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One hundred Fuji disposable cameras were given to homeless people

in London.

The objective: Have the homeless people shoot their London then return

the cameras to the organisers. Eighty cameras were returned and the 2016

calendar will soon be available...

Perhaps something similar can be organised in other cities around the globe?

Story & pix below...






^^^ Astonishingly good or bad?!

I thought about doing something similar out here however after careful

consideration & deep thought outside of the pub, I came to the final

conclusion that many homeless out here would either...1..Take the

camera & sell it. 2...Take the camera & actually take some pictures

then sell it. 3...Take the camera & take the pictures then want money

when & if they turned it in. 4...All the homeless would sell the cameras.

5...95% of the homeless would sell the cameras & the remaining 5 homeless

would take the pictures & want money when they turned in the cameras.

Mind you, a friend of mine & I, when we were working Cambodia for the wires

& TV in the late 80s & 90s bought 3 street kids who washed dishes & cleaned

up at his bistro, cheap PnS cameras & showed the kids how to load & use em

then turned them lose on the streets when they weren't working at the bistro.

One kid had his camera stolen by another kid who was the boss of the street

kids in the area. We got the camera back from that prick & handed him over

to adults for "treatment". One kid dropped & broke his camera & the

last kid, who has now grown into a decent adult is a freelance photog in Phnom

Penh. So...not bad for a $300 USD investment on the PnS cameras at the start.

I can easily see how this project would work in Aussie, Europe, North America,

NZ & even South America...but out here...it may be a different matter altogether.

Perhaps Vietnam would be a good place to test the idea...not sure though,

just a thought.

Then again...if the idea was presented to the homeless people the right way

maybe, just maybe...it would work very well.

Would anybody like to try? I'm willing on my end. PM me if so.


^^^ Astonishingly good or bad?!

It gave some (expected) insight what was picture-worthy for the individual guest.

Another funny thing, the Ladies were most active during the ceremony, the blokes more on the party...


^^^ Astonishingly good or bad?!

I thought about doing something similar out here however after careful

consideration & deep thought outside of the pub, I came to the final

conclusion that many homeless out here would either...1..Take the

camera & sell it. 2...Take the camera & actually take some pictures

then sell it. 3...Take the camera & take the pictures then want money

when & if they turned it in. 4...All the homeless would sell the cameras.

5...95% of the homeless would sell the cameras & the remaining 5 homeless

would take the pictures & want money when they turned in the cameras.

Mind you, a friend of mine & I, when we were working Cambodia for the wires

& TV in the late 80s & 90s bought 3 street kids who washed dishes & cleaned

up at his bistro, cheap PnS cameras & showed the kids how to load & use em

then turned them lose on the streets when they weren't working at the bistro.

One kid had his camera stolen by another kid who was the boss of the street

kids in the area. We got the camera back from that prick & handed him over

to adults for "treatment". One kid dropped & broke his camera & the

last kid, who has now grown into a decent adult is a freelance photog in Phnom

Penh. So...not bad for a $300 USD investment on the PnS cameras at the start.

I can easily see how this project would work in Aussie, Europe, North America,

NZ & even South America...but out here...it may be a different matter altogether.

Perhaps Vietnam would be a good place to test the idea...not sure though,

just a thought.

Then again...if the idea was presented to the homeless people the right way

maybe, just maybe...it would work very well.

Would anybody like to try? I'm willing on my end. PM me if so.

I am up for that seems a good way to go, maybe not the homeless but maybe something else.


^^^ That sounds great Mr H. I haven't sourced a hundred disposabe film cameras

but that doesn't seem to be much of problem...or will it be? I thought about cheapo

digital cameras and to let the folks keep em after project completion...then again...

that idea went out the window quickly plus the cameras will cost too damn much.

So film it is...24 or 36 exposures...prefer the 36 exp jobbers.

If not the homeless then who?


^^^ That sounds great Mr H. I haven't sourced a hundred disposabe film cameras

but that doesn't seem to be much of problem...or will it be? I thought about cheapo

digital cameras and to let the folks keep em after project completion...then again...

that idea went out the window quickly plus the cameras will cost too damn much.

So film it is...24 or 36 exposures...prefer the 36 exp jobbers.

If not the homeless then who?

Thai Homeless people seems to be the problem. I have spoken to a few friends about marketing such a project and they are not interested in the homeless, I guess Its a cultural thing, I don't know.

Let me know any thoughts you have on the subject mate, thanks^^

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