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Mini-Ice Age Coming?


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You cannot be serious the solutions to GW / CC are mapped out in specific articulate detail in IPCC Working Group lll reports:

"Working Group III assesses all relevant options for mitigating climate change through limiting or preventing greenhouse gas emissions and taking actions to remove them from the atmosphere: Released April 11, 2014"

Keep up TBL

Having lots of nice words in a report is meaningless if they don't actually do anything, and they have done nothing that would actually make a difference.

I scorn the working group for being just another collection of bureaucrats living in their own little world and achieving nothing.

When all air travel for the purpose of tourism, and the car in cities, is banned, I will believe they are serious.

They aren't even encouraging the use of nuclear power plants to reduce carbon emissions.

Just another bunch of useless parasites sucking off the taxpayers.

How insightful, you should forward an email. lol

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17 pages of debate and still no one has come up with an effective way to actually DO something about world pollution. It's all very well for Obama to rabbit on about how we must do something or our children will die, but I notice he doesn't have a plan that he is willing to share with us.

So far, the pro GW crowd has had a wonderful time on the taxpayers dollar, jetting to exotic locations all over the world to blow a lot of hot air, but have yet to come up with a viable solution. Expect any government "solution" to involve more taxes, more red tape and more bureaucrats. The biggest con in history.

At least, my suggestion of reducing the population would work if they had the guts to do something about it, but they won't, of course.

Well, much as I agree with you about the motivation of the GW crowd, unless you're proposing authoritarianism as your solution, population control isn't going to happen without the consent of the governed. Now if all the resources being wasted on the GW hoax were instead put toward getting mankind to understand the perils of overpopulation, therein we might find the beginnings of a "solution". But the GW lie better fits the liberal agenda as it assigns responsibility to the more productive and affluent segments of societies and consistently casts the less affluent groups as "victims".

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case you have forgotten the OP - - is there a mini ice-age coming?

The answer is still no.

Pretty much. Making sense of these Climate Deniers is a little like herding Cats lol

I wonder how many billion people you would have to cull to reverse GW / CC?

So instead of addressing the actual cause of GW / CC, pollution from burning Fossil Fuels, simply remove the population.

Okay lets get cracking. Which country first?

Gradually reducing the Global Population will have an effect on making global resources more sustainable and reduce CO2 but it is a lever that can only be implemented over many many generations. Earth simply does not have many many generations to implement and reduce the global population.

Also TBL seems averse to Governments, Taxes, Red Tape or Bureaucracy or people jetting about discussing issues so I am totally confused how he is going to implement reducing the global population. Hypnosis? Leaflet drop? Telekinesis? Ouija Board? Buggered if I know. lol

TBL is totally against everything....a natural-born gainsayer

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case you have forgotten the OP - - is there a mini ice-age coming?

The answer is still no.

Pretty much. Making sense of these Climate Deniers is a little like herding Cats lol

I wonder how many billion people you would have to cull to reverse GW / CC?

So instead of addressing the actual cause of GW / CC, pollution from burning Fossil Fuels, simply remove the population.

Okay lets get cracking. Which country first?

Gradually reducing the Global Population will have an effect on making global resources more sustainable and reduce CO2 but it is a lever that can only be implemented over many many generations. Earth simply does not have many many generations to implement and reduce the global population.

Also TBL seems averse to Governments, Taxes, Red Tape or Bureaucracy or people jetting about discussing issues so I am totally confused how he is going to implement reducing the global population. Hypnosis? Leaflet drop? Telekinesis? Ouija Board? Buggered if I know. lol

TBL is totally against everything....a natural-born gainsayer

Stop telling lies about me.

I know you have an agenda, but this is not a forum to get personal on.

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case you have forgotten the OP - - is there a mini ice-age coming?

The answer is still no.

Pretty much. Making sense of these Climate Deniers is a little like herding Cats lol

I wonder how many billion people you would have to cull to reverse GW / CC?

So instead of addressing the actual cause of GW / CC, pollution from burning Fossil Fuels, simply remove the population.

Okay lets get cracking. Which country first?

Gradually reducing the Global Population will have an effect on making global resources more sustainable and reduce CO2 but it is a lever that can only be implemented over many many generations. Earth simply does not have many many generations to implement and reduce the global population.

Also TBL seems averse to Governments, Taxes, Red Tape or Bureaucracy or people jetting about discussing issues so I am totally confused how he is going to implement reducing the global population. Hypnosis? Leaflet drop? Telekinesis? Ouija Board? Buggered if I know. lol

TBL is totally against everything....a natural-born gainsayer

Stop telling lies about me.

I know you have an agenda, but this is not a forum to get personal on.

...and a conspiracy theorist?

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17 pages of debate and still no one has come up with an effective way to actually DO something about world pollution. It's all very well for Obama to rabbit on about how we must do something or our children will die, but I notice he doesn't have a plan that he is willing to share with us.

So far, the pro GW crowd has had a wonderful time on the taxpayers dollar, jetting to exotic locations all over the world to blow a lot of hot air, but have yet to come up with a viable solution. Expect any government "solution" to involve more taxes, more red tape and more bureaucrats. The biggest con in history.

At least, my suggestion of reducing the population would work if they had the guts to do something about it, but they won't, of course.

Well, much as I agree with you about the motivation of the GW crowd, unless you're proposing authoritarianism as your solution, population control isn't going to happen without the consent of the governed. Now if all the resources being wasted on the GW hoax were instead put toward getting mankind to understand the perils of overpopulation, therein we might find the beginnings of a "solution". But the GW lie better fits the liberal agenda as it assigns responsibility to the more productive and affluent segments of societies and consistently casts the less affluent groups as "victims".

Right Wing political clap trap.

Who exactly are "the Global Warming crowd"? National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Climate Data Center, UK Met HADCRT4, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Berkeley Earth, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Polar Science Center Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean Assimilation System (PIOMAS), Remote Sensing Systems Global Satellite Data (GSD) AND of the 69,406 peer reviewed scientific articles published during 2013 - 2014 only 4 questioned AGW.

Climate Deniers distil this vast and overwhelming body of evidence down to "the Global Warming crowd" which can only be described as breathtaking ignorance.

"GW hoax" Sounds really great until some evidence of the supposed hoax is requested then it is an avalanche of 'sciency gobbledygook" and idiotic Climate Denier bloggsites and photos of snow.

"the more productive and affluent segments of societies" Oh here we go don't hurt the poor little rich folk they are rich they are entitled to pollute the world, lol give me strength. The poor little rich folk will do what they are told or they will become little poor folk quick smart.

Rather than reduce the pollution from the burning of Fossil Fuels reduce the population in third world countries so the developed nations can continue polluting the Earth.

Probably the most laughable post on this thread.

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17 pages of debate and still no one has come up with an effective way to actually DO something about world pollution. It's all very well for Obama to rabbit on about how we must do something or our children will die, but I notice he doesn't have a plan that he is willing to share with us.

So far, the pro GW crowd has had a wonderful time on the taxpayers dollar, jetting to exotic locations all over the world to blow a lot of hot air, but have yet to come up with a viable solution. Expect any government "solution" to involve more taxes, more red tape and more bureaucrats. The biggest con in history.

At least, my suggestion of reducing the population would work if they had the guts to do something about it, but they won't, of course.

Well, much as I agree with you about the motivation of the GW crowd, unless you're proposing authoritarianism as your solution, population control isn't going to happen without the consent of the governed. Now if all the resources being wasted on the GW hoax were instead put toward getting mankind to understand the perils of overpopulation, therein we might find the beginnings of a "solution". But the GW lie better fits the liberal agenda as it assigns responsibility to the more productive and affluent segments of societies and consistently casts the less affluent groups as "victims".

Right Wing political clap trap.

Who exactly are "the Global Warming crowd"? National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Climate Data Center, UK Met HADCRT4, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Berkeley Earth, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Polar Science Center Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean Assimilation System (PIOMAS), Remote Sensing Systems Global Satellite Data (GSD) AND of the 69,406 peer reviewed scientific articles published during 2013 - 2014 only 4 questioned AGW.

Climate Deniers distil this vast and overwhelming body of evidence down to "the Global Warming crowd" which can only be described as breathtaking ignorance.

"GW hoax" Sounds really great until some evidence of the supposed hoax is requested then it is an avalanche of 'sciency gobbledygook" and idiotic Climate Denier bloggsites and photos of snow.

"the more productive and affluent segments of societies" Oh here we go don't hurt the poor little rich folk they are rich they are entitled to pollute the world, lol give me strength. The poor little rich folk will do what they are told or they will become little poor folk quick smart.

Rather than reduce the pollution from the burning of Fossil Fuels reduce the population in third world countries so the developed nations can continue polluting the Earth.

Probably the most laughable post on this thread.

Any scientist that works for the government knows who is paying him/ her and abides by the official line. When Obama tells us that we must stop using coal or all our babies will die it would take a brave soul to contradict him.

Obama tells a great scare story, but says ZERO about solutions that are realistic. The day he stops using Air Force 1 to stuff up other peoples traffic on unnecessary talk fest stops I'll believe he is serious. Until then he's just another BS politician.

Not so long ago the US government controlled two of the major US car companies- why didn't they force them to stop making huge cars with V8 motors? Because they are full of BS, that is why!

BTW, I'm still waiting for the GW supporters on here to come up with a realistic solution, but I'm not reading anything.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Right Wing political clap trap.

Who exactly are "the Global Warming crowd"? National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Climate Data Center, UK Met HADCRT4, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Berkeley Earth, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Polar Science Center Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean Assimilation System (PIOMAS), Remote Sensing Systems Global Satellite Data (GSD) AND of the 69,406 peer reviewed scientific articles published during 2013 - 2014 only 4 questioned AGW.

Climate Deniers distil this vast and overwhelming body of evidence down to "the Global Warming crowd" which can only be described as breathtaking ignorance.

"GW hoax" Sounds really great until some evidence of the supposed hoax is requested then it is an avalanche of 'sciency gobbledygook" and idiotic Climate Denier bloggsites and photos of snow.

"the more productive and affluent segments of societies" Oh here we go don't hurt the poor little rich folk they are rich they are entitled to pollute the world, lol give me strength. The poor little rich folk will do what they are told or they will become little poor folk quick smart.

Rather than reduce the pollution from the burning of Fossil Fuels reduce the population in third world countries so the developed nations can continue polluting the Earth.

Probably the most laughable post on this thread.

Any scientist that works for the government knows who is paying him/ her and abides by the official line. When Obama tells us that we must stop using coal or all our babies will die it would take a brave soul to contradict him.

Obama tells a great scare story, but says ZERO about solutions that are realistic. The day he stops using Air Force 1 to stuff up other peoples traffic on unnecessary talk fest stops I'll believe he is serious. Until then he's just another BS politician.

Not so long ago the US government controlled two of the major US car companies- why didn't they force them to stop making huge cars with V8 motors? Because they are full of BS, that is why!

BTW, I'm still waiting for the GW supporters on here to come up with a realistic solution, but I'm not reading anything.

No problem go thru the 69,406 peer reviewed scientific articles published during 2013 - 2014 and demonstrate where they have intentionally committed scientific fraud.

"BTW, I'm still waiting for the GW supporters on here to come up with a realistic solution, but I'm not reading anything." I did it is right here:

IPCC AR5 Working Group III Highlights

That's right you didn't actually read it. Okay let me break it down to one sentence for you:

Slowly transition from a reliance on power generation using Fossil Fuels by using Clean Energy technologies limiting Global Warming to only 2OC by the year 2030.

Now I know you wont but if you actually read the Highlights of the Working Group lll it actually steps you through how this can be achieved.

It isn't all that complicated. Well unless you can look past your right wing ideology. If you can't then it becomes almost impossible.

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Here are more scientists that predict global cooling, in addition to the ones I posted earlier at Berne University.. in otherword these scientists reject the notion that co2, which is a MINOR greenhouse gas in a basket of greenhouse gases, and that in that basket it is less than 1%; is the 'dominant forcing' of climate, rather they subscribe to the traditional view that solar cycles and the PDO index dominates climate.

THESE researchers, organizations also predict global cooling:

German scientists Horst-Joachim Luedecke and Carl-Otto Weiss of the European Institute for Climate and Energy.
Russian Academy of Science
Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Scientists
Institute of terrestrial magnetism Russia
Victor Manuel Velesco Herrera, researcher at National University of Mexico
Bulgarian Institute of Astronomy
Dr. Tim Patterson Department of Earth Sciences, Carlton University Canada
Dr. LinZhen and Dr. Xian, Nanjing University China

also at 3.17 you can see a chart that shows the stages of glaciation going back 1 million years, you can see how the current inter glacial looks alot like the last one so far, and that the last one crashed downward at the end of the 10,000 plateau, which is where we are now, the research by this british scientist (linked @ the BBC report earlier in the thread) that shows sloar activity at it's lowest in 10,000 years is probably not a good sign as it suggests that its not just the earths rotational axis tilt, but the sun itself creates these changes; but considering these sharp drops are not as fast as they appear since its a million year chart for our lifespans we will just be experiencing the MIA well into 2070, but beyond that the trend will be downward as we are heading out of the 10,000 year warm period.

and this guy is just too funny..you can defend the ipcc and noaa all you want, but the fact is they been caught cheating to make it look like it is warmer than it really is, 'being cleared' by some other corrupt un 'commettee' doesn't change that.. and that the noaa has been changing the charts it releases to push temp upward, their own charts prove that and that's why i linked to the steven goddard site..
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Here are more scientists that predict global cooling, in addition to the ones I posted earlier at Berne University.. in otherword these scientists reject the notion that co2, which is a MINOR greenhouse gas in a basket of greenhouse gases, and that in that basket it is less than 1%; is the 'dominant forcing' of climate, rather they subscribe to the traditional view that solar cycles and the PDO index dominates climate.

“Due to the de Vries cycle, the global temperature will drop until 2100 to a value corresponding to the ‘little ice age’ of 1870,” write German scientists Horst-Joachim Luedecke and Carl-Otto Weiss of the European Institute for Climate and Energy.

THESE researchers, organizations also predict global cooling

Russian Academy of Science

Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Scientists

Institute of terrestrial magnetism Russia

Victor Manuel Velesco Herrera, researcher at National University of Mexico

Bulgarian Institute of Astronomy

Dr. Tim Patterson Department of Earth Sciences, Carlton University Canada

Dr. LinZhen and Dr. Xian, Nanjing University China

also at 3.17 you can see a chart that shows the stages of glaciation going back 1 million years, you can see how the current inter glacial looks alot like the last one so far, and that the last one crashed downward at the end of the 10,000 plateau, which is where we are now, the research by this british scientist (linked @ the BBC report earlier in the thread) that shows sloar activity at it's lowest in 10,000 years is probably not a good sign as it suggests that its not just the earths rotational axis tilt, but the sun itself creates these changes; but considering these sharp drops are not as fast as they appear since its a million year chart for our lifespans we will just be experiencing the MIA well into 2070, but beyond that the trend will be downward as we are heading out of the 10,000 year warm period.

and this guy is just too funny..you can defend the ipcc and noaa all you want, but the fact is they been caught cheating to make it look like it is warmer than it really is, 'being cleared' by some other corrupt un 'commettee' doesn't change that.. and that the noaa has been changing the charts it releases to push temp upward, their own charts prove that and that's why i linked to the steven goddard site..

“Due to the de Vries cycle, the global temperature will drop until 2100 to a value corresponding to the ‘little ice age’ of 1870,” write German scientists Horst-Joachim Luedecke and Carl-Otto Weiss of the European Institute for Climate and Energy.

So where is the link to this Paper? What Scientific Journal was it peer reviewed and published in? Where is the Abstract?

THESE researchers, organizations also predict global cooling

Russian Academy of Science

Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Scientists

Institute of terrestrial magnetism Russia

Victor Manuel Velesco Herrera, researcher at National University of Mexico

Bulgarian Institute of Astronomy

Dr. Tim Patterson Department of Earth Sciences, Carlton University Canada

Dr. LinZhen and Dr. Xian, Nanjing University China

So where are the links to the scientific research that confirms their predictions?

"also at 3.17 you can see a chart that shows the stages of glaciation going back 1 million years"

Victor Emmanuel Harera somebody from Mexican University somewhere? Where is a link to his peer reviewed scientific Paper?

This video is just a mountain of Climate Denier 'sciency gibberish'

If you think this passes for science you are sadly mistaken. For anyone with even a basic understanding of GW / CC it is painful to watch it is that ridiculous.

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I don't know and I don't care where their research is, I TAKE THERE WORD FOR IT because of the organizations they come from and the people they are and the fact that they stand behind their research, I am not a scientists who is qualified to analyze such material. You haven't identified yourself as a phd in science, or even a bs in science; and you appear to come from a lobbyist website that has mostly people in unrelated fields, bs fine arts, game developers who tout your psuedo-science, the real scientists who tout your view seem to be elusive, they release a bunch of 'maybe' peer reviewed research and then they let groups like ss run with it..

if your interested in their research then you have their names and organizations, you can find it yourself.

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I don't know and I don't care where their research is, I TAKE THERE WORD FOR IT because of the organizations they come from and the people they are and the fact that they stand behind their research, I am not a scientists who is qualified to analyze such material. You haven't identified yourself as a phd in science, or even a bs in science; and you appear to come from a lobbyist website that has mostly people in unrelated fields, bs fine arts, game developers who tout your psuedo-science, the real scientists who tout your view seem to be elusive, they release a bunch of 'maybe' peer reviewed research and then they let groups like ss run with it..

if your interested in their research then you have their names and organizations, you can find it yourself.

Really? You take people's word for it do you. Have you totally lost your mind!

I bloody well don't. I am highly sceptical I want absolute solid 24K gold evidence.

You don't have to tell me your not a scientist lol That is an absolute given. Want me to show you who you are being scammed by?

Most of the names you drop I know of but this guy or 'Institute' nope never heard of.

“Due to the de Vries cycle, the global temperature will drop until 2100 to a value corresponding to the ‘little ice age’ of 1870,” write German scientists Horst-Joachim Luedecke and Carl-Otto Weiss of the European Institute for Climate and Energy.

European Institute for Climate and Energy.

Really an 'Institute' you say.

It is actually "Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie (EIKE)"

Fascinating this 'Institute' has a motto, brilliant lets have a squiz:

“Not the climate is at risk, but our freedom! Environmental protection: Yes! Climate protection: No.”

Well that's all sounds a little 'lunatic right wingy' does it not? Sounds like something out of Braveheart "they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM! Woah take it easy Huns. Good on em. Who doesn't like a stirring motto and a call to arms.

A published Stance on Climate Change wow they seem to be the 'real deal' lets have a peek:

“In a comprehensive examination … we have no justifiable causal CO2 global warming, but periodic temperature fluctuations [of] normal proportions. Accordingly, the atmosphere since 1998 - so for 10 years - [has] not warmed since 2003 and it is actually much cooler again.”

Well a comprehensive examination of scientific facts would find that to be a load of BS.

It's taken a turn for the worst I am afraid.

Lets follow the money shall we:

I thought I recognised the President of EIKE he is also the Director of CFACT who funds EIKE. CFACT is the leading Climate Denier misinformers in Europe. Similar set up to the Heartland Institute in America.

Here we go.....drum role please...............OIL MONEY!!!!! 'Huoston we have a gusher'

CFACT has received $582,000 from ExxonMobil

and also millions from bogus right wing Climate Denier 'Foundations'. It is the way people and organisations fund Climate Denial without being revealed. Dark Money.

European Institute for Climate and Energy you may as well quote The Ponds Institute.

Punked again 'movieplay' spreading Big fat loads of OIL money propaganda. It must suck to be you. lol

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