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Thai sea police claim 'self defence' after deadly Vietnam fishermen clash


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Sorry that is incorrect. Exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is defined as a sea zone prescribed by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea over which a state has special rights regarding the exploration and use of marine resources, including energy production from water and wind. It stretches from the baseline out to 200 nautical miles (nmi) from its coast. Now in this part of the world with the closeness of the various countries borders certain demarcation has been determined and is enforced. However, the Asians have overfished their own waters dramatically and poaching from neighbors is the order of the day. Now why the Viets would come to Thailand which has overfished it's own waters is a mystery byt there it is. Most poachers go to Indonesia or Burma for decent hauls but the Marine Police and Navies in those countries don't screw around and tend to fire first and take names later.

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Interception of foreign vessels "on the high seas" in violation of a nation's sovereignty is usually the responsibility of the navy. And with that role there is considerable training on boarding procedures and international law.

Were the Thai marine police adequately prepared for this intercept? Especially considering there were apparently a fleet of ships and not just a lone vessel. Considering the fishing crews "tried to assault" the police, it's unclear whether police use of deadly force was even justified.

It's also not clear that the ships were violating Thai sovereignty. Were they actually observed (video?) fishing in Thailand's territory/EZZ or merely moving through? Right of passage involves "a country's right for its ships and submarines to pass through the territorial seas of foreign states and straits used for international navigation." This has been a major issue between China and its neighbors concerning the Sea of China.

There needs to be a serious investigation of this incident and the police should not be automatically absolved of wrongdoing. The current government may also be at fault for inappropriate use of marine police and violation of international law.

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Vietnam accuses Thailand of attacking fishing boats

HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Vietnam has accused Thai officials of attacking its fishing boats, saying one fisherman was killed and two others were injured.

State media reported Friday that the fisherman was killed and the others were injured when they were attacked by a Thai vessel identified as Thai Police 528 in separate incidents last week. They said the fishing boats were operating illegally in Thai waters when the incidents happened.

The Thanh Nien newspaper quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Hai Binh as saying several boats were fishing illegally in Thai waters when the Thai vessel used weapons to chase them away.

"Vietnam strongly condemns these inhumane acts, the use of force or threat to use force against Vietnamese fishermen," he said.

Binh said the Vietnamese government has asked Thailand to investigate the incidents, punish those involved and compensate the fishermen.

Fishing disputes are common in the region as Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia have overlapping sea areas.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-18

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main problem,

if you are on a boat,

and a thai marine boat is coming, and is giving you some advise,

could you understand that english ???

we know the problem from international airports,

that they have problems of understanding the thai-english accent.

In this moments, you shouldn`t do a quick turn with your boat,

cause the young guy at the AK 47 is very nervous.

We have to understand his feelings, when he put the trigger.

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I think, the news of AP is not correct,

as Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia have overlapping sea areas.

it should be like this ...

as Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and CHINA have overlapping sea areas.

lets see it, as it is,

they were opperating illegaly in Chinese see areas.

Lets wait, till china will comment this news,

and is willing, to send ships in this part of their sea areas.

Edited by DisainaM
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the article in the OP is full of inconsistencies

how could Thai police "steal a gun" in Thai waters?

how could Thai police be "in breach of Vietnamese Law" in Thai waters ?

40Km off Narathiwat, that's 200 seamiles (=350 Km) from Vietnam's closest shore, so that means these waters are clearly Thai or Malaysian. The Viets had nothing to lose there.

over 12 marine miles from shore are intended international waters and 40 kms offshore are well over national waters.

you are right for the technical/legal term "territorial waters", yet these waters being within 200 miles from Thailand and much closer to Thailand than to Vietname makes them an exclusive Thai economic zone. The Viet fishing boats still had nothing to do there.

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Thailand, go to war with Vietnam. Lets see what happens.

Yes, that is just what Thailand needs right now - to go to war with a Nation who has kicked everyone's ass from Kublai Khan up to the USA and their allies, as well as the French and the Chinese. wai2.gif

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Thailand, go to war with Vietnam. Lets see what happens.

Yes, that is just what Thailand needs right now - to go to war with a Nation who has kicked everyone's ass from Kublai Khan up to the USA and their allies, as well as the French and the Chinese. wai2.gif

Don't forget the Khmer Rouge.

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main problem,

if you are on a boat,

and a thai marine boat is coming, and is giving you some advise,

could you understand that english ???

we know the problem from international airports,

that they have problems of understanding the thai-english accent.

In this moments, you shouldn`t do a quick turn with your boat,

cause the young guy at the AK 47 is very nervous.

We have to understand his feelings, when he put the trigger.

Thailand refuses to obey international fishing and human rights standards with their fishing activities and since their attempts to retaliate against world opinion have showed how powerless Thailand is they declared another live fire zone, this time at sea.

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