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Special bomb use indicates different suspect group

Lite Beer

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Not in Thailand but in south of France, some of people have problem with linguistic ? when I said " in south of this country , this country refer France

You wrote:

few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....

Not very clear which country you are talking about?

How easy would it be to get 20kg of C4 into Thailand from France?

With certain accomplice in airport yes. Some of private security agent in French airport come from difficult suburb where islamit problem rise.

Some journalist in France could board in plane with gun and hand grenade to prove security mesure are not enought in France.

Last year French police loose a TNT in a luggague in airport during an excercice, the TNT without detonator have been recover by US autority.

Survey of ilsamist in France are not so serious like French governement want to tell, Chalie Hebdo, Jewish supermarket in Paris and gas plant near Lyon are sad example of lack of means of French security forces.

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in simple words they want to say - Thais have not the intelligence to produce such a bomb ,

this time i beleave the RTP !! :-)))

But they could draw it of couse;

Miamy Vice would investigate if this metall cylinder were of metall imported in Dubai !!

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BBC are reporting the shrine has re-opened already which hardly suggests a painstaking ' fingertip ' search. I can't confirm but other posters are saying the area was hosed down the next day so maybe showing all is well and under control is more important, don't want to lose tourist money.

If subsequent claims of scientific evidence are made where will it have come from ?

Evening news yesterday (18th August) showed the Nation TV's drone shot of the bombing site and fire hoses were spraying water around the shrine and a lot of scrubbing was being done.

so they are sure any hidden evidence are gone for 100% now !!

RTP !!

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there were reported, that they encountered 1 bomb which did not dedonate ,

so why they than thinking about what was the ignition device on the others ??

very starnge statements ;

Or they fear to tuch it, dismantle it ?

Waiting for JB 007 ?

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Very amizing, a french citizen has been arrested at BKK, Police think explosive could be TNT or C4,

few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....whistling.gif

French military storage in Thailand - please explain.

No it disappeared in France if I remember correctly, a bit of a long shot. There are many other sources of these explosives which would make more sense. For example it would be easier to smuggle it out of the Middle East than France.

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The bomb maker clearly had expertise. TNT is dangerous to work with and C4 is considerably more powerful and versatile, so my guess is that C4 is more likely. The bomb squad reckons 3-5 lbs of explosive, so 20 kg would be enough to make 10 bombs of that size.

Yes, I agree. My initial response was this was not the work of the same players in the past. The size of the parcel compared to the damage done reveal a very different bomb maker from the past. Clearly powerful explosives were packed with significant secondary products-metal- to inflict as much damage as possible- kill, at a revered shrine (opposed to just the power and terror of a simple smoke bomb product)! The target here was Thailand! Thai people and tourists.

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Referring to an earlier post we wont have to wait too long for the consensus to be a French citizen using C4, complete with detailed reasons why it was done and how the said Frenchman made the bomb.

We all know the French are masters of disguise.

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Very amizing, a french citizen has been arrested at BKK, Police think explosive could be TNT or C4,

few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....whistling.gif

How many drinks did you have this morning?

France don't have any military storage in Thailand, try to get sober next time you post more BS.

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Why don't we see more Explosive Sniffing Dogs at the airports.

Can't fool their noses, basically no matter what the explosive is.

Just wondering, lots of dogs that can be trained here in Thailand.

Would be nice to take a few hundred off the streets and get them a real job.

Almost all explosives are "tagged" now days and can be traced!

Obviously not the ones you whip-up your self, but the Ammonium Nitrate is "tagged".

Should be easily smuggled in at land border crossings if your not greedy, a little at a time.

To stop it they need to find the source.

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BBC are reporting the shrine has re-opened already which hardly suggests a painstaking ' fingertip ' search. I can't confirm but other posters are saying the area was hosed down the next day so maybe showing all is well and under control is more important, don't want to lose tourist money.

If subsequent claims of scientific evidence are made where will it have come from ?

It's what occurred to me. There was a rush to re-open the road and, I hear this morning, the explosive crater has already been cemented over. It all seems rather hasty to me and I agree with you that it appears more important to show signs of a 'return to normality' than a thorough forensic examination.

It happens all the time in road accidents, where the priority is to get traffic moving and just lever the corpse into a pick-up. That shocks me all the time.

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But surprisingly, the main Erawan Shrine which sits only five metres from the deadly explosion site, suffered only slight damage.

Obviously protected by whatever god(s) the shrine represents. That will make this place even more popular on lottery day!

Or the heavy concrete bench the bomb was placed behind.

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Sounds a bit high tech for the normal players, so I would be looking as to who has access to people with experience in terrorist activities using explosive devices and who would benefit from creating damage of this nature.

"No fooling you"...555

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Did you read this?

People can inform police using 'Police I Lert U' app

BANGKOK, 19 August 2015 (NNT) - The Deputy Metropolitan Police Chief has encouraged people to provide police with information about the bomb suspect’s whereabouts through a new smart phone application called ‘Police I Lert U’.

"I lert U..."

Dear lord.....


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Far too competent for red shirts imho, also though some red shirts are no doubt capable of murdering political opponents I doubt they would have the stomach for calculated premeditated murder. I suspect the location of the bomb as well as the victims gives a clue as to who may be responsible.

How about the yellow shirts - are they competent enough??

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Far too competent for red shirts imho, also though some red shirts are no doubt capable of murdering political opponents I doubt they would have the stomach for calculated premeditated murder. I suspect the location of the bomb as well as the victims gives a clue as to who may be responsible.

How about the yellow shirts - are they competent enough??
Less so than the red shirts in this test of 'competency', please forgive the vile use of said word.
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Far too competent for red shirts imho, also though some red shirts are no doubt capable of murdering political opponents I doubt they would have the stomach for calculated premeditated murder. I suspect the location of the bomb as well as the victims gives a clue as to who may be responsible.

How about the yellow shirts - are they competent enough??
Less so than the red shirts in this test of 'competency', please forgive the vile use of said word.

How come?

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Thanks to every one who responded to my post about the scene of crime work. Personally I didn't see any footage of forensic teams at the scene and I'm not saying they weren't there but clearing up after only 17 hours does seem fast for such a major crime especially as much of the searching must have been done under artificial light.

Unfortunately the BIB don't have much of a reputation for securing and controlling a scene of crime properly.

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With certain accomplice in airport yes. Some of private security agent in French airport come from difficult suburb where islamit problem rise.

Some journalist in France could board in plane with gun and hand grenade to prove security mesure are not enought in France.

Last year French police loose a TNT in a luggague in airport during an excercice, the TNT without detonator have been recover by US autority.

Survey of ilsamist in France are not so serious like French governement want to tell, Chalie Hebdo, Jewish supermarket in Paris and gas plant near Lyon are sad example of lack of means of French security forces.

"Home grown" terrorists who are French citizens have carried out numerous attacks, murders and outrages over the several years. But, I can't recall where they've been involved in activities outside France. If French citizens were involved in terrorist acts outside France it's an escalation in their activities.

But if so, then surely, the responsible organization would have claimed responsibility by now, with some glossy YouTube release?

I agree with your comments on security competence.

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Thanks to every one who responded to my post about the scene of crime work. Personally I didn't see any footage of forensic teams at the scene and I'm not saying they weren't there but clearing up after only 17 hours does seem fast for such a major crime especially as much of the searching must have been done under artificial light.

Unfortunately the BIB don't have much of a reputation for securing and controlling a scene of crime properly.

As you say, unfortunately there are many recent examples of the BiB's professional skills in crime scene management and forensics.

I wonder if they have / will / even consider accepting the AFP's offer of assistance.

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in simple words they want to say - Thais have not the intelligence to produce such a bomb ,

this time i beleave the RTP !! :-)))

But they could draw it of couse;

Miamy Vice would investigate if this metall cylinder were of metall imported in Dubai !!

Any excuse for a bit of Thai bashing eh? Even in a thread about a bombing that killed innocent Thais.

I bet they have the intelligence to be able to spell simple words like 'believe', 'course', 'Miami', and 'metal' though!

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I am really struggling to understand this:

The "pipe" contained 3 to 5 pounds of explosive (lets say about 2kg). Now I don't know what density these explosives have, but I am assuming that 2kg of it has a reasonable volume, lets say 2 litres, assuming same density as water.

The pipe also contained various types of projectiles, so that is more volume inside the pipe. Lets say that the inside of the pipe had a volume of about 3 litres.

Now the pipe "thickness" according to the article was 1.5 - 2 cms... is this the diameter? Can't be, as it would have to be have been far too long to fit in a back-pack.

So are they saying that the thickness of the tube wall was 1.5 - 2 cms?

A three litre container made of 1.5 - 2cm thich sheet steel? That guy in the video did not appear to be carrying such a heavy article in that back-pack.....

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Far too competent for red shirts imho, also though some red shirts are no doubt capable of murdering political opponents I doubt they would have the stomach for calculated premeditated murder. I suspect the location of the bomb as well as the victims gives a clue as to who may be responsible.

How about the yellow shirts - are they competent enough??
Less so than the red shirts in this test of 'competency', please forgive the vile use of said word.
How come?
Without wishing to get too far off topic it is clear the red shirts had a greater propensity to violence than the yellow shirts, you may or may not agree. This is besides the point I was making which is the bomb was out of both of their leagues in terms of intent to kill innocent bystanders.
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Very amizing, a french citizen has been arrested at BKK, Police think explosive could be TNT or C4,

few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....whistling.gif

Can you please post link to c4 French mil.storage?

and the arrest

No arrest


07/04/2015-Miramas: theft of detonators, explosives and grenades on a military site

Some 200 detonators and explosives were stolen from a military depot in the night from Sunday to Monday. Justice and the army each have opened an investigation. The Ministry of Defence has requested an assessment of the internal protection of all the military sites ammunition storage.According to a source close to the investigation, and the perpetrators entered the compound after cutting the fence. Reportedly, they took at least 160 detonators, igniters 70 caps, 40 grenades, 10 explosive loaves of 250 grams.

Well a Frenchman was taken into custody as a suspect to an undisclosed place for questioning when he was arrested for having a wet passport and a bandage on his arm. Maybe that is what he was referring to. Heheee

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Very amizing, a french citizen has been arrested at BKK, Police think explosive could be TNT or C4,

few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....whistling.gif

The bomb maker clearly had expertise. TNT is dangerous to work with and C4 is considerably more powerful and versatile, so my guess is that C4 is more likely. The bomb squad reckons 3-5 lbs of explosive, so 20 kg would be enough to make 10 bombs of that size. I too hadn't seen any reports of a theft of 20 kg of C4 from "French military storage in the south of Thailand"; indeed I am not aware of French military facilities in Thailand. Some elucidation on this latter point would be interesting?

Sorry, but TNT is on of the most stable explosive compounds known to man and a common ingredient in a host of both military and commercial explosives. Perhaps you are confusing it with Nitro Glycerine

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