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Three million baht cash reward paid


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"The national police chief said of the three million baht cash reward, one million baht was from his own purse, and the rest from other friends."

Have I read that right?


I'm not even going to speculate on where that money may have come from.

And why he is willing to give it away........

I would know the background talk, someone must have put a lot pressure on him.

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I think this reward, or any reward ...would be even more motivation to FRAME someone.

I was noticing yesterday, that the photo of passports, didn't seem to be taken in the same room, as the other photos. The "floor" or whatever, around the passports, doesn't match. I looked around for other photos to compare and I didn't find any so I gave up.

I think this suspect was up to something illegal, but maybe not the bombing.

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Wait, what?! The police investigation team got the reward, and not the landlord who tipped them off?

If there was any lingering doubt as the ineptitude and outright stupidity of the RTP, this has to have removed it.

yep..un-<deleted>-believable. TIT

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A reward should never be paid to the police for doing the job they are paid to do.


1 ) the normal police get extreme low salary .... so they are actually not paid for the job they do.

2 ) it is an important case for Thailand. You can stick to your correct opinion and the same guy will bomb next year again or you bribe your own force to do the work they are supposed to do....

(We just told our staff that we pay them a week on the beach on a specific turnover target.....isn't that the same?)

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Wait, what?! The police investigation team got the reward, and not the landlord who tipped them off?

If there was any lingering doubt as the ineptitude and outright stupidity of the RTP, this has to have removed it.

yep..un-<deleted>-believable. TIT

Just repeated what a poster said before me and you deleted my comment. &lt;deleted&gt;?

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So now,, (as if they didn't know this before),, Thai people, et all,, will simply NOT offer any info in the future,, People offering info on a suspect, many times put their own lives in danger from reprisal from the suspect's, "buddies",,, JUST when you thought the BIB couldn't get ANY worse?,,, they prove you wrong,,,, lolololololo

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Wait, what?! The police investigation team got the reward, and not the landlord who tipped them off?

If there was any lingering doubt as the ineptitude and outright stupidity of the RTP, this has to have removed it.

yep..un-<deleted>-believable. TIT

Just repeated what a poster said before me and you deleted my comment. <deleted>?


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National police chief Somyot Poompanmoung said Monday that he was taking the unusual step of giving the reward to the police force both to motivate his officers and to show that Thailand's police are good at their job

In this one sentence i disagree that this is an unusual step to reward themselves. They do it every day at police traffic stops (plenty of evidence on youtube) Thailand's police force are not good at there job unless it suits their financial and political motivations.

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A reward should never be paid to the police for doing the job they are paid to do.


1 ) the normal police get extreme low salary .... so they are actually not paid for the job they do.

2 ) it is an important case for Thailand. You can stick to your correct opinion and the same guy will bomb next year again or you bribe your own force to do the work they are supposed to do....

(We just told our staff that we pay them a week on the beach on a specific turnover target.....isn't that the same?)

1) Low salary is no excuse for police "making extra money on the side"

2) A private company can do whatever they want with salaries, bonuses, etc. The Royal Thai Police is not a private company.

...you aren't seriously excusing this are you?

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Ok, sorry people.

Can I just understand this.

The police or someone or some members of the police force have been given this money for doing what they are paid to do. Catch criminals.

Is that right?

If that is the case then isn't this the ultimate insult to Thai people?

The police showing Thai people they are absolutely untouchable.

Effectively the police are saying we'll have that thank you very much.

Who's going to stop us taking it?

So while our corruption busting General is running around shutting down a few jet ski providers and dodgy shops his man in charge of his police force is giving a load of cash to his mates.

And then to add insult to injury, announces it for the whole world to know.

And our leader does nothing?

How much longer are Thai's going to put up with this sort of behaviour and attitude or don't they care?

Or maybe I am missing something in which case I apologise.

So does it work in reverse?

If the police cock it up they have to pay money back?

If so there are going to be endless claims against them for their 'professionalism'

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Reward for doing their job?!!!

In other nations, the police officer/team that successfully contributed to getting the perpetrators arrested and the case being solved expediently, are honoured with Letter of Commendation or a Citation.

If it's due, a promotion in the future seems fitting.

Ahh...but wait, I get it!

It's RTP (Reward The Police) in Thailand. The police rightfully deserved a reward just for doing their job.

For such a major case as this bombing incident, the rewards are justified so...

They can afford to buy their future promotions and positions!

Freaking amazing!!!


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Reward for doing their job?!!!

In other nations, the police officer/team that successfully contributed to getting the perpetrators arrested and the case being solved expediently, are honoured with Letter of Commendation or a Citation.

If it's due, a promotion in the future seems fitting.

Ahh...but wait, I get it!

It's RTP (Reward The Police) in Thailand. The police rightfully deserved a reward just for doing their job.

For such a major case as this bombing incident, the rewards are justified so...

They can afford to buy their future promotions and positions!

Freaking amazing!!!


Well, with all their newfound wealth, maybe they can get that promotion in the future wink.png

edit: which you already said, which i missed as I was skimming.

Edited by Rykbanlor
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So...did Oak pass over his Bt5 million also?

Not that it's really any concern of ours, but the Shinawatra family has been generous in their offers of rewards, particularly to the investigating teams (police). Giving to a good cause.

"In a post on Facebook, Panthongtae Shinawatra said his father would give $56,000 for a tip-off leading to the arrest of the man who planted the explosive, and $140,000 to officials involved in capturing the suspect, local news website The Nation reported.

"I have been given permission from my father to give seven million baht ($196,000) ,two for any informant and five million for those officials who investigate and make arrests," he wrote on Friday."

Al Jazeera

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This is setting a bad precedent. NO ONE is going to be giving the greedy RTP any more tips from now on. They were bloody clueless until they got tipped off. And now the landlord's life is possibly in danger. Better just keep quiet in future.

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The ransom of THB 3m will go to the Police investigators. Dooooh - Just can't take anymore. This country is like Disneyland after Dark x100.

That like having a private company making public lucky draw and let the company management win the first price.

What about the manager of the apartment where the suspect was living and who reported this to the police to investigators? Now he loses rent from 4 rooms and have no compensation.

He will properly never be helpful to the authorities again.

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On one hand it is understandable for a wealthy, soon to retire top cop to give his team a bonus from his own pocket for, as he would characterize it, solving what will be his last and biggest case. Best done quietly. On the other hand, to use the funds ear-marked for whistle-blowers and information providers is simply crazy.

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