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Mini-Ice Age Coming?


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Frosts in middle of july, Germany

up2u2:You have presented no scientific evidence the Earth is cooling, no scientific evidence of an impending Ice Age, no scientific evidence a Solar Minimum has begun cooling the Earth. Not a cracker of evidence. In fact the science shows exactly the opposite of your theory.

Thats bullshit it has been linked repeatedly to record colds for example, meanwhile all you posted is a graph that shows that it has gotten less than 1' warmer between the 1800's and 2010, that's fkin it, big whop the mini-ice age is just getting started and this is an elnino year so it should be a little warmer but instead we continue to have cold events. wasn't bounced off, i don't care but they deleted the posts, wont even allow a rebuttle, running away from the debate..

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Frosts in middle of july, Germany

up2u2:You have presented no scientific evidence the Earth is cooling, no scientific evidence of an impending Ice Age, no scientific evidence a Solar Minimum has begun cooling the Earth. Not a cracker of evidence. In fact the science shows exactly the opposite of your theory.

Thats bullshit it has been linked repeatedly to record colds for example, meanwhile all you posted is a graph that shows that it has gotten less than 1' warmer between the 1800's and 2010, that's fkin it, big whop the mini-ice age is just getting started and this is an elnino year so it should be a little warmer but instead we continue to have cold events. wasn't bounced off, i don't care but they deleted the posts, wont even allow a rebuttle, running away from the debate..

Yep snows in China and Gemany has frosts.

Photos of snow are just that, photos of snow. Is Earth Cooling globally? If so present evidence that it is cooling Globally. Pretty simple.

Show where 'it' has been linked to record colds? Whatever 'it' is. lol

Present scientific evidence that a mini ice age is getting started. If that were the case show where Global temperatures are decreasing?

What forum did your posts get shown the door? lol

You argue that Solar Minimums are causing an Ice Age but the actaul evidence doesn't show that at all. Solar down temperature up.


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Frosts in middle of july, Germany

up2u2:You have presented no scientific evidence the Earth is cooling, no scientific evidence of an impending Ice Age, no scientific evidence a Solar Minimum has begun cooling the Earth. Not a cracker of evidence. In fact the science shows exactly the opposite of your theory.

Thats bullshit it has been linked repeatedly to record colds for example, meanwhile all you posted is a graph that shows that it has gotten less than 1' warmer between the 1800's and 2010, that's fkin it, big whop the mini-ice age is just getting started and this is an elnino year so it should be a little warmer but instead we continue to have cold events. wasn't bounced off, i don't care but they deleted the posts, wont even allow a rebuttle, running away from the debate..

You keep mentioning 'they' who deleted your posts. Was it the Skeptical Science blog? There are some pretty serious scientists on there & I wouldn't be surprised if you post on there the same way you do on here.

Your posts are nothing more than a collection of Gish Gallops, ad hominems, anomaly hunting & a large dose of conspiracy mindset thrown in.

Your 'bouncing' theory doesn't even seem to be supported by simple logic. There are more 'bounces' after some minimums than others. There is no correlation between minimums & the magnitude of the 'bounces' & some of the 'bounces' display lower temperatures than the original minimums.

You stated that you are not a scientist. Some of us on the forum are trained to a very high level in science. What you are engaging in is simple pattern recognition without giving supporting evidence or a plausible mechanism; seeing faces in the clouds. Sorry but we don't allow this type of thinking in science.

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Frosts in middle of july, Germany

up2u2:You have presented no scientific evidence the Earth is cooling, no scientific evidence of an impending Ice Age, no scientific evidence a Solar Minimum has begun cooling the Earth. Not a cracker of evidence. In fact the science shows exactly the opposite of your theory.

Thats bullshit it has been linked repeatedly to record colds for example, meanwhile all you posted is a graph that shows that it has gotten less than 1' warmer between the 1800's and 2010, that's fkin it, big whop the mini-ice age is just getting started and this is an elnino year so it should be a little warmer but instead we continue to have cold events. wasn't bounced off, i don't care but they deleted the posts, wont even allow a rebuttle, running away from the debate..

Yep snows in China and Gemany has frosts.

Photos of snow are just that, photos of snow. Is Earth Cooling globally? If so present evidence that it is cooling Globally. Pretty simple.

Show where 'it' has been linked to record colds? Whatever 'it' is. lol

Present scientific evidence that a mini ice age is getting started. If that were the case show where Global temperatures are decreasing?

What forum did your posts get shown the door? lol

You argue that Solar Minimums are causing an Ice Age but the actaul evidence doesn't show that at all. Solar down temperature up.


If you are going to claim your on the side of science, don't use a chart that intentionally exaggerates the trend. I made some modifications to tell a more balanced story.


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Frosts in middle of july, Germany

up2u2:You have presented no scientific evidence the Earth is cooling, no scientific evidence of an impending Ice Age, no scientific evidence a Solar Minimum has begun cooling the Earth. Not a cracker of evidence. In fact the science shows exactly the opposite of your theory.

Thats bullshit it has been linked repeatedly to record colds for example, meanwhile all you posted is a graph that shows that it has gotten less than 1' warmer between the 1800's and 2010, that's fkin it, big whop the mini-ice age is just getting started and this is an elnino year so it should be a little warmer but instead we continue to have cold events. wasn't bounced off, i don't care but they deleted the posts, wont even allow a rebuttle, running away from the debate..

Yep snows in China and Gemany has frosts.

Photos of snow are just that, photos of snow. Is Earth Cooling globally? If so present evidence that it is cooling Globally. Pretty simple.

Show where 'it' has been linked to record colds? Whatever 'it' is. lol

Present scientific evidence that a mini ice age is getting started. If that were the case show where Global temperatures are decreasing?

What forum did your posts get shown the door? lol

You argue that Solar Minimums are causing an Ice Age but the actaul evidence doesn't show that at all. Solar down temperature up.


If you are going to claim your on the side of science, don't use a chart that intentionally exaggerates the trend. I made some modifications to tell a more balanced story.

Did you just make up the numbers or did you get them from NASA / GISS and

Do you have data and calculation you used to calculate the 11 year means to extend the chart or did you just make them up? lol

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In the video's there are a BUNCH of cold records broke and cold conditions, many snowfall records broke anyone can see that .. all you got is less than 1' warmer from the 1800's to 2010 big fuken whop ok..you post that chart 20 times

If you posted this type of non science on Skeptical Science they would definitely delete it. If you have a comment or question on tangible scientific evidence no problem at all but it had better be well thought out and rely on scientific evidence. If you are just posting pictures of snow and shouting ICE AGE!!! yep they would delete that.

Some VERY smart scientists on that site so you need to have a little respect.

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Yep snows in China and Gemany has frosts.

Photos of snow are just that, photos of snow. Is Earth Cooling globally? If so present evidence that it is cooling Globally. Pretty simple.

Show where 'it' has been linked to record colds? Whatever 'it' is. lol

Present scientific evidence that a mini ice age is getting started. If that were the case show where Global temperatures are decreasing?

What forum did your posts get shown the door? lol

You argue that Solar Minimums are causing an Ice Age but the actaul evidence doesn't show that at all. Solar down temperature up.


If you are going to claim your on the side of science, don't use a chart that intentionally exaggerates the trend. I made some modifications to tell a more balanced story.

Did you just make up the numbers or did you get them from NASA / GISS and

Do you have data and calculation you used to calculate the 11 year means to extend the chart or did you just make them up? lol

You can ignore the orange bits, but the rest was just finishing the chart so it does not exaggerate the data in a way that misrepresents reality.

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First of all, all I posted on Skeptical science was text in the blog section, I'm using the adapt2030 mostly for reports of extreme cold weather conditions-you are not allowed to post video's or pictures just plain text w/o CAPS, I concentrated mostly on the perspective of the global warming "A. Climate Change" blog at 'skeptical science' I also pointed out omissions in their editorials and their criticism of the TGGWS film. I'll actually re-create what I had written on their blogs that were deleted if i have time.

first of all lets take a look at just some of the people that were featured on The Great Global Warming Swindle and other video's i posted earlier, keep in mind the 'VERY smart scientists' at SS are calling out these guys as frauds, not real scientists etc.:

Professor Ian Clark

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottowa

Dr. Piers Corbyn

Solar Physist, Climate Forcaster (this was the guy in the film that was featured in several british magazines in the 80's for his ability to forcast weather patterns using the sun)

Professor Eigel Friis-Christensen

Director, Danish National Space Center

Professor Philip Stott

Department of Biogeographer, University of London

Professor Fredrick Singer

Director of US National Weather Service

Professor Richard Linden

Department of Meteorology, Mass. Institute of Technology

John Casey

Pres. Space & science research corp, former

NOW lets look at who's behind the SS website and they want you to make a donation.. Here are the VERY smart people i'm supposed to show respect for since they are calling the above named people non-scientists and frauds.

'Hoskibui', full name Höskuldur Búi Jónsson is a geologist in Iceland. NO other creditials, like education

'Howardlee' Howard is an author and freelance Earth Science writer. He earned his B.Sc in Geology his M.Sc in Remote Sensing at the University of London, and he is a Fellow of the Geological Society of London (FGS). Howard draws upon years of experience in diverse Earth Science industries WOW a bachelors degree! HE HAS A BACHLORS DEGREE yeah! when he finishes scamming people for donations he is qualified to come out here to Thailand and teach english, (on second thought nah, the Thais probably already speak better english than him )

Collin Maesssen lives in The Netherlands and has a BSc in software engineering. WOW another bachelors degree! in a totally unrelated field.

Andy Skuce is a recently-retired geophysical consultant living in British Columbia. He has a BSc in geology from Sheffield University and an MSc in geophysics from the University of Leeds. His work experience includes a period at the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh and work for a variety of oil companies based in Calgary, Vienna and Quito. Since 2005, he worked as an independent consultant.

Neal J. King has studied physics at the University of California at Berkeley (M.A. Physics), and is now a telecommunications consultant in Europe.

Bob Lacatena is a software developer with a lifelong interest in and love of science and teaching

you can see the rest of the list of the SS 'Team' mostly just bloggers or housewives or people with BS degree's in unrelated fields, there's a few that have as much as Masters (according to them) but they are not accomplished in anything significant. and they are the ones calling people 'frauds'! what a joke, maybe if they showed a little respect then i would show them some respect, when i first went on the site, after an initial joke ( itried to break the ice) I was polite in my re-buttles, they couldn't sustain an argument and deleted the posts because it made them look bad, plain in simple, running away from debate

1 more thing, if they are concerned that people will inundate their blog with opposing comments (like blog bombing) that's fine but let people have a few rounds of debate and keep it posted before locking the threads, but freedom of speech obviosly means nothing to these donation gathering VERY smart people.. yea very smart at taking your money apparently.

In the video's there are a BUNCH of cold records broke and cold conditions, many snowfall records broke anyone can see that .. all you got is less than 1' warmer from the 1800's to 2010 big fuken whop ok..you post that chart 20 times

If you posted this type of non science on Skeptical Science they would definitely delete it. If you have a comment or question on tangible scientific evidence no problem at all but it had better be well thought out and rely on scientific evidence. If you are just posting pictures of snow and shouting ICE AGE!!! yep they would delete that.

Some VERY smart scientists on that site so you need to have a little respect.

Edited by movieplay
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Here is the type of thing they deleted

MYTH It's cosmic rays
"When the Sun is active, its magnetic field is better at shielding us against the cosmic rays coming from outer space, before they reach our planet. By regulating the Earth’s cloud cover, the Sun can turn the temperature up and down. ... As the Sun’s magnetism doubled in strength during the 20th century, this natural mechanism may be responsible for a large part of global warming seen then." (Henrik Svensmark)

and there answer to this 'myth' says....The body of scientific research has determined that GCRs are actually not very effective at seeding clouds.

I pointed out that they are contradicting themselves here, they are admitting that it's not myth, according to them, rather they are saying that in their view it's exagerated pointing to a study then insisting that that study represents a 'body of scientific research' of course many other scientists don't agree that it was being exaggerated.


Then I read this off their site: Life flourished in the Eocene, the Cretaceous and other times of high CO2 in the atmosphere because the greenhouse gasses were in balance with the carbon in the oceans and the weathering of rocks. Life, ocean chemistry, and atmospheric gasses had millions of years to adjust to those levels...But there have been several times in Earth’s past when Earth's temperature jumped abruptly, in much the same way as they are doing today. Those times were caused by large and rapid greenhouse gas emissions, just like humans are causing today.

Those abrupt global warming events were almost always highly destructive for life, causing mass extinctions such as at the end of the Permian, Triassic, or even mid-Cambrian periods. The symptoms from those events (a big, rapid jump in global temperatures, rising sea levels, and ocean acidification) are all happening today with human-caused climate change.

So yes, the climate has changed before humans, and in most cases scientists know why. In all cases we see the same association between CO2 levels and global temperatures. And past examples of rapid carbon emissions (just like today) were generally highly destructive to life on Earth.

I pointed out that THEY DO NOT have 97% scientific consensus on this extreme, 'we're all gonna die in a few years' stuff, yet the site leads people to believe that they have this 'consensus' on all the little extreme theories they are putting forward, and the scientists in the GGWS film don't agree with this, just watch the film.


there was some more maybe i'll put it up later.. these are the kind of things you debate, you don't delete it, FRAUDS.

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Yep snows in China and Gemany has frosts.

Photos of snow are just that, photos of snow. Is Earth Cooling globally? If so present evidence that it is cooling Globally. Pretty simple.

Show where 'it' has been linked to record colds? Whatever 'it' is. lol

Present scientific evidence that a mini ice age is getting started. If that were the case show where Global temperatures are decreasing?

What forum did your posts get shown the door? lol

You argue that Solar Minimums are causing an Ice Age but the actaul evidence doesn't show that at all. Solar down temperature up.


If you are going to claim your on the side of science, don't use a chart that intentionally exaggerates the trend. I made some modifications to tell a more balanced story.

Did you just make up the numbers or did you get them from NASA / GISS and

Do you have data and calculation you used to calculate the 11 year means to extend the chart or did you just make them up? lol

You can ignore the orange bits, but the rest was just finishing the chart so it does not exaggerate the data in a way that misrepresents reality.

Did you use the latest NASA / GISS data and calculate an 11 year cycle annual mean temperatures set to compare with the up to date TSI data set from PMOD and calculate the 11 yearly average TSI mean or did you just squiggle in some lines that looked about right?

All the data can be downloaded from NASA / GISS website and PMOD website. You will have to do all the calculations yourself or you could use that site climate4you to generate your graphs. I am pretty sure you can toggle the time period / average / means.

I hope you wouldn't think to commit scientific fraud by presenting false and misleading data to make false claims. Probably the most serious indiscretion a scientist can be caught out doing. End of your career. Lucky if you get a job washing beakers in a laboratory if you got caught doing that.

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First of all, all I posted on Skeptical science was text in the blog section, I'm using the adapt2030 mostly for reports of extreme cold weather conditions-you are not allowed to post video's or pictures just plain text w/o CAPS, I concentrated mostly on the perspective of the global warming "A. Climate Change" blog at 'skeptical science' I also pointed out omissions in their editorials and their criticism of the TGGWS film. I'll actually re-create what I had written on their blogs that were deleted if i have time.

first of all lets take a look at just some of the people that were featured on The Great Global Warming Swindle and other video's i posted earlier, keep in mind the 'VERY smart scientists' at SS are calling out these guys as frauds, not real scientists etc.:

Professor Ian Clark

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottowa

Dr. Piers Corbyn

Solar Physist, Climate Forcaster (this was the guy in the film that was featured in several british magazines in the 80's for his ability to forcast weather patterns using the sun)

Professor Eigel Friis-Christensen

Director, Danish National Space Center

Professor Philip Stott

Department of Biogeographer, University of London

Professor Fredrick Singer

Director of US National Weather Service

Professor Richard Linden

Department of Meteorology, Mass. Institute of Technology

John Casey

Pres. Space & science research corp, former

NOW lets look at who's behind the SS website and they want you to make a donation.. Here are the VERY smart people i'm supposed to show respect for since they are calling the above named people non-scientists and frauds.

'Hoskibui', full name Höskuldur Búi Jónsson is a geologist in Iceland. NO other creditials, like education

'Howardlee' Howard is an author and freelance Earth Science writer. He earned his B.Sc in Geology his M.Sc in Remote Sensing at the University of London, and he is a Fellow of the Geological Society of London (FGS). Howard draws upon years of experience in diverse Earth Science industries WOW a bachelors degree! HE HAS A BACHLORS DEGREE yeah! when he finishes scamming people for donations he is qualified to come out here to Thailand and teach english, (on second thought nah, the Thais probably already speak better english than him )

Collin Maesssen lives in The Netherlands and has a BSc in software engineering. WOW another bachelors degree! in a totally unrelated field.

Andy Skuce is a recently-retired geophysical consultant living in British Columbia. He has a BSc in geology from Sheffield University and an MSc in geophysics from the University of Leeds. His work experience includes a period at the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh and work for a variety of oil companies based in Calgary, Vienna and Quito. Since 2005, he worked as an independent consultant.

Neal J. King has studied physics at the University of California at Berkeley (M.A. Physics), and is now a telecommunications consultant in Europe.

Bob Lacatena is a software developer with a lifelong interest in and love of science and teaching

you can see the rest of the list of the SS 'Team' mostly just bloggers or housewives or people with BS degree's in unrelated fields, there's a few that have as much as Masters (according to them) but they are not accomplished in anything significant. and they are the ones calling people 'frauds'! what a joke, maybe if they showed a little respect then i would show them some respect, when i first went on the site, after an initial joke ( itried to break the ice) I was polite in my re-buttles, they couldn't sustain an argument and deleted the posts because it made them look bad, plain in simple, running away from debate

1 more thing, if they are concerned that people will inundate their blog with opposing comments (like blog bombing) that's fine but let people have a few rounds of debate and keep it posted before locking the threads, but freedom of speech obviosly means nothing to these donation gathering VERY smart people.. yea very smart at taking your money apparently.

Are you serious 'movieplayer' did you actually try and post that on Skeptical Science website. I don't think you realise how funny that is. Clark / Corben / Singer and oh man Lindzen. That is just embarrassing. Sorry 'movieplayer' but these guys run rings around these Climate Deniers. Trust me they did you a favour. To you adapt2030 is peer reviewed science but in the real world it is just plain 'sciency' gibberish.On Skeptical Science if you spend some time studying the peer reviewed science and you have a question people who are specialists in that field will often help you out or point you to where you can find the answer but you have to demonstrate you are up to speed otherwise your just wasting their time. I have asked many questions there and the guys are always helpful but you really need to have a good understanding of the discipline you are presenting a question on. If you go to the site and click on 'Climate Misinformers' most of your guys are listed there and the site gives you a run down on why they are wrong. That's why they deleted your post.

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adapt2030 was just used for extreme weather reports, get over it.

did you just say that the people at the bottom of the persons list "would run rings" around the persons in the top half!? You do realize that anyone could look up and see the list?

but i should apologize my language before was uncalled for, like about the donations BUT it does seem a violation not to allow freedom of speech on a site like that that takes in donations..

Edited by movieplay
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Here is the type of thing they deleted

MYTH It's cosmic rays

"When the Sun is active, its magnetic field is better at shielding us against the cosmic rays coming from outer space, before they reach our planet. By regulating the Earth’s cloud cover, the Sun can turn the temperature up and down. ... As the Sun’s magnetism doubled in strength during the 20th century, this natural mechanism may be responsible for a large part of global warming seen then." (Henrik Svensmark)

and there answer to this 'myth' says....The body of scientific research has determined that GCRs are actually not very effective at seeding clouds.

I pointed out that they are contradicting themselves here, they are admitting that it's not myth, according to them, rather they are saying that in their view it's exagerated pointing to a study then insisting that that study represents a 'body of scientific research' of course many other scientists don't agree that it was being exaggerated.


Then I read this off their site: Life flourished in the Eocene, the Cretaceous and other times of high CO2 in the atmosphere because the greenhouse gasses were in balance with the carbon in the oceans and the weathering of rocks. Life, ocean chemistry, and atmospheric gasses had millions of years to adjust to those levels...But there have been several times in Earth’s past when Earth's temperature jumped abruptly, in much the same way as they are doing today. Those times were caused by large and rapid greenhouse gas emissions, just like humans are causing today.

Those abrupt global warming events were almost always highly destructive for life, causing mass extinctions such as at the end of the Permian, Triassic, or even mid-Cambrian periods. The symptoms from those events (a big, rapid jump in global temperatures, rising sea levels, and ocean acidification) are all happening today with human-caused climate change.

So yes, the climate has changed before humans, and in most cases scientists know why. In all cases we see the same association between CO2 levels and global temperatures. And past examples of rapid carbon emissions (just like today) were generally highly destructive to life on Earth.

I pointed out that THEY DO NOT have 97% scientific consensus on this extreme, 'we're all gonna die in a few years' stuff, yet the site leads people to believe that they have this 'consensus' on all the little extreme theories they are putting forward, and the scientists in the GGWS film don't agree with this, just watch the film.


there was some more maybe i'll put it up later.. these are the kind of things you debate, you don't delete it, FRAUDS.

Yes both those would be deleted. If you question a 'study' you must present peer reviewed research that contradicts that specific study and you must be qualified and have an ABSOLUTE and TOTAL understanding of the Study you are discussing. You are attempting to do a 'peer review' on a 'Study' that has already been peer reviewed GLOBALLY by experts within that specific field.

It isn't a matter of showing a few photos of snow and declaring an Ice Age. You really need to quote peer reviewed scientific research to present your theory.

You mentioned 97% consensus. Woops. Don't do that again. lol

The most recent 'Study' shows a consensus of 99.9+%. So your a little behind on the learning curve there. That is why it was deleted.

If you spend all your time on adapt2030 reading cherry picked 'sciency' kinda stuff you are going to really struggle on websites like Skeptical Science. These guys actually publish peer reviewed scientific Papers for a living.

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By the way last season there was no appreciable snow pack in the Sierra Nevada of California despite all the snow in the Canadien Maritimes. Sure enough again this winter FOX will resplendently report on some brain-dead tool of big oil bringing a snowball into the hall of the US congress and then again the dummies will have to be reminded that weather is not climate. Still, July 2015 was the hottest month in recorded history. Sorry climate change deniers, paid trolls from Putins' Russia to the Koch brothers and the fossil fuel industry, plus their countless online minions, we are NOT headed for a so called "mini ice age". http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2015/07/no-earth-not-heading-mini-ice-age

Edited by arunsakda
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so I gues your stickin with your comment that SS people at the bottom of my list "would run rings" around the persons in the top half that were featured in the youtube videos i posted, , and might you be one of the prestigious over-achieving flower gardners from the list? maybe if you wouldn't call opposing scientists frauds, especially ones that are in fact much better educated and experienced then yourselves then maybe you wouldn't be called a fraud by someone like me.. and sorry we're talking about pages of blogs at the bottom of their screen, retorting is fine, censorship is academic fraud, but obviously you need not worry as it appears you have little to lose.

Professor Ian Clark

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottowa

Dr. Piers Corbyn

Solar Physist, Climate Forcaster (this was the guy in the film that was featured in several british magazines in the 80's for his ability to forcast weather patterns using the sun)

Professor Eigel Friis-Christensen

Director, Danish National Space Center

Professor Philip Stott

Department of Biogeographer, University of London

Professor Fredrick Singer

Director of US National Weather Service

Professor Richard Linden

Department of Meteorology, Mass. Institute of Technology

John Casey

Pres. Space & science research corp, former

NOW lets look at who's behind the SS website and they want you to make a donation.. Here are the VERY smart people i'm supposed to show respect for since they are calling the above named people non-scientists and frauds.

'Hoskibui', full name Höskuldur Búi Jónsson is a geologist in Iceland. NO other creditials, like education

'Howardlee' Howard is an author and freelance Earth Science writer. He earned his B.Sc in Geology his M.Sc in Remote Sensing at the University of London, and he is a Fellow of the Geological Society of London (FGS). Howard draws upon years of experience in diverse Earth Science industries WOW a bachelors degree! HE HAS A BACHLORS DEGREE yeah! when he finishes scamming people for donations he is qualified to come out here to Thailand and teach english, (on second thought nah, the Thais probably already speak better english than him )

Collin Maesssen lives in The Netherlands and has a BSc in software engineering. WOW another bachelors degree! in a totally unrelated field.

Andy Skuce is a recently-retired geophysical consultant living in British Columbia. He has a BSc in geology from Sheffield University and an MSc in geophysics from the University of Leeds. His work experience includes a period at the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh and work for a variety of oil companies based in Calgary, Vienna and Quito. Since 2005, he worked as an independent consultant.

Neal J. King has studied physics at the University of California at Berkeley (M.A. Physics), and is now a telecommunications consultant in Europe.

Bob Lacatena is a software developer with a lifelong interest in and love of science and teaching

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Here's another notable from SS: BaerbelW

Bärbel Winkler lives and works in Germany. She has always had a lot of interest in environmental issues and has been active as a volunteer at the local zoo.

Aww, can i be your friend? We can talk about that badol Director of US National Weather Service man and his mean friends who wanna kill bambi with co2, can you show me around the zoo first?? can we can we!?

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so I gues your stickin with your comment that SS people at the bottom of my list "would run rings" around the persons in the top half that were featured in the youtube videos i posted, , and might you be one of the prestigious over-achieving flower gardners from the list? maybe if you wouldn't call opposing scientists frauds, especially ones that are in fact much better educated and experienced then yourselves then maybe you wouldn't be called a fraud by someone like me.. and sorry we're talking about pages of blogs at the bottom of their screen, retorting is fine, censorship is academic fraud, but obviously you need not worry as it appears you have little to lose.

Professor Ian Clark

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottowa

Dr. Piers Corbyn

Solar Physist, Climate Forcaster (this was the guy in the film that was featured in several british magazines in the 80's for his ability to forcast weather patterns using the sun)

Professor Eigel Friis-Christensen

Director, Danish National Space Center

Professor Philip Stott

Department of Biogeographer, University of London

Professor Fredrick Singer

Director of US National Weather Service

Professor Richard Linden

Department of Meteorology, Mass. Institute of Technology

John Casey

Pres. Space & science research corp, former

NOW lets look at who's behind the SS website and they want you to make a donation.. Here are the VERY smart people i'm supposed to show respect for since they are calling the above named people non-scientists and frauds.

'Hoskibui', full name Höskuldur Búi Jónsson is a geologist in Iceland. NO other creditials, like education

'Howardlee' Howard is an author and freelance Earth Science writer. He earned his B.Sc in Geology his M.Sc in Remote Sensing at the University of London, and he is a Fellow of the Geological Society of London (FGS). Howard draws upon years of experience in diverse Earth Science industries WOW a bachelors degree! HE HAS A BACHLORS DEGREE yeah! when he finishes scamming people for donations he is qualified to come out here to Thailand and teach english, (on second thought nah, the Thais probably already speak better english than him )

Collin Maesssen lives in The Netherlands and has a BSc in software engineering. WOW another bachelors degree! in a totally unrelated field.

Andy Skuce is a recently-retired geophysical consultant living in British Columbia. He has a BSc in geology from Sheffield University and an MSc in geophysics from the University of Leeds. His work experience includes a period at the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh and work for a variety of oil companies based in Calgary, Vienna and Quito. Since 2005, he worked as an independent consultant.

Neal J. King has studied physics at the University of California at Berkeley (M.A. Physics), and is now a telecommunications consultant in Europe.

Bob Lacatena is a software developer with a lifelong interest in and love of science and teaching

ABSOLUTELY!! without question. I am familiar with most on your list all are discredited. Not Chrstiansen though I will have to look him up. Most no longer hold the positions you attribute to them. Lindzen for sure he is retired and no longer involved in research. Never was really he was a teacher at MIT not really a very good one either. He was attributed as "the most wrongest the longest" on GW / CC. That was embarrassing he even admitted himself. If you are going to quote him which you shouldn't, spell his name correctly. Trenberth tore him to shreds and he retired soon after. For Buddha's sake don't mention Lindzen on SS. It is pretty much a 'red flag' you have no idea what you are talking about. Same as Roy Spencer NEVER mention him either. Instant no credibility. Well unless he is on Fox he is credible there just not in the real world lmao.

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some people will argue black is white

blind freddie knows global warming is here

you had some geek woke cold in bed one morning goes to internet ice age coming

that can happen if hit by large object from outer space

next they will tell us a large snowflake will fall

causing ice age

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I don't think so because just watch the mainstream media, it's almost always Climate Change now, interesting the way canuckamuck adjusted one of up2u2 graph, dude I think you might be loosen your big less than 1' warming between the 1800's & 2010.. they gotta know in advance that something is up with their weather station data so their getten ready for the next Climate Change gimick, probably something along the already discredited A.Global Warming causes erratic weather line, that way they don't look so stupid everytime half the world is freezing its asses off..

also I would encourage you to read the OP and take a look at some of the links provided before believing the man..

Edited by movieplay
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I don't think so because just watch the mainstream media, it's almost always Climate Change now, interesting the way canuckamuck adjusted one of up2u2 graph, dude I think you might be loosen your big less than 1' warming between the 1800's & 2010.. they gotta know in advance that something is up with their weather station data so their getten ready for the next Climate Change gimick, probably something along the already discredited A.Global Warming causes erratic weather line, that way they don't look so stupid everytime half the world is freezing its asses off..

also I would encourage you to read the OP and take a look at some of the links provided before believing the man..

A few photos of snow doesn't provide evidence of an Ice Age mini or otherwise.

lol links to a 'sciency' youtube channel and a discredited 'documentary' 8 years old? Save your time I reckon. May as well watch Fox News lol

canuck is under investigation for scientific fraud. He has been requested to explain himself and his data

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So let us say one is convinced the overwhelming consensus is absolutely 180 degrees wrong. Sea levels are dropping, glaciers are growing, global temperatures on average are decreasing and we are indeed moving into an ice age due to Mauder minimum induced global cooling. What should individuals and societies do to prepare and adjust for such an eventuality?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalkfss

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