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Computer: HP Pavillion 15 "Sleekbook" non-touch (2 years old) Win-8 updated to 8.1, Classic Shell

TRUE Online ADSL-Bangkok

New Router: TP-LINK Archer D2 AC750 dual band

- Computer operating normally on Wi-Fi before installing new router.

- Installation of new router went smoothly, start to finish.

- New WiFi shows up and connects with no problems to my Android devices: tablet and 2 phones.

- The Problem:

New Wi-Fi does not show on my laptop's list of available networks..no way to wirelessly connect.

I can connect by ethernet cable.

I went into network connections and tried using the troubleshooting services...no joy. I tried a suggestion that I turn "Airplane Mode" on for a minute then off...nope, I disabled my anti-virus program..no go.

I can't tell if this is a Windows problem or a computer problem.

Any suggestions welcome.

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One assumes you have both 2.4 and 5Ghz networks enabled and visible according to the Router GUI?

Can you see either Wifi on your mobile phone or other device?

If so, maybe you need to see if you can get an updated Wifi driver for the lappy (Slimdrivers is good for that).

i can't think of any other reason.

Worst case scenario: Buy a cheapy TP-Link AC750 wifi dongle, it will probably give you the best transfer rates anyway.


I don't have windows 8 (because of all the discontent with it).

On windows 7...I would just go to Network Sharing Center and then click on Manage Wireless Networks

and/or Adapter Settings.

Turn off all your other devices..except your laptop

Unplug your Router

Disable Wireless Adapter, and then Enable

Plug in router...and let it assign just your laptop...

You might have to manually add your network name, security type, and password...under "Manage Wireless Networks

once done...turn your other devices on, one at a time


SL...Unfortunately, when I opened "Network Sharing & Conn. Cen) in Win-8, the dialog boxes were different from your instructions...I am not skilled enough to re interpret them. Didn't see options to disable then enable wireless adapters

I did try "Set-up a new connection or network" but end result was 'Modem error 651". I'll try Googling that.

Chicog: Both new networks, 2.4 & 5 GHz show on my Android devices. The 2.4 connects with no problem...haven't yet tried connecting to 5.

Would I look up the drivers for the computer itself or the wifi adaptor: Ralink RT3290.802.11 bgn

Ever heard of Error 651?

Thanks to both for the effort.


Try changing the wifi channel on the router. Start with 1 or 6 or 11 or 13 and if no joy try the intermediate channels.

Some devices just dont like some channels.


Try changing the wifi channel on the router. Start with 1 or 6 or 11 or 13 and if no joy try the intermediate channels.

Some devices just dont like some channels.

I was going to say, don't use 12, 13, 14 in the 2.4 GHz spectrum as many types of equipment aren't authorized to use those channels (US centric design thinking).


SL...Unfortunately, when I opened "Network Sharing & Conn. Cen) in Win-8, the dialog boxes were different from your instructions...I am not skilled enough to re interpret them. Didn't see options to disable then enable wireless adapters

I did try "Set-up a new connection or network" but end result was 'Modem error 651". I'll try Googling that.

Chicog: Both new networks, 2.4 & 5 GHz show on my Android devices. The 2.4 connects with no problem...haven't yet tried connecting to 5.

Would I look up the drivers for the computer itself or the wifi adaptor: Ralink RT3290.802.11 bgn

Ever heard of Error 651?

Thanks to both for the effort.

I would download Slimdrivers from here and run it.

See if it finds a new driver for the Wifi adaptor.

(Of course I'm assuming you have an ethernet cable connection from the fact that you're still posting <heh> )


What channel scheme and 'encryption' type do you have enabled on the new router?

It may be that your laptop drivers aren't up to date to decode 20+20 or 40 super bandwidth broadcasts.

And while the 'encryption' type shouldn't affect seeing the new router SSID, you might want to try setting it to just WPA (Not WPA+WPA2, or WPA2) and see if that makes any difference.


Try changing the wifi channel on the router. Start with 1 or 6 or 11 or 13 and if no joy try the intermediate channels.

Some devices just dont like some channels.

I was going to say, don't use 12, 13, 14 in the 2.4 GHz spectrum as many types of equipment aren't authorized to use those channels (US centric design thinking).

Yes, if your multi-region device is set to "USA" location the channels above 11 will probably be greyed out anyway.

Of course you could always live dangerously and ignore the pop-up warning and select a non-US location, giving you the unfettered access that the whole of Europe enjoys.

I'm in constant fear of a midnight knock on the door for doing this. smile.png


Since all your other devices are connecting...try the most updated driver for that router (and windows 8) before you try anything else.

I had problems connecting at times...when other people connected on my router first.

Installing the latest driver is the best..harmless..solution to try. Another way is to have a friend bring over a laptop with windows 7 to see if they can connect.

If they can...it most definitely is the driver for windows 8


Ouch...Went from bad to worse.

I went to SLIMDRIVERS and downloaded updated LAN drivers for my laptop. Then, maybe a mistake. Slimdrivers indicated some other drivers that needed updating (Graphics, Audio) so I updated those as well. The graphics took a long time and kept trying to put me into gaming stuff.

So now, I still do not show my new network...but also I do not show any other available networks as well. Before I was showing a long list of nearby networks...now all gone.

Still functioning on ethernet.


Drivers are the last thing to touch when it comes to wifi. Try all the non-invasive options first and do not alter drivers unless you are sure that you need to. If you think you do need drivers get them only from the manufacturers website.

Do a Windows system restore to get you back to where you were a couple of days ago (ie without the new drivers) and then change the wifi channel on the router as I suggested.

If it isnt that it will probably be an encryption problem and, if so, changing the type of encryption in the router settings will probably fix it.


You could try the following...

1 Reset the router to factory defaults.

2 Upgrade the firmware to the latest > http://www.tp-link.com/en/download/Archer-D2.html#Firmware

3 Download the correct WiFi adaptor driver for your PC > http://www8.hp.com/uk/en/support-search.html?tab=1#qryterm=HP%20Pavillion%2015%20Sleekbook&search_searchtype=s-002

4 Remove WiFi adapter and reinstall with the latest downloaded driver.

5 Try re configuring the Router

(You could first try 1,2 & 5 if not done already. Please keep in mind updating the firmware could be risky if you are totally new to this type of action. I have the same router and the setup was very simple and did the firmware upgrade too).


Ever heard of Error 651? >>> http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-networking/error-651-in-windows-7/65077414-15f8-450b-bd19-5cce9a57fcf0

SL...Unfortunately, when I opened "Network Sharing & Conn. Cen) in Win-8, the dialog boxes were different from your instructions...I am not skilled enough to re interpret them. Didn't see options to disable then enable wireless adapters

Control Panel > Network and sharing center > Change adapter settings > Right click on the WiFi connection


Sorry...really terrible understanding this stuff. I was able to do a system restore and now have my "Available Networks" back with nearby networks showing.

Now I am really gunshy about screwing things up more.

K.K. How do I change channels? Menu bar on router status page has no "Channel" option. Channel for 2.4GHz is listed as "(Auto) 12", channel for 5GHz is (Auto) 36

Security is listed as "WPA/WPA2 Personal" is that what you mean by "Encryption"? Do you mean to change that to just "WPA"?


How do I reset router to factory defaults? I am really terrible at understanding terminologies so updating the router firmware worries me. The router is brand new, purchased in Thailand 3 days ago.

Also...how to change encription settings?...no menu item for that that I can see


I don't have windows 8 (because of all the discontent with it).

On windows 7...I would just go to Network Sharing Center and then click on Manage Wireless Networks

and/or Adapter Settings.

Turn off all your other devices..except your laptop

Unplug your Router

Disable Wireless Adapter, and then Enable

Plug in router...and let it assign just your laptop...

You might have to manually add your network name, security type, and password...under "Manage Wireless Networks

once done...turn your other devices on, one at a time

I tried to do this. Turned off all my other devices. Turned off my router. Went to "Network and Sharing Center", clicked on "Change Adaptor Settings" Got a window "Network Connections" with Bluetooth, Broadband,(had a green checkmark..disconnected, under that "WAN mimiport (pppoe) Ethernet and WIFI WiFi had red X, said "not connected" I clicked "Disable this network device", then enabled it...still had red X. Turned on my router. same as before..no request for network name or any log on info.


Sorry...really terrible understanding this stuff. I was able to do a system restore and now have my "Available Networks" back with nearby networks showing.

Now I am really gunshy about screwing things up more.

K.K. How do I change channels? Menu bar on router status page has no "Channel" option. Channel for 2.4GHz is listed as "(Auto) 12", channel for 5GHz is (Auto) 36

Security is listed as "WPA/WPA2 Personal" is that what you mean by "Encryption"? Do you mean to change that to just "WPA"?


How do I reset router to factory defaults? I am really terrible at understanding terminologies so updating the router firmware worries me. The router is brand new, purchased in Thailand 3 days ago.

Also...how to change encription settings?...no menu item for that that I can see

How do I reset router to factory defaults? >>>

Please refer to Page 100 and 101 (Figure 4-112) on the User Guide http://www.tp-link.com/resources/document/Archer_D2_V1_UG.pdf

Kindly note that after you do this the Router will loose all the settings you did before and revert to it's original 'unboxed' status.

4.23.7 Factory Defaults

Choose menu “System Tools → Factory Defaults”, and then you can restore the configurations
of the modem router to its factory defaults on the following screen
Also...how to change encription settings? >>>
Please refer to Page 45 (Figure 4-35) on the User Guide http://www.tp-link.com/resources/document/Archer_D2_V1_UG.pdf
If WiFi had Red X on your PC, try to solve that before doing anything on the router.
In this scenario, your PC will not be able to detect ANY WiFi networks.
Checking the Firmware version
On Page 11 (Figure 3-3) you will see your routers current firmware version.
The latest is Archer D2_V1_150427

ravip makes an excellent point. I assumed from "Installation of new router went smoothly, start to finish" that checking you're on the latest firmware was a given.

With the threads in here about router exploits, I'd assume anyone with a TP-Link would do that straight away!



Reset : There are two ways to reset the modem router's factory defaults.

Method one:

With the modem router powered on, use a pin to press and hold the RESET button for at least 8-10 seconds. And the modem router will reboot to its factory default settings.

Method two:

Restore the default setting from 4.23.7 Factory Defaults of the modem router's Web-based Management.  LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4/WA


Yes..on latest firmware.

Searching info on my network device Ralink RT3290.802.11bgn has revealed that this is known and persistent issue with HP Win-8 and 8.1 machines...long threads going back to 2012 of people having similar network connection problems. Frustratingly...no single fix seems to be known. What works for one person doesn't work for others.

I did go into "Device Manager" and checked for updates. As far as HP is concerned my network device is up to date.

I'm reluctant to mess with the router as it does seem to be doing what it is supposed to do. All my Android devices connect no problem as well as a Gateway Win-7 laptop.

I may be stuck with permanent ethernet connection as I clearly lack the technical know-how to go much deeper than I already have. I'm considering trying upgrading to Win-10 to see if that may solve the issue. Any thoughts on that would be appreciated. Thanks to all for the suggestions and the effort.



Try reverting back to windows 7.

That should fix it all.

Windows 8 is just awful to work with.

This HP is native Win-8 so going back to Win-7 not an option. I did use classic shell. I'm considering upgrading to Win-10 to see if that has any effect.


Sorry...really terrible understanding this stuff. I was able to do a system restore and now have my "Available Networks" back with nearby networks showing.

Now I am really gunshy about screwing things up more.

K.K. How do I change channels? Menu bar on router status page has no "Channel" option. Channel for 2.4GHz is listed as "(Auto) 12", channel for 5GHz is (Auto) 36

Security is listed as "WPA/WPA2 Personal" is that what you mean by "Encryption"? Do you mean to change that to just "WPA"?

Do not update the router firmware until you have tried changing channels. Do not reset the router either.

You should be able to change the "auto" setting to a fixed channel but not on the status page. There is probably a "wifi" or "advanced" page from where you can do it. Try reading the manual. Sometimes you have to uncheck an "auto" checkbox to allow manual access. Do not change anything that you dont understand.

Yes, that WPA setting is the encryption, but dont touch that yet.

You will note that your auto setting is channel 12 which, as mentioned above, probably cannot be seen by devices that are set to US region. So that might explain why your PC cant see it.

Anyway, change the channel first and worry about all the other possible options when you have exhausted that one. My bet is that changing the channel will solve the problem.


Woo-HOO!!! Success!! KittenKong was correct; Changing the channel did it. I remembered that I had purchased this computer in the USA so the channel 12+ restrictions were built in.

Is there any reason to try other channels...on 1 now?

Once again: thanks to all for your persistence and patience.


Sorry...really terrible understanding this stuff. I was able to do a system restore and now have my "Available Networks" back with nearby networks showing.

Now I am really gunshy about screwing things up more.

K.K. How do I change channels? Menu bar on router status page has no "Channel" option. Channel for 2.4GHz is listed as "(Auto) 12", channel for 5GHz is (Auto) 36

Security is listed as "WPA/WPA2 Personal" is that what you mean by "Encryption"? Do you mean to change that to just "WPA"?

Do not update the router firmware until you have tried changing channels. Do not reset the router either.

He should update the firmware anyway if an update is available; they are almost always security related.


Woo-HOO!!! Success!! KittenKong was correct; Changing the channel did it. I remembered that I had purchased this computer in the USA so the channel 12+ restrictions were built in.

Is there any reason to try other channels...on 1 now?

Once again: thanks to all for your persistence and patience.



Woo-HOO!!! Success!! KittenKong was correct; Changing the channel did it. I remembered that I had purchased this computer in the USA so the channel 12+ restrictions were built in.

Is there any reason to try other channels...on 1 now?

If the channel you are on works for all your devices then there is no need to change it.

You can now check to see if there is a firmware update, but personally I would read the details of what the update does before installing it.


Firmware version Archer D2_V1_150427

Modifications and Bug Fixes

New Features/Enhancement:
1.Updated the ISP information list.
2.Updated the 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless drivers.
Bug Fixed:
1.Fixed the bug that the SSID of 2.4GHz Guest Network disappeared sometimes after a reboot.
2.Fixed the kcodes security bug.

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