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Can't open Bank account. So, how do I apply for retirement visa without a bank account?

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In begin of this year even my mother was able to open her first bank account in thailand with the visa expeption (30 days allowance)

She used Kasikorn at Siam Paragon

Edited by HampiK
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I have been hearing it is getting more difficult with Americans.The reason is the banks don't want to deal with the IRS because of FATCA.

Total nonsense - all Thai banks have established procedures to handle US reporting requirements and are set up to do so.

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I have been hearing it is getting more difficult with Americans.The reason is the banks don't want to deal with the IRS because of FATCA.

Total nonsense - all Thai banks have established procedures to handle US reporting requirements and are set up to do so.

As lopburi3 states. An extract from a .pdf file from Bangkok Bank re FATCA

Questions & Answers

Q: Are all Thai commercial banks complying with FATCA?

A: Yes, all Thai commercial banks are FATCA compliant banks. They have entered into agreements to comply with FATCA, and will collect information from 1 July 2014 onwards which support identification of customers' as either U.S. individuals or U.S. owned juristic status.

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I had no trouble opening an account in Phuket (Kasikorn). Just brought my passport to the

bank. I was here on a triple entry tourist visa. I did not have an immigration residency letter

and just used my hotel address.

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Agree with most of the above, but just wanted to add that what you want is a savings account. If you ask for a current or checking account you will get a "no" or "need work permit" at almost all banks. It also doesn't hurt to let them know that you will be transferring the 800k Baht to the account as soon as it has been opened.


That has been my experience as well.

Opening a Savings account can be done with a 30 Day stamp and a Certificate of Residence (though it seems they prefer you have more than a week left on your 30 day stamp). I've opened numerous accounts in Bangkok Bank and Siam Commercial like that.

For a Chequing Account and/or Credit Card, I'm told I needed a Work Permit/1 Year visa.

For Internet Access I was told I needed a 1 Year Visa.

To (electronically) wire transfer money from my Thai Account to a foreign bank I was told I needed a Work Permit (and tax receipts to prove where the money came from or something).

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You do not have to have a work permit to open a bank account. You just have to try different banks and different branches of the same bank.

Info for Bangkok Bank here: http://www.bangkokbank.com/BangkokBank/PersonalBanking/SpecialServices/ForeignCustomers/Pages/Openinganaccountnew.aspx

This is the answer man. If ubonjoe doesn't know, nobody does.

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How old are you ? If you are not 55 or older you cannot get a Non O-A visa . BangKok Bank is the only bank to use if you qualify. Which country are you from ?

Here is a copy of what it is and what you need to get one. Good Luck.

The age to apply for a OA visa at an embassy or consulate or an extension of stay based upon retirement at immigration is 50 or over not 55,

Not sure where you are getting the info that Bangkok Bank is the only bank you can use.

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Sometimes, banks get ridiculous with their requirements. I once had an SCB refuse to open an account because I could not tell them the Tumbol of my Texas address. It was unreasonable to the bank officer that Texas did not have Tumbols. I went ot another branch and opened an account.

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A friend of mine who was recently retired and who wanted a retirement visa also had the problem of the banks refusing to open an account for him. I took him to immigration and explained the problem to them. The immigration guy wrote a note in Thai and told my friend to give it to the bank. I have no idea what the note said but the bank VERY quickly and politely opened an account for him.

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A friend of mine who was recently retired and who wanted a retirement visa also had the problem of the banks refusing to open an account for him. I took him to immigration and explained the problem to them. The immigration guy wrote a note in Thai and told my friend to give it to the bank. I have no idea what the note said but the bank VERY quickly and politely opened an account for him.

Good suggestion.

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I enquires at Bangkok Bank on Soi Bukhao, Pattaya, ok you live in Bangkok, no problem they said, bring Passport and that was it.

You could always use an Agent to 'arrange' a Bank Account with the required funds.

Listening to Jamie will work I think. I was wanting to open an account for my retirement visa (retirement extension). I happened to be in Ubon, at a mall. Six banks asked for my work permit, a nice guy at Kasikorn Bank did not. And it was full speed ahead.

But subsequently, I have monitored these discussions here. And Jamie's suggestion is what has worked for people in those threads:

"bank account There's a dedicated thread on opening a Thai Bank Account & a few people have reported no problems at Bangkok Bank Soi Buakhao branch just north of Soi Honey(11), opposite the Butchers Arms pub (or Pook Bar if that's your preference)."

So! Try this branch. And if not. Try different branches. Good luck.

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You do not have to have a work permit to open a bank account. You just have to try different banks and different branches of the same bank.

Info for Bangkok Bank here: http://www.bangkokbank.com/BangkokBank/PersonalBanking/SpecialServices/ForeignCustomers/Pages/Openinganaccountnew.aspx

Perhaps you were dealing with the eye candy that seems populate many of the banks.
My wife and her sister have maintained a bank account with the Thai Farmers Bank (Kaisathorn bank) for a number of years and I topped it up with some money to tide us over until I could transfer some of my pension into joint account we were going to set up. The visa we are travelling on is known as a multiple entry non resident (retirement) visa and for most people requires the maintenance of about AUD$40,000 in a Thai bank account..
We tried to open an account with this bank and were informed by the cute young things who work there that this was not possible as we weren't allowed to work here. No amount of arguing could dissuade them.
So we went around the corner to the Bangkok Bank where a more mature person knew exactly what we wanted and set us up within twenty minutes. Strike one for older workers! The analogy is with hardware shops - stay away from teenagers and look for an oldie if you want advice, chances are you will get a retired tradie or someone like me who has stuffed up so many DYO projects that they can tell you what not to do.
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IN BANGKOK...I have been in five different branches of Bangkok Bank, two different KBanks. Same line from all - I need a work permit to open an account

Bangkok Bank on the 4th floor inside MBK Centre in Pathumwan opened a savings account for me on tourist visa when I first came here..... It's pretty much up to the manager and staff ( and the mood their in ) to help you with this. It helps being very polite and charming in a way to convince them to help you out. When I walked in they said NO, but after asking for the manager and chatting it away a bit and being very nice they helped me within the second.....

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I understand you OP. when I first came here I was trying to open same. Even though I had a Thai gf with me that managers an office and fluent English. I kept getting asked for work permit. I was trying to explain that I'm retired. Anyway went to several. Eventually went to main office of big light blue bank. In Shukumvit just down from soi 3 .......no problems. I did have to sign form that I accepted zero interest on my 1 million baht.

Geez thailand

"sign form that i accepted zero interest on my 1 million baht"? Why? If you have an adress in Thailand, you get normal interest rates. Most banks even don't ask for a certificate of residence. OP, you have the right to open a savings account where ever you want, just make them understand that there's no official need for a working permit (sadly most banks have this in their tutorials). I just opened a new account and had the same hassle again. But, never mind, i got it. I opened my first account in Thailand 30 years ago, since then i have opened countless accounts, because i was moving and didn't want to spend service fees for other branches.

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Come on MODS, just how many threads are we going to have on whiners who can't Open Bank Accounts in Thailand ?


If you aren't interested in threads about opening bank accounts, then you don't have to click on them to read them, and you don't have to post in them.

If you're worried about the internet getting full up, you don't need to be: there's still plenty of space left in it.

Here are another three I don't have to read




Edited by Langsuan Man
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You do not need a work permit to open a bank account Just go the main branch of the bank you want to deal with Either Bangkok Bank or K bank and inform then you wish to deposit

800,000 baht to obtain a retirement Visa

They will oblige

Lots of branches simply do not understand the rules and being Thai are afraid to cal the main office and clarify it So they take the route of no work permit no account

I have 3 bank accounts with K bank Bangkok bank and Standard and Charter and I am retired

This is Thailand and there is no uniform rules or standards that all branches follow Its called not thinking out of the box NO one wants to take responsibility

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I suspect you are talking about a retirement extension of stay rather than the non immigrant O-A visa issued for retirement (which does not require funds to be in a Thai bank)?

Really? I thought 800,000 was needed to even get the initial visa. Sorry to get OT but what is needed for initial visa May be an option for my need of 90 more days.

Not in a Thai bank. The equivalent of minimum THB 800k can be in a bank in any part of the world.

Not in a Thai bank? I didn't think that was the case. Thailand wants the money in country. It is easier for them to "see " it. And the presumption is it is easier for them to get it, or for you to get it, if you need it.

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There used to be a member of this site that worked for BKK Bank. I am sure he posted an excerpt from BKK Bank's website (in English) that stated requirements for opening an account with them. A work permit was not a requirement.

It might be worth searching on BKK Bank's website for it, and printing it off, and taking it to a branch.

Ubonjoe posted a link earlier - http://www.bangkokbank.com/BangkokBank/PersonalBanking/SpecialServices/ForeignCustomers/Pages/Openinganaccountnew.aspx

The Bangkok bank on Silom refused to open an account for me.

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Come on MODS, just how many threads are we going to have on whiners who can't Open Bank Accounts in Thailand ?


If you aren't interested in threads about opening bank accounts, then you don't have to click on them to read them, and you don't have to post in them.

If you're worried about the internet getting full up, you don't need to be: there's still plenty of space left in it.

he just have the right to write it..... and i agree 100% with him

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Just have to keep on trying at all the different banks and bank branches.

Many foreigners have pointed this out before stating that they tried to open an account at several banks or bank branches and they were turned down until another bank or bank branch accommodated them.

Or........ you can find a visa agent and they will arrange this for you....as that is what they do...arrange things for you.


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