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Germany, France, Britain press for EU action on migrants


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Whatever your views of one reporter working for one media outlet, what it does not prove is that the pictures of the women and children refugees are, as you are implying, fake!

Unless you are so delusional that you believe all media to be as biased as you believe this one reporter to be!

Listen, don't you put words in my mouth. Is that clear? The pictures are indeed real, but they are selected to produce an emotional impact, just as the interviews are slanted and selected to produce an emotional impact, that favors the reporter's and network's agenda. When a reporter and a network give out the web address of a petition for EU leaders to accept more "refugees" and URGE people "to do their part to help," that is an agenda, not a news report.

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Which proves what?

I haven't seen any CNN reports, but have seen reports from the BBC, ITN and Sky News in the UK, as well as those in the print media.


Picture from the BBC report Migrants arrive in Austria after Hungary provides buses

It PROVES a fundamental conflict of interest, usually resulting in a reporter recusing himself/herself from the assignment. It is called BASIC journalistic ethics.

Your agenda is to vilify all Muslims and negate any content that doesn't meet with your extreme political views, so be it, but don't expect everyone to agree with you.

She was born in the US and has awards for journalistic excellence in covering conflict and political upheaval. Having read her background she comes across as someone living in high stress situations for many years; she's apologised for the error of her ways. I'm sure her management have greater insight than you as to potential personal conflict of interests and journalistic ethics, yet she is still employed in a high visibility role.

Edited by simple1
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I have seen no such link to any such petition on the BBC, ITN, Sky News sites nor any of the print media sites I have visited.

You are basing your dismissal of the reality on your dislike of one news outlet in general and one reporter in particular.

Where do you think the people in the pictures come from?

Maybe the media put a call into central casting for Middle East types!!!!!

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