than waiting for the owner to arrange small works and coordinate with your timing. An option might be to lower the limit or allow it to be an aggregate instead of each time.

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I have similar wording that minor repairs are just arranged and paid for by me. Owner lives abroad and has another resident handle the rent, deposit, etc. and seems just an administrative feature as have not had any issues with getting things done. If no wording to the contrary you could see owner or manager being pestered for small things like light bulbs, leaky water fittings, etc. It does help when you have reasonable renters and owners. Also good to just be able to get things done yourself rather than waiting for the owner to arrange small works and coordinate with your timing. An option might be to lower the limit or allow it to be an aggregate instead of each time.

I understand the logic in your reply, however this is condo. All the other condos I've rented here (and when owned back home) these minor repairs were taken care of by juristic personnel onsite. I was never billed back home. Have the owners been getting charged when I called about leaky faucet and if I supply large circular light bulbs the present mtce guys replace them too.

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Remember this is Thailand not the good old USA. I would not live there or sign the lease. I lived in my condo for a month, the faucet started leaking bad, should I have to pay the 300 baht ? no . should be paying a damage deposit for damage. Find another condo there is enough of them out there to choose from.

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