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Thai Character Software


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Hope someone can help.

Bought a new desktop, HP, pentium, good speed, etc.

But tried to use the language tab with windows for my lady to read Thai language, but still getting gibberish.

We have a Thai windows version, but I don't want everything in Thai :o

Any help is appreciated


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Hope someone can help.

Bought a new desktop, HP, pentium, good speed, etc.

But tried to use the language tab with windows for my lady to read Thai language, but still getting gibberish.

We have a Thai windows version, but I don't want everything in Thai :o

Any help is appreciated




then click on LANGUAGE tab

check both options (i assume u use win xp)

it will install some files and hopefully u can use Thai n some other languages. if not, then send message i will help u again :D

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I do think that the problems is not the menues and so on buyt also the Help functions. In the Thgai version of Win XP the Help will display in thai language only.

To get a "clean" english version of windows you'll need to install a "real" Windows XP Eng. Edition. Later on install the MUI pack for Thai and you will be able to "switch" to Thai by loggin off and on while change the language.

I had the same problem in the past and solved on this way. Some of the software we use in my company gets problems running on Thai Version of Windows. With the Main installation of Windows english and added MUI Pack Thai all problems solved.

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Get a Thai version of the OS and make the system a dual boot system. You can then boot into either language.

For Office only you can install global IME's and this will allow changing between languages. Office XP has this built in.

What you are probably looking for is start>settings>control panel the under general tab check the Thai language box. You can change your input local to Thai also on general tab. You also need to go to the input locals tab and click add. This allows you to change between keyboard types. this is handy if your keyboard also has Thai script. Reboot and logon. You can change between input locals via this method. There are other ways as well depending on your setup and OS. (note you may need to OS cd to complete this operation or download languages from microsoft.

Good luck.

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Thanks guys!!

I had installed the language, but didn't know how to operate, you guys really helped

One more, I can't get existing e-mails to convert to Thai. My fiance has received quite a few e-mails, and would like to convert them so she can read them. Tried copy paste, etc but nothing.

Again I look to the experts


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Thanks guys!!

I had installed the language, but didn't know how to operate, you guys really helped

One more, I can't get existing e-mails to convert to Thai. My fiance has received quite a few e-mails, and would like to convert them so she can read them. Tried copy paste, etc but nothing.

Again I look to the experts


I am assuming you have already tried using MS office to do this. It should have built in capacity if office also has the Thai language installed.

If you have try opening the emails. Cut and past them into notepad. Then change office to use The Thai language. I assume at that point your fiance will need to take over. Cut and past the notepad emails into a word document. Word should be now launching in Thai. If prompted to convert choose yes. Depending on your setup this may or may not work.

Normally office does an ok job converting.

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