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Slovakia 'to refuse Muslim migrants'


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In the meantime, sell your car. No use for it if you run out of oil.

Oil is an Islamic creation? You learn something new every day!
Europe is actually not a Christian creation, nor are these northwestern islands.
Er, I thought we were in SEA which was not an island last time I checked. Neither is Slovakia. Where did the northwest bit come from?
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Refugees will keep on coming, there's no way to ignore them or even punish them for being refugees.

Europe should have a masterplan about which country takes who. Mixing too many different ethnicities and religions in narrow environments (camps) will only lead to violence among the refugees.

Guess most Muslim regugees wouldn't mind to be refused in Slovakia if EU guarantees them they can safely travel on and claim asylum in Austria or Germany.

Quite difficult to tell at the moment, because more and more European countries are about to suspend the Schengen treaty.

Islam is not a religion or ethnicity. It is an ideology.

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Your risible and asinine attempts at equivalence arguments get more pathetic with every passing jihad attack.


Note the use of the word Migrant, yes MIGRANT, note how many migrants to Spain are suspected terrorists, little wonder Slovakia can do without the hassle. I have not checked the Solvak criteria for retirement visas, but I doubt there would be enough retired SAS in the bars there to drink with.

The interview is between two journalists from media organisations known for their anti-Muslim agenda. Currently you & the journalist are making a claim without any evidence whatsoever on the basis of the claim..

When a suspect has a Muslim name , that is evidence.

The recent BKK bomber has a muslim name.

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How is antisemitism any different to Islamaphobia and the basis for refusing entry to a person based on his religion? Which is what some people, and Slovakia want to do.

Maybe because Jews assimilate seamlessly into secular societies and Muslims don't ? Show me one place on earth that Muslims fit into secular societies.

Thailand ? Nope. China ? Nope. Russia ? Nope. Phillipines ? Nope.

Give me one.

Just one.

Malaysia, indonesia. Sorry, thats 2

Three - thailand.

The leader of the 2006 coup was a muslim. The speaker of the house under thaksin was a muslim. Former democrat foreign minister was a Muslim. CEO of one of Thailand's biggest listed company's is a Muslim...and female.

Four - look up Bashir Houli.

Sorry to break it to you but Thailand has been fighting a Muslim insurgency in the south for decades.

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How is antisemitism any different to Islamaphobia and the basis for refusing entry to a person based on his religion? Which is what some people, and Slovakia want to do.

Maybe because Jews assimilate seamlessly into secular societies and Muslims don't ? Show me one place on earth that Muslims fit into secular societies.

Thailand ? Nope. China ? Nope. Russia ? Nope. Phillipines ? Nope.

Give me one.

Just one.

Malaysia, indonesia. Sorry, thats 2

what about the Bali bombing ?

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Sorry to say, my culture is not European mainstream.

A migrant should be allowed to settle in the country he wants and where he's welcome. No bloody domestic authorities should stand in his will and expropriate him. If they still do, than a migrant has tge right to fight his domestic authorities, and maybe even the ones that obey to those authorities.

So you would accept the kind of Sharia law being practiced in parts of Iraq and Syria in the city centers of Europe on multicultural grounds ?


Those practices are one of the main reasons why refugees become refugees.

How would you have liked it if all countries in the world would have refused German Jews as refugees by pointing at Nazi laws?


In Egypt, they had a choice between a rather secular govt and the Muslim brotherhood. The Muslim brotherhood were elected. And these muslim problems in the UK, Holland, France and Sweden started looong before the war in Syria. A huge percentage of the problems in these communities is from middle class muslims. Not refugees. The Boston bombers and the New York bomber were upper middle class.

And you have that backwards. Since Islam is an ideology as was Nazism, would you accept Nazi immigrants on multicultural grounds ?

Meet the Time square bomber


You would if you were Argentina! But leaving that aside, I would not have thought that many muslims would be happy in Slovakia, so I dont suppose they will get many applicants.
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Which Muslim country is that ?

ISIS fighters from M'sia, Indonesia form military unit | The ...


Sep 26, 2014 - Militants from Indonesia and Malaysia fighting in Syria have formed a military unit for Malay- speaking ISIS fighters, and analysts fear this could ...


Lots of countries have people wanting to fight. Malaysia and Indonesia also, like the other countries jail those trying to go to fight.

You said in a previous post that you are in a Muslim country who's population has not went overseas to fight forign wars in the name of Islam.

In western Europe and Canada or the US, the authorities do not arrest or jail anyone suspected or proven to be fighting for ISIS. They just come and go.

No i did not. Read again.

You said you had friends from other faiths that dont go to fight.

I said there are muslims that dont go to fight. Only a very tiny minority do.

I bet not too many Chinese Malaysians (2nd class citizens because they are not muslims ) go to fight with ISIS.
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How is antisemitism any different to Islamaphobia and the basis for refusing entry to a person based on his religion? Which is what some people, and Slovakia want to do.

Maybe because Jews assimilate seamlessly into secular societies and Muslims don't ? Show me one place on earth that Muslims fit into secular societies.

Thailand ? Nope. China ? Nope. Russia ? Nope. Phillipines ? Nope.

Give me one.

Just one.
Malaysia, indonesia. Sorry, thats 2

Three - thailand.

The leader of the 2006 coup was a muslim. The speaker of the house under thaksin was a muslim. Former democrat foreign minister was a Muslim. CEO of one of Thailand's biggest listed company's is a Muslim...and female.

Four - look up Bashir Houli.

Sorry to break it to you but Thailand has been fighting a Muslim insurgency in the south for decades.

Give the man a cigar! He looked up something in Wikipedia. Spent a year living in Pattani and Songkhla.

Here is a newsflash. There is a small but substantial Thai muslim population who don't live in the South.

They are all around you. You probably won't even notice.
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How is antisemitism any different to Islamaphobia and the basis for refusing entry to a person based on his religion? Which is what some people, and Slovakia want to do.

Maybe because Jews assimilate seamlessly into secular societies and Muslims don't ? Show me one place on earth that Muslims fit into secular societies.

Thailand ? Nope. China ? Nope. Russia ? Nope. Phillipines ? Nope.

Give me one.

Just one.

Malaysia, indonesia. Sorry, thats 2

ISIS fighters from Malaysia, Indonesia form military unit - The ...

www.thestar.com.my News Nation

Sep 26, 2014 - JAKARTA: Militants from Indonesia and Malaysia fighting in Syria have formed a military unit for Malay-speaking ISIS fighters, and analysts fear ...

Oh dear you really have lost the plot.

So the Timothy McVeigh bombing in the US proves white people cannot assimilate too?

Anders Breivik proves white people should not be allowed in Norway?

No I certainly dont think that.

As for the malays in ISIS, malaysia deals with ISIS sympathisers the same way western countries do, it jails them.

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Your risible and asinine attempts at equivalence arguments get more pathetic with every passing jihad attack.


Note the use of the word Migrant, yes MIGRANT, note how many migrants to Spain are suspected terrorists, little wonder Slovakia can do without the hassle. I have not checked the Solvak criteria for retirement visas, but I doubt there would be enough retired SAS in the bars there to drink with.

The interview is between two journalists from media organisations known for their anti-Muslim agenda. Currently you & the journalist are making a claim without any evidence whatsoever on the basis of the claim..

When a suspect has a Muslim name , that is evidence.

The recent BKK bomber has a muslim name.

What is his name?

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There is a small but substantial Thai muslim population who don't live in the South.

They are all around you. You probably won't even notice.

In fact the majority of Thai Muslims reside outside of the deep South. Right now it's estimated around total 5 million+ Thai Muslim population, approx 1.4 million Thai Muslims in the deep South provinces,

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Sorry to break it to you but Thailand has been fighting a Muslim insurgency in the south for decades.

Give the man a cigar! He looked up something in Wikipedia. Spent a year living in Pattani and Songkhla.

Here is a newsflash. There is a small but substantial Thai muslim population who don't live in the South.

They are all around you. You probably won't even notice.

If the PC media would actually report news properly and call muslim terrorism in the south of Thailand, muslim terrorism, then you would not think that I needed Wikipidia to look that up.

There is deaths in the south weekly.

So if Thailand is the example that you and another poster wanted to use as an example of a country where muslims integrated seamlessly , just because not every single muslim in the country has been tried and convicted of terrorism , then you failed bigtime.

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Your risible and asinine attempts at equivalence arguments get more pathetic with every passing jihad attack.


Note the use of the word Migrant, yes MIGRANT, note how many migrants to Spain are suspected terrorists, little wonder Slovakia can do without the hassle. I have not checked the Solvak criteria for retirement visas, but I doubt there would be enough retired SAS in the bars there to drink with.

The interview is between two journalists from media organisations known for their anti-Muslim agenda. Currently you & the journalist are making a claim without any evidence whatsoever on the basis of the claim..

When a suspect has a Muslim name , that is evidence.

The recent BKK bomber has a muslim name.

What is his name?

Seems you missed my post.

What is his name?

Im sure the world wants to know.

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Sorry to break it to you but Thailand has been fighting a Muslim insurgency in the south for decades.

Give the man a cigar! He looked up something in Wikipedia. Spent a year living in Pattani and Songkhla.

Here is a newsflash. There is a small but substantial Thai muslim population who don't live in the South.

They are all around you. You probably won't even notice.

If the PC media would actually report news properly and call muslim terrorism in the south of Thailand, muslim terrorism, then you would not think that I needed Wikipidia to look that up.

There is deaths in the south weekly.

So if Thailand is the example that you and another poster wanted to use as an example of a country where muslims integrated seamlessly , just because not every single muslim in the country has been tried and convicted of terrorism , then you failed bigtime.

It's totally off topic, but have you any knowledge on how the Muslim population in the deep South came under Thai control & the policies implemented by the various Thai regimes that led to the militant reaction? However, to put matters in perspective it's estimated the various militant groups have a membership of between 10k - 20k out of a Muslim population of around 1.4 million. As documented by a number of surveys the majority of Thai Muslims in the deep South wish to remain within Thailand, but with self governance at the provincial level, which is currently denied. The other 3.5 million Thai Muslims live peacefully throughout Thailand, indeed a number of Thai Muslim houses I have visited have pictures of Thai Royalty, either HM or Rama V.

I accept there are challenges with a minority of Muslim heritage people in non Muslim majority countries. It appears some are accusing all Muslims of failure to assimilate / integrate, only living off welfare etc, these claims are false.

At the moment Germany is a hot topic concerning migrants, the content at the URL, although based upon stats from 2010, sheds light to counter some misinformation promulgated on this forum.


Edited by simple1
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Sorry to break it to you but Thailand has been fighting a Muslim insurgency in the south for decades.

Give the man a cigar! He looked up something in Wikipedia. Spent a year living in Pattani and Songkhla.

Here is a newsflash. There is a small but substantial Thai muslim population who don't live in the South.

They are all around you. You probably won't even notice.

If the PC media would actually report news properly and call muslim terrorism in the south of Thailand, muslim terrorism, then you would not think that I needed Wikipidia to look that up.

There is deaths in the south weekly.

So if Thailand is the example that you and another poster wanted to use as an example of a country where muslims integrated seamlessly , just because not every single muslim in the country has been tried and convicted of terrorism , then you failed bigtime.

It's totally off topic, but have you any knowledge on how the Muslim population in the deep South came under Thai control & the policies implemented by the various Thai regimes that led to the militant reaction? However, to put matters in perspective it's estimated the various militant groups have a membership of between 10k - 20k out of a Muslim population of around 1.4 million. As documented by a number of surveys the majority of Thai Muslims in the deep South wish to remain within Thailand, but with self governance at the provincial level, which is currently denied. The other 3.5 million Thai Muslims live peacefully throughout Thailand, indeed a number of Thai Muslim houses I have visited have pictures of Thai Royalty, either HM or Rama V.

I accept there are challenges with a minority of Muslim heritage people in non Muslim majority countries. It appears to some are accusing all Muslims of failure to assimilate / integrate, only living off welfare etc, this claim is false.

At the moment Germany is a hot topic concerning migrants, the content at the URL, although based upon stats from 2010, sheds light to counter some misinformation promulgated on this forum.


No actually I dunno the details. Do you think maybe it was similar to "how the Muslim population came under control" in India and Algeria and Pakistan and Israel and Russia and the Philippines and Indonesia and Nigeria and Egypt and Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Morocco and Yemen and Uzbekistan and Gaza and Tunisia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Mauritania and Kenya and Eritrea and Somalia and Jordan and United Arab Emirates and Tanzania and Belgium and Denmark and East Timor and Qatar and Maryland and Tajikistan and Afghanistan and Chad and China and Nepal and the Maldives and Mali and Angola and the Ukraine and Uganda and Lebanon and Kazakhstan ?

All of which have Islamic insurgencies that kill people weekly.

Edited by Harsh Jones
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Give the man a cigar! He looked up something in Wikipedia. Spent a year living in Pattani and Songkhla.

Here is a newsflash. There is a small but substantial Thai muslim population who don't live in the South.

They are all around you. You probably won't even notice.

If the PC media would actually report news properly and call muslim terrorism in the south of Thailand, muslim terrorism, then you would not think that I needed Wikipidia to look that up.

There is deaths in the south weekly.

So if Thailand is the example that you and another poster wanted to use as an example of a country where muslims integrated seamlessly , just because not every single muslim in the country has been tried and convicted of terrorism , then you failed bigtime.

It's totally off topic, but have you any knowledge on how the Muslim population in the deep South came under Thai control & the policies implemented by the various Thai regimes that led to the militant reaction? However, to put matters in perspective it's estimated the various militant groups have a membership of between 10k - 20k out of a Muslim population of around 1.4 million. As documented by a number of surveys the majority of Thai Muslims in the deep South wish to remain within Thailand, but with self governance at the provincial level, which is currently denied. The other 3.5 million Thai Muslims live peacefully throughout Thailand, indeed a number of Thai Muslim houses I have visited have pictures of Thai Royalty, either HM or Rama V.

I accept there are challenges with a minority of Muslim heritage people in non Muslim majority countries. It appears to some are accusing all Muslims of failure to assimilate / integrate, only living off welfare etc, this claim is false.

At the moment Germany is a hot topic concerning migrants, the content at the URL, although based upon stats from 2010, sheds light to counter some misinformation promulgated on this forum.


No actually I dunno the details. Do you think maybe it was similar to "how the Muslim population came under control" in India and Algeria and Pakistan and Israel and Russia and the Philippines and Indonesia and Nigeria and Egypt and Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Morocco and Yemen and Uzbekistan and Gaza and Tunisia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Mauritania and Kenya and Eritrea and Somalia and Jordan and United Arab Emirates and Tanzania and Belgium and Denmark and East Timor and Qatar and Maryland and Tajikistan and Afghanistan and Chad and China and Nepal and the Maldives and Mali and Angola and the Ukraine and Uganda and Lebanon and Kazakhstan ?

All of which have Islamic insurgencies that kill people weekly.

"Do you think maybe it was similar to "how the Muslim population came under control" in India and Algeria and Pakistan and Israel and ..."

No - I have a suspicion you don't know what you are talking about

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"Do you think maybe it was similar to "how the Muslim population came under control" in India and Algeria and Pakistan and Israel and ..."

No - I have a suspicion you don't know what you are talking about

So you are not aware of the internationally recognized Muslim insurgencies in the aforementioned countries ?

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Sorry to break it to you but Thailand has been fighting a Muslim insurgency in the south for decades.

Give the man a cigar! He looked up something in Wikipedia. Spent a year living in Pattani and Songkhla.

Here is a newsflash. There is a small but substantial Thai muslim population who don't live in the South.

They are all around you. You probably won't even notice.

If the PC media would actually report news properly and call muslim terrorism in the south of Thailand, muslim terrorism, then you would not think that I needed Wikipidia to look that up.

There is deaths in the south weekly.

So if Thailand is the example that you and another poster wanted to use as an example of a country where muslims integrated seamlessly , just because not every single muslim in the country has been tried and convicted of terrorism , then you failed bigtime.

Tell me, how does a community in the South of thailand that has been there, well, forever, fail to integrate to the land of their birth.

Come on clever clogs...

I'm also waiting for the name of the erawan bomber. So are the thai authorities.

Go on, Grace us with your knowledge oh wise one.

Edited by samran
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"Do you think maybe it was similar to "how the Muslim population came under control" in India and Algeria and Pakistan and Israel and ..."

No - I have a suspicion you don't know what you are talking about

So you are not aware of the internationally recognized Muslim insurgencies in the aforementioned countries ?

If you were to focus your messaging on violent Islamic extremism, fair enough, though personally, as a generalisation, I do not include the deep South under that umbrella.

What I object to is your claim (to be fair, also asserted by others) that all Muslims are the same, are this or that etc

Edited by simple1
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I don't necessarily agree with what Slovakia is doing, but it is well within their right to decide who does and doesn't live in their country. Every country has that right.

No, they're part of the EU and have to abide by EU rules as well.

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I don't necessarily agree with what Slovakia is doing, but it is well within their right to decide who does and doesn't live in their country. Every country has that right.

No, they're part of the EU and have to abide by EU rules as well.

That is very sad. No wonder there are so many problems. Countries should not be forced to take people that they don't wish to have live there.

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I don't necessarily agree with what Slovakia is doing, but it is well within their right to decide who does and doesn't live in their country. Every country has that right.

No, they're part of the EU and have to abide by EU rules as well.

That is very sad. No wonder there are so many problems. Countries should not be forced to take people that they don't wish to have live there.

They shouldn't have joined the EU then. They are free to leave.

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Sorry to break it to you but Thailand has been fighting a Muslim insurgency in the south for decades.

Give the man a cigar! He looked up something in Wikipedia. Spent a year living in Pattani and Songkhla.

Here is a newsflash. There is a small but substantial Thai muslim population who don't live in the South.

They are all around you. You probably won't even notice.

If the PC media would actually report news properly and call muslim terrorism in the south of Thailand, muslim terrorism, then you would not think that I needed Wikipidia to look that up.

There is deaths in the south weekly.

So if Thailand is the example that you and another poster wanted to use as an example of a country where muslims integrated seamlessly , just because not every single muslim in the country has been tried and convicted of terrorism , then you failed bigtime.

Tell me, how does a community in the South of thailand that has been there, well, forever, fail to integrate to the land of their birth.

Come on clever clogs...

I'm also waiting for the name of the erawan bomber. So are the thai authorities.

Go on, Grace us with your knowledge oh wise one.

Because they are Muslims. They have the same failure rate in Russian Chechnya.

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