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About to be homeless - any suggestions?

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You don't have friends once your stigmatized. And nobody cares for an emigrant that returns without money, nobody will feel responsible. Worse, everyone will suspect you've got something to hide.

I was in Germany last year, the bank refused to transfer my pension, so I was there completely without any money for 3 weeks. A situation to run amuck - and get locked up forever.

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Do you have family or friends "back home" that can bail you out short time to at least get you "legal" again here and able to look for work ? or assist you in returning to your home country where you can obtain work perhaps more easily and sort yourself out.

No, I don't have any family left (although I'm only 38) and, since I came to Thailand 8 years ago, no friends left back home either.

I just find this to be incredibly odd. No family or friends. Back home or in Thailand. How is this possible? There are expats who've been in Thailand 20 years plus, never returning home, yet still have family and friends. Sorry, but I don't buy it.

I can see why (BTW he doesn't mention he has zero friends in Thailand), once in your 30's your friends go in different directions and its fairly easy to lose touch if living in another country, even w Facebook

No Family.. its possible. In my case/ Immediate family I have just my mum; dad and brother died

but I now have a loving wife


What is your nationality?

Do you have continuing health problems?

Have you worked in your home country and if so, for home long? Your writing sounds like you're from the U.S. If so, perhaps it would be worth returning and applying for disability. Just a thought.


Physically, I'm fine now (apart from some residual pain). My mental health has gradually deteriorated over the past six months though. I'm in a deep depression and I now suffer from anxiety on top of it.

Sorry to hear of your situation Nicolas.

Internations Bangkok seems to have quite a few Belgian members, perhaps you could seek help from fellow Belgians who might be able to offer assistance.

There is also a Belgian Club of Thailand where you also could perhaps find fellow countrymen that might help - http://www.belgianclubthailand.com/

I'm sorry I can't offer any more help than to suggest you might reach out to those groups.

Good luck.


I just find this to be incredibly odd. No family or friends. Back home or in Thailand. How is this possible? There are expats who've been in Thailand 20 years plus, never returning home, yet still have family and friends. Sorry, but I don't buy it.

The "no friends" thing can be another symptom of depression. I've been in holes where I truly believed I had no one to turn to, only to realise when I was better that there were people that would have helped me. Anyway, the OP has been given several good options on here including some decent Belgians willing to give him a go, so I sincerely hope he gets some help of all kinds.


I just find this to be incredibly odd. No family or friends. Back home or in Thailand. How is this possible? There are expats who've been in Thailand 20 years plus, never returning home, yet still have family and friends. Sorry, but I don't buy it.

The "no friends" thing can be another symptom of depression. I've been in holes where I truly believed I had no one to turn to, only to realise when I was better that there were people that would have helped me. Anyway, the OP has been given several good options on here including some decent Belgians willing to give him a go, so I sincerely hope he gets some help of all kinds.

He didn't say "no friends at all"

For stranded or sick Germans they have a help center (Deutscher Hilfeverein) in Bangkok and Pattaya.

Maybe there is something for Belgians, too. I would ask Belgian embassy, they should know.


Folks, forget it - I did send this guy a personal message with a lot of info about myself and family and what ups and downs I went through with an offer to help if I get more info about him in return, so I can make up my mind, but he did not bother to reply. If it were that urgent, there should have been something in my mailbox by now, but I got zip. This said, make up your own mind if it is worthwile to invest your time and brain cells in this one... I for myself will delete my message now and block the OP.


Folks, forget it - I did send this guy a personal message with a lot of info about myself and family and what ups and downs I went through with an offer to help if I get more info about him in return, so I can make up my mind, but he did not bother to reply. If it were that urgent, there should have been something in my mailbox by now, but I got zip. This said, make up your own mind if it is worthwile to invest your time and brain cells in this one... I for myself will delete my message now and block the OP.

Maybe he is exhausted and needed some sleep or maybe he got evicted. I wouldnt write him off that quickly, give him 24 hours to reply


Folks, forget it - I did send this guy a personal message with a lot of info about myself and family and what ups and downs I went through with an offer to help if I get more info about him in return, so I can make up my mind, but he did not bother to reply. If it were that urgent, there should have been something in my mailbox by now, but I got zip. This said, make up your own mind if it is worthwile to invest your time and brain cells in this one... I for myself will delete my message now and block the OP.

Maybe he is exhausted and needed some sleep or maybe he got evicted. I wouldnt write him off that quickly, give him 24 hours to reply

Yes lets hope so , some people are looking for an easy escape, I hope he never considered it and will contact the members here offering him the help he needs

Please, everyone let's all side on the side of safety. Depression is a bugger, and pushing everyone away is a typical symptom. Talking face to face is very hard let alone on TVisa. It's like walking on eggshells, we need to be supportive and very patient.

Please stick with him and keep up your support. I must congratulate all of the positive response you have given, keep it up


Writing jobs are everywhere, only people who do not want to work don't do it...

Where are all these writing jobs please? I'd be grateful if you could post a few addresses. Thanks for your assistance.



Or use your noggin and Google = article + writers + wanted

Alternatively send me a pm and I can send some copy writing work your way smile.png

Assuming that your written English and creative skills are at least par for the course.


Thailand has many farang chancers , with limited finances , living here on false hope.

They rely on the kindness / stupidity of other farangs ,such as borrowing money , whist playing their sad, bad luck song.

If you do not have the financial back up , needed for health issues etc ,

you should stay in your home country .coffee1.gif


Thailand has many farang chancers , with limited finances , living here on false hope.

They rely on the kindness / stupidity of other farangs ,such as borrowing money , whist playing their sad, bad luck song.

If you do not have the financial back up , needed for health issues etc ,

you should stay in your home country .coffee1.gif[/quote

You don't get it, do you?

This guy had to spend all his money for health issues, that's why he's broke now.

Wonder how long your financial backup would last in a situation like this. You would probably find your way jumping from the balcony.


Thailand has many farang chancers , with limited finances , living here on false hope.

They rely on the kindness / stupidity of other farangs ,such as borrowing money , whist playing their sad, bad luck song.

If you do not have the financial back up , needed for health issues etc ,

you should stay in your home country .coffee1.gif

The chances you are right and I am wrong are probably 9 to 1. But if he really is in need we can't just discuss this as an entertainment topic on TV. Once and a while this TV forum was able to help expats in urgent need, we have to stay alert for such possible cases with prudence of course.

Dear Nikolas, i am Belgian to, I discussed your situation with another Belgian friend. We may be able to help you, but we want to meet you first. Send me a message.

Good for you!!!


Lives can fall apart anywhere but it certainly complicates things when that happens to foreigners in Thailand without a support system. I think the OP is legit and to those who diss him I would say -- there but for the grace of God goes you.

So do I Jingthing !

Good that so many on her can empathise with the OP pity that there are so many who can't!

Just as an aside when I lapse into one of my periodic "Deeps" i try to force myself to look at videos like the one in this link for some encouragement.

I am lucky insomuch that I can self medicate on some positive logic like the vid, I know that when I am having a really bad dose of the black dog syndrome that is nothing and now one who can help me


I just find this to be incredibly odd. No family or friends. Back home or in Thailand. How is this possible? There are expats who've been in Thailand 20 years plus, never returning home, yet still have family and friends. Sorry, but I don't buy it.

The "no friends" thing can be another symptom of depression. I've been in holes where I truly believed I had no one to turn to, only to realise when I was better that there were people that would have helped me. Anyway, the OP has been given several good options on here including some decent Belgians willing to give him a go, so I sincerely hope he gets some help of all kinds.

He didn't say "no friends at all"

For stranded or sick Germans they have a help center (Deutscher Hilfeverein) in Bangkok and Pattaya.

Maybe there is something for Belgians, too. I would ask Belgian embassy, they should know.

somehow my forum name is attached to someones else's quote :(


Hand yourself in to the Police station, and tell them that your the bomber they've been looking for. You'll get the 10mil baht reward and free bed and breakfast for the rest of your life.


Why has the OP given up on freelance writing, or work in general? A bad back hasn't deterred most people from contributing some work, and there's always abundant demand for freelance writers, as well as teachers, movie/TV extras, online marketers, telesales staff, etc.


My I reiterate my offer. I think I know this guy and if Im right then hes a decent fella.

Get in touch if you can mate.

I am guessing he does not have computer and easy access to one or internet,

Most likely uses internet cafe but as he said only 2000 baht in the bank.

May be send him PM, so if he does get a chance to log back in, he does not have to read the entire thread and possibly miss your offer.


Why has the OP given up on freelance writing, or work in general? A bad back hasn't deterred most people from contributing some work, and there's always abundant demand for freelance writers, as well as teachers, movie/TV extras, online marketers, telesales staff, etc.

Back surgery is not a walk in the park, , sitting up is painful, not to mention all the pain killers, that either make you drowsy or sleepy.

Once he was well enough to return to work, he said company he worked for has closed down or closing down.

Once one has fallen into a pattern or depression, its not easy to think "out side the box"

I am also guessing he may not be aware of where to look. How many TV members knew about Thai Visa prior to joining,

I know it took me good 2-3 years to even discover Thai Visa existed.


To everyone wanting to retire in Paradise, Thailand,

Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, anywhere outside your

country, please read all the above --it could happen

to you--


I know lads who have been in a similar situation here, one in particular I was out with last week... great guy he now has things sorted and a good job here, why am I telling you this? well don't panic your not the first person who has gone through this situation and you certainly will not be the last, alright you've been a bit of a numpty with cash combined with unexpected hits I understand.... peopleperhour.com is good for writers btw

think straight and rational, blag as much as you can a ticket/way home and come back stronger and wiser.

Your fault or not, sh1t happens... chin up and good luck mate


What is your nationality?

Do you have continuing health problems?

Have you worked in your home country and if so, for home long? Your writing sounds like you're from the U.S. If so, perhaps it would be worth returning and applying for disability and maybe returning.

Lots of people live here on U.S. disability income.


It does not seem plausible, but I guess it could be.


Not sure what the problem with his back is.

I've got orthopaedical problems, too. I need injections in winter time, or sun.

So, no expensive medical treatment required for me in Thailand.

I would ask a doctor about this.

Also, winter depression could be an issue, and a reason not to go back to Belgium.

Without a place to go, outpatient care for treating depression would be impossible. Risk of hospitalisation in Belgium.

Who would pay for medical care in Belgium?

British NHS would be fine, but it's only available in the UK. As a freelancer in Thailand, he would probably have no health insurance in Belgium. So Belgian government would have to pay it all, from taxpayers' money.

It might be cheaper for Belgium to leave him in Thailand.


if your options are that limited circumstances control you, rather then the other way around.

prepare yourself mentally to do what you have to do. get ready to squat, eat from trash bins or turn to crime.

you will do what you have to do to survive. you will survive, many other skint people do and there are things that work. you learn what works along the way.

good luck.

* i would do all this in my home country if you hail from somewhere civilized like belgium, and not in a third world foreign country. if things get life threatening your home country will pick you up. here you'll just die.

i might try my hand a pickpocketing if i was without a ticket, but i'm a sneaky guy. may not work for you.

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