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Australian father hires former commando’s to grab his daughter in Thailand

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There are two sides to every story ... why did the wife leave with the daughter in the first place ?

Also, ask the daughter who she would like to stay with ?

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I don't see where it said that the father had sole custody of the daughter and if he didn't then the mother didn't technically illegally abduct the child, but like everybody else here I don't know the facts so I can't make an informed comment on that. While it's natural that we as farangs would have more of an affinity for one of our own, there really are always at least two sides to a story and we should consider this before slapping all concerned on the back.

Two wrongs don't often make a right.


To all of you on TV:

If you do not have children, pls do not comment! You will have no clue as what a father or mother needs to go through when your other half takes your child.

For the people here who are supporting the mother: she dumped the kid at family and didn't care about her child obviously!

The father tried to get her back through the legal system, which didn't work out. Then he took matters in his own hand.

The girl is happy now with her father.

I would have done the same.

People who are living in Thailand longer time should know that many mothers don't care about the child's wellbeing, but only want the kid to save face. I don't say of course that all mothers are like that, but we all know this happens here. And of course there are also many bad fathers, but the fact that the girl is very happy to be back with her father says a lot.

Again, if you don't have kids, don't comment, because you will have no idea how you will feel and strong a bond with your children can be!


So the Thai wife does the usual by seizing the child and absconding bringing her back to la la land for its wonderful upbringing and education with no regard for the law. The father rectifies the situation and grabs her back and the numpties on here are criticizing him. For those who are siding with a Thai woman who has shown her contempt for the law and her family you should be ashamed. Good on the guy, I am sure thousands sympathies and would like to have done the same. The woman clearly has no regard for the wellbeing of her daughter pandora is your typical selfish Thai.

Where is the evidence that the Thai mother did anything more than most mothers would do if they were unhappy with their marriage and decided to leave their husband? Remember, most Western courts will give the mother custody of children.

What did she do illegally? I believe either parent in Australia has the right to travel with their child?

And, your misguided statement about, " . . . no regard for the wellbeing (sic) of her daughter," makes me wonder about your values. The child is at least half-Thai and a loving maternal family is often the way children all over the world are raised when fathers are not around.

As another said, who knows about the father? Maybe he is an abusive oaf. Maybe the Thai wife and he simply did not get along; or she could not handle it in Australia--some Thais do not do well out of their cultural norm. She may have simply wanted to return home with her daughter, as any good mother would.

Granted, it would have been better if she had gone to court to get custody. The father tried to use the courts and he failed; why? Yeah, sure government gobbledy-gook, takes a long time, but also the courts may not have agreed with him.

I see the benefit of using a covert force to right a wrong, but we are not sure a wrong was committed, are we?

Let's turn the table--what if the mother had hired someone to abduct the child from Australia? Would you be so much on the side of the abductors, especially not knowing any more of the circumstances than we do here?

Yep, I too am surprised at the overwhelming support given to the illegal actions of this father.

The mother hardly "abducted" the child. Abduct means "to carry off by force". I am fairly sure that the infant was not carried kicking and screaming out of the house, through Australian border checks, onto an plane and brought into Thailand. All of which was totally legal as she is the mother, and does not require permission of the father to travel with her child.

However, to hire band of roughnecks, who then traveled abroad with the express intention of kidnapping and abducting a child from its mother is certainly illegal.

I hope that Thailand and and Australia take legal action against this band of international vigilante kidnappers. They have proudly announced the name of one of the gang in the story, so he and the father should be easy to get hold of.

Or do TV'ers around here really want a world where paid thugs can go around taking kids from their mothers, freely announce it to the press and have it publicised as the work of heroes?

Well I don't.

The essence of the support for the action seems to be that the child would have a better life in Australia with the father than in Thailand with the mother. That is an opinion and does not justify the illegal kidnapping.

And has anybody considered how the mother must have felt when she found her daughter missing, with no clue where she was?

Really guys, you have not thought this one through.

"The mother hardly "abducted" the child. Abduct means "to carry off by force". I am fairly sure that the infant was not carried kicking and screaming out of the house"

would a child not trust their parent? do you think the mother told her they she would not return to their home, her father, her playmates?? your statement because the child was not carried away kicking, and screaming therefore it is not an abduction is astonishing.

Very simple concepts are involved here and then you close by telling other forum members they have not thought this one through. i thought about sticking a needle into my arm to make sure i am really awake and not asleep in a dream.

PS; 12drinkmore, did you drink more today?


I'm pretty that the guys that returned the girl to her father would have arranged the transit pretty thoroughly......

This is what they do.


I'm going to side with the child. Can you imagine the trauma the child went through on this ordeal, being taken by strangers not knowing where she was going or what was happening? The father should have done it differently, I know Thai courts aren't fareng friendly But they are filled with baht happy judges, Worst case he could have had a accident happen on ex and got his daughter back by being the father. Now he has a confused child who he stole back after two years from her mother. Yes OZ has rule of law Which the father clearly has broken and he will have to reckon with that there in Australian courts which if rule of law holds true will rule against him. Then this child will lose a father too and end up back with mother, with her being as seen in the right. Moral here two wrongs do not make a right. I'm speaking as a father of 3 daughters who raised them myself after my ex split with younger guy. Now if a stranger took my kids I would go through hell barefooted over broken glass and gut the person who took them and get my girls no matter which country they were in And god help anyone who gets in my way.

She wasn't taken by strangers.


although i have no personal knowledge regarding the mother or fathers fitness as a parent, based upon much of what i have seen it would seem leaving the child with the standard village grandmother surrogate mother is a drastic step backwards. i would also fear for the childs future if the mother/her family envision the half caucasian daughter as a means to make money in the future (also common standard operating procedure at that level of society) any decent father/mother in his/her right mind would be scared to death thinking about his/her daughter being molded for future earnings in those businesses.

i could be wrong.

hopefully the oz authorities will evaluate the fitness of the father and mother and make a rational decision.


So the Thai wife does the usual by seizing the child and absconding bringing her back to la la land for its wonderful upbringing and education with no regard for the law. The father rectifies the situation and grabs her back and the numpties on here are criticizing him. For those who are siding with a Thai woman who has shown her contempt for the law and her family you should be ashamed. Good on the guy, I am sure thousands sympathies and would like to have done the same. The woman clearly has no regard for the wellbeing of her daughter pandora is your typical selfish Thai.

Rightly or wrongly, the guy has committed an international crime. If some Thai, backed by hired militia abducted a child from Australia, what would your opinion be?

The mother committed a crime by abducting the child in the first place. What do the Thai authorities say in this case? Typical that when he tried the legal way the Thai police were not interested, sometimes you have to help yourself, especially here.

Two wrongs do don't make a right...

If it had gone wrong those guys would be banged up in some Thai hell hole on kidnapping charges.


So apparently there are a few in here that believe in child abduction, what a shame. She should have taken the proper legal avenue.

I hear about Thai women that dump there kids at grandma's then run off with a farang for a new life. How lucky those kids must be.

And that is the real point of the story. The mom kidnapped the kid and dumped her with her parents.


whistling.gif Unfortunately, that is illegal, and both he and the abductees can be arrested for the crime.

And so can he as he was the mastermind of the kidnaping of his daughter.....which it what it legally is.

For information....I knew an American named Harry who fought a long fight to get his half Thai daughter back to the U.S. from her Thai mother.

When Harry finally had won the battle to get his daughter to the U.S. she already had a Thai boyfriend in Thailand..... and told her father she had no desire to ever go to the U.S.

She was firm....she was Thai, wanted to stay Thai, and did not want to ever leave Thailand.

The story doesn't end well, a few years later Harry's daughter was stabbed to death in what was supposedly a robbery in Bangkok.


To all of you on TV:

If you do not have children, pls do not comment! You will have no clue as what a father or mother needs to go through when your other half takes your child.

For the people here who are supporting the mother: she dumped the kid at family and didn't care about her child obviously!

The father tried to get her back through the legal system, which didn't work out. Then he took matters in his own hand.

The girl is happy now with her father.

I would have done the same.

People who are living in Thailand longer time should know that many mothers don't care about the child's wellbeing, but only want the kid to save face. I don't say of course that all mothers are like that, but we all know this happens here. And of course there are also many bad fathers, but the fact that the girl is very happy to be back with her father says a lot.

Again, if you don't have kids, don't comment, because you will have no idea how you will feel and strong a bond with your children can be!

I agree that only a parent would understand what a father would feel like being removed from their child's life but you conveniently overlook that her mother/maternal grandmother have now had her removed from their lives also. Why no empathy for them? Families break up all the time. It is a fact of life. Any parent worthy of the name should ensure that regardless of the circumstances of the break up they always act in the best interests of the child. We could probably say that neither parent appears to have done so here but again we lack the detail of what really happened to make such a comment. Only thing we can say for certain is that this poor child has had what she thought was her life ripped apart dramatically not once but twice and that is very sad.

Could be that a life in Aus with her father would afford her better future opportunities, but that is a decision for a court not a commando unit and as for saying that "the fact is the girl is very happy with her father" unless you are a child psychologist that has actually interviewed and evaluated this particular child you are talking out of your ass. Saying 'fact" in a sentence doesn't make something a fact.


As with all other cases in Thailand : If foreigner want Justice, dont go to Thai Authorities ... Do something on your own ...

Well done boys - this little girl will get a better life in Aus by 99,99 per cent ...


You assume that.

Read my post on this forum about my friend Harry and his daughter.


And now the little girl wakes up every day and wonders "Where is mommy?" Mebe Mommy can contact CARI and get the kid back?

Nah, you didn't read the article - the kid was left to be raisedwith her grandparents. She won't be missing her mum. She's back with her father and her school and her friends. Good way for her to be.


Was the child asked what she thinks of all of this???

besides that,,, it must have been a very scary situation for her to be picked up by some guys that she doesn't know....

So what you are saying is, a seven year old knows best?

So because she may or may not love mom, she should stay in a remote village, get a terrible education, possible be pregnant at the age of 15 by a teenage boy that's run off, and repeat the process her mom, grand mom great grand mom etc have repeated. Possibly end up being a single mom with little or no income (or worse a bargirl)?

The alternative, a little bit of a "Scary situation" followed by reuniting with her father that clearly loves her, who can clearly take care of her financially and physically. A much better education, university/college. Followed by much better employment and career options, and a possible happy life with a family and husband that loves her.

If she isn't happy about it now (which clearly she is judging by the look on her face in the picture's)? She certainly will be when she's old enough to understand why her father did what he did.

The juice will be worth the squeeze on this one mate..


"The mother hardly "abducted" the child. Abduct means "to carry off by force". I am fairly sure that the infant was not carried kicking and screaming out of the house"

would a child not trust their parent? do you think the mother told her they she would not return to their home, her father, her playmates?? your statement because the child was not carried away kicking, and screaming therefore it is not an abduction is astonishing.

Very simple concepts are involved here and then you close by telling other forum members they have not thought this one through. i thought about sticking a needle into my arm to make sure i am really awake and not asleep in a dream.

PS; 12drinkmore, did you drink more today?

Yes, the concepts are quite simple.

- The mother traveled legally to Thailand with her daughter.

- The legal systems of Thailand and Australia did not support the father's case for having the daughter live with him.

- The lonely Dad (read the article) employed a gang of international vigilante kidnappers to illegally kidnap the child in a foreign country.

- I like to live in a world where laws and justice prevail.

We do not know about the relationship of the mother and father. I find it totally unfair that the mother is presumed guilty by hurling stereotypes at her, and the father the Knight in Shining Armour.

Thankfully TV'ers are unlikely to ever find themselves on a jury. I doubt if a fair hearing could ever be had.

I am drinking less nowadays, and trying to stop altogether. But is is proving a little difficult. Thanks for asking.


How quick we are to side with the father. Why? Because he's not Thai? Who are we to automatically assume the girl's best interests is with the father. For all we know he could be a total controlling ass. Wives leave husbands often because of abuse or child molestation, or simply because some husbands are as*holes.


because many of us have had children taken from us, or contact denied us, by vindictive and uncaring women who care for nothing and nobody but themselves.

As for child molestation, that's usually done by mums new boyfriend, while she turns a blind eye.


Why did the wife leave in the first place? Lots more to

This story. He could be an a abusive drunk...this is what the child

May be subjected to? He is a criminal. Abducting and traumatizing

His daughter....he and the criminals,that abducted this child

Should be charged with abduction,and criminal abuse of

A child.


Why did the wife leave in the first place? Lots more to

This story. He could be an a abusive drunk...this is what the child

May be subjected to? He is a criminal. Abducting and traumatizing

His daughter....he and the criminals,that abducted this child

Should be charged with abduction,and criminal abuse of

A child.

Another guy that hates all other men!

What's wrong with you?


Hope this is a "And they lived happily ever after

Story". I would like to hear the Wife's side of

The story too !!!

She is probably too busy at her job down in Pattaya ! rolleyes.gif


How quick we are to side with the father. Why? Because he's not Thai? Who are we to automatically assume the girl's best interests is with the father. For all we know he could be a total controlling ass. Wives leave husbands often because of abuse or child molestation, or simply because some husbands are as*holes.

You are right we just don't know and a Court should decide. For a Thai to 'escape' a farang in farangland and all those benefits there must be two sides to the story. Most Thais are DESPERATE to get into farangland not out.

I mostly hope it works out for the kid primarily not the two fighting adults

And a lot of them can not wait to get back to Thailand so they laze around all day wachting Thai soaps and talking on their phones all day about the soaps.He probably wanted her to work in Oz.Sounds like she has dumped the kid with family and is back in the bar by now or with another farang.


Hope this is a "And they lived happily ever after

Story". I would like to hear the Wife's side of

The story too !!!

She is probably too busy at her job down in Pattaya ! rolleyes.gif

You beat me to it oldsailor35.

Follow the money.


Why did the wife leave in the first place? Lots more to

This story. He could be an a abusive drunk...this is what the child

May be subjected to? He is a criminal. Abducting and traumatizing

His daughter....he and the criminals,that abducted this child

Should be charged with abduction,and criminal abuse of

A child.

Another guy that hates all other men!

What's wrong with you?

Just trying to make a balance with all the haters, detesters and deriders of the Thai mother.

This whole topic comes down to

- Thai mother bad, Australian father good.


Hope this is a "And they lived happily ever after

Story". I would like to hear the Wife's side of

The story too !!!

She is probably too busy at her job down in Pattaya ! rolleyes.gif

She should not have to do that, the father should be providing child maintenance and wife support.

Wonder how much cash he willingly sent to them?


Why did the wife leave in the first place? Lots more to

This story. He could be an a abusive drunk...this is what the child

May be subjected to? He is a criminal. Abducting and traumatizing

His daughter....he and the criminals,that abducted this child

Should be charged with abduction,and criminal abuse of

A child.

Another guy that hates all other men!

What's wrong with you?

Just trying to make a balance with all the haters, detesters and deriders of the Thai mother.

This whole topic comes down to

- Thai mother bad, Australian father good.

Change that to

"Mother who denies father access to his children bad, father who doesn't want his daughter raised in a primitive jungle village good."

And we can agree.


So the Thai wife does the usual by seizing the child and absconding bringing her back to la la land for its wonderful upbringing and education with no regard for the law. The father rectifies the situation and grabs her back and the numpties on here are criticizing him. For those who are siding with a Thai woman who has shown her contempt for the law and her family you should be ashamed. Good on the guy, I am sure thousands sympathies and would like to have done the same. The woman clearly has no regard for the wellbeing of her daughter pandora is your typical selfish Thai.

The story suggests the Natasha was living with her maternal grandmother. That usually means that mother was absent and working elsewhere in the "hospitality" industry to provide living expenses. If that was the case she wasn't being "mother" anyway.

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