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Britain set to accept 'thousands' more refugees


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Post #78 is very appropriate. If the West tries to intervene in anything in the Middle East they are demonised. If they dont they are criticised for allowing it to happen. But never once have I see an Arab country take a stance and say we will sort the problems out.

Edited by gandalf12
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An interesting report out of the UK today. There is not one asylum seeker housed in the Oxfordshire constituency of David Cameron, in fact there are less than 500 housed in all of the constituencies of the members of the cabinet. Much better to allocate them to the poorer ares of the country,we don't want them in our back yard.

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Women, children and OAP = Refugees

Men (particularly young men) = Non refugee

All the news reports you see loads of young men being brave and facing off to the Hungarian police etc. They are cowards and should be fighting for their land and houses back in Syria. I went to the Faulklands and fought for other people's land, by goodness, even at 52 I would fight till the death for my own home.

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Good decision by Britain but could be much better ! Here in Turkey, we are a poor country with a massive unemployment problem. The no of refugees is putting a strain on our resources. The no of refugees in Turkey is estimated to be around 2 million. That'a a massive no.

And, why are rich countries like US, Canada, Japan, Saudi Arabia and UAE in 'hiding mode' regarding refugees ? They can easily accommodate tens of thousands of refugees between them.

It is not fair for poor countries like Turkey and Jordan to bear most of the burden.

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Good decision by Britain but could be much better ! Here in Turkey, we are a poor country with a massive unemployment problem. The no of refugees is putting a strain on our resources. The no of refugees in Turkey is estimated to be around 2 million. That'a a massive no.

And, why are rich countries like US, Canada, Japan, Saudi Arabia and UAE in 'hiding mode' regarding refugees ? They can easily accommodate tens of thousands of refugees between them.

It is not fair for poor countries like Turkey and Jordan to bear most of the burden.

The problem lies with these countries government. Like that in Syria or Tunisia or Afghanistan. Solve this problem and the rest will take care of itself. But how do you do that? Not an easy process. Also, not up to the "rich" countries to have to jump in and help. And for sure not proper for them to flee to one of these countries and then expect to be fed, housed, etc.

Got to solve the problem at the root.

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And the other Islamic countries are doing what?

As someone has already pointed out the vast majority of the refugees from Syria and Iraq are in Islamic countries.

That is very true. But..... I have yet to see numbers on how many are going to Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Guinea, Somalia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Sierra Leone, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Chad, Kuwait, Albania, Mauritania, Oman, Brunei, Maldives, Djibouti, Qatar, Comoros.

All counties with majority Muslim populations. I know some of the above have their own internal problems like Nigeria but most of that country is at peace. I also realise that some of these counties are not rich so won't be handing out free food, clothing, housing and education for their children - but since when was that a condition of granting asylum to true asylum seekers. Surely any place that they were safe from war would (actually SHOULD) be acceptable.

Always hear from Muslims that they are all brothers. That they will fight for their brothers etc etc. But very few are active in helping their brothers in their hour of need. Only prepared to go to war for them.

Most of the refugees are in counties that border the conflict in Syria and Iraq and have had the refugee problem forced on them. When are some of the other Muslim states going to help them.

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Cameron = worthless, lying weasel.

And does any naive person really believe that Cameron is going to give the people an unbiased Referendum on EU membership in 2017?sick.gif

Maybe that is why he wants to bring in as many foreigners as possible. Quickly grant them the vote and they will all want to stay in the EU. Seven or Eight million should do it!!!

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Lets try and lighten the mood slightly

A British Navy Destroyer stops four Muslims in a row boat, rowing towards Brighton on the South Coast of Britain.

The captain gets on the loud hailer and shouts, "Ahoy, small craft, where are you heading?"

One of the Muslims stands up and shouts, "We are invading England !"

The crew of the Destroyer all start laughing and when the captain finally stops laughing, he gets back on the loud hailer and says, "Just the four of you?"

The Muslim stands up again and shouts, "No, we're the last four. The other six million are already there!"

Edited by goonfan
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As you sow, so you reap. UK was instrumental in helping the US destabilize the region starting with the lie about Iraq having WMD. If Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad etc had been left alone, they would have only been killing amongst themselves. Brutal dictators are needed to rein in murderous marauders like ISIS, Boko Haram, Taliban etc

All in the name of making money from arms deals - well done Bush, well done Blair, you must be proud of yourselves...
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Worth noting that all the above wealthy nations had their Western Style display of wealth created by imegrant labour and technology from the same place they now deposit their unwanted.How stupid can the West be.

Deposit their unwanted? What western country is doing that? Also don't believe lots of technology came from these places????

As far as stupidity, the west seems to have done pretty well. Far from stupid.

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And the other Islamic countries are doing what?

As someone has already pointed out the vast majority of the refugees from Syria and Iraq are in Islamic countries.

Yes but most are kept in camps , no roaming around like in europe.

They are people like you and me, not wild animals.

But they are in desperate need, aka "begging"... Beggars can't be choosers and you should never look a gift horse in the mouth.

With all the safe countries they go through its clear they're heading to the richer countries for a free ride on the benefits systems...


Its all about financial gain... NOT just about being in a safe country

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Great one Bob, shame you will house foreigners, what's wrong with giving your empty properties to homeless Brits. Publicity hungry weasel.

Sir Bob Geldof, has offered his 2 Bedroom Central London Flat to 'Syrian Refugees'' kind of ''Sir Bob''...

Great believe in Charity begins at home...

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You misunderstand.We build refineries , inferstructure etc etc,then go home unless requested to stay.

Got ya! But they profited massively from it. Unfortunately, that wealth didn't trickle down to the masses very well. Seem governance is a big problem....with pretty much every country around the world! LOL

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Yes but most are kept in camps , no roaming around like in europe.

They are people like you and me, not wild animals.

But they are in desperate need, aka "begging"... Beggars can't be choosers and you should never look a gift horse in the mouth.

With all the safe countries they go through its clear they're heading to the richer countries for a free ride on the benefits systems...


Its all about financial gain... NOT just about being in a safe country

I think you that mean partly financial gain. The prime motivation is, without a doubt, escaping the horrors that you yourself highlighted just a couple of posts back. Then, once they get out of danger and realise that they are safe but uncomfortable, it is human nature to seek a better life for them and their family. Would you, in their situation, sit on your hands in a squalid Turkish refugee camp?

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Great one Bob, shame you will house foreigners, what's wrong with giving your empty properties to homeless Brits. Publicity hungry weasel.

Sir Bob Geldof, has offered his 2 Bedroom Central London Flat to 'Syrian Refugees'' kind of ''Sir Bob''...

Great believe in Charity begins at home...

Pity he didnt offer it to the people in England who have lost their homes. Seems like a publicity stunt to me. As quoted charity begins at home

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There is a big difference between being housed in a refugee camp, where the likes of the Red cross and other NGO's take the main responsibility of caring for these people and being welcomed as part of society like they are when they arrive in an EU country but then the Islamic apologists never let facts get in the way of defending Muslims regardless.

The UK has also given over a BILLION Pounds to Syria to help its people unlike the very rich Arabic states

Can you provide figures on how much the Arab states have contributed in aid to the refugees?

Do the research yourself... You know what Google is right?


Rather than relying on dramatic headlines from the rabidly right wing press, you should scroll down a little - read the Business Insider article and try to understand the situation from a gulf state perspective, where the locals are already hugely outnumbered by immigrants.

I am in a very progressive Gulf state country at the moment - very western facing and generous, with locals who are prepared to do regular, menial jobs (i.e., not the gulf countries where the locals simply drive around in lamboughinis all day) but the workforce is almost 90% immigrants (myself included). They simply cannot afford to allow more foreigners in when their very identity is so fragile.

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They simply cannot afford to allow more foreigners in when their very identity is so fragile.

That phrase would apply to many places these days. Same could be said for many parts of the UK and Germany etc.

The difference is stark - according to this report from about a year ago, foreign workers (EU and non-EU) make up around 15% of the UK workforce.

The Business Insider article explains that Oman has an almost 90% foreign workforce.

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There is a big difference between being housed in a refugee camp, where the likes of the Red cross and other NGO's take the main responsibility of caring for these people and being welcomed as part of society like they are when they arrive in an EU country but then the Islamic apologists never let facts get in the way of defending Muslims regardless.
The UK has also given over a BILLION Pounds to Syria to help its people unlike the very rich Arabic states

Can you provide figures on how much the Arab states have contributed in aid to the refugees?

Do the research yourself... You know what Google is right?


Rather than relying on dramatic headlines from the rabidly right wing press, you should scroll down a little - read the Business Insider article and try to understand the situation from a gulf state perspective, where the locals are already hugely outnumbered by immigrants.

So you had to scroll past all the top hits in order to find ONE that suited you.... How very biased of you [emoji106]
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There is a big difference between being housed in a refugee camp, where the likes of the Red cross and other NGO's take the main responsibility of caring for these people and being welcomed as part of society like they are when they arrive in an EU country but then the Islamic apologists never let facts get in the way of defending Muslims regardless.

The UK has also given over a BILLION Pounds to Syria to help its people unlike the very rich Arabic states

Can you provide figures on how much the Arab states have contributed in aid to the refugees?

Do the research yourself... You know what Google is right?


Rather than relying on dramatic headlines from the rabidly right wing press, you should scroll down a little - read the Business Insider article and try to understand the situation from a gulf state perspective, where the locals are already hugely outnumbered by immigrants.

So you had to scroll past all the top hits in order to find ONE that suited you.... How very biased of you [emoji106]

I am not sure that Google rankings work on a truthfulness score. My choosing a link that cast a different perspective on the situation is, I would argue, more about being open minded and enquiring, trying to see the situation from all sides. But if you would prefer to ignore some alternative insight, whether it be because it doesn't suit your preferred narrative or because you are simply lazy, then so be it - you are clearly in the majority in this thread.

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