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Two drug dealers taken off Phuket's street


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Two drug dealers taken off Phuket's street
Eakkapop Thongtub

Pasathon Thongrak (left) from Phuket and Sanay Saesing from were caught with a total of 11.69 grams of ya ice.

PHUKET: -- Two men were arrested by the Phuket narcotics suppression unit in Phuket Town on Tuesday (Sept 8) and Wednesday (Sept 9) when they were found to be in possession of crystal meth (ya ice).

The duo, 36-year-old Pasathon Thongrak from Phuket and Sanay Saesing, 33, from Trang, were caught with a total of 11.69 grams of ya ice.

Lt Ritthichai Chumchoy said he and his team first raided the rented room of Sanay at the Sabai Mansion in Talad Yai at 7:30pm on September 8 after receiving a tip-off from undercover officers that he had been selling drugs in the area.

“When we saw Sanayʼs Isuzu in the apartmentʼs car park we raided his room and conducted a search for drugs. We found two bags of ya ice containing 11.37 grams in total,” said Maj Ritichai.

Afer being questioned at the police station, Sanay told police that he would buy 5 grams of ya ice for B2,400 from a man known only as X who worked as a truck driver in Ranong. X dropped the drugs off to him in front of Phuket Union Group building near Rassada pier at 7 am on Tuesday.

Sanay added that he would divide the drugs into smaller bag to sell to his customers who would contact him by phone.

Sanay also gave police the name and address of another local dealer. And on Wednesday, at 4:30 pm, police arrested Pasathon with .32 grams of crystal meth in Soi Tha Chin in Rassada.

Police said Pasathon denied that he sold drugs but did take them himself. He told police that he bought the drugs from a man name Pla in Patong.

Both men are now being held at Phuket Provincial Police Station where Sanay has been charged with illegal possession of a Category 1 drug with intent to sell, and Pasathon with illegal possession of a Category 1 drug.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/two-drug-dealers-taken-off-phuket%CA%BCs-street-54056.php

-- Thai PBS 2015-09-11

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I know there are plenty more where these two came from, but every single one of them who is taken out of the system is a victory.

Good work by the authorities, the much maligned (and very often justifiably) RTP have done a good job here and deserve the praise for their actions.

Drugs like the ones being peddled here are the scourge of society, yes it would be great to bag the "King Pins" and the main players but I'll settle for the street dealers for the time being.

The social and financial costs to societies the world over are huge, there should be no mercy for those caught dealing...

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I know there are plenty more where these two came from, but every single one of them who is taken out of the system is a victory.

That's the trouble though it isn't any victory at all and will make not the slightest difference in the big picture of things either in Thailand or anywhere in the world. Even when Mr T was simply shooting dealers dead on the streets rather than arresting them it made no difference. People still to this day smuggle drugs into Indonesia where they know fine well that if they are caught they face the death penalty but they still do it. There is just too much money involved and the people who are responsible for policy refuse to admit that the last 50 odd years and the so called war on drugs has been a total and abject failure.

Ask any young kid either here in Thailand or in the USA which is easier to get, alcohol or drugs and they will all say drugs as alcohol is controlled unlike drugs which are everywhere and cheaper than they have ever been. The fact that drugs are freely available and cheaper than ever would tell most rational, sensible people that things are not going to plan but they don't register with the prohibition lunatics

A very senior drug enforcement agent in America said that 90% of the problems drugs cause is itself caused by prohibition

Einstein once said that " the very definition of lunacy was doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result "

That perfectly describes the so called war on drugs to a T

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I know there are plenty more where these two came from, but every single one of them who is taken out of the system is a victory.

That's the trouble though it isn't any victory at all and will make not the slightest difference in the big picture of things either in Thailand or anywhere in the world. Even when Mr T was simply shooting dealers dead on the streets rather than arresting them it made no difference. People still to this day smuggle drugs into Indonesia where they know fine well that if they are caught they face the death penalty but they still do it. There is just too much money involved and the people who are responsible for policy refuse to admit that the last 50 odd years and the so called war on drugs has been a total and abject failure.

Ask any young kid either here in Thailand or in the USA which is easier to get, alcohol or drugs and they will all say drugs as alcohol is controlled unlike drugs which are everywhere and cheaper than they have ever been. The fact that drugs are freely available and cheaper than ever would tell most rational, sensible people that things are not going to plan but they don't register with the prohibition lunatics

A very senior drug enforcement agent in America said that 90% of the problems drugs cause is itself caused by prohibition

Einstein once said that " the very definition of lunacy was doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result "

That perfectly describes the so called war on drugs to a T

You make you're point very well and I can see where you are coming from, I respect your view entirely.

But the fact is that drugs cost society a huge amount, I am not only talking financialy I am talking socially as well. There is no society on this planet "mature" enough to be able to handle legalized drugs, I believe there have been programmes in smaller countries (Switzerland/Norway) where some drugs have been legalized with some success, but I don't believe this is an approach that will work in every country. If you open a country to readily available drugs (of any type) then the parasitic and socially devoid organisations will exploit it to it's fullest potential.

The most vulnerable among society will always be susceptible to the lure of the easy fix, that small section of humanity that has no conscience or remorse will always be willing to supply the fashionable drug of the day, no matter what the cost to society...

Edited by Bignose
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I know there are plenty more where these two came from, but every single one of them who is taken out of the system is a victory.

That's the trouble though it isn't any victory at all and will make not the slightest difference in the big picture of things either in Thailand or anywhere in the world. Even when Mr T was simply shooting dealers dead on the streets rather than arresting them it made no difference. People still to this day smuggle drugs into Indonesia where they know fine well that if they are caught they face the death penalty but they still do it. There is just too much money involved and the people who are responsible for policy refuse to admit that the last 50 odd years and the so called war on drugs has been a total and abject failure.

Ask any young kid either here in Thailand or in the USA which is easier to get, alcohol or drugs and they will all say drugs as alcohol is controlled unlike drugs which are everywhere and cheaper than they have ever been. The fact that drugs are freely available and cheaper than ever would tell most rational, sensible people that things are not going to plan but they don't register with the prohibition lunatics

A very senior drug enforcement agent in America said that 90% of the problems drugs cause is itself caused by prohibition

Einstein once said that " the very definition of lunacy was doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result "

That perfectly describes the so called war on drugs to a T

You make you're point very well and I can see where you are coming from, I respect your view entirely.

But the fact is that drugs cost society a huge amount, I am not only talking financialy I am talking socially as well. There is no society on this planet "mature" enough to be able to handle legalized drugs, I believe there have been programmes in smaller countries (Switzerland/Norway) where some drugs have been legalized with some success, but I don't believe this is an approach that will work in every country. If you open a country to readily available drugs (of any type) then the parasitic and socially devoid organisations will exploit it to it's fullest potential.

The most vulnerable among society will always be susceptible to the lure of the easy fix, that small section of humanity that has no conscience or remorse will always be willing to supply the fashionable drug of the day, no matter what the cost to society...

Try Portugal ? They have no prohibition laws at all yet it hasn't been the downfall of the country. Far from it. Drug use has actually dropped the last I read. Also my real life experiences with drugs and the people that use them are a million miles from what the powers that be will tell you. I have over the years tried most drugs and stopped when I simply got bored with it. The vast majority of people I know back in the Uk that use drugs are just normal family people and the only time they break the law is by using their drug of choice. Apart from this they work, pay taxes and are what most people would call good upstanding citizens. I worked for a long time with a welder friend who loved his heroin. He worked hard and that was his drug of choice. For others it was coke others E's another was just a smoke after work.

What has happened though is that courts have simply accepted bone idle lazy drug users who just blame their drug of choice for their crimes and the courts have accepted this. If smoking skunk cannabis makes people go out and mug old ladies to get the next bag then the streets wouldn't be safe for anyone to walk around.

By all means lock up for very long times those lazy, workshy drug users for the crimes they commit but don't just ruin lives for the drug itself. Look at America where you have tens of thousands of people in jail for a very long time simply for selling a bit of grass to someone that wants to buy it. Some are doing life for crying out loud. Life for what is basically a victimless crime.

Then you get into the lives lost through drugs being illegal. In Mexico alone over 60,000 people have died in the last 5 years or so and for what ? Because tens of millions of Americans want to go out and use some coke to have a good time. Think then of all the money that is spent fighting this failed so called war on drugs. BILLIONS upon BILLIONS and for nothing. The drug agent that I mentioned in the other post also said that if they really wanted to stop drug use then for a FIFTH of the budget that the USA alone spent on fighting drugs and their use could buy all the illegal drugs in circulation worldwide so why don't they do that ?

I fully believe that they now use prohibition as a control measure on the masses and nothing more. In the UK you will hear politicians of all flavours spouting the same anti drug / war on drugs line constantly. If they are so hellbent on keeping drugs off the streets how come the jails are full of them ? If they can't keep drugs out of a secure environment like prison just how can they with a straight face tell you they are fighting a war on drugs and to expect to keep them off the streets ?

Education is the answer to drugs. Be honest about drugs and educate people from an early age as to the pros, and yes drugs have many of these that is why they can't stop people from using them , and the cons which they also have. Only when we adopt this way of getting people to reduce drug use will we see a change in society and a change for the better.

Sorry for the rant but it is something I feel passionate about

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Here is my way of getting through to drug users just what they are doing with Meth / Yabba etc

Before and after mug shots of drug users after changing to these drugs

Link here. Its scary really scary


Showing school kids these pictures will stop more kids from using this drug than banning it thumbsup.gif

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