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Bangkok blast strikes blow to tourism, pillar of ailing Thai economy


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This thread already has a theme "You reap what you sow."

Can someone please draw a few straight lines from one to the other?

Who is "They"

what did "They" sow.

What did "They" reap?

Let's see if anyone can do that, without making this an attack .. on me and this posting, but for once, backing up this ridiculous "logic" with ... (wait for the punchline) ... FACTS


It starts with the people ... Do you actually think Thailand deserve to have a big tourism as its going - the Tourist have been the target every day by e.g. Police and many more that only want to exploit visitors ... Land of Smiles dosent exist anymore !

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These bombings have nothing to do with the economy that I am afraid has been in decline since the military coup due to the very poor management of running the country. For to long the BOT has popped up the fading economy and things are set to worsen. Military are soldiers who serve and protect there country they know nothing about running an economy I have yet to see a democratic country that thrived under military control , the sooner Thailand returns to a democratic government with no military interference the better for the country.

That's right. The rice scheme for example was a rip-roaring success and the parliamentary fiddle on behalf of Thaksin proceeding just nicely until those nasty generals stepped in. What with the above contribution and the others laying the cause of the bombing at the foot of the military, the forum Thaksinistas think they have got a little in here. Meanwhile tourism will no doubt recover on the back of a dropping baht, maybe too late for the forthcoming high season but blow over it will as it also recovered after the red rioting and attempted burn down of BKK in 2010

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And in other threads they are stating no impact on tourism.. whistling.gif

I have yet to see a Thai official come out with bad news on anything. Its always positive there was even a minister that lied on figures and later said it was a white lie. Thais don't like saying negative things or admitting that things can get bad.

Tourism is up 40% in Japan hmm where is all the travelling gelt coming from? Possibly the fly now pay later group

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tourism is 10% of the Thai economy - or thereabouts - whereas this is much bigger than most countries it is NOT the only string in their bow.

Unfortunately under the current regime the rest of the economy is floundering, so this is a shot at the last remaining "glittering" part of the Thai economy.

The overall longer-term effects in terms of how the international business community regard Thailand will probably be decided on how well the the authorities are perceived to have dealt with th situation.

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tourism is 10% of the Thai economy - or thereabouts - whereas this is much bigger than most countries it is NOT the only string in their bow.

Unfortunately under the current regime the rest of the economy is floundering, so this is a shot at the last remaining "glittering" part of the Thai economy.

Yes, don't forget rubber, rice and hard drives ..............

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Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha called the bombing "the worst incident" to ever hit the country, saying, "this time they aimed for innocent lives. They want to destroy our economy, our tourism."

You already did that your self with your greed and non safety .... You made the bed, now lie in it ...

Grossly unfair post.

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These bombings have nothing to do with the economy that I am afraid has been in decline since the military coup due to the very poor management of running the country. For to long the BOT has popped up the fading economy and things are set to worsen. Military are soldiers who serve and protect there country they know nothing about running an economy I have yet to see a democratic country that thrived under military control , the sooner Thailand returns to a democratic government with no military interference the better for the country.

Yup, back to "democracy" and corruption against the ordinary citizen again. It has been fairly peaceful for the past 18 months. Can that be all that bad?

But, perhaps the current administration could get their heads out of their collective backsides and invite some economists to advise on how to get the economy running again? Militarists are not economists! coffee1.gif

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Tourism accounts for 9% of the Thai economy ???????

Wasn't it always 2-3% in the past?

Around 6+% of GDP is what I remember it being for quite a while.

Tourism Industry in Thailand

Thailand's tourism industry contributes a big chunk to the country's GDP. While about 10 years ago, the industry contributed about 6.5% of Thailand's GDP, lately we can estimate that it contributes between 9 and 10 %.

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These bombings have nothing to do with the economy that I am afraid has been in decline since the military coup due to the very poor management of running the country. For to long the BOT has popped up the fading economy and things are set to worsen. Military are soldiers who serve and protect there country they know nothing about running an economy I have yet to see a democratic country that thrived under military control , the sooner Thailand returns to a democratic government with no military interference the better for the country.

Yup, back to "democracy" and corruption against the ordinary citizen again. It has been fairly peaceful for the past 18 months. Can that be all that bad?

But, perhaps the current administration could get their heads out of their collective backsides and invite some economists to advise on how to get the economy running again? Militarists are not economists! coffee1.gif

The economy may not have been in decline under Thaksin due to it being propped up by the USA under who's patronage Thaksin and his 'sister' ruled. Perhaps.

However to state that Thailand should return "to a democratic government" is a statement that beggars belief. I do not understand how anyone with the slightest nouse could call Thaksin and his proxy 'sister' "democratic". They were exactly the opposite and didn't use the word 'democratic' until it was suggested to them as a way of undermining Abhist and his Party. It makes me laugh when the average Thai harks on about 'democracy' and when pressed is unable to define the concept. Indeed democracy relies on the rule of law. There was not much of that about under Thaksin's dictatorships. And off course there is not much of that now. At least Thailand has a chance of moving towards democracy under the current plans. We'll wait and see. *The rule of law, whether under Thaksin or the military doesn't seem to happen here. When I see people obey the law (helmet wearing? police corruption? etc) then that's when there will be real hope for a democratic future in this beautiful country!

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Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha called the bombing "the worst incident" to ever hit the country, saying, "this time they aimed for innocent lives. They want to destroy our economy, our tourism."

You already did that your self with your greed and non safety .... You made the bed, now lie in it ...

You have to be joking ! The man saved the country from imminent (that means "soon") civil war and brought much needed stability to the country.

" imminent (that means "soon")"

No, it doesn't:

Synonyms of imminent in English:
there was speculation that a ceasefire was imminent
impending, at hand, close, near, approaching, fast approaching, coming, forthcoming, on the way, about to happen, upon us, in store, in the offing, in the pipeline, on the horizon, in the air, in the wind, brewing, looming, looming large;
threatening, menacing;
expected, anticipated
informal on the cards
Synonyms Expand
1. near, at hand. Imminent, Impending, Threatening all may carry the implication of menace, misfortune, disaster, but they do so in differing degrees. Imminent may portend evil: an imminent catastrophe,but also may mean simply “about to happen”: The merger is imminent. Impending has a weaker sense of immediacy and threat than imminent
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Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha called the bombing "the worst incident" to ever hit the country, saying, "this time they aimed for innocent lives. They want to destroy our economy, our tourism."

You already did that your self with your greed and non safety .... You made the bed, now lie in it ...

And to the PM: You can continue to destroy your financial base of Expats in the Northern Thailand by continuing to implement some of the most humanly degrading Immigration policies and procedures that, personally, are very seriously making myself and others consider leaving the Chiang Mai region, if not the country. Do you realize how much money we pump into the local economy and community though our immediate and extended families ? Yet we are treated lower than Buffalo when it comes to The Thailand Immigration services in Chiang Mai? Or are you so disconnected from reality, sir, that you either can no longer see, or do you simply not care? Best of luck if this type of situation ever happens in Chiang Mai. During major festivals, I stay away from large groups of people.

I don't recommend Thailand as a tourist location to my friends. Three years ago a asked my friends to come; today, I recommend they do not come. Why should I. It they come to Chiang Mai, they're treated like Kee Kwai by your government agencies, especially Immigration. And how long is it going to be before some terrorist decides that Chiang Mai is a good target?

Your country is out of control, and your hubris toward tourists and Expats is inexcusable. Then there is the inability to control the internal national affairs of your country without someone needing to be 'compensated' for their services, i.e., corruption. Amazing Thailand? Amazing, but not in a good way.

Try treating farang and foreigners and Expat with just a little respect.

Edited by CALSinCM
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looking for motives?

find out who will take advantage of a worsening economic situation in the country

That would be us,

worse Thai economy = better foreign exchange rate.

= Better foreign exchange rate = increased prices forever a bigger loss than any temporarily more Baht for the U.S. Dollar.

A continued devaluation of the Thai Baht, will lead to more hardship and more debt for the average Thai and any foreigner living here.

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Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha called the bombing "the worst incident" to ever hit the country, saying, "this time they aimed for innocent lives. They want to destroy our economy, our tourism."

You already did that your self with your greed and non safety .... You made the bed, now lie in it ...

You have to be joking ! The man saved the country from imminent (that means "soon") civil war and brought much needed stability to the country.

You mean, of course, that along with Suthep, the Yellows and the elite, he nearly started a civil war.

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This is just another nail in the coffin of tourism...the Thai economy in on life-support...tourist or lack of tourist will make little difference...it is all downhill until they work out their political and economic destiny...IMHO

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Without tourism what do they have, this may have been discussed previously with statements to the effect that Thailand isn't solely reliant on the tourist dollar, may be so but why so much talk and so much anxiety over the income from tourism. Is all just it easy money for the ruling and or criminal class.

A ruined economy a country avoided by tourists a destabilised country, ripe for a new order.

Perhaps my comment is a little conspitorial, I hope so as I would be horrified to see a series of attacks of this nature, particularly as the authorities have no idea on what to do about it.

The last time I saw a figure, tourism accounts only for 6% of the economy, hardly a "pillar".

However, given the millions of Thais involved in tourism ( though poorly paid ) from the food cart selling to Khao San backpackers, through entertainers in tourist areas, to hotel staff, a significant drop in tourists would be catastrophic for employment, probably causing severe social disruption.

To look on the bright side though, if they had to work harder to attract tourists, it would be a good thing for us visitors to LOS.

WellI suppose you mean we might finally get a bit os service around town rather than a "who gives a rats arse".

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These bombings have nothing to do with the economy that I am afraid has been in decline since the military coup due to the very poor management of running the country. For to long the BOT has popped up the fading economy and things are set to worsen. Military are soldiers who serve and protect there country they know nothing about running an economy I have yet to see a democratic country that thrived under military control , the sooner Thailand returns to a democratic government with no military interference the better for the country.

Yup, back to "democracy" and corruption against the ordinary citizen again. It has been fairly peaceful for the past 18 months. Can that be all that bad?

But, perhaps the current administration could get their heads out of their collective backsides and invite some economists to advise on how to get the economy running again? Militarists are not economists! coffee1.gif

The economy may not have been in decline under Thaksin due to it being propped up by the USA under who's patronage Thaksin and his 'sister' ruled. Perhaps.

However to state that Thailand should return "to a democratic government" is a statement that beggars belief. I do not understand how anyone with the slightest nouse could call Thaksin and his proxy 'sister' "democratic". They were exactly the opposite and didn't use the word 'democratic' until it was suggested to them as a way of undermining Abhist and his Party. It makes me laugh when the average Thai harks on about 'democracy' and when pressed is unable to define the concept. Indeed democracy relies on the rule of law. There was not much of that about under Thaksin's dictatorships. And off course there is not much of that now. At least Thailand has a chance of moving towards democracy under the current plans. We'll wait and see. *The rule of law, whether under Thaksin or the military doesn't seem to happen here. When I see people obey the law (helmet wearing? police corruption? etc) then that's when there will be real hope for a democratic future in this beautiful country!

The Thai people seem to like democracy, shame the military never gives them very long to enjoy it. Never mind, it pleases a small minority of farang on here.

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Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha called the bombing "the worst incident" to ever hit the country, saying, "this time they aimed for innocent lives. They want to destroy our economy, our tourism."

You already did that your self with your greed and non safety .... You made the bed, now lie in it ...

And to the PM: You can continue to destroy your financial base of Expats in the Northern Thailand by continuing to implement some of the most humanly degrading Immigration policies and procedures that, personally, are very seriously making myself and others consider leaving the Chiang Mai region, if not the country. Do you realize how much money we pump into the local economy and community though our immediate and extended families ? Yet we are treated lower than Buffalo when it comes to The Thailand Immigration services in Chiang Mai? Or are you so disconnected from reality, sir, that you either can no longer see, or do you simply not care? Best of luck if this type of situation ever happens in Chiang Mai. During major festivals, I stay away from large groups of people.

I don't recommend Thailand as a tourist location to my friends. Three years ago a asked my friends to come; today, I recommend they do not come. Why should I. It they come to Chiang Mai, they're treated like Kee Kwai by your government agencies, especially Immigration. And how long is it going to be before some terrorist decides that Chiang Mai is a good target?

Your country is out of control, and your hubris toward tourists and Expats is inexcusable. Then there is the inability to control the internal national affairs of your country without someone needing to be 'compensated' for their services, i.e., corruption. Amazing Thailand? Amazing, but not in a good way.

Try treating farang and foreigners and Expat with just a little respect.

Best of luck with your tourist industry, and when the thousands of farangs married to you Thai native women start to leave, even better luck. No loss. We're just Bullalo droppings, well that might be true is you can get ฿20000 for a shovel full of Bullalo droppings. I'm personally tired of your xenophobic country, and I'm trying to understand why I should stay - right now, it is ONLY for my Thai family's sake. Otherwise, I'd already be gone.

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These bombings have nothing to do with the economy that I am afraid has been in decline since the military coup due to the very poor management of running the country. For to long the BOT has popped up the fading economy and things are set to worsen. Military are soldiers who serve and protect there country they know nothing about running an economy I have yet to see a democratic country that thrived under military control , the sooner Thailand returns to a democratic government with no military interference the better for the country.

And the lawless Redshirt regime with all their violations of the Thai constitution, corruption and outright thievery were doing a better job? They even ripped off their own base; the Issan rice farmers.

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Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha called the bombing "the worst incident" to ever hit the country, saying, "this time they aimed for innocent lives. They want to destroy our economy, our tourism."

You already did that your self with your greed and non safety .... You made the bed, now lie in it ...

Grossly unfair post.

Personally, I think Jimlove is right on target with no punches pulled.

If you think it's a "Grossly unfair post", try using more than three words to explain why - if you have the ability to actually write a comment in excess of 50 to 100 words.

Here: I'll give you a start. Thailand has the second most dangerous roads in the entire world. That's just one example: I can suggest plenty more if you can't come up with any ideas.

"Grossly unfair post" What a pathetic whimper.

Edited by CALSinCM
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This thread already has a theme "You reap what you sow."

Can someone please draw a few straight lines from one to the other?

Who is "They"

what did "They" sow.

What did "They" reap?

Let's see if anyone can do that, without making this an attack .. on me and this posting, but for once, backing up this ridiculous "logic" with ... (wait for the punchline) ... FACTS


I think 'they' would refer to the military or whoever backed their coup against the democratically elected Thai government. What they sowed or reaped are open to debate, but that the coup took place is a fact. I guess what people are saying is that a coup is an illegal seizure of power from a government and perhaps the military (or whoever) are facing the consequences of committing this crime. They can't very well appeal for people to abide by the rule of law after what they did so it's unclear how successful this strategy would be.

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Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha called the bombing "the worst incident" to ever hit the country, saying, "this time they aimed for innocent lives. They want to destroy our economy, our tourism."

You already did that your self with your greed and non safety .... You made the bed, now lie in it ...

And to the PM: You can continue to destroy your financial base of Expats in the Northern Thailand by continuing to implement some of the most humanly degrading Immigration policies and procedures that, personally, are very seriously making myself and others consider leaving the Chiang Mai region, if not the country. Do you realize how much money we pump into the local economy and community though our immediate and extended families ? Yet we are treated lower than Buffalo when it comes to The Thailand Immigration services in Chiang Mai? Or are you so disconnected from reality, sir, that you either can no longer see, or do you simply not care? Best of luck if this type of situation ever happens in Chiang Mai. During major festivals, I stay away from large groups of people.

I don't recommend Thailand as a tourist location to my friends. Three years ago a asked my friends to come; today, I recommend they do not come. Why should I. It they come to Chiang Mai, they're treated like Kee Kwai by your government agencies, especially Immigration. And how long is it going to be before some terrorist decides that Chiang Mai is a good target?

Your country is out of control, and your hubris toward tourists and Expats is inexcusable. Then there is the inability to control the internal national affairs of your country without someone needing to be 'compensated' for their services, i.e., corruption. Amazing Thailand? Amazing, but not in a good way.

Try treating farang and foreigners and Expat with just a little respect.

Best of luck with your tourist industry, and when the thousands of farangs married to you Thai native women start to leave, even better luck. No loss. We're just Bullalo droppings, well that might be true is you can get ฿20000 for a shovel full of Bullalo droppings. I'm personally tired of your xenophobic country, and I'm trying to understand why I should stay - right now, it is ONLY for my Thai family's sake. Otherwise, I'd already be gone.

Take it easy or that same lunatic that gave me the leave finger yesterday will jump you to. He will tell you that your loosing it and might snuff yourself. Your going over a cliff blah blah blah. You should leave before its to late. Your to full of hate blah blah blah I cannot remember who he was but be prepared to be attacked by him. Most of the love it or leave it crowd have fallen silent lately. I choose to stay for the same reason you do. Kudo's for speaking your mind. I think I read a similar post maybe even a little tougher than yours here as well. We should speak out for the way immigration is treating us but heck this is Thailand no port in a storm.

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The bombing is a heinous crime. But lets also consider this. How many more foreigners die from vehicular accidents in Thailand? That figure in itself should make the foreign tourist shudder... but they still come.

I think a person of at least average intelligence can differentiate between accidents and acts of terror.

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This was a major terror attack, right in the heart of Bangkok. Anyone who says that this won't have a big impact on the Thai tourism industry must be kidding themselves. And, to make matters worse, it has been 3 days now, and the guy on the CCTV (who is 99.999 percent likely to be the culprit) hasn't been caught; and there has been no sighting of him (unless the police has received some sighting info and not been making it public). The longer this situation goes on, the worse the economic effect will be.

Sad !

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Noting that this attack was at Erawan, not Soi Cowboy, maybe it's aimed primarily at Chinese tourists, not Western tourists. Possibly some strain of Thai nationalist anti-Chinese tourists? Admittedly seems far-fetched, given the amount of Chinese blood in Thais, but this is a new age.

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