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Biden: Trump's view on immigration 'will not prevail'

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All this rage for someone whose core message is to secure the borders and expel anyone that entered and stays in the country illegally... My you do have an imagination if nothing else...

I am referring to his track history, not the silly comments he has made in the last few weeks. This man has a long and illustrious history of hatred, hostility, theft, bankrupting his companies, and walking away with hundreds of millions, etc. This thief is a charlatan. He is snookering a lot of people with his disgusting dialogue. He is a fraud.

Trump's business practices are well known and successful... How else do you think he got rich? Like any good business person, he isolates his risk to each property, with each asset isolated within it's own corporate structure... So, if one asset / property fails to produce or goes belly up, it does not take down the rest of his portfolio... If you call taking advantage of the current tax / corporate law structure evil, then you are not far from wrong, but you are blaming the player, not the game...

Oh, stop reading conventional media, for your information. It is very well known how scheming, and conniving this guy is. He absolutely refuses to leave $1 on the table. If you call that fair and reasonable, well so be it. But he did not get rich by isolating his risk. He got rich by climbing on the backs of hundreds and hundreds. Just a few examples:

But now, Donald Trump is being sued by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for highly unethical business practices. Attorney General Schneiderman has accused Trump of "engaging in persistent fraudulent, illegal and deceptive conduct in connection with the operation of Trump University," which is Trump's unlicensed, for-profit education company.1


another example:

Donald Trump: Not As Great A Businessman As He Claims To Be


and yet another:

Growing up with this kind of crass, unethical, self-promotion, it doesn’t take long to realize that while Donald Trump is a very successful salesman, he’s also a clownish businessman and a horrific human being.


and yet another:

Trump, however, still faces a similar lawsuit that includes 81 plaintiffs demanding the return of $8 million in unreturned deposits due to the same deception. A resolution to this case is expected toward the end of the year.


The list goes on, and on, and on, of the people he has taken for a ride in his career. And now, in his biggest scam to date, he is attempting to take the entire American public for a ride, based on a completely false characterization of himself.

You seem to overlook that since 2008 the US has been headed by a man that has attempted to take the entire American public for a ride, based on lies ( if you like your Dr etc ).

As far as I remember every American president in history was a lying thief.
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Biden is correct. Disgusting Don is a hater. He hates women. He hates foreigners. He hates blacks. He hates Mexicans. He hates most anything and everything. Just the scowl on that fantastically ugly face is proof of that. Hating is what he does best.

All this rage for someone whose core message is to secure the borders and expel anyone that entered and stays in the country illegally... My you do have an imagination if nothing else...

I am referring to his track history, not the silly comments he has made in the last few weeks. This man has a long and illustrious history of hatred, hostility, theft, bankrupting his companies, and walking away with hundreds of millions, etc. This thief is a charlatan. He is snookering a lot of people with his disgusting dialogue. He is a fraud.

You seem bitter towards the Donald. Did he fire you?

No. I would never accept a job from him to begin with, as I only work for people I like and respect. I lived in NY, in the 80's. I was in commercial real estate. I knew several men who had sold him property. Every one was a horror story. Each guy said at the end of the deal he felt like he had been gang raped. Trump absolutely refuses to engage in a fair deal. I have been following his career since then. Hundreds of people have been damaged or destroyed by this Genghis Khan of real estate. I differ from his train of thought, as I believe in the win win deal. I think one can be successful while honoring your associates and the people you are doing business with. Though it may not be possible to rise to the level of a billionaire, while playing fair. Trump does not play fair. I have absolutely no respect for this man, and yes, I do despise his methods. While nearly all American presidents (with the exception the noble Jimmy Carter) were corrupt and lying men, he would bring this art of thievery and disrespect to another level. Is this who we need to lead the nation?

I am referring to his track history, not the silly comments he has made in the last few weeks. This man has a long and illustrious history of hatred, hostility, theft, bankrupting his companies, and walking away with hundreds of millions, etc. This thief is a charlatan. He is snookering a lot of people with his disgusting dialogue. He is a fraud.

You seem bitter towards the Donald. Did he fire you?

No. I would never accept a job from him to begin with, as I only work for people I like and respect. I lived in NY, in the 80's. I was in commercial real estate. I knew several men who had sold him property. Every one was a horror story. Each guy said at the end of the deal he felt like he had been gang raped. Trump absolutely refuses to engage in a fair deal. I have been following his career since then. Hundreds of people have been damaged or destroyed by this Genghis Khan of real estate. I differ from his train of thought, as I believe in the win win deal. I think one can be successful while honoring your associates and the people you are doing business with. Though it may not be possible to rise to the level of a billionaire, while playing fair. Trump does not play fair. I have absolutely no respect for this man, and yes, I do despise his methods. While nearly all American presidents (with the exception the noble Jimmy Carter) were corrupt and lying men, he would bring this art of thievery and disrespect to another level. Is this who we need to lead the nation?

Totally agree with you on Jimmy Carter. His quiet generosity will leave a huge benefit for mankind. That is based on fact and doesn't take much to verify.

However Trump has many enemies because his personality is unlikable and hatred is hugely pushed along by enormous jealousy. Sure it's hard to admire such a one being successful, but any opinion and anecdote cannot be taken as fact with that in mind. Any information we base our opinions on is from the media with agendas and has to be separated from that which is verifiable. He has not been locked up yet so opinion of his misdemeanors is rumor and you cannot pronounce him guilty if he, according to law he remains innocent. Anything else is conjecture and so many have their knives out because he's rich and they want to hate him. So easy to jump on bandwagons of vitriol says more about us than him.

I am referring to his track history, not the silly comments he has made in the last few weeks. This man has a long and illustrious history of hatred, hostility, theft, bankrupting his companies, and walking away with hundreds of millions, etc. This thief is a charlatan. He is snookering a lot of people with his disgusting dialogue. He is a fraud.

You seem bitter towards the Donald. Did he fire you?

No. I would never accept a job from him to begin with, as I only work for people I like and respect. I lived in NY, in the 80's. I was in commercial real estate. I knew several men who had sold him property. Every one was a horror story. Each guy said at the end of the deal he felt like he had been gang raped. Trump absolutely refuses to engage in a fair deal. I have been following his career since then. Hundreds of people have been damaged or destroyed by this Genghis Khan of real estate. I differ from his train of thought, as I believe in the win win deal. I think one can be successful while honoring your associates and the people you are doing business with. Though it may not be possible to rise to the level of a billionaire, while playing fair. Trump does not play fair. I have absolutely no respect for this man, and yes, I do despise his methods. While nearly all American presidents (with the exception the noble Jimmy Carter) were corrupt and lying men, he would bring this art of thievery and disrespect to another level. Is this who we need to lead the nation?

Totally agree with you on Jimmy Carter. His quiet generosity will leave a huge benefit for mankind. That is based on fact and doesn't take much to verify.

However Trump has many enemies because his personality is unlikable and hatred is hugely pushed along by enormous jealousy. Sure it's hard to admire such a one being successful, but any opinion and anecdote cannot be taken as fact with that in mind. Any information we base our opinions on is from the media with agendas and has to be separated from that which is verifiable. He has not been locked up yet so opinion of his misdemeanors is rumor and you cannot pronounce him guilty if he, according to law he remains innocent. Anything else is conjecture and so many have their knives out because he's rich and they want to hate him. So easy to jump on bandwagons of vitriol says more about us than him.

Normally I would agree with you. But, these were first hand accounts, from people I knew, who were credible sources of information, and they all said the same thing about the man, so I doubt they made it up. in my mind, and in the mind of millions, he is a creep. I don't care about his riches. I admire men like Ted Turner, Warren Buffett, and some others, who made their money honestly, are incredibly generous to mankind, with that fortune and are not without screwing anyone, and everyone they do business with. I have no admiration for Disgusting Don. None. He deserves my distrust, dishonor, complete lack of respect, and dislike. He worked hard for that distinction.


Here's one about how Trump did a bait-and-switch scheme on an 87-year-old grandmother. He indeed does seem like a charlatan - using eminent domain to take - by force - people's property in order to develop his real estate.


It's your right and Spidermike's too to hold your opinions as you see fit and I totally respect that. But with this example the court didn't see it as a bait & switch scheme and she lost on the basis that she didn't read the fine print of her own contract. Also I would call into question the media pushing "87 year old grandmother'.This is the media using emotive terminology to bias the reader's thinking. We all love our grandmothers and at 87 she must therefore be vulnerable. But she had an outstanding prosecution lawyer by this account and was herself a wealthy woman.This is what I meant by the media having it's own agenda and bias to sell copy.

Having said that Trump seems arrogant and his success has not gifted him with much humility.But he loves to be provocative and a stirrer because any publicity is better than no publicity at all and he knows how to manipulate the media to his advantage.He gives the finger to the establishment and doesn't give a sh-t, that's why people like him.


Here's one about how Trump did a bait-and-switch scheme on an 87-year-old grandmother. He indeed does seem like a charlatan - using eminent domain to take - by force - people's property in order to develop his real estate.


It's your right and Spidermike's too to hold your opinions as you see fit and I totally respect that. But with this example the court didn't see it as a bait & switch scheme and she lost on the basis that she didn't read the fine print of her own contract. Also I would call into question the media pushing "87 year old grandmother'.This is the media using emotive terminology to bias the reader's thinking. We all love our grandmothers and at 87 she must therefore be vulnerable. But she had an outstanding prosecution lawyer by this account and was herself a wealthy woman.This is what I meant by the media having it's own agenda and bias to sell copy.

Having said that Trump seems arrogant and his success has not gifted him with much humility.But he loves to be provocative and a stirrer because any publicity is better than no publicity at all and he knows how to manipulate the media to his advantage.He gives the finger to the establishment and doesn't give a sh-t, that's why people like him.

Well haven't read into it closely but seems Trump is adept - like any huckster worth his salt - at using the "emotional hot buttons" to get what he wants. Maybe the involved parties are pretending to be innocent victims, but are in fact willing victims.

He did use eminent domain to take land for his properties, see: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/265171/donald-trump-and-eminent-domain-robert-verbruggen

One thing I don't understand: why is it that right-wingers display such self-understanding - they are fully willing to line up their own on the docks for inspection - but leftists are not?


Here's one about how Trump did a bait-and-switch scheme on an 87-year-old grandmother. He indeed does seem like a charlatan - using eminent domain to take - by force - people's property in order to develop his real estate.


It's your right and Spidermike's too to hold your opinions as you see fit and I totally respect that. But with this example the court didn't see it as a bait & switch scheme and she lost on the basis that she didn't read the fine print of her own contract. Also I would call into question the media pushing "87 year old grandmother'.This is the media using emotive terminology to bias the reader's thinking. We all love our grandmothers and at 87 she must therefore be vulnerable. But she had an outstanding prosecution lawyer by this account and was herself a wealthy woman.This is what I meant by the media having it's own agenda and bias to sell copy.

Having said that Trump seems arrogant and his success has not gifted him with much humility.But he loves to be provocative and a stirrer because any publicity is better than no publicity at all and he knows how to manipulate the media to his advantage.He gives the finger to the establishment and doesn't give a sh-t, that's why people like him.

Well haven't read into it closely but seems Trump is adept - like any huckster worth his salt - at using the "emotional hot buttons" to get what he wants. Maybe the involved parties are pretending to be innocent victims, but are in fact willing victims.

He did use eminent domain to take land for his properties, see: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/265171/donald-trump-and-eminent-domain-robert-verbruggen

One thing I don't understand: why is it that right-wingers display such self-understanding - they are fully willing to line up their own on the docks for inspection - but leftists are not?

Well I try to stand in the middle and take the good from the bad either way. Call me a moderate.

Although I have said I won't rush to judge him, I hear today that he accuses Obama of being a secret Muslim which is just stupid politicking now because all that has well been dis proven, having been born in Hawaii and attended a Catholic school. Enemies have come out saying he was born in Kenya and attended an ashram as a Muslim child. There is so much myth being generated as past fact and all politicians are guilty of it

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