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3BB vs CAT in Chiang Mai


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Not sure if this is more relevant to the Internet or CM forum, but I'll post it here.

I live in Hang Dong and have had 3BB for about two years. Over the past ~8 months I've been getting disconnects constantly. They generally last between 1-5 minutes, and it occurs maybe once an hour on average. I'm positive it has nothing to do with my local network, traceroutes confirm it's timing out between 3BB's servers. I've called them about it at least a dozen times, and had them to my house twice, and they've been unable to resolve it.

So, I'm thinking of switching to CAT, and wondering what others' experience with them in Chiang Mai has been like. I can't imagine it's worse than 3BB, but I'd rather not switch and sign a year contract if I'm going to have similar issues. Any info would be appreciated.

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I'm in the San Kampheng area and had CAT for 1 year and got rid of them and went with 3BB. With CAT I would go done for no reason and be done from 1hour to 2or4 days. They came out to the house several times but never fixed the problem. By the way this was their fiber optics 25mbps system. At present I'm using the 3BB 15mbps DSL system but plan on changing over to their fiber optics system. I have had some problems with 3BB but not half as bad as with CAT. In the past I have had all the providers and have had only good service from True Cable. Unfortunately my new Moo Ban doesn't have True so I'm stuck with 3BB, which is better then CAT. Also, don't go AIS fiber, it's my understanding they are using the CAT servers and system.

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