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NCPO ponders actions against false messages in social media


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The officials are only concerned with what Thais think. Thais will believe anything they say. So they cover all the bases by having different officials say dfiferent things. Some Thais beileve one guy other thais believes another guy.all the people thus are kept confused and in the dark. After a week most thais will just give up and forget it all. never have to find out who did it. Great way to cover up.

Correct there dumb and easily lost in the darfk cold night smile.png

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There are more than enough, uniformed, bemedalled, poo-baahs, making contradictory, premature and erroneous statements. IMO, social media is unstoppable and any attempt to silence it will meet with failure.

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is the comments section of a forum part of "social media"?

are you posting from within Thailand?

are you using something like Zenmate to encrypt your packets and mask your IP?

what if i start a thread on TV about a bad experience with Thai immigration. Does that count?

or start talking about filthy Thai beaches or dangerous traffic or police corruption.

what if hackers posted all of the email addresses and account info of forum users on the internet. That has never happened. right?

Edited by NCC1701A
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Of course we're all for total freedom.

But when the opinions are issued regularly in the form of insult or threat there is a problem.

When some allow themselves to mention the names of people accusing them of crimes solely on the basis of speculation and in defiance of all rules of libel there is a big problem.

See paranoia of Koh Tao thread for example ...

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How about suing their own people for spreading disinformation or inaccuracies?

Yep, things were much better under previous governments, when spreading disinformation and/or inaccuracies was accepted, and the norm.

Topics like this were unheard of. whistling.gif

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Which false messages speak clearly.... You make no sense at all.

What you mean to say you do not want people to speak at all. Like nothing has happened and its a crime to feel right

This comes after a teenager thought it would be funny to post bomb threats on Facebook, that sort of beheaviour is punished in even the most liberal countries, specially following a deadly bomb attack.

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Posting bomb threats on social media is pointless, and doesn't reach out to the General Public, only people who have "liked" that page would ever see the threats, everyone else would do what they do best.... take selfies!!

Probably a good combat indicator that this bomber isn't a Thai... no selfies of him planting the device!!

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when will the dinosaurs realize what social media is all about.

It's social.

It's today's version of friends hanging out and swapping stories and rumors : about personal, local, national, or global topics.

They might as well dispatch the thought-police to every tiny village in Thailand.

Well put! Bingo!!!!! clap2.gif

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