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My thai girlfriend - is she cheating on me?


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still the OP hasnt sussed he doesnt have a girlfriend, he has a freelancer.

No. The OP's girlfriend is simply "testing the market" and assessing what's available.

This is probably what your wife did prior to meeting you.

You strike me as deluded.

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Dude - seriously you have to be careful with taking advice from this forum. Alot of these guys hang out in expat scenes, which in any country attract a certain type of person that may prey on foreigners. Many of the expats are huge hypocrites. They devalue women that sleep with them on the first date but they themselves dont hesitate to shag anything that moves. They devalue women that date or cheat but they themselves do so with incredible regularity.

Many of the views expressed in the comments section do not align with my own experiences in Thailand and Asia in general and Ive been living here for upwards of 20 years. Your in a long distance relationship. They are frustrating at the best of times and for any nationality. There are many myths propagated in this forum. Middle class thai girls are not so different to western women. Yes if you are hansom and they are not a virgin many will sleep with you on the first or second date. No they dont generally view sex as a commodity but like any society there is a portion that do. Youth and beauty are seen as assets for a woman as in any society and Asian woman can be conscious of the limited life cycle of both.

Honestly if you dont show solid commitment to an asian woman - or any woman - especially one in her 30s, then you cant expect a solid commitment back. She will be very aware that the clock is ticking. A solid commitment in Asia means a ceremony to recognise your relationship to family and Buddha and it means financial and lifestyle links. Yes you may be unfortunate to have landed a bad egg. She may be scamming you and 10 other guys. It happens. There are some wily women - this occurs in any country and is not unique to Thailand. Try your luck with any country in the low income status.

The best way to limit your risk is to get your head out of the love mode and look at her objectively. Is she placing demands for money, is her family sober, hard working and generally honest, does she give you good advice with money, lifestyle etc.. Does she care about you and your health? These are positive attributes that will help in a long term relationship. The other thing you have to do if you are serious is make a commitment and remove the distance in the relationship. Else in her mind you are likely just dating - which is a difference here.

Lovely and heart felt post.

I hope that the OP reads and understands what you have said.

However, he said that he thinks he has already fallen in love.....

Not a lot to say now then?

OK, one last time - Pull head outa arse.

Start again and stop "Tinkin too mut"

One day at a time!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Dude - seriously you have to be careful with taking advice from this forum. Alot of these guys hang out in expat scenes, which in any country attract a certain type of person that may prey on foreigners. Many of the expats are huge hypocrites. They devalue women that sleep with them on the first date but they themselves dont hesitate to shag anything that moves. They devalue women that date or cheat but they themselves do so with incredible regularity.

Many of the views expressed in the comments section do not align with my own experiences in Thailand and Asia in general and Ive been living here for upwards of 20 years. Your in a long distance relationship. They are frustrating at the best of times and for any nationality. There are many myths propagated in this forum. Middle class thai girls are not so different to western women. Yes if you are hansom and they are not a virgin many will sleep with you on the first or second date. No they dont generally view sex as a commodity but like any society there is a portion that do. Youth and beauty are seen as assets for a woman as in any society and Asian woman can be conscious of the limited life cycle of both.

Honestly if you dont show solid commitment to an asian woman - or any woman - especially one in her 30s, then you cant expect a solid commitment back. She will be very aware that the clock is ticking. A solid commitment in Asia means a ceremony to recognise your relationship to family and Buddha and it means financial and lifestyle links. Yes you may be unfortunate to have landed a bad egg. She may be scamming you and 10 other guys. It happens. There are some wily women - this occurs in any country and is not unique to Thailand. Try your luck with any country in the low income status.

The best way to limit your risk is to get your head out of the love mode and look at her objectively. Is she placing demands for money, is her family sober, hard working and generally honest, does she give you good advice with money, lifestyle etc.. Does she care about you and your health? These are positive attributes that will help in a long term relationship. The other thing you have to do if you are serious is make a commitment and remove the distance in the relationship. Else in her mind you are likely just dating - which is a difference here.

Excellent post.
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Dude - seriously you have to be careful with taking advice from this forum. Alot of these guys hang out in expat scenes, which in any country attract a certain type of person that may prey on foreigners. Many of the expats are huge hypocrites. They devalue women that sleep with them on the first date but they themselves dont hesitate to shag anything that moves. They devalue women that date or cheat but they themselves do so with incredible regularity.

Many of the views expressed in the comments section do not align with my own experiences in Thailand and Asia in general and Ive been living here for upwards of 20 years. Your in a long distance relationship. They are frustrating at the best of times and for any nationality. There are many myths propagated in this forum. Middle class thai girls are not so different to western women. Yes if you are hansom and they are not a virgin many will sleep with you on the first or second date. No they dont generally view sex as a commodity but like any society there is a portion that do. Youth and beauty are seen as assets for a woman as in any society and Asian woman can be conscious of the limited life cycle of both.

Honestly if you dont show solid commitment to an asian woman - or any woman - especially one in her 30s, then you cant expect a solid commitment back. She will be very aware that the clock is ticking. A solid commitment in Asia means a ceremony to recognise your relationship to family and Buddha and it means financial and lifestyle links. Yes you may be unfortunate to have landed a bad egg. She may be scamming you and 10 other guys. It happens. There are some wily women - this occurs in any country and is not unique to Thailand. Try your luck with any country in the low income status.

The best way to limit your risk is to get your head out of the love mode and look at her objectively. Is she placing demands for money, is her family sober, hard working and generally honest, does she give you good advice with money, lifestyle etc.. Does she care about you and your health? These are positive attributes that will help in a long term relationship. The other thing you have to do if you are serious is make a commitment and remove the distance in the relationship. Else in her mind you are likely just dating - which is a difference here.

Excellent post.

It saddens to when I read threads about dating Thai women as the vast majority of posters have nothing good to say. Of course this should come as no surprise when the majority are just here looking for cheap easy sex with as many girls as possible and are interacting with girls at the bottom end of the socio economic spectrum.

If you have no social connections in middle and upper class Thai society then you are seeing a very different Thailand.

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My experience with Thai ladies. The best! Very easy to meet. Communication a little difficult but both parties do some work. In a very short time, a quality relationship is available. Of course, it is helpful if both parties have an interest in cooperating. My first was a nurse, second a teacher & third a recent graduate.

Take a look at the parents as you are involved with the whole family.

Cheating - if that is on the cards, it is better to play it low key at all times ie keep it casual.

SUMMARY: a # 1 experience. My wife & I have been together for 11 years. She is not the hot, sexy type but honest, reliable & we care for each other.

If I played around, it would be all over very quickly. We both know the rules of the game. One strike & you are out!

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Dude - seriously you have to be careful with taking advice from this forum. Alot of these guys hang out in expat scenes, which in any country attract a certain type of person that may prey on foreigners. Many of the expats are huge hypocrites. They devalue women that sleep with them on the first date but they themselves dont hesitate to shag anything that moves. They devalue women that date or cheat but they themselves do so with incredible regularity.

Many of the views expressed in the comments section do not align with my own experiences in Thailand and Asia in general and Ive been living here for upwards of 20 years. Your in a long distance relationship. They are frustrating at the best of times and for any nationality. There are many myths propagated in this forum. Middle class thai girls are not so different to western women. Yes if you are hansom and they are not a virgin many will sleep with you on the first or second date. No they dont generally view sex as a commodity but like any society there is a portion that do. Youth and beauty are seen as assets for a woman as in any society and Asian woman can be conscious of the limited life cycle of both.

Honestly if you dont show solid commitment to an asian woman - or any woman - especially one in her 30s, then you cant expect a solid commitment back. She will be very aware that the clock is ticking. A solid commitment in Asia means a ceremony to recognise your relationship to family and Buddha and it means financial and lifestyle links. Yes you may be unfortunate to have landed a bad egg. She may be scamming you and 10 other guys. It happens. There are some wily women - this occurs in any country and is not unique to Thailand. Try your luck with any country in the low income status.

The best way to limit your risk is to get your head out of the love mode and look at her objectively. Is she placing demands for money, is her family sober, hard working and generally honest, does she give you good advice with money, lifestyle etc.. Does she care about you and your health? These are positive attributes that will help in a long term relationship. The other thing you have to do if you are serious is make a commitment and remove the distance in the relationship. Else in her mind you are likely just dating - which is a difference here.

Excellent post.

I was also trying to think of the best case scenario. There is a saying "don't put all your eggs in one basket." Her counting on you being a solid bet after only a week together would be crazy.

However we do have the her hanging out at Levels, Insanity, etc. Best he can hope for from that is that she is a former part-time freelancer when she was a salesperson but that gave it up after getting a promotion/better salary/older so less in demand. Can't see anyone who was never involved in that line of work being friends with loads that are. Oh and the OP said that was totally unacceptable to him. The rest then becomes a moot point.

Edited by Lorn
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Sex is a commodity in Thailand. They all want money but have different ways of going about getting it. Some just work as hookers and get paid by the night, others will be with you all the time but will eventually have some problem for which they need money and guess who they will ask!!?? Others, like my ex-wife will go the ultimate route and marry a guy, then go about draining everything from him. One thing is for sure, they ll want a guy to TAKE CARE of them. The more you spend on them the more you love them is their reasoning.

She probably still has her Thai boyfriend, and is milking as many dumb and gullible Farang as she can, ...you included. They love money, and will do anything to get it, .. but they seldom ever fall in love themselves. You are her latest mark.

Enjoy your time with Thai women, but keep your valubles safe and watch what you drink!, .... and DO NOT fall in love!! It is a one way street

Another superb post.

One of my wife's friends owns a massage business. 90% of these establishments run the same. First, she found a boyfriend to pay for the business. Once she had the business going, the boyfriend disappeared out of the picture. But she'd date (sex too) one or two farang guys at a time plus her Thai BF, plus anyone online who would send her money. Eventually she met a younger guy that she 'loved' and a retiree who was financially well off. Thai BF was out of the running by now. Both guys knew of the other guy. The gal would talk to my wife a couple of times a week. "What to do?" "I love young guy, but older guy has money, built me house, and takes care of my two kids like they're his own." That went on for about a year. Finally economics took over youthful lust, and she married the older guy with money, who than had her sell her business and moved her and her kids to Austrailia. Good move there imho, because it gives the kids a Western education. Is she happy? Sort of. She's happy she can take care of her parents and extended family, her kids will get a good education and learn English, but not happy that she cut herself off from "love and romance". Call it sacrifice. If I was this guy I'd have a rock solid prenupt, but also understanding the age difference, if she occasionally went out to sow some wild oats (with protection), why should he care. He doesn't meet that need. This guy was living in an 'open relationship' prior to marriage, i.e., he wasn't the only one sexually involved with his finance and he knew it. For those who can work with open relationships, more power to you. I've divorced more than one wife for infidelity, but when the current wife decided the grass was greener on the other side of the soi about 5 years ago, I told her to enjoy herself, practice safe sex, and let me know when she gets tired of playing around. I lived my own life until she and her farang BF got into an unsolvable disagreement, and back she came. We resolved an number of issues, and we're still together. She has friends, heck, call them gigs. I don't care if she goes out with her farang guy friends. If it keeps her happy, cool.

So you have to make a decision. Is fidelity and infidelity something you're really concerned about? I'm I worried about my wife becoming emotionally involved with another guy? No. I won't explain that either other than to say we're both way past baby-making, we've establish a home and routine we live by. Is it perfect? No way. Lot or room for improvement, but we are both getting old. And we both know it. I'm not going anywhere (with another women) and she ain't going anywhere (with another guy). She occasionally goes and has dinner with one of her farang guy friends - I know who they are and she usually tells me in advance or afterward. I'm not jealous. Not even if she is having an extended dessert. I plan to grow old and live out the rest of our year together. That's her plan too. So, our lives are fine, and could still get better.

So, are you jealous? Your life will not be good.

Are you distrustful? Your relationship will not be good.

Do you care if she has a gig or two? Your relationship will not be good.

And we already know you worry about her cheating. Your relationship will never be good.

Get out, pull your head together, figure out what you really want in life, get a real grip on Thai culture, and don't keep around anyone but a girlfriend who pays her own way other than when you are taking her out for dinner on occasion. Keep your finances separate. Heck, you're single, date multiple girls. Find a nice, middle-class gal with a job, get to know her family, develop trust, and don't expect to have sex until you have really ironed out the cultural differences between your cultural and hers, and are excepted by the family (not because you are a financial asset - you should be aware of that at the start). You're vetting them just like their vetting you. Mom and Dad should be financial secure, not poor Isaan farmers. Just a 'heads up' from someone probably much older than you and who has been around the block a few times and has the bruises to prove it. (If she says mom and dad need 30 baht of gold for sinsot, have a nice long talk with mom and dad. Can't work it out, send her down the road. Ideal parents will want sinsot for "Show" during the wedding, but decent middle-class parent will give it back to you so that you can use it to start your own lifes. So don't become a sinsot victim either. Know the difference.)

But it's all up to you. You'll figure it out one way or another. Best of luck.

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Re post # 226

I know that I could not accept such a relationship.

So, try another? Where? LOS? Middle-class parents? Unlikely.

Ordain as a monk? No

Be single & play around? That may work in the s/t but another Ms Right comes along. All the above recommences.

Become a recluse?

It ain't easy this breathing in & out.

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It's been about a week. Have you dumped her yet? Or are you going to hang on to see how bad it can get.

No not dumped yet. I still move on, but it's getting worse every day instead of getting better.

I've found an Account on another social media platform. And slowly her real face is showing up. I know she had contact with some foreigners because of her previous job, but her friends list is beyond that.

She has at least 15 Farang friends in her list, from Turkey, Syria, Russia, Germany and the UK. Why does she know these guys? She MUST has met these guys in the past. In addition, she has some party photos she has not posted in Facebook. From Khaosan Road and Walkingstreet in Pattaya and so on.

Not only that. She was on vacation with some guy 4 (!!!) times in the last 4 years. She said it's just her ex, but i really have my doubts.


Its nice that you could have such a relationship, but i can not live like that. I'm an old romantic, and i can not accept a cheating wife or a girlfriend who slept around in her past.

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Anyone who would sleep with you on a first date is not marriage material

yes that's pretty obvious and my biggest question mark in this story.

I asked her why she did. Her response: I don't know, Had good feeling

Then she tries to change topic by saying she is too shy

Not sure why she's wasting her time on you

I'm not sure either. Why should she move on when she could have other guys the next day?

I don't think she's just playing for fun, because we already had some serious arguments and

everybody who has no serious intentions would have stopped already. I don't send her money

or other bull***t

Are you a jealous type? don't fall in love

Yes i am, and I'm afraid i already did

maybe her significant other is away at work all week and only home on the weekends?

that's a really good one, why i didn't think about that before

How do you reckon she paid for all these things?

I have absolutly no idea, that's why i started this topic.

To be honest, though, I would have chosen WankyWanky

there's no need to get personal or to making fun of other persons lives

I just want to know what the heck is going on. I'm not the type of person who can stop from one day to the other. I can leave in peace when i'm 100% sure

what her intentions are. She posted a photo on her Facebook page showing me with the words "my boyfriend" Why should she do that? Everybody

of her friends were able to see this. She took a week off from work while i was in Bangkok. She spend the entire week with me and slept in my Hotelroom.

How could she explain that to her husband?!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not searching for signals that she's a good girl...i just want questioning everything

Welcome to Bangkok man!

Get in line with the rest because you have the famous disease THE YELLOWFEVER

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She's a pro. But if your happy then go for it. If ur worried then stop now. It seems u know what to do, just need some confirmation.

Also thaivisa is used as a joke, something to laugh at while in the bathroom. Ask ur friends for advice. They know u better than anyone here. Good luck

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No not dumped yet. I still move on, but it's getting worse every day instead of getting better.

I've found an Account on another social media platform. And slowly her real face is showing up. I know she had contact with some foreigners because of her previous job, but her friends list is beyond that.

She has at least 15 Farang friends in her list, from Turkey, Syria, Russia, Germany and the UK. Why does she know these guys? She MUST has met these guys in the past. In addition, she has some party photos she has not posted in Facebook. From Khaosan Road and Walkingstreet in Pattaya and so on.

Not only that. She was on vacation with some guy 4 (!!!) times in the last 4 years. She said it's just her ex, but i really have my doubts.


Its nice that you could have such a relationship, but i can not live like that. I'm an old romantic, and i can not accept a cheating wife or a girlfriend who slept around in her past.

She works in Bangkok for a company with clients in many countries.

She's got to maintain the illusion of friendly contact, hence social media with client reps. She's got to meet them occasionally during her field work, and depending on their portfolio value, may have to organize enticements like nice hotels and getaways. She despises taking fotos with them but does it because it's good for the company.

Just because she's been to the tourist spots with girlfriends, doesn't mean she's a floozie. It's really unfair to paint her with the "Thai bar girl" brush just because she's Thai and has fotos in a Pattaya bar and is a girl. Having 2 phones and 2 emails isn't uncommon. I worked in a company and did the very same thing. Personal and company issued. No big deal.

She obviously feels something for you, and the toilet sitting in your presence is a way some women express that they're comfortable around you. Peeing means she likes you and is fairly common. If she takes a crap, she's a keeper.

You are just scared of commitment and rejection, so you are making excuses to push her away as a self-defense mechanism. Give this one a chance. Just put your wallet in the room safe first, don a condom and eat all your green beans. And meat. Because everybody knows that you can't have any pudding if you don't eat yourrrr meat. Simple as that, laddie.

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Anyone who would sleep with you on a first date is not marriage material

yes that's pretty obvious and my biggest question mark in this story.

I asked her why she did. Her response: I don't know, Had good feeling

Then she tries to change topic by saying she is too shy

Not sure why she's wasting her time on you

I'm not sure either. Why should she move on when she could have other guys the next day?

I don't think she's just playing for fun, because we already had some serious arguments and

everybody who has no serious intentions would have stopped already. I don't send her money

or other bull***t

Are you a jealous type? don't fall in love

Yes i am, and I'm afraid i already did

maybe her significant other is away at work all week and only home on the weekends?

that's a really good one, why i didn't think about that before

How do you reckon she paid for all these things?

I have absolutly no idea, that's why i started this topic.

To be honest, though, I would have chosen WankyWanky

there's no need to get personal or to making fun of other persons lives

I just want to know what the heck is going on. I'm not the type of person who can stop from one day to the other. I can leave in peace when i'm 100% sure

what her intentions are. She posted a photo on her Facebook page showing me with the words "my boyfriend" Why should she do that? Everybody

of her friends were able to see this. She took a week off from work while i was in Bangkok. She spend the entire week with me and slept in my Hotelroom.

How could she explain that to her husband?!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not searching for signals that she's a good girl...i just want questioning everything

Welcome to Bangkok man!

Get in line with the rest because you have the famous disease THE YELLOWFEVER

Exactly. You are curious, you are intrigued, you are fascinated. You just want to know because you want to know but you never will. Different country different language different culture different values, so just go with the flow but do NOT make yourself vulnerable. Insulate yourself from being scammed because if you are too difficult she will move onto easier pickings soon enough.

MOST important protect your own heart, put aside most of your emotional property reserved for the future as you would with money, don't come out of this as damaged goods. Moth to the flame. I know it's difficult for now but at the end of the day she is only a pretty face, beauty is only skin deep and her life will have been filled with attention because of it.

You say you are romantic. Romantic people are the most vulnerable of all because they idealize the world. You will most likely find that she is not. On dating sites they all say they are and love to walk on beaches etc. But I have never met one yet who is. The conversation is like this:

You "Look at all those beautiful stars!" Her " What? Oh yes I've seen them before, we have them in Kalasin."

You and her are from different planets, you are differently wired. It will always be the same.

Actually I worry for you. You take care.

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You just want to know because you want to know but you never will.

yeah, and this is driving me crazy! I want to know what she did in her past, i want to know how many guys she has dated, if she has slept with other Farang before she has met me.

I want to know if it was really just her Ex she has dated the last 5 years. Seriously, i can not stop to think about that! I just want to know the truth (because she has also asked me about my past, and i have given her a honest answer, without leaving any details).

She said she has only seen her ex all the years and nobody else, BUT i can not believe it. The fact that she had contact with so many Farang, and keeping those contacts. that she's hanging out in famous Farang party areas, and last but not least her behaviour (everything i've mentioned before). She is a beautiful, tanned, smart lady. She's a stunner, and she already said to me...always when she's going out with her girls, drinking some beer in bars and nightclubs she's getting approached by so many guys...non-stop. I can not believe that she has NEVER gone with some of these guys up to their hotelrooms the last 5 years...like she did after meeting me. It's not possible! But i'm afraid i will never get an answer...I don't know if you guys can understand me. I'm acting a little weird. I had really bad experiences with some exgirlfriends, i just don't want a girl in my life again who slept around like a whore!

Edited by FrankyHanky
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55J in post 232 gave a good answer. But sounds to me like you don't really trust her which will torture you forever if you stay with her. If you can't believe in her honesty then you'll always be looking for signs of betrayal and it will drive you crazy.(More crazy than you already are!)

Just go with the flow like I said before but don't chase her and protect yourself from disappointment. Show her you have another life besides her. It makes you more attractive, no woman likes a neurotic needy man.

Watch out because your obsession is causing you not to think straight and realize that love/infatuation/endorphins can become like a mental illness. That's why you recognize you were acting a little weird.

Your role as a man is strength of mind as well as body. As time passes you will know more what to do with more information coming to light.

Remember there are many other gorgeous women out there that are not so complicated. Love should never be hard work


Uncle Agony.

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I didnt even need to read the whole thing, just the first bit, any girl that sleeps with you on the first night = DO NOT MARRY THIS PERSON

That might be your criteria.

Mine has always been - Don't date anyone unless they sleep with you the same night you meet them.

Why waste time and money 'dating' someone only to later find out they have an ugly tattoo, stretch marks, saggy tits, ugly nipples or any other thing that once you discover it turns you off completely?

Edited to add this....

All this crap some people are spouting about "a good Thai girl won't sleep with you right away" is bull, why the hell shouldn't a young woman want to have sex just as much as a man?

What makes her a 'good girl' just because she doesn't want to have sex right away?

I'd be more worried if she didn't because why would you want a girl who doesn't want to shag all the time?

The OP probably hasn't had too many super hot girls, I've met several young guys from Europe who have very strange traditional moral values and find the free and easy attitude to sex here in Bangkok makes them feel uncomfortable.

"Good Thai girls" shouldn't sleep with anyone till they are married, because they are expecting to get sin sot. If they are used goods, they shouldn't get any sin sot at all.

BTW I use "good" tongue in cheek because I don't believe in any of that hypocritical garbage, but I'd be extremely PO if I paid a lot of money for my wife and she turned out to have given it away already.

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I didnt even need to read the whole thing, just the first bit, any girl that sleeps with you on the first night = DO NOT MARRY THIS PERSON

That might be your criteria.

Mine has always been - Don't date anyone unless they sleep with you the same night you meet them.

Why waste time and money 'dating' someone only to later find out they have an ugly tattoo, stretch marks, saggy tits, ugly nipples or any other thing that once you discover it turns you off completely?

Edited to add this....

All this crap some people are spouting about "a good Thai girl won't sleep with you right away" is bull, why the hell shouldn't a young woman want to have sex just as much as a man?

What makes her a 'good girl' just because she doesn't want to have sex right away?

I'd be more worried if she didn't because why would you want a girl who doesn't want to shag all the time?

The OP probably hasn't had too many super hot girls, I've met several young guys from Europe who have very strange traditional moral values and find the free and easy attitude to sex here in Bangkok makes them feel uncomfortable.

"Good Thai girls" shouldn't sleep with anyone till they are married, because they are expecting to get sin sot. If they are used goods, they shouldn't get any sin sot at all.

BTW I use "good" tongue in cheek because I don't believe in any of that hypocritical garbage, but I'd be extremely PO if I paid a lot of money for my wife and she turned out to have given it away already.

I don't have any Problem with that. She's not a Teenager anymore, she's in her mid 30. She has her past, i have my past. We are not living in the 20th century. It's ok for me that she had sex already, but it would be not ok for me, if she has slept around; if she had another cock every day/week/month. She wants to convince me that it was only her ex the last 5 years, but i really have my problems to believe her. She would never have told it on her own initiative, only when i asked her with whom she was on vacation (but i already asked her weeks before if she has met someone after her ex, and she said she has met NOBODY). And now she was on vacation with him four times the last 5 years?! And she never has met someone from a nightclub?! Or from the datingsites?! No way! Why does she know so many Farang guys. Why is she still in contact with them? (Some of them really not look like some colleagues of some other companies she has to work with. They look like "player") Maybe she doesn't want to tell because she doesn't want to scare me away. Edited by FrankyHanky
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I didnt even need to read the whole thing, just the first bit, any girl that sleeps with you on the first night = DO NOT MARRY THIS PERSON

That might be your criteria.

Mine has always been - Don't date anyone unless they sleep with you the same night you meet them.

Why waste time and money 'dating' someone only to later find out they have an ugly tattoo, stretch marks, saggy tits, ugly nipples or any other thing that once you discover it turns you off completely?

Edited to add this....

All this crap some people are spouting about "a good Thai girl won't sleep with you right away" is bull, why the hell shouldn't a young woman want to have sex just as much as a man?

What makes her a 'good girl' just because she doesn't want to have sex right away?

I'd be more worried if she didn't because why would you want a girl who doesn't want to shag all the time?

The OP probably hasn't had too many super hot girls, I've met several young guys from Europe who have very strange traditional moral values and find the free and easy attitude to sex here in Bangkok makes them feel uncomfortable.

"Good Thai girls" shouldn't sleep with anyone till they are married, because they are expecting to get sin sot. If they are used goods, they shouldn't get any sin sot at all.

BTW I use "good" tongue in cheek because I don't believe in any of that hypocritical garbage, but I'd be extremely PO if I paid a lot of money for my wife and she turned out to have given it away already.

I don't have any Problem with that. She's not a Teenager anymore, she's in her mid 30. She has her past, i have my past. We are not living in the 20th century. It's ok for me that she had sex already, but it would be not ok for me, if she has slept around; if she had another cock every day/week/month. She wants to convince me that it was only her ex the last 5 years, but i really have my problems to believe her. She would never have told it on her own initiative, only when i asked her with whom she was on vacation (but i already asked her weeks before if she has met someone after her ex, and she said she has met NOBODY). And now she was on vacation with him four times the last 5 years?! And she never has met someone from a nightclub?! Or from the datingsites?! No way! Why does she know so many Farang guys. Why is she still in contact with them? (Some of them really not look like some colleagues of some other companies she has to work with. They look like "player") Maybe she doesn't want to tell because she doesn't want to scare me away.

Yes your last sentence. If she's not got a hidden agenda, no girl is going to lessen her chances with you by exposing themselves in all honesty to you, a virtual stranger. No girl if she is serious wants you to think less of her by telling all. Who does that? It doesn't work that way and it's a different culture. If there's lies then you have to work out if they're explainable or forgivable or if it's more sinister than that. Don't get hung up because she's told you some petty porkies that therefore she must be a 'bad' girl. Who is whiter than the driven snow? No-one. Calm down, maybe you are joining up too many dots. In the end it could become a self fulfilling prophesy.Better get yourself and your own insecurities sorted first ASAP.

It's now that matters, not her past.You don't need to know every detail, actually it's not really your business. It's her right.She will reveal to you what she wants you to know if she feels it's right and a good thing. Could take a lifetime, if ever. What matters is how she treats you now, and how you get along now. That's all you need and most likely what you'll ever get and who wants more than that? Should be all you should wish for.

Thai women are very private. You're young, don't put her off by being too intense. It will unfold. You'll have your answers sooner or later in your own mind without having to know all the details.

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I didnt even need to read the whole thing, just the first bit, any girl that sleeps with you on the first night = DO NOT MARRY THIS PERSON

That might be your criteria.

Mine has always been - Don't date anyone unless they sleep with you the same night you meet them.

Why waste time and money 'dating' someone only to later find out they have an ugly tattoo, stretch marks, saggy tits, ugly nipples or any other thing that once you discover it turns you off completely?

Edited to add this....

All this crap some people are spouting about "a good Thai girl won't sleep with you right away" is bull, why the hell shouldn't a young woman want to have sex just as much as a man?

What makes her a 'good girl' just because she doesn't want to have sex right away?

I'd be more worried if she didn't because why would you want a girl who doesn't want to shag all the time?

The OP probably hasn't had too many super hot girls, I've met several young guys from Europe who have very strange traditional moral values and find the free and easy attitude to sex here in Bangkok makes them feel uncomfortable.

"Good Thai girls" shouldn't sleep with anyone till they are married, because they are expecting to get sin sot. If they are used goods, they shouldn't get any sin sot at all.

BTW I use "good" tongue in cheek because I don't believe in any of that hypocritical garbage, but I'd be extremely PO if I paid a lot of money for my wife and she turned out to have given it away already.

I don't have any Problem with that. She's not a Teenager anymore, she's in her mid 30. She has her past, i have my past. We are not living in the 20th century. It's ok for me that she had sex already, but it would be not ok for me, if she has slept around; if she had another cock every day/week/month. She wants to convince me that it was only her ex the last 5 years, but i really have my problems to believe her. She would never have told it on her own initiative, only when i asked her with whom she was on vacation (but i already asked her weeks before if she has met someone after her ex, and she said she has met NOBODY). And now she was on vacation with him four times the last 5 years?! And she never has met someone from a nightclub?! Or from the datingsites?! No way! Why does she know so many Farang guys. Why is she still in contact with them? (Some of them really not look like some colleagues of some other companies she has to work with. They look like "player") Maybe she doesn't want to tell because she doesn't want to scare me away.

Yes your last sentence. If she's not got a hidden agenda, no girl is going to lessen her chances with you by exposing themselves in all honesty to you, a virtual stranger. No girl if she is serious wants you to think less of her by telling all. Who does that? It doesn't work that way and it's a different culture. If there's lies then you have to work out if they're explainable or forgivable or if it's more sinister than that. Don't get hung up because she's told you some petty porkies that therefore she must be a 'bad' girl. Who is whiter than the driven snow? No-one. Calm down, maybe you are joining up too many dots. In the end it could become a self fulfilling prophesy.Better get yourself and your own insecurities sorted first ASAP.

It's now that matters, not her past.You don't need to know every detail, actually it's not really your business. It's her right.She will reveal to you what she wants you to know if she feels it's right and a good thing. Could take a lifetime, if ever. What matters is how she treats you now, and how you get along now. That's all you need and most likely what you'll ever get and who wants more than that? Should be all you should wish for.

Thai women are very private. You're young, don't put her off by being too intense. It will unfold. You'll have your answers sooner or later in your own mind without having to know all the details.

WOW, thank you very much for that post man. You're right in every sentence. I really have to start sorting my insercurities now

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I didnt even need to read the whole thing, just the first bit, any girl that sleeps with you on the first night = DO NOT MARRY THIS PERSON

That might be your criteria.

Mine has always been - Don't date anyone unless they sleep with you the same night you meet them.

Why waste time and money 'dating' someone only to later find out they have an ugly tattoo, stretch marks, saggy tits, ugly nipples or any other thing that once you discover it turns you off completely?

Edited to add this....

All this crap some people are spouting about "a good Thai girl won't sleep with you right away" is bull, why the hell shouldn't a young woman want to have sex just as much as a man?

What makes her a 'good girl' just because she doesn't want to have sex right away?

I'd be more worried if she didn't because why would you want a girl who doesn't want to shag all the time?

The OP probably hasn't had too many super hot girls, I've met several young guys from Europe who have very strange traditional moral values and find the free and easy attitude to sex here in Bangkok makes them feel uncomfortable.

"Good Thai girls" shouldn't sleep with anyone till they are married, because they are expecting to get sin sot. If they are used goods, they shouldn't get any sin sot at all.

BTW I use "good" tongue in cheek because I don't believe in any of that hypocritical garbage, but I'd be extremely PO if I paid a lot of money for my wife and she turned out to have given it away already.

I don't have any Problem with that. She's not a Teenager anymore, she's in her mid 30. She has her past, i have my past. We are not living in the 20th century. It's ok for me that she had sex already, but it would be not ok for me, if she has slept around; if she had another cock every day/week/month. She wants to convince me that it was only her ex the last 5 years, but i really have my problems to believe her. She would never have told it on her own initiative, only when i asked her with whom she was on vacation (but i already asked her weeks before if she has met someone after her ex, and she said she has met NOBODY). And now she was on vacation with him four times the last 5 years?! And she never has met someone from a nightclub?! Or from the datingsites?! No way! Why does she know so many Farang guys. Why is she still in contact with them? (Some of them really not look like some colleagues of some other companies she has to work with. They look like "player") Maybe she doesn't want to tell because she doesn't want to scare me away.

Yes your last sentence. If she's not got a hidden agenda, no girl is going to lessen her chances with you by exposing themselves in all honesty to you, a virtual stranger. No girl if she is serious wants you to think less of her by telling all. Who does that? It doesn't work that way and it's a different culture. If there's lies then you have to work out if they're explainable or forgivable or if it's more sinister than that. Don't get hung up because she's told you some petty porkies that therefore she must be a 'bad' girl. Who is whiter than the driven snow? No-one. Calm down, maybe you are joining up too many dots. In the end it could become a self fulfilling prophesy.Better get yourself and your own insecurities sorted first ASAP.

It's now that matters, not her past.You don't need to know every detail, actually it's not really your business. It's her right.She will reveal to you what she wants you to know if she feels it's right and a good thing. Could take a lifetime, if ever. What matters is how she treats you now, and how you get along now. That's all you need and most likely what you'll ever get and who wants more than that? Should be all you should wish for.

Thai women are very private. You're young, don't put her off by being too intense. It will unfold. You'll have your answers sooner or later in your own mind without having to know all the details.

WOW, thank you very much for that post man. You're right in every sentence. I really have to start sorting my insercurities now

Frankehanky is right its all about now, in my experience Thai woman put you on a need to know only basis

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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