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Translate What My Thai Wife Is Getting At....


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Her: "Do you want me to take away rice here, or do you want to just cook it in our apartment?"

Me: Ah, just take away.

Her: "TAKE AWAY?" She says this sort of surprised and disappointed.

Me: If you want me to cook the rice here, I can.

Her: No, its okay.

Me: Are you sure?

Her: Yes, I can take away. I dont care. (In the tone that I know means she is not happy about it).

So why do you think she was against taking away the rice?

1. The bag would be too heavy?

2. The rice here costs an extra 12 baht than if we cooked it ourselves?

3. The rice here is not fresh, and she cannot just tell me over the phone.

4. A dead relative visited her and warned her against taking away rice last night.

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Despite the churlish response from Donz, there is a fifth option.

You have just indicated that you would prefer a take out to her cooking skills (the fact that rice in a rice cooker is pretty hard to get wrong is immaterial)..... that's bad.... for any woman of any nationality.

"Do you want to cook it" does not necessarily mean 'you' .... if it did mean 'you' , that is then a sixth option.... that is an indication that you are lazy and would prefer to pay over the odds for a relatively simple task...... also, not good.

Edited by Thaddeus
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As a non-Thai but a housewife (well, if you can call me that, I don't work and stay at home, whether housework actually gets done is another matter) of Asian heritage, I don't think I'd be overly bothered. But I'm sure some women have pride in their cooking, whereas I'd do anything not to eat my own.

Recently discovered 5B bags of freshly cooked rice sold at the local market, and in heaven. Cheap, I don't have to cook it, and it tastes better than when I do anyway. (My excuse is that they use huge pots and steam it which is why they "obviously" taste better :o )

I think perhaps with some women and some questions, the same response is necessary as is for "which dress do you think suits me better?" - "Hmm, both are great - what do you think?"

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It could be a combination of the above points, plus a few additions and deriviations.

You gotta be careful of these seemingly innocent little things. They can come back and haunt you.

Destroy you.

Rip your guts out leaving you dying in a gutter like a dog.

Mai pen rai.

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Her: "Do you want me to take away rice here, or do you want to just cook it in our apartment?"

Me: Ah, just take away.

Her: "TAKE AWAY?" She says this sort of surprised and disappointed.

Me: If you want me to cook the rice here, I can.

Her: No, its okay.

Me: Are you sure?

Her: Yes, I can take away. I dont care. (In the tone that I know means she is not happy about it).

So why do you think she was against taking away the rice?

1. The bag would be too heavy?

2. The rice here costs an extra 12 baht than if we cooked it ourselves?

3. The rice here is not fresh, and she cannot just tell me over the phone.

4. A dead relative visited her and warned her against taking away rice last night.

You have insulted her femininity. It would be the same as if she wanted to use a vibrator instead of being with you.

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As a non-Thai but a housewife (well, if you can call me that, I don't work and stay at home, whether housework actually gets done is another matter) of Asian heritage, I don't think I'd be overly bothered. But I'm sure some women have pride in their cooking, whereas I'd do anything not to eat my own.

Recently discovered 5B bags of freshly cooked rice sold at the local market, and in heaven. Cheap, I don't have to cook it, and it tastes better than when I do anyway. (My excuse is that they use huge pots and steam it which is why they "obviously" taste better :D )

I think perhaps with some women and some questions, the same response is necessary as is for "which dress do you think suits me better?" - "Hmm, both are great - what do you think?"

:o brilliant . . . . welcome to TV, mamastar

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Someone sent this to me a while ago. Somewhere in it there may be part of the answer to your question :D

Difference Between Manspeak & Womanspeak


1. Yes = No

2. No = Yes

3. Maybe = No

4. We need = I want

5. I am sorry = you'll be sorry

6. We need to talk = you're in trouble

7. Sure, go ahead = you better not

8. Do what you want = you will pay for this later

9. I am not upset = Of course I am upset, you moron!

10. You're certainly attentive tonight = is sex all you ever think about?


1. I am hungry = I am hungry

2. I am sleepy = I am sleepy

3. I am tired = I am tired

4. Nice dress = Nice cleavage!

5. I love you = let's have sex now

6. I am bored = Do you want to have sex?

7. May I have this dance? = I'd like to have sex with you

8. Can I call you sometime? = I'd like to have sex with you

9. Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd like to have sex with you

10. Can I take you out to dinner? = I'd like to have sex with you

11. Do you want to marry me? = I'd like to have sex with you all my life.:o

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My gf cooked me a meal that wasnt that nice, i said "this doesn6t taste that nice" She grabbed my plate amd said dont eat it then. She made me say its nice before she gave me my plate back.

Sounds like you have proper grown up arguments in your house then donz... :o

totster :D

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Her: "Do you want me to take away rice here, or do you want to just cook it in our apartment?"

Me: Ah, just take away.

Her: "TAKE AWAY?" She says this sort of surprised and disappointed.

Me: If you want me to cook the rice here, I can.

Her: No, its okay.

Me: Are you sure?

Her: Yes, I can take away. I dont care. (In the tone that I know means she is not happy about it).

So why do you think she was against taking away the rice?

1. The bag would be too heavy?

2. The rice here costs an extra 12 baht than if we cooked it ourselves?

3. The rice here is not fresh, and she cannot just tell me over the phone.

4. A dead relative visited her and warned her against taking away rice last night.

OK. I have a mother, so she ranks above a wife or girlfriend. This is an easy way to handle this situation.

Her: "Do you want me to take away rice here, or do you want to just cook it in our apartment?"

You: Yes.

That way, you have agreed with whatever she does.

Also, and this is very important, there is this situation which arises following every answer a man gives. That situation is that he is wrong.

By doing it this way, although you are wrong no matter what she does, you are also right. She will look at you with utter confusion (as many of you may have while reading this) and that is the point. She will then have difficulty figuring out whether or not to buy the rice AND still be able to be angry with you for giving the wrong answer. She will sit in the car as you drive home wondering if she did the right or the wrong thing, and if she can still be angry with you for your answer.

Upon arriving home, whichever question she asks concerning the rice at home or the rice from the shop, simply tell her,

Her: Did you want me to buy the rice there or did you want me to make rice?

You: Yes, you know I like rice.

She will then avoid asking you these questions.

Good luck

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2. The rice here costs an extra 12 baht than if we cooked it ourselves?

That would be my wifes reasoning !

totster :o

That would be my wife as well, save 12 baht at all costs and the next day buy a pair of shoes for 800 Baht................

C'est la Vie !

Edited by johnh101
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