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Dr. Anna Jaruwarn ***** @ BPH / Dermatology Thank you!


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Dear Mods, can we keep this in General please, as it might reach more people and just help to save some lives. wai2.gif

I have highly recommended Dr. Anna for on many occasions during many years. She is highly competent and very fair. Once more I am doing this today with some background, that might help to save some lives.

We all are aware about the damages the sun can do to our skin. Few of us wanna think about dying of one of the most aggressive cancers, MELANOMA.

Mio.'s of people get diagnosed every year, many of them will die a horrible death with metastases in lung, liver and other organs.

I have always enjoyed the sun, but neglected to apply sunscreen (50+) and do regular check-ups.

Just about 9 months ago I noticed an itchy, dark spot on my back and after some time I finally decided to go see Dr. Anna, who I have known from prior consultations by me and many friends. I always liked her straightforward and uncomplicated personality and her general knowledge about medicine, not just dermatology.

From that moment, my world ( 55 yrs.) turned upside down. From very healthy, fit & very active to cancer-stricken with very bad outlook, few months at the most.

Dr. Anna, one of the very few Dr.'s with extensive experience in Melanoma took control and went out of her way to get a first biopsy done and examined without any delay. Then after a very negative histology report immediately proceeded to do surgery, quite a tricky wide excision and vital to get the margins right. She then organized - delaying her departure for her vacation by 1/2 day ! - just for this case and to get all organized for me, to meet oncologist, do further PET/CT scan in BKK etc./ etc.

I spare you the nightmare of my last 8 months with 3 major lung surgeries, I am pleased to still be alive, also my life has changed big times. I attribute my still being around to the luck of having known Dr. Anna and several other very competent Dr.'s and a few other factors.

If you have read that far and are a sun-lover, maybe lighter skinned or blond/red please consider regular full body checks. It takes 15 minutes and Dr. Anna knows how to make you feel totally comfortable, nothing embarrassing at all. Trust me, in her many years in Pattaya, she has seen it all.

Couple of good links here:



Make sure to use sunscreen & protection, have good health insurance and keep an eye on your skin. It might just save your life.

Enjoy your day and many more to come.

If you need any info, don't hesitate to pm me.


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been meaning to visit her as have a few weird things on my skin (bacterial rather than sun stuff). a couple of years back i visited a dermatologist at one of the Sri Racha private hospitals. i expressed my concern about melanoma to the Dr and he laughed saying "You Australians are paranoid about skin cancer". He didn't even bother to do a body check, so i was far from impressed. Dr Anna sounds great, thanks for prompting people like me to do it, as it is too easy to keep putting it off.

i hope you continue to make a good recovery MS

Edited by taichiplanet
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Great to hear my post can possibly help someone. Australia has probably the most advanced Melanoma care. The subject of this cancer is quite complex as more advanced treatments are limited to people with certain gene mutations. This is a very, very dangerous cancer. Need to be discovered early to have a chance to remove it all before it spreads. Self-checks & regular visits with an experienced Dermatologist are essential.

Many Dr.'s do not know how to properly remove suspicious ore identified lesions, don't go to some Soi Clinic to get this done!!! Dr. Anna sure does know best in town !!!! Best of luck to all and regards to Dr. Anna. MS :-)

Edited by moonseeker
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Thanks for taking the time out to remind us to stay out of the sun. Yes, my freckled skin is starting to show the sun damage from my younger days in the sun. The more we educated the young generation (who are always conscious about their skin) to wear sun block and a hat, maybe the next generation will not face what the over the 50yr crowd is. (but I must admit white skin is ugly...Thais are fortunate to have that smooth naturally lightly tan skin...and the ugliest white species I see are the Thai -Chinese in BKK that use all those whiteners and never get in the sun...look like some white grub worm that was hibernating for 9 months. bah.gif )

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Glad it worked out well for you. I met an Aussie up in Issan. Local doc told him "no worries. your spot is not cancer". He knew it was, went to OZ, had it treated, and is OK today. Not every doc knows how to deal with this stuff.

Congrats and thanks for the post.

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Glad it worked out well for you. I met an Aussie up in Issan. Local doc told him "no worries. your spot is not cancer". He knew it was, went to OZ, had it treated, and is OK today. Not every doc knows how to deal with this stuff.

Congrats and thanks for the post.

Thank you Craigt:

Yes, most doctors here are not very familiar with the various types of skin cancer and pre-cancerous stages. A yearly check-up is money well spent, especially if you have been in the sun tropics a lot. I have been very lucky to have gone to see Dr. Anna just in time, I was an idiot delaying somewhat. But who thinks of dying @ 55? This experience in the many weeks in hospital have opened my eyes about a very different world out there. The world of the sick, the world of suffering. Cancers everywhere and my tolerance for people blowing smoke in my face/handicapped lungs is now down to ZERO. But that is a different subject all-together.

Have a nice day. MS>

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Wow. Best of luck to you. I can't even imagine going through that. Glad you are in the recovery stage. One question, and please feel free to ignore this, was the skin cancer related to the lungs? Or different situations?

My father's neighbor had a spot on his ear. He was the cheapest son of a gun you'd ever met. And hated doctors. He waited until the pain was just unbearable. It was too late. It had moved into his brain and he was dead in a few months. Just goes to show preventative maintenance is a good thing!

Good luck and thanks for sharing.

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I ready our post some days ago. I had a few itchy spots on my back and, because I live alone, it was difficult to see and treat them.

Anyway, I went to BPH and saw the doctor in dermatology and she prescribed anti biotics and some cream and liquid. I now have small pimples cropping up on my arms and back, something like mosquito bites - but they are not. They disappear after a few days and then return. Doctor asked me 'if I sweat". I told her yes but I do consciously keep out of the sun etc.

Obviously not your Doctor Anna. Going back in a fortnight for a further check.

One thing that was curious. The nurse at reception, when I asked for a check up, said "Have you got insurance?" I said no. (At 73 I cannot get any.)

She then said "good" and the way she said it seemed to imply there was some form of two tier system. I may be wrong but it seemed that way.

Anyway good luck.

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I ready our post some days ago. I had a few itchy spots on my back and, because I live alone, it was difficult to see and treat them.

Anyway, I went to BPH and saw the doctor in dermatology and she prescribed anti biotics and some cream and liquid. I now have small pimples cropping up on my arms and back, something like mosquito bites - but they are not. They disappear after a few days and then return. Doctor asked me 'if I sweat". I told her yes but I do consciously keep out of the sun etc.

Obviously not your Doctor Anna. Going back in a fortnight for a further check.

One thing that was curious. The nurse at reception, when I asked for a check up, said "Have you got insurance?" I said no. (At 73 I cannot get any.)

She then said "good" and the way she said it seemed to imply there was some form of two tier system. I may be wrong but it seemed that way.

Anyway good luck.

Hi there

Maybe best you go on short notice and see Dr. Anna, when the skin acts up. Could be prickly heat or similar.

Sure, insurances have often or most the times special conditions with hospitals they are signed up with. Same in most countries around the world.

Comparing Dr. fees here with Brasil, Philippines, USA, Switzerland & Germany, the ones I am informed about, Thailand and even BPH still get quite favorable

ratings. Paying not even 50$ for a consultation for a medium extensive consultation is very cheap IMO.

But certainly that does not apply to all departments, i. e. cancer therapy can be much more money here.

Any foreigner, living or travelling here and wanting good quality treatment should either have very deep pockets or proper insurance. No doubt. many compare with their home country, which provide free healthcare, we can't however forget that in most of these countries, non citizens or travelers pay full price, much more than here, usually.

I have been asked in Switzerland, USA, Brasil & other countries to deposit full amount of treatment/surgery ahead of time and/or provide health insurance guarantees.

Try keeping your skin cool, clean & dry and hopefully you get better soon.


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Yeah, Dr. Anna's good. Last week I went to see her to get any pre-cancers burnt off with liquid nitrogen. Four days later my face looked like I had an advanced case of leprosy as all the blisters from the nitrogen had burst and some of them had bled (she'd given me two different topical antibiotics for this). All clearing up now though, and as long as I minimise my sun exposure, which I've been doing for 5 or 6 years, I should be OK until my next visit in a year's time.

Skin cancers are becoming a big issue in the UK and I've heard of clinics that have a special scanner which finds all the doubtful and dodgy spots on your face and body. Not cheap though, and a dermatologist then has to decide which need to be treated and how. Dr. Anna does much the same thing as the scanner but just with her eyes and extensive knowledge and experience, effortlessly picking out spots that look dodgy to me but which she says are completely benign, and others that I haven't even noticed that she says are definitely pre-cancers.

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Appreciate posts. Just to be clear, when I went to BPH I did it on spec to book and appointment with this Dr Anna. However, they said 'You can see the doctor now" and I did. But it was a pleasant young lady but not Dr Anna.

I have to go back in 2 weeks for a further check. My question is, do I request Dr Anna or do I book a specific appointment with her?.

Sorry to be so naïve, but do not use hospitals much. I only went after reading the original OP. Thanks guys.

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