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Ive had a new laptop and internet through a True aircard for 10 months now. Several months ago, on the advice of TVF members, I downloade ccleaner. I havent had any problems so far,(knock on wood), but I was just reading something about ccleaner that said it should be set up to run on a schedule, or something like that. All I did was download it and that was that. Am I all set or not?

Also, I was reading that the best defence to maleware was careful browsing. I assume that means staying away from porn websites. I have never been to a porn website, but are there other websites to avoid?


jI just bought a "new" win 7 hp elite.

I never turn on auto updates or auto run. Do check for updates now and then. Launch CCcleaner and you will see how it will do it.

Download Malawabytes too. Again, check for updates manually now and then.

Antivirus wise, I use the free AVIRA and had done so on my other old XP machine for 8 years. Only once did something get through and it was because I accepted some download I should not have. I then bought a one time one year subscription for spybot or something like that and it cleaned up the issue. So for basically free, I have had minimal problems which I thinks is pretty good in this crooked day and age.


"...but are there other websites to avoid?" You can really pickup viruses/malware from most any site, especially if those sites get hacked/infested....or arrive as attachment to emails. But usually "some" sites where you can download files tend to be the most susceptible sites as the files downloaded may have a virus. A person just needs to be running a good antivirus program that blocks/fines them as soon as they download/attempt to install....not after the fact when the damage has been done. Personally I've used Norton 360 for many years (you can get yearly subscriptions dirt cheap from Ebay sellers) and fortunately it has blocked/quarantined infected files over the years....usually a couple per year....and yea, this normally occurred when I downloaded a file/program from some lesser known site that seemed to have programs/files which normally you would need to pay for.


You downloaded the free version of Crap Cleaner I would guess. The free version will only allow you to clean ad hoc (at your command) or at start-up every time you turn on the machine.

To access CC, right click on your Recycle Bin. You should see Open CC or Run CC. Open it. There you can check for updates, set your preferences, etc.


From his post he only downloaded it - it was never installed - so first do a new download and install (click on the download after it completes). Let it install and then run it using the normal settings. Let it clean the files it finds (you may have to enter some passwords after you finish to get on some sites (such as this) so be sure you have them). Then every few weeks run again (it would be a good idea to make backups every week or two and do this just before to decrease size).


I use Kodi and connect to some streaming websites. Invariably, they will try to install a trojan but it is caught by Malwarebytes Pro before it can install. Norton Security doesn't catch these trojans!

Also, beware "friend" requests. I teceived a request from a former colleague and thought "why not." I wasn't familiar with the friending site bu went ahead. Infoaxe promptly raided my mail contacts and sent each of them a friend request from me. Apparently what this company s doing is not illegal but I certainly didn't authorize the sending of all those requests. Beware of friending requests from people you have seen in a while and be sure that friending site isn't lipora or infoaxe.


If you want a very good and free Internet Security System have a look at Comodo. I have tried many free systems and regard this as the best.

It is not too difficult to use either. If you run a complete scan, it will flag any dodgy stuff and advise you what to do. As you you use your browser, email etc, it scans as you go and again gives warning messages as necessary. When you install new programs, it offers a "sandbox", this allows you to install the new stuff in a safe way and if it turned out to be nasty, to be able to remove it without causing any damage to your computer. It has a "Geek Buddy" to give you online help, some items free and pay for others.

I had a technical issue with an HP wifi printer not working and I contacted their support. They quickly found the problem and showed me how to adjust the firewall default settings to clear the problem - free. (It meant allowing fragmented data grams by unchecking a box in the firewall).

BTW, Comodo is only a security system, not a computer optimisation system.

Some of those optimisation system can really screw your computer up.

They change settings about which you have no idea and or don't need changed. Not broken, don't fix!

Good luck

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


I think my internet use is very basic. I read newspapers, watch youtube, follow friends and family on facebook,(but never post anything),visit forums, look up stuff on the internet, and use email, (Im very careful what emails I open.)

I dont know what it means to"install new programs", so I dont think I do it And I dont think I have any files.

I have AVG antivirus that I scan once a month and from what Ive read, Windows 8.1 will do a good job of protecting my computer.

I have one question. If I do get a virus, what do I do? Ive heard some virus can be dealt with and some are so bad you have to chuck the computer and get a new one.


None should require a new computer but some could require re-install of anything from some programs to all software. But if you only open attachments you are sure about (just saying it is from "may friends name" does not mean it was actually from him) you should be fairly safe as long as you do not open attachments if there is any doubt it needs to be done - same online - do not believe you need to go anywhere or download anything. Computer shops would be able to get you back in business fairly cheaply in worst case.


None should require a new computer but some could require re-install of anything from some programs to all software. But if you only open attachments you are sure about (just saying it is from "may friends name" does not mean it was actually from him) you should be fairly safe as long as you do not open attachments if there is any doubt it needs to be done - same online - do not believe you need to go anywhere or download anything. Computer shops would be able to get you back in business fairly cheaply in worst case.

In addition to attachments, a link to a website can also be dangerous.

Currently, there seems to be a rash of scammers who get you to a dodgy site and then steal your contact list and then start sending emails to all our friends with links to spread the virus.

As mentioned in the quote, just because it seems to have come from a friend does not make it safe.

If the message is cryptic and includes a weblink, "Forward" the email to your friend and ask if it is genuine or has he been hacked.

Don't "Return" the email to the address that sent it because in all probability, they have used a false address behind your friends names and the MAILER DAEMON will send you a message to say that your email could not be sent.

With Comodo, chances are that if you did open a dodgy link, Comodo would block the opening of the link and warn you that it looks like a dodgy site and give you options to "Get me outa here" or "Open the link - I know the risks".

Comodo has lists of dodgy websites.

Hope that these explanations help your understanding of computers and the web.

Don't forget your friend Google. You can ask questions about all these things and more.....

Best of luck.

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