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Mini-Ice Age Coming?


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If anyone has ever wondered why most people are not engaged in the debate on climate, you idiots have just confirmed it. Not a debate, more a personal attack. There seems to be creditable information that we need to cut down on pollution, plant more trees, protect the life in the seas and learn to promote this.

Fear not as it warms u[p there will be more land mass available to grow trees, you can cover Antarctica with them, i dont see all the fuss really

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If anyone has ever wondered why most people are not engaged in the debate on climate, you idiots have just confirmed it. Not a debate, more a personal attack. There seems to be creditable information that we need to cut down on pollution, plant more trees, protect the life in the seas and learn to promote this.

Fear not as it warms u[p there will be more land mass available to grow trees, you can cover Antarctica with them, i dont see all the fuss really

Who will be planting the trees? Without Polar Caps Humans would not be able to live on this planet. It would be too hot for survival. Before the Polar Caps melted the subterranean Methane beds would be exposed releasing trillions of tons of Methane. Methane has 10 times the effect on Greenhouse warming as CO2 does. Mass extinction number 6. May have to rethink that situation spider lol

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starting to get an idea how the global warming climate change scam works

OK here's something new, this new 'study' makes a weak 'maybe' conclusion that global warming creates erratic colds and that's why the weather has been so cold lately, something that was discredited earlier on this thread by the ipcc's own senate testimony..but it doesn't matter you only need one of these weak studies to continue the propaghanda, bullshit sites like ss will then throw out a bunch doomsday bullshit and you can get fine arts dumbasses to blog all over the place with psuedo science..keeps the government largess money flowing in.. when the climate shifts to cooling, no problem just go back to the 70's and say that co2 is making it too cold like the video i posted earlier..meanwhile discount the pdo index and the solar cycles which are the real things that dominate climate.

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starting to get an idea how the global warming climate change scam works

OK here's something new, this new 'study' makes a weak 'maybe' conclusion that global warming creates erratic colds and that's why the weather has been so cold lately, something that was discredited earlier on this thread by the ipcc's own senate testimony..but it doesn't matter you only need one of these weak studies to continue the propaghanda, bullshit sites like ss will then throw out a bunch doomsday bullshit and you can get fine arts dumbasses to blog all over the place with psuedo science..keeps the government largess money flowing in.. when the climate shifts to cooling, no problem just go back to the 70's and say that co2 is making it too cold like the video i posted earlier..meanwhile discount the pdo index and the solar cycles which are the real things that dominate climate.

Sorry was there some science there? I missed it. lol

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there's a basic difference between Movie and Scientific Methodology here.

1- Science looks at the information and then comes to a conclusion. With new information Science will change it's conclusions

2 - movieplay comes to a conclusion (it's a scam) and then looks around for something to support the idea. With new information Moveiplayer will never change his conclusions

ergo - Number 2 doesn't work

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Question is "Mini-Ice Age Coming? ( I expect they meant "Mini Ice-Age"?)

in which case the answer is no.......most of what follows is superfluous.

it IS interesting to see how primitive some folk's critical thinking abilities are though.

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There is no question to answer other than the motivation of climate change deniers. Many of the most prolific are paid trolls of the Carbon fuel industry. The rest on internet forums constitute their minions. Persons with irrational animus to governments, "Obama" or liberals, international organizations of any kind, to whom almost any subject of interest is the result of some kind of conspiracy or trick to raise taxes or the away their huge Ford F350, (or in the US their guns). These are the same people who will tell you the global warming is a scam because Al Gore flies in business jets and George Bush is a "great steward of the environment" who (at one time) lived in an energy efficient home.

Anthropogenic climate disruption is settled science. This idea that solar cycles has something to do with climate is pseudoscience, pure bunk. It is not surprising that this mini ice age hysteria was pushed during Obamas visit to Alaska. On the other hand it is true that nobody is doing anything about it . In fact as the Arctic clears of ice world governments are on a new petro resource scramble. "Obama" himself just authorized Shell oils' new arctic drilling in the Chukchi sea and will no doubt approve the Keystone XL pipeline as well.

The worst thing about climate change denial is that it intellectually dishonest. In the face of overwhelming evidence what I am starting to hear now from some right-wing politicians and their minions is "Yeah, the earth is warming, it's our fault, but there is nothing we can do about it because China will cheat so let's just trash the planet and try to adapt". I prefer that honesty to charlatanism and pseudoscience.

Edited by arunsakda
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What occurs when you do not use peer reviewed scientific evidence to underpin your view on GW / CC is you end up with egg on your face when the facts are pointed out to you.

'movieplay' attempted to use the discredited Climate Denier 'documentary' The Great Global Warming Swindle' to press his case for a Ice Age.

It has a litany of intentional misinformation and totally fraudulent claims on GW / CC and once the actual science is introduced it falls flat on its face and 'movieplay's' theory dissolves:

  • On first release the producer had to cut and paste the film to exclude blatant lies.
  • Volcanoes produced more CO2 than man - NOT true Human CO2 releases 130 times Volcanic CO2
  • A graphic that showed incorrect warming and attributed to NASA - The graph was taken from a fake scientific Paper - NASA deleted but graphic stayed
  • Claimed Medieval Warm period was hotter than today - Absolutely false
  • Holocene Warm period was warmer than today - Not true it was only warmer during the summer and only in the Northern Hemisphere and the cause is known. Earth's Axial tilt caused the warming.
  • Christy's work was distorted by incorrect satellite readings (Roy Spencer). Once corrected Christy retracted his statements
  • MIT Oceanographer Dr. Carl Wunsch interview was fraudulently edited to show the exact reverse of what he was saying
  • Intentionally omitting data that showed solar had declined as temperatures rose.

Seriously 'movieplay' how anyone in 2015 can use this misinformation that was discredited the very day it was released 2007 (8 years ago) is beyond belief.

Peter Sinclair does an excellent short video using scientific facts to show the fraudulent information contained in this so called 'documentary' 'The Big Swindle Movie'

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There is no question to answer other than the motivation of climate change deniers. Many of the most prolific are paid trolls of the Carbon fuel industry. The rest on internet forums constitute their minions. Persons with irrational animus to governments, "Obama" or liberals, international organizations of any kind, to whom almost any subject of interest is the result of some kind of conspiracy or trick to raise taxes or the away their huge Ford F350, (or in the US their guns). These are the same people who will tell you the global warming is a scam because Al Gore flies in business jets and George Bush is a "great steward of the environment" who (at one time) lived in an energy efficient home.

Anthropogenic climate disruption is settled science. This idea that solar cycles has something to do with climate is pseudoscience, pure bunk. It is not surprising that this mini ice age hysteria was pushed during Obamas visit to Alaska. On the other hand it is true that nobody is doing anything about it . In fact as the Arctic clears of ice world governments are on a new petro resource scramble. "Obama" himself just authorized Shell oils' new arctic drilling in the Chukchi sea and will no doubt approve the Keystone XL pipeline as well.

The worst thing about climate change denial is that it intellectually dishonest. In the face of overwhelming evidence what I am starting to hear now from some right-wing politicians and their minions is "Yeah, the earth is warming, it's our fault, but there is nothing we can do about it because China will cheat so let's just trash the planet and try to adapt". I prefer that honesty to charlatanism and pseudoscience.

We've seen it before - the Tobacco Lobby for one.....

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Even as the next full ice age begins and glaciers advance across Canada and northern Europe the idiot Warmists will be claiming it is caused by humans.

They just cannot accept that the Earth will do what it has to - influenced by the sun.

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The Five Stages of Climate Deniers:

  1. Deny the problem exists.
  2. Deny we are the cause
  3. Deny it's a problem
  4. Deny we can solve it
  5. It's too late

The Guardian does a very informative article on how the 'troops are marshalled' to create maximum misinformation on GW / CC.


To prosecute his Ice Age Theory 'movieplay' used some of the 'usual suspects' showcased in the Guardian article.

To a large extent the 'Climate Denier Echo Chamber' is holding fire but as we get closer to the Paris Conference they will launch an all out attack of misinformation. The 'right wing' media Rose in the Sunday Mail, Booker in the Telegraph, The Daily Mail, The Australian, Wall Street Journal (Murdoch Press), Fox News, The Washington Post, Forbes Magazine. Climate denier blogsites, wattsupwiththat, Roy Spencer, Jonava, Heartland Institute, The Marshall Institute, Judith Curry, notalotofpeopleknowthat. They will all be onboard punching away amplifying Climate Denial falsehoods and earning their keep.

The Merchants of Doubt documentary gives a great insight into the misinformers. Start at video 10:45 and you will get to know the people who are feeding the 'Climate Denier Echo Chamber'

The scientific consensus on GW / CC is overwhelming:



Mini Ice Age Coming? Absolutely NOT!!! and why? because there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support that view. Is the Earth currently cooling Globally? Absolutely NOT! and why? because all the scientific data shows it is heating up like a blowfish.

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Even as the next full ice age begins and glaciers advance across Canada and northern Europe the idiot Warmists will be claiming it is caused by humans.

They just cannot accept that the Earth will do what it has to - influenced by the sun.

Could you provide the scientific evidence that shows Glaciers are advancing? The science says otherwise. Globally Glaciers are retreating not advancing. There is a VERY small region of recovery but overall Galciers are showing significant retreat.


Absolute rubbish. The Glaciers in East Antarctica have reached the point of no return and are in total collapse.

I am not sure who 'warmists' are but 99.9+% of 24,000 scientific research papers support the theory that the Earth is warming and it is caused by man's emissions of CO2 greenhouse gas. http://www.jamespowell.org/

They most certainly do accept the Earth will do what it has to, unequivocally that is the fundamental principle of GW / CC. As you increase the level of greenhouse CO2 gas the Planet will warm and climates will change. No, the Sun is relatively consistent in radiation and is not the cause of the current Global Warming. It is caused by increased CO2 created by the burning of fossil fuels.

As the Solar cycle has reduced the Earth's temperature has risen:


The science simply does not support any of your views.

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Even as the next full ice age begins and glaciers advance across Canada and northern Europe the idiot Warmists will be claiming it is caused by humans.

They just cannot accept that the Earth will do what it has to - influenced by the sun.

So you choose to ignore all the evidence to the contrary...... Why?

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Even as the next full ice age begins

Well yeah in 13,000 years possibly. It isn't beginning any time soon. Glaciations are just far to slow to have any effect on the current warming caused by excess greenhouse gas CO2 emitted into the atmosphere by the burning of Fossil fuels.

Earth is currently 10,000 years into an Inter Glacial.The shortest Milankovitch Cycle that will cause Glaciation and cooling mainly restricted to the Northern hemisphere is the 'Precession Cycle' taking 23,000 years to complete.

If you are indicating a Solar Minimum similar to the Maunder Minimum this will have very little effect on Global Temperatures as the science clearly demonstrates with a doubling of a Maunder Minimum causing a Grand Solar Minimum:


So again the actual science does not support your view.

If there is any evidence of an Ice Age the Earth needs to right about now. I did the most recent graph of Land and Surface Temperature anomaly for the last 135 years:



That is to and including 2014 and 2015 is on track to exceed the record high of 2014. So I have no idea where you get Ice Age from.

The NOAA NCDC website is fantastic you can actually select the regions you want and the analysis you want. Here's one I did for California showing the Average Surface Temperature Trend anomaly:


The trend is up nearly double the Global Average but the last 4 years has been a 'Hockey Stick' take off and a 1 in 1000 year drought. There is worse to come for California the current El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is gearing up to exceed the 1997 Grandaddy of all El Ninos. California will be up to its neck in torrential rain, mud slides and flooding.

Satellite images comparing 1997 and 2015 heat vortex of ENSO


Get your gumboots out California and a shovel to start shovelling mud. Will be interesting to see how it pans out.

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I reckon there's a link..... Climate change deniers and..... those who don't believe the links between smoking and ill-health, those who think they can predict people's behaviour by the color of their skin, those who believe in "small government" and BIG police/military....those who think aliens live amongst us.....astrology is real, big pharma is trying to keep us all sick, fluoride is used to control our minds, Elvis is alive, MI6 murdered Lady Di, the CIA bombed the twin towers, Man didn't land on the Moon......all this sound convincing? Believable? then you're the man!

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glaciers advance across Canada and northern Europe the idiot Warmists will be claiming it is caused by humans.

This is typical cherry picking that Climate Deniers engage in. Take a handful of Glaciers that over a yearly cycle may have a slight increase in volume between the Winter and summer cycle and declare Glaciers are increasing. Absolute rubbish.

Globally Glaciers are in fast retreat:


For people who want to understand Glaciers and how they form and the current condition of Glaciers around the Earth this video Denial 101 is really easy to understand and it points out how Climate Deniers cherry pick and misrepresent the truth:

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Fist again lets going back to the OP, lets get again post what I'm using as a definition for Mini-Ice Age and a rundown of the evidence I presented incrementally through out the thread that we are now in fact in a MIA, the term MIA is a historical perspective, so you won't hear the mainstream media uise the term yet, especially with the global warming climate change industry going ape shit anytime something poopoo's their narrative

definition of MIA fromthe scientists featured on the history channel post#149
5:08-> Brian Fagan "The Little Ice Age was a period of much more extreme volatility in climate than of
constant cold. A Period of very volatile climactic shifts."
15:39-> Richard Sager "It wasn't just the mean was a little colder, there were alot of significant extremes."

now lets get a rundown of SOME of extreme cold anomalies I posted through out the thread..
About the adapt2030 channel, I use the channel because it is an excellent source for extreme cold anomalies as that's what i'm looking for to support my position that we are already in the early stages of a MIA. I understand they are selling seeds and grow your own food techniques; where as I think this is a valuable skill to have; I am not alarmist about the MIA. Sure there are crop failures already and they WILL get worse as we get into the real MIA from 2030, BUT modern food production is dynamic, and the MIA itself creates more area's where food production can start, like arid areas-because the rain increases from cosmic ray cloud seeding.
But food prices are already going up. heres a partial rundown so far.

* 2014 Polar Vortex hits US for the first time since 1985, where as the one in 1985 only centered on Maine, 2014 was stronger and plowed right thou to the central US.
* 2014 ALL US states below freezing RARE
* 92% ice cover on the great lakes US
* cold records broken in NZ

(snow fall records are as or more significant than temperature because solar minimums increase cloud seeding.)

* 2014,15 heavy snow in atlanta and houston RARE
* 2015 Cappricotta Italy one day snow record
* 300 year snow record in hokkaido japan
* 2015 snow fall record broke in nova scota
* Hallifax snow 18X higher than normal
* 2015 Boston 270 snow record broke
* Buffalo new york ALLTIME snow record
* PICT Snow in Huntington Beach ca RARE
* 2015 great lake usa ice cover lasting until june, months longer than normal
* 2015 Heavy Snows in Syria & Libya + many other ME countries, very RARE especially so widespread
* Snow last 2 years in vietnam RARE
* Snow in July in Hawaii at 10,000 feet RARE
* Snow in August in Calgary Canada RARE
* Snow in August in SOUTHERN china RARE

Ask yourself this, does this look like a 'warming' trend to you?
To counter all this the basket weaving zoo volunteers at skepticalscience put up the same graph showing averages or means over and over again, the latest graph that they say showing solar activity and temperature heading in opposite directions was corrected by canuckamuk on post#218 to show that temperatures are lagging behind the solar cycle as would be expected. again even if 2015 was a 'warm' year despite that, the graph is going over the hump currently.. NOW lets take a look at what REAL scientists think causes climate change:

Lawrence Solomon: A global cooling consensus

Scientists at the Climate and Environmental Physics and Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of Berne in Switzerland back up theories that support the Sun’s importance in determining the climate on Earth. In a paper published this month by the American Meteorological Society, the authors demolish the claims by IPCC scientists that the Sun couldn’t be responsible for major shifts in climate. In a post on her website this month, Judith Curry, Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, all-but mocked the IPCC assertions that solar variations don’t matter. Among the many studies and authorities she cited: the National Research Council’s recent report, “The Effects of Solar Variability on Earth’s Climate,” and NASA, former home of global warming guru James Hansen.

The cats and jammer gang at skeptical science try to fool you into thinking they have 97% scientific consensus on the bullshit theories they put on their website, THEY DO NOT, the only thing where there is scientific consensus is a vague statement from years ago that global warming exists. looking at the paragraph above from the finan* , when they say the authors demolish the claims by IPCC scientists that the Sun couldn’t be responsible for major shifts in climate. What they mean is 'some' scientists at the IPCC. The way the global warming climate change scam works is that you get a few scientists to throw up a bunch on 'maybe' peer reviewed studies; 'maybe' cosmic rays don't seed clouds as much as we thought, 'maybe' the last MIA was caused by volcanoes(ignoring the fact that they are related to the sun), 'maybe' there is this co2 'netforcing' that trumps the 2 things that are REALLY dominating climate change which is the PDO index(that shifts unexpectedly between cold and warm).. THEN they employ a group of non-scientists to tout this garbage science as fact, it is NOT, it is nothing more than a weak theory and that's why all the bloogers at skepticalscience are pottery class rejects who call real scientists frauds.

And on post #225 where up2u2 says these uneducated squirel breeders 'run rings' aroung real scientists what a joke.
WHY IS IT, that the frauds at ss can't get a single real scientist to tout their bullshit?
When I form my opinions about this subject, being that I am not a scientist, I look to REAL scientists to make their presentation, I wanna see a professor, a PHD, someone who has done real scientific research, who understands the process etc.

Yet Peter Sinclair the holder of a BS degree Fine Arts makes his OWN 'scientific' presentations, up2u2 makes his own presentations, he then calls REAL scientists frauds.. NOW JUST WAIT FOR HIM to call the scientists at the University of Berne 'frauds', again i'll take a phd over a B.S. in horticulturist any day.

skepticalscience is half scammers and half indoctrinated tools, they have turned this psuedo-science of co2 climate domination into a religion, take a look at this:

Here this video game developer MUST reassure the disciples that "don't worry, it's still warming", when canucksamuks graph trend proves to be accurate and it turns out the warming slowed because it's going into a cooling due to a cold pdo index(which he doesn't even mension in his presentation because the pdo index destroys their climate modeling bullshit, these 'models' that they claim were reliable relied on a warm pdo index + solar maximums to 'predict' that warming was continuing in a steady trajectory, and that the PDO can shift anytime, breaking their bullshit models every time.) AND solar activity, they shift from global warming to climate change and then to this new 'erratic weather' theory, that co2 causes it too get to cold and then every tornado and hurricane is blamed on human co2 production.

ALSO this HILARIOUS video, especially at 1.35 when he says 'look at the children' the global warming bullshit hysterical perspective REALLY IS dismantled by such a simple presentation. WHY would you think human activity has ANY effect or any significant effect on cooling/ warming trends because the global warming industry puts up a bunch of graphs. and watch the other one he has up [climate justice for all] at 4.50 where he mocks what this 97% consensus really is.

as far as up2u2 nitpicking of the GreatGloabal Warming swindle movie, i encourage anyone to watch it and to read the wiki page that covers its errors, like the irrelevant error that volcanoes create more co2 than humans.. but the fundamentals of the argument against co2 being the main cause of global warming are strong especially that the greenhouse gasses are a basket of gasses, h20(water) is 95% of them, co2 is >1%, cows produce more greenhouse gasses than all the cars and factories because methane is a more powerful greenhouse gas than the minor greenhouse gas co2 (actually i got that from another source).
and remember that co2 is NOT that black stuff coming out of a big smoke stack, it's not 'smog', it is a colorless, odorless gas that is necessary for life on earth.

I also wanna remind everyone that on most issues i tend to be on the left, including the environment, i don't want smog and i want clean water, i want bigger nature and protected area's and I don't want to see deforestation; i don't want lower taxes if it means i have to live in a polluted environment.. BUT the ends don't justify the means.. these global warming climate change industry tools are FRAUDS, skepticalscience is a FRAUD and that's why they won't let me post on their blog. DONT paypal them.

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Fist again lets going back to the OP, lets get again post what I'm using as a definition for Mini-Ice Age and a rundown of the evidence I presented incrementally through out the thread that we are now in fact in a MIA, the term MIA is a historical perspective, so you won't hear the mainstream media uise the term yet, especially with the global warming climate change industry going ape shit anytime something poopoo's their narrative

definition of MIA fromthe scientists featured on the history channel post#149

5:08-> Brian Fagan "The Little Ice Age was a period of much more extreme volatility in climate than of

constant cold. A Period of very volatile climactic shifts."

15:39-> Richard Sager "It wasn't just the mean was a little colder, there were alot of significant extremes."

now lets get a rundown of SOME of extreme cold anomalies I posted through out the thread..

About the adapt2030 channel, I use the channel because it is an excellent source for extreme cold anomalies as that's what i'm looking for to support my position that we are already in the early stages of a MIA. I understand they are selling seeds and grow your own food techniques; where as I think this is a valuable skill to have; I am not alarmist about the MIA. Sure there are crop failures already and they WILL get worse as we get into the real MIA from 2030, BUT modern food production is dynamic, and the MIA itself creates more area's where food production can start, like arid areas-because the rain increases from cosmic ray cloud seeding.

But food prices are already going up. heres a partial rundown so far.

* 2014 Polar Vortex hits US for the first time since 1985, where as the one in 1985 only centered on Maine, 2014 was stronger and plowed right thou to the central US.

* 2014 ALL US states below freezing RARE

* 92% ice cover on the great lakes US

* cold records broken in NZ


(snow fall records are as or more significant than temperature because solar minimums increase cloud seeding.)

* 2014,15 heavy snow in atlanta and houston RARE

* 2015 Cappricotta Italy one day snow record

* 300 year snow record in hokkaido japan

* 2015 snow fall record broke in nova scota

* Hallifax snow 18X higher than normal

* 2015 Boston 270 snow record broke

* Buffalo new york ALLTIME snow record

* PICT Snow in Huntington Beach ca RARE

* 2015 great lake usa ice cover lasting until june, months longer than normal

* 2015 Heavy Snows in Syria & Libya + many other ME countries, very RARE especially so widespread

* Snow last 2 years in vietnam RARE

* Snow in July in Hawaii at 10,000 feet RARE

* Snow in August in Calgary Canada RARE

* Snow in August in SOUTHERN china RARE

Ask yourself this, does this look like a 'warming' trend to you?

To counter all this the basket weaving zoo volunteers at skepticalscience put up the same graph showing averages or means over and over again, the latest graph that they say showing solar activity and temperature heading in opposite directions was corrected by canuckamuk on post#218 to show that temperatures are lagging behind the solar cycle as would be expected. again even if 2015 was a 'warm' year despite that, the graph is going over the hump currently.. NOW lets take a look at what REAL scientists think causes climate change:

Now list all the Heat Wave events across the Globe. You just ignore that.

Weather events have absolutely no bearing on Global Warming. For every Cold event you can list 3 Heat events it is just an idiotic metric.

The only true test of Global Warming is the Global Temperature anomaly that INCLUDES ALL cold events and heat events. The scientific evidence shows the Earth is Warming not cooling. It is that simple.


Ask yourself the question does the Global Temperature Anomaly look like Global Cooling? Err no

If the cold events overrode the heating events the Global Temperatures would be decreasing not increasing.

It is just Climate Denier cherry picking.

Edited by up2u2
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Lawrence Solomon: A global cooling consensus

Scientists at the Climate and Environmental Physics and Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of Berne in Switzerland back up theories that support the Sun’s importance in determining the climate on Earth. In a paper published this month by the American Meteorological Society, the authors demolish the claims by IPCC scientists that the Sun couldn’t be responsible for major shifts in climate. In a post on her website this month, Judith Curry, Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, all-but mocked the IPCC assertions that solar variations don’t matter. Among the many studies and authorities she cited: the National Research Council’s recent report, “The Effects of Solar Variability on Earth’s Climate,” and NASA, former home of global warming guru James Hansen.

Climate Misinformer: Lawrence Solomon:

"The science is now all-but-settled on global warming, convincing new evidence demonstrates, but Al Gore, the IPCC and other global warming doomsayers won’t be celebrating. The new findings point to cosmic rays and the sun — not human activities — as the dominant controller of climate on Earth."

Cosmic rays show no trend over the last 30 years & have had little impact on recent global warming.


What a dope.

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The cats and jammer gang at skeptical science try to fool you into thinking they have 97% scientific consensus on the bullshit theories they put on their website, THEY DO NOT, the only thing where there is scientific consensus is a vague statement from years ago that global warming exists. looking at the paragraph above from the finan* , when they say the authors demolish the claims by IPCC scientists that the Sun couldn’t be responsible for major shifts in climate. What they mean is 'some' scientists at the IPCC. The way the global warming climate change scam works is that you get a few scientists to throw up a bunch on 'maybe' peer reviewed studies; 'maybe' cosmic rays don't seed clouds as much as we thought, 'maybe' the last MIA was caused by volcanoes(ignoring the fact that they are related to the sun), 'maybe' there is this co2 'netforcing' that trumps the 2 things that are REALLY dominating climate change which is the PDO index(that shifts unexpectedly between cold and warm).. THEN they employ a group of non-scientists to tout this garbage science as fact, it is NOT, it is nothing more than a weak theory and that's why all the bloogers at skepticalscience are pottery class rejects who call real scientists frauds.

Totally false statements on ANY issue on GW / CC Skeptical Science relies TOTALLY on published peer reviewed science and research without exception. For example the 99.9+% Consensus on AGW is based on:

Here is the abstract:


Here is the full research Paper


I don't know what pottery has to do with GW / CC and I don't see what this has to do with demonstrating scientific evidence on a Ice Age. Clutching at straws by the sound of it.

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And on post #225 where up2u2 says these uneducated squirel breeders 'run rings' aroung real scientists what a joke.

WHY IS IT, that the frauds at ss can't get a single real scientist to tout their bullshit?

When I form my opinions about this subject, being that I am not a scientist, I look to REAL scientists to make their presentation, I wanna see a professor, a PHD, someone who has done real scientific research, who understands the process etc.

Are you serious SS has some of the leading world climate scientists that contribute to their site. It is an absolute Phd festival, wall to wall Phd's and peer reviewed research literature. More than a person could learn in 3 lifetimes. The entire gambit of the Global Warming / Climate Change research. Mate you asked some stupid questions and got shown the door. have asked many questions on that site and they always help me with info. If your just flogging Climate Denier crock they spot you a mile off.

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Yet Peter Sinclair the holder of a BS degree Fine Arts makes his OWN 'scientific' presentations, up2u2 makes his own presentations, he then calls REAL scientists frauds.. NOW JUST WAIT FOR HIM to call the scientists at the University of Berne 'frauds', again i'll take a phd over a B.S. in horticulturist any day.

Peter Sinclair doesn't just say they are frauds, using scientific evidence he shows EXACTLY why they are FRAUDS. Very highly respected guy. Has a bit of a sense of humour too. Some of his videos are hilarious as he pulls fraudsters limb from limb. Totally deserved I reckon.

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skepticalscience is half scammers and half indoctrinated tools, they have turned this psuedo-science of co2 climate domination into a religion, take a look at this:

Dr. Kevin Cowtan 'computational Scientist'. He has a Doctorate what are you whining about? An excellent video for someone who wants to understand how accurate IPCC modelling has proved to be. EXCELLENT stuff.

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ALSO this HILARIOUS video, especially at 1.35 when he says 'look at the children' the global warming bullshit hysterical perspective REALLY IS dismantled by such a simple presentation. WHY would you think human activity has ANY effect or any significant effect on cooling/ warming trends because the global warming industry puts up a bunch of graphs. and watch the other one he has up [climate justice for all] at 4.50 where he mocks what this 97% consensus really is.

Man that was hard to watch. What was the actual peer reviewed science he was actually presenting? What exactly did he dismantle? All he seemed to be saying was 'No No don't do that go back in' didn't make much sense.

Did this have anything to do with the Ice Age?

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also i apologize for going to excesses up2u2 isn't necessarily that whole ss group .. i guess also not suggesting the donations thing is fraud more the way they handle the freedom of speech issue is fraudulent, i should be allowed to have a go there at least a little, why not just rebut? insecurity?

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too obsessed with peer reviewed reports, the point is the length and increase of the current increase is normal so what the point with climate change?

and that apparently distressed individual shows all the signs of panic.. the earth is not a computer, you cannot computer simulate it, this nerd is a follower of some psudo-video-game-scientology cult based on endless increase in average temperatures[because of co2] and if the temperatures start to go down the whole lot of pot smoking sandle wearing arts and crafts makers may start breaking out the coolaid.

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