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Slovakia 'to refuse Muslim migrants'


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Good for them.

I agree, I would have to ask though, Why did America not do this after the Twin Towers atrocity, and why did the UK not do this

after the London Bombings?

With all those illegals entering the UK just now, why does "call me Dave" not make an announcement "any more terrorism and

no more non Christians will be allowed into the country"?

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I wish America would do the same !

Ditto the UK, or should I say especially the UK.
Wait till winter comes, and then freeze to death.

In the meantime, sell your car. No use for it if you run out of oil.

If things go on like this, your country will need all her energy to protect herself - and your bodies to protect the rich. Go, sacrifice yourself to the ones that treat you like trash.

Edited by micmichd
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Clever decision by Slovakia - wish more European countries would follow ...

Slovakian government says that Syrian refugees would need Slovakia only as a transit country. If they know this, they might as well let all Syrian refugees pass.

Or is it maybe they're only doing a dirty job for someone else, eg another country behind the mountains?

German secretary of state Herr de Maziere says Germany wouldn't have a real problem with those refugees. So what?

Edited by micmichd
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You go Slovakia and da hell with politically correct immigration policies, this Is your country, the country

that your fathers and forefathers fought, sweated and bled to make it what it is today...

I wish more country around the world would have done the same....

What next ? Ban Jewish people ?

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You go Slovakia and da hell with politically correct immigration policies, this Is your country, the country

that your fathers and forefathers fought, sweated and bled to make it what it is today...

I wish more country around the world would have done the same....

Thanks for being honest, we are enemies.

My father fought for Nazi Germany, my mother was a refugee from the Nazis, and I refused all Nazi heritage in the 1960's. If a NATO officer would put a gun into my hands, I would shoot him.

My heart is with Asians, no matter what religion. But in case of a successful religious division (which is obviously intended by Slovakian government) I would fight the "Christians"

So I guess you're about 80 years old..What a mess in your head! Russian Asians from Siberia, Asians from Thailand or Iran.No difference for you? At this age don't you supposed to teach young about living in peace instead of "fight the Christians"? Sometimes old doesn't mean wise...And there is a difference between a "stranger" and a "foreigner"(your post 25). Have a nice day

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I wonder why Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait don't take the refugees in.

Perhaps a better question to ask is why would dictators give a damn.

I have no respect for the governments of the countries you mention. However, in the instance of KSA they currently host about 70,000 Syrian refugees; back in the late 70s KSA permitted entry for about 300,000 Rohingya. GCC countries spend hundreds of millions of dollars supporting refugees in places such as Jordan.

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You go Slovakia and da hell with politically correct immigration policies, this Is your country, the country

that your fathers and forefathers fought, sweated and bled to make it what it is today...

I wish more country around the world would have done the same....

Thanks for being honest, we are enemies.

My father fought for Nazi Germany, my mother was a refugee from the Nazis, and I refused all Nazi heritage in the 1960's. If a NATO officer would put a gun into my hands, I would shoot him.

My heart is with Asians, no matter what religion. But in case of a successful religious division (which is obviously intended by Slovakian government) I would fight the "Christians"

So I guess you're about 80 years old..What a mess in your head! Russian Asians from Siberia, Asians from Thailand or Iran.No difference for you? At this age don't you supposed to teach young about living in peace instead of "fight the Christians"? Sometimes old doesn't mean wise...And there is a difference between a "stranger" and a "foreigner"(your post 25). Have a nice day

I'm 67, but I've got something like a collective memory. My mother's forefathers came from Asia Russia and Hungaria, and I know where Hungarians actually came from. Europe as we see it now is just a snapshot in a long process. There's Muslims in all these countries / regions that you mentioned. Some came as conquerors, some as liberators for the underprivileged, some brought culture and coffee to Europe. Don't try to rollback or revert history, it's not possible. Of course I know the difference between a stranger and a foreigner. I'm a foreigner in Thailand, and I will always be a stranger in Christian Europe.

Have fun.

Edited by Scott
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Falling back to crusade attitudes is certainly no progress at all.

Making Europe a fortress against Islam is more archaic than anything else. Islam has brought much more culture to Europe than many are aware, eg the numeric ssystem you are using.

Europeans cried for cheap labour in the 1960's, and many Muslims came to work there. Right now, some European countries are dying (no children) - and Slovakia is trying to make Europe a fortress again. Who do they think they are?

Can you give us more examples of the things Muslims have introduced that have benefited our European culture,except from the numeric system? The first Muslims who came here to work was hardworking and didn`t demand special rights and handouts compared to the ones that have arrived over the last decades that demands handouts,are super sensitive over their religion and have no intention of blending in or give something back to our society.

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Falling back to crusade attitudes is certainly no progress at all.

Making Europe a fortress against Islam is more archaic than anything else. Islam has brought much more culture to Europe than many are aware, eg the numeric ssystem you are using.

Europeans cried for cheap labour in the 1960's, and many Muslims came to work there. Right now, some European countries are dying (no children) - and Slovakia is trying to make Europe a fortress again. Who do they think they are?

"Arabic numbers" are actually from India.

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The move will help to pit a Christian nation (Slovakia) against neighboring Muslim nations at some point in the future. I am not sure that this is a good option.

It is national suicide.

Either of you two know where Slovakia actually is? And which countries actually border it?

Which of Slovakia's neighbors do you think are Moslem nations then Credo?

Good job Slovakia has a powerful navy to protect them eh? rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

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In the meantime, sell your car. No use for it if you run out of oil.

Oil is an Islamic creation? You learn something new every day!

Europe is actually not a Christian creation, nor are these northwestern islands.

And neither is the Middle East, the Indian sub-continent, or Asia and Islamic creation.

Nor is oil or the technologies that use it down to Islamic intelligence - so what?

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The move will help to pit a Christian nation (Slovakia) against neighboring Muslim nations at some point in the future. I am not sure that this is a good option.

It is national suicide.

Either of you two know where Slovakia actually is? And which countries actually border it?

Which of Slovakia's neighbors do you think are Moslem nations then Credo?

Good job Slovakia has a powerful navy to protect them eh? rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif


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In the meantime, sell your car. No use for it if you run out of oil.

Oil is an Islamic creation? You learn something new every day!
Europe is actually not a Christian creation, nor are these northwestern islands.

And neither is the Middle East, the Indian sub-continent, or Asia and Islamic creation.

Nor is oil or the technologies that use it down to Islamic intelligence - so what?

Most ME countries are Muslim countries, so it's their home - and not the home of someone who owns the technology for digging the ground.

Edited by micmichd
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"Arabic numbers" are actually from India.

Where to begin with Micmichd's post, and lengthy reply would probably have been deleted anyway as being off topic. Essentially though, as I see it, Islamic Empire was neither a breath of fresh air, nor an enlightenment.

Much of what the dawah spins to us today as being some kind of 'example' of Islam's 'inherent' genius, was utilising conquered peoples and building upon foundations of knowledge it encountered on conquering Byzantine lands and Sassanid Persia. None of this takes away from what talented individuals did upon those foundations over centuries of Islamic domination, but the notion that Islam 'itself' brought these marvels is questionable in the extreme...


Muhammad's model for a mosque was simply a basic square building with a tower on one corner. Süleymaniye Camii, it wasn't. Nor the Dome of the Rock.

We're led to believe that the coming of Islam preserved ancient wisdom for the world, saved our ass and that we are indebted. "Striking story" as Commodus says, and I once fell hook line and sinker for this romantic tale because so much of Islamic Empire is surrounded by a very romantic Arabian Knight sensual, colourful, exotic, flowing curvy calligraphy. Very alluring, except for the Arabs of the conquest essentially being hardy simple bedouin.

Somewhere along the way, it got classy to the point where Caliphs began to be viewed as fat decadent dandies, not the battle scarred knights of the early Ummayad. The Mongols thought as such in terminating the last Abbasid Caliph in the manner they did. I think that change is very easily explained.

We're led to believe that everything in Byzantio and Persia would have vanished into thin air, had the marauding Arab conquest not invaded. Rather like the Mongols, they simply made full use of the wonders they conquered once settling, after being essentially armed bedouin with nothing to bring but trade experience on the peripheries of true civilisations and a long history of tribal feud. Who knows, but my guess is that had Islam been confined to the Arabian Peninsula, it would today resemble little more than the lifestyle of Bedouin found operating desert trips in Wadi Rum today, as all it did was reduce multi idol worship down to one of those idols and introduce a strict conservative set of rules for people to submit to.

Had it not been for the blood soaked Ridda Wars immediately following Muhammad's death, Islam nearly died a death in the Peninsula anyway.

I love the interesting history of Islamic dynasties. Always have, but looking closer kind of dispells Arabesque myths. Advancing on Vienna in 1683 were largely ethnic Bulgarians, Bosnians and others. Mamlukes were a warrior class largely created out of stolen boys from warrior culture Caucasus. Yet more example of how Islamic Dynasties largely utilised / tweeked things that existed, rather than being true innovators from "Islam's" inherent genius.

Back to the original topic, my thought is how on earth Slovakia is going to impliment this, because......well, people can lie for the purpose of entry.

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Good on you Slovakia, have the balls to say what many other countries don't have the balls to say, a start is a start, I don't think Muslims fit in anywhere these days, only in other Muslim countries that have no problems, why not ask them to take them, why would the want infidels to home them, they hate them

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"Arabic numbers" are actually from India.

Where to begin with Micmichd's post, and lengthy reply would probably have been deleted anyway as being off topic. Essentially though, as I see it, Islamic Empire was neither a breath of fresh air, nor an enlightenment.

Much of what the dawah spins to us today as being some kind of 'example' of Islam's 'inherent' genius, was utilising conquered peoples and building upon foundations of knowledge it encountered on conquering Byzantine lands and Sassanid Persia. None of this takes away from what talented individuals did upon those foundations over centuries of Islamic domination, but the notion that Islam 'itself' brought these marvels is questionable in the extreme...


Muhammad's model for a mosque was simply a basic square building with a tower on one corner. Süleymaniye Camii, it wasn't. Nor the Dome of the Rock.

We're led to believe that the coming of Islam preserved ancient wisdom for the world, saved our ass and that we are indebted. "Striking story" as Commodus says, and I once fell hook line and sinker for this romantic tale because so much of Islamic Empire is surrounded by a very romantic Arabian Knight sensual, colourful, exotic, flowing curvy calligraphy. Very alluring, except for the Arabs of the conquest essentially being hardy simple bedouin.

Somewhere along the way, it got classy to the point where Caliphs began to be viewed as fat decadent dandies, not the battle scarred knights of the early Ummayad. The Mongols thought as such in terminating the last Abbasid Caliph in the manner they did. I think that change is very easily explained.

We're led to believe that everything in Byzantio and Persia would have vanished into thin air, had the marauding Arab conquest not invaded. Rather like the Mongols, they simply made full use of the wonders they conquered once settling, after being essentially armed bedouin with nothing to bring but trade experience on the peripheries of true civilisations and a long history of tribal feud. Who knows, but my guess is that had Islam been confined to the Arabian Peninsula, it would today resemble little more than the lifestyle of Bedouin found operating desert trips in Wadi Rum today, as all it did was reduce multi idol worship down to one of those idols and introduce a strict conservative set of rules for people to submit to.

Had it not been for the blood soaked Ridda Wars immediately following Muhammad's death, Islam nearly died a death in the Peninsula anyway.

I love the interesting history of Islamic dynasties. Always have, but looking closer kind of dispells Arabesque myths. Advancing on Vienna in 1683 were largely ethnic Bulgarians, Bosnians and others. Mamlukes were a warrior class largely created out of stolen boys from warrior culture Caucasus. Yet more example of how Islamic Dynasties largely utilised / tweeked things that existed, rather than being true innovators from "Islam's" inherent genius.

Back to the original topic, my thought is how on earth Slovakia is going to impliment this, because......well, people can lie for the purpose of entry.

Give everyone a bacon sandwich to eat before they enter, and let them know what it is they are eating, and the one's that wont eat it, send them back, you have to start somewhere

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The move will help to pit a Christian nation (Slovakia) against neighboring Muslim nations at some point in the future. I am not sure that this is a good option.

It is national suicide.

Either of you two know where Slovakia actually is? And which countries actually border it?

Which of Slovakia's neighbors do you think are Moslem nations then Credo?

Good job Slovakia has a powerful navy to protect them eh? rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

Ah, well, that's a rather silly question. I worked in that part of the world for a number of years and traveled frequently to Bratislava. So, yes, I do know where it is.

Europe needs to figure out exactly what the problem is with the immigrants they have. It is of little value to have one nation settling only Christians and another only Muslims unless they get to the root of the problem.

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Good on you Slovakia, have the balls to say what many other countries don't have the balls to say, a start is a start, I don't think Muslims fit in anywhere these days, only in other Muslim countries that have no problems, why not ask them to take them, why would the want infidels to home them, they hate them

Again the usual rubbish from you.

I do have a muslim in my home, she does eat bacon, she does drink alcohol. The only trouble she has ever had was in Australia when a couple of (ex) friends, after too many beers decided to give her grief because of her religion.

I feel a lot safer and welcomed in her country than she does in my country. My family even warned me before we went to Australia for her to keep a low profile because of the bigotry and violence given to muslims who have done nothing.

It is sad when I see the growing amount of abuse filmed in Oz from bigots abusing foreigners for simply sitting in public transport. More than sad, its disgraceful. But thats what Oz has become and one reason I will not return.

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Good on you Slovakia, have the balls to say what many other countries don't have the balls to say, a start is a start, I don't think Muslims fit in anywhere these days, only in other Muslim countries that have no problems, why not ask them to take them, why would the want infidels to home them, they hate them

Again the usual rubbish from you.

I do have a muslim in my home, she does eat bacon, she does drink alcohol. The only trouble she has ever had was in Australia when a couple of (ex) friends, after too many beers decided to give her grief because of her religion.

I feel a lot safer and welcomed in her country than she does in my country. My family even warned me before we went to Australia for her to keep a low profile because of the bigotry and violence given to muslims who have done nothing.

It is sad when I see the growing amount of abuse filmed in Oz from bigots abusing foreigners for simply sitting in public transport. More than sad, its disgraceful. But thats what Oz has become and one reason I will not return.

I am sure Oz is heartbroken that you won't return. You make it sound as if you have a pet in your home they way you describe the "muslim in your home."

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You go Slovakia and da hell with politically correct immigration policies, this Is your country, the country

that your fathers and forefathers fought, sweated and bled to make it what it is today...

I wish more country around the world would have done the same....

Thanks for being honest, we are enemies.

My father fought for Nazi Germany, my mother was a refugee from the Nazis, and I refused all Nazi heritage in the 1960's. If a NATO officer would put a gun into my hands, I would shoot him.

My heart is with Asians, no matter what religion. But in case of a successful religious division (which is obviously intended by Slovakian government) I would fight the "Christians"

West, South or East/Southeast Asians? Big difference in religion, culture & politics between these 3 areas.

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