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Poll says majority of people have no understanding of Thai charter draft


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I wonder how many TVF political experts understand the "latest" version of the Thai Constitution ? For that matter, how many have even seen it ?

That they had no actual knowledge of it would not surprise me, or the fact they still feel qualified to comment on it. thumbsup.gif

There is more than enough info about what is in it on various sites and translated.

Are you saying that many of the points made about it are false ? or are you saying that there is a pre requisite to comment an opinion ?

I can bet the vast majority here would read and try to understand it if it were thier own country for certain.

There would be deep discussion in all papers and would be dissected on TV shows in abundance, debated in unis and probably interview after interview of academics and specialists MPs and all manner of people..oh and a lot more than 3 days notice

Its incomparable to sending out what will read like a lawbook to 90% of the population who probably dont even know what the word charter or even draft means.

Edited by englishoak
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I wonder how many TVF political experts understand the "latest" version of the Thai Constitution ? For that matter, how many have even seen it ?

That they had no actual knowledge of it would not surprise me, or the fact they still feel qualified to comment on it. thumbsup.gif

There is more than enough info about what is in it on various sites and translated.

Are you saying that many of the points made about it are false ? or are you saying that there is a pre requisite to comment an opinion ?

I can bet the vast majority here would read and try to understand it if it were thier own country for certain.

There would be deep discussion in all papers and would be dissected on TV shows in abundance, debated in unis and probably interview after interview of academics and specialists MPs and all manner of people..oh and a lot more than 3 days notice

Its incomparable to sending out what will read like a lawbook to 90% of the population who probably dont even know what the word charter or even draft means.

..............................."Are you saying that many of the points made about it are false ? or are you saying that there is a pre requisite to comment an opinion ?".........................

I don't know how you got that out of my comment, unless you are trying to put words in my mouth, or twist my words.

I thought it was quite clear what I said. A lot of TVF posters make comments on a document that they know nothing about.

They mimic what others say because that is the easy way for them to form comments.

Many of the comments made on this forum seem to come out of the same propaganda book.

Agree entirely on your last line, which is why I laugh at these polls that say a certain percentage of the people in the North said blah blah blah about the latest Constitution.

The vast majority of the population would not have a clue what the Constitution was let mind what was in it.

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The majority of people have a very rudimentary education. How could you expect people with such an education to understand a document aimed at being passed into law? It defies imagination

You make the common but still foolish mistake of confusing intelligence and education.Most Thais (rural,urban,well educated, less well educated) will not read the Charter but they will have a reasonable understanding of the key points.If you are suggesting that rural Thais lack the sophistication to understand what are the key components (and crucially how their interests will be affected) then you are badly mistaken.

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.. and I would bet my house that 99% of those most violently opposed to the charter have no understanding of it at all other than the simplistic propaganda they are drip-fed by those who want them to be angry.


Sorry no like on this one. I like your quotation at the bottom and sorry I do not need another house.

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It all sounds a bit like the foreigner arrested by Thai police and after being held for some time the police write a nice statement for you to sign and after that all will be better.

Only problem is the statement they want you to sign is written in Thai. And you don't read Thai. And they will not allow you to consult a lawyer, translator, or anyone you trust.

Would you sign?

Would you recommend a Thai to vote on a draft charter even though you know they cannot completely understand what they are signing and asking for help on understanding it is not allowed?

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I wonder how many TVF political experts understand the "latest" version of the Thai Constitution ? For that matter, how many have even seen it ?

That they had no actual knowledge of it would not surprise me, or the fact they still feel qualified to comment on it. thumbsup.gif

There is more than enough info about what is in it on various sites and translated.

Are you saying that many of the points made about it are false ? or are you saying that there is a pre requisite to comment an opinion ?

I can bet the vast majority here would read and try to understand it if it were thier own country for certain.

There would be deep discussion in all papers and would be dissected on TV shows in abundance, debated in unis and probably interview after interview of academics and specialists MPs and all manner of people..oh and a lot more than 3 days notice

Its incomparable to sending out what will read like a lawbook to 90% of the population who probably dont even know what the word charter or even draft means.

..............................."Are you saying that many of the points made about it are false ? or are you saying that there is a pre requisite to comment an opinion ?".........................

I don't know how you got that out of my comment, unless you are trying to put words in my mouth, or twist my words.

I thought it was quite clear what I said. A lot of TVF posters make comments on a document that they know nothing about.

They mimic what others say because that is the easy way for them to form comments.

Many of the comments made on this forum seem to come out of the same propaganda book.

Agree entirely on your last line, which is why I laugh at these polls that say a certain percentage of the people in the North said blah blah blah about the latest Constitution.

The vast majority of the population would not have a clue what the Constitution was let mind what was in it.

I wasnt putting words in your mouth no, simply answering your question with similar.

All most would need to know is that its a constitution with a clause allowing the takeover at any time of an elected government legally, or much to that effect... thats all most people from a democracy would need to know to form an opinion.

I do agree there are the mimics and broken records too though if thats all you meant. ;)

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