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Sorry, It's The "P" Word (Again)

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We were on the way into Kamptien Market this morning and came across what I can only describe as a Ghost Food Court. But for its location which is nigh on impossible to describe, (18.80400, 98.99686 entered into Google Maps or your GPS will get you there) it could maybe be a nice little setup but at the moment there are only two units occupied. We saw a sign Thin Thin Pizza and went back to try it out for lunch. The ground floor restaurant had only the two staff sitting at a table and their eyes lit up when we entered but the excitement of seeing real customers was short lived as Thin Thin is actually on the 1st floor so we backed out with some embarrassment and went upstairs.

No more people up there but the pizza, or pizzas as it turned out, were surprisingly good and (less surprisingly) very thin but, unlike the Italian variety, with plenty of topping. They have a buy one get one free promotion going at the moment and we ended up with two tasty 10 inch pizzas and two bottles of water for 270 baht. I understand they have a branch at the Arcade Bus Station development but if you're in the Kamptien area do give them a try.

Here's the menu:


I have no connection with the owners etc, etc, etc....

How about we try to not introduce all the other pizza places in town (or in US or Italy or anywhere), but actually get some feedback from people who have visited this place (or the other branch). What do you think - can we manage that? biggrin.png


I had one from there delivered by Meals on Wheels. Good thin crispy crust unlike the greasy deep pan garbage that is the norm around here. Wasn't particulatly hot though, so had to bung it in the oven first.


Two pizzas for price of one? Hmm. Getting hungry again. Could take home and eat both, to avoid the stares of other restaurant diners as i gobble two pies, one in each hand. Looks like the shop in somewhere near the Grand Napat lodge and since i know where that is, i'm on my way. Tomorrow.


Mr K has long made this little corner a shortcut to avoid the lights if we've been to Makro or Homepro. We've only ever stopped once - I ran into Rimping about a year ago to get something which they didn't have and decided it was only a 'corner' shop with very few supplies so never stopped at again, but over the last 3 or 4 months I've had my head turned several times as we've made our way through and I've noticed a lot of new shops which are going to make it definitely worth a visit. I think we might try this pizza place next time I'm feeling too lazy to cook, so thanks for the tip off.

I had a look on their Facebook page, and the photo's are tempting enough, but I make a pretty good pizza myself so don't usually bother ordering out. I honestly could count on the fingers of one hand my number of bought pizza here in CM, but we have an upcoming trip to Malaysia so I don't want to buy too much fresh food that will get wasted; I think this week could be a junk food week and these certainly look good enough to try. Will report back after we've tried them.

(Mr K always giggles at what he calls the Camberwick Green security guards - if you are not English and not of a certain age that will go right over your head, but if you are of a certain age you really have to go there and check their uniforms out. Pugh, Pugh, Barney, McGrew.......)

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Mr K has long made this little corner a shortcut to avoid the lights if we've been to Makro or Homepro. We've only ever stopped once - I ran into Rimping about a year ago to get something which they didn't have and decided it was only a 'corner' shop with very few supplies so never stopped at again, but over the last 3 or 4 months I've had my head turned several times as we've made our way through and I've noticed a lot of new shops which are going to make it definitely worth a visit. I think we might try this pizza place next time I'm feeling too lazy to cook, so thanks for the tip off.

I had a look on their Facebook page, and the photo's are tempting enough, but I make a pretty good pizza myself so don't usually bother ordering out. I honestly could count on the fingers of one hand my number of bought pizza here in CM, but we have an upcoming trip to Malaysia so I don't want to buy too much fresh food that will get wasted; I think this week could be a junk food week and these certainly look good enough to try. Will report back after we've tried them.

(Mr K always giggles at what he calls the Camberwick Green security guards - if you are not English and not of a certain age that will go right over your head, but if you are of a certain age you really have to go there and check their uniforms out. Pugh, Pugh, Barney, McGrew.......)

...Cuthbert, Dibble, Grub. But weren't they the Firemen from Trumpton???


Mr K has long made this little corner a shortcut to avoid the lights if we've been to Makro or Homepro. We've only ever stopped once - I ran into Rimping about a year ago to get something which they didn't have and decided it was only a 'corner' shop with very few supplies so never stopped at again, but over the last 3 or 4 months I've had my head turned several times as we've made our way through and I've noticed a lot of new shops which are going to make it definitely worth a visit. I think we might try this pizza place next time I'm feeling too lazy to cook, so thanks for the tip off.

I had a look on their Facebook page, and the photo's are tempting enough, but I make a pretty good pizza myself so don't usually bother ordering out. I honestly could count on the fingers of one hand my number of bought pizza here in CM, but we have an upcoming trip to Malaysia so I don't want to buy too much fresh food that will get wasted; I think this week could be a junk food week and these certainly look good enough to try. Will report back after we've tried them.

(Mr K always giggles at what he calls the Camberwick Green security guards - if you are not English and not of a certain age that will go right over your head, but if you are of a certain age you really have to go there and check their uniforms out. Pugh, Pugh, Barney, McGrew.......)

All that waffle and you haven't even tried "Thin Thin Pizza" whistling.gif


Never understood why people regard pizza as food - horrible stuff. My wife had one at Dukes'. It was unedible - they didn't charge us though and I think the Chef responsible got told off. We heard much shouting.


Mr K has long made this little corner a shortcut to avoid the lights if we've been to Makro or Homepro. We've only ever stopped once - I ran into Rimping about a year ago to get something which they didn't have and decided it was only a 'corner' shop with very few supplies so never stopped at again, but over the last 3 or 4 months I've had my head turned several times as we've made our way through and I've noticed a lot of new shops which are going to make it definitely worth a visit. I think we might try this pizza place next time I'm feeling too lazy to cook, so thanks for the tip off.

I had a look on their Facebook page, and the photo's are tempting enough, but I make a pretty good pizza myself so don't usually bother ordering out. I honestly could count on the fingers of one hand my number of bought pizza here in CM, but we have an upcoming trip to Malaysia so I don't want to buy too much fresh food that will get wasted; I think this week could be a junk food week and these certainly look good enough to try. Will report back after we've tried them.

(Mr K always giggles at what he calls the Camberwick Green security guards - if you are not English and not of a certain age that will go right over your head, but if you are of a certain age you really have to go there and check their uniforms out. Pugh, Pugh, Barney, McGrew.......)

...Cuthbert, Dibble, Grub. But weren't they the Firemen from Trumpton???

Camberwick Green, Chigley and Trumpton are all interchangeable for me, but Greenside is right, we are in the danger zone. I won't comment further until I've tried this erstwhile establishment, one day later week, I'm hope.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Puh-leese, UG! That post is almost guaranteed to send this thread South and it'll only be about 6 hours before we're on page 42 debating the merits of Deep Dish, Chicago Pies and Heaven Knows
What.... biggrin.png


Where are these 'security guards', and what is so 'erstwhile' about this pizza shop?

And be careful when consulting the maps offered on facecrap, may show the train station location. Don't get lost.

Yes, i know, all are waiting anxiously for a 'pizza report'. Mine is coming soon and i sincerely hope the review will be positive and the overall experience nutritionally rewarding.


Sounds like you're talking about the branch at Arcade Bus Station, rather than the one I visited. I think the 2 for 1 deal is a promotion at the newer location. Rule of thumb: don't visit FB. Ever.


Got the 2pies 4 1price today. Half smoked chicken/half vegetarian = very good. Free pie was 'margarita' also delicious. All gone now. That was 230 baht well spent. Went to the Kamthiang venue, if you could call the rooftop box a restaurant. But the folks were friendly, went straight to work once i paid up and had the pies ready on time. Put the food in the car boot, but could not wait so took a slice. Hot it was but tasty.

Overall taste good, another 3 mins on the heat might have helped the crust but no real issues. Yes, thin crusts, a bit of tomato sauce, toppings, all just like home. But Thin-Thin did offer some odd flavors in addition to the old standbys. Next time will try peanut butter, triple chocolate or chocolate/nuts flavor.


Greenside was correct about the location of the security guards, I was well off because I didn't read his OP properly. We did, however, find the Kamthiang location (eventually) and try it. I'm not good at doing food reviews, and am very hard to please on the subject of pizza (we lived in Melbourne for 20 years where some of the best pizza in the world is on every back street in every nondescript suburb) so suffice to say that it was pleasantly OK and we both enjoyed it. My only criticism (and it's probably me being picky) is that the tomato sauce base had (not loads, but some) chilli in it. Mr K didn't even notice, but as one who adds chilli to the food I cook for flavour rather than heat, I can spot it a mile off - Mr K eats Thai food every day for lunch so it's presence was nothing out of the usual for him. Nice toppings, not too much heaped on top, crust was good, cooked very well.

If I didn't have the space, equipment and desire to cook pretty much every day, I would probably be a semi-regular customer. Not sure if I'll have another, but it made a nice treat for me and certainly wasn't a waste of money, so thanks for the tip.

(And check out the security guards at the newish mini mall at Arcade.)

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

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