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True Vision Sucks


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Caveat: I do not want this to sound "holier-than-thou", but the subject brought up something I've been thinking about in my first month here in Thailand and Chiang Mai. I have received both outstanding and incredibly poor service since I've been here. Interestingly, I was so disgusted with how (frustratingly) poor customer service had gotten in the U.S. before I left in late August that I had low expectations when I arrived anyway. Luckily, I live in a condo building with wonderfully responsive and reliable staff who have facilitated much of the installation for both internet and cable TV. Those specific-type firms are held in low esteem from my experience back home, so I did not think they would be any better here. What I have found, however, is this sort of ambivalence from some staff in dealing with farang customers. Personally, I feel that it's a language and ego issue for them. As I mentioned in a previous post, I have traveled all over the world. I have never been in a place where so many front line and customer service staff have no English proficiency at all. Now, here's where I will receive comments, I'm sure. The truth is, English, followed closely by French, is the world's international language. In many key international industries, it is the "official" language for communication (commercial aviation for example). It would improve the guest/customer/tourist experience exponentially if all these front line staff members were given an elemental course in English and would mitigate many of these communication-based customer issues, IMHO. I will casually step off my soap box now and await the onslaught of ugly American comments no doubt headed my way....

When I first moved here I went to Tesco to buy a big screen TV, a washing machine, a refrigerator an misc other stuff. My friend was with me buying same stuff. All in all about 50K worth of stuff. We left after an hour trying to find anyone who could speak English to help us. Came back next day and finally got one manager who could speak English-in Tesco.

Obviously, these people are not too bright. One would think with all the money spent by foreigners who speak English they would have a staff of at least a few who could speak English. But this is a country where common sense does not exist. All one has to do is read the constant dribble from disgruntled foreigners here to understand what really goes on here. Lots of nice people but lots of idiots here especially business people. And the truth is they don't care.

Sir I am not sure what country you are actually from. However as I am English, I know that within the larger cities there are large Polish/Eastern European, middle eastern, Asian communities. I suspect that Britain is no different to any other country within the western world. Now put yourself in an average sales persons position within the UK for just five seconds. You are working for shop related wages, on little or no commission. If you had a customer trying to negotiate buying a washing machine and TV in Bengali would your attitude change. Would not one element of thought be thinking, 'If you are in this country..... Speak the bloody Queens English' Now I am sure you can understand how Thai's feel. By the way I am not a sales person, nor ever have been.

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Caveat: I do not want this to sound "holier-than-thou", but the subject brought up something I've been thinking about in my first month here in Thailand and Chiang Mai. I have received both outstanding and incredibly poor service since I've been here. Interestingly, I was so disgusted with how (frustratingly) poor customer service had gotten in the U.S. before I left in late August that I had low expectations when I arrived anyway. Luckily, I live in a condo building with wonderfully responsive and reliable staff who have facilitated much of the installation for both internet and cable TV. Those specific-type firms are held in low esteem from my experience back home, so I did not think they would be any better here. What I have found, however, is this sort of ambivalence from some staff in dealing with farang customers. Personally, I feel that it's a language and ego issue for them. As I mentioned in a previous post, I have traveled all over the world. I have never been in a place where so many front line and customer service staff have no English proficiency at all. Now, here's where I will receive comments, I'm sure. The truth is, English, followed closely by French, is the world's international language. In many key international industries, it is the "official" language for communication (commercial aviation for example). It would improve the guest/customer/tourist experience exponentially if all these front line staff members were given an elemental course in English and would mitigate many of these communication-based customer issues, IMHO. I will casually step off my soap box now and await the onslaught of ugly American comments no doubt headed my way....

When I first moved here I went to Tesco to buy a big screen TV, a washing machine, a refrigerator an misc other stuff. My friend was with me buying same stuff. All in all about 50K worth of stuff. We left after an hour trying to find anyone who could speak English to help us. Came back next day and finally got one manager who could speak English-in Tesco.

Obviously, these people are not too bright. One would think with all the money spent by foreigners who speak English they would have a staff of at least a few who could speak English. But this is a country where common sense does not exist. All one has to do is read the constant dribble from disgruntled foreigners here to understand what really goes on here. Lots of nice people but lots of idiots here especially business people. And the truth is they don't care.

Common sense would be to learn the language where you repatriate yourself. Alternatively take somebody with you who does know the language, not too difficult finding a person who speaks Thai in Thailand!

Sir I am not sure what country you are actually from. However as I am English, I know that within the larger cities there are large Polish/Eastern European, middle eastern, Asian communities. I suspect that Britain is no different to any other country within the western world. Now put yourself in an average sales persons position within the UK for just five seconds. You are working for shop related wages, on little or no commission. If you had a customer trying to negotiate buying a washing machine and TV in Bengali would your attitude change. Would not one element of thought be thinking, 'If you are in this country..... Speak the bloody Queens English' Now I am sure you can understand how Thai's feel. By the way I am not a sales person, nor ever have been.

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Caveat: I do not want this to sound "holier-than-thou", but the subject brought up something I've been thinking about in my first month here in Thailand and Chiang Mai. I have received both outstanding and incredibly poor service since I've been here. Interestingly, I was so disgusted with how (frustratingly) poor customer service had gotten in the U.S. before I left in late August that I had low expectations when I arrived anyway. Luckily, I live in a condo building with wonderfully responsive and reliable staff who have facilitated much of the installation for both internet and cable TV. Those specific-type firms are held in low esteem from my experience back home, so I did not think they would be any better here. What I have found, however, is this sort of ambivalence from some staff in dealing with farang customers. Personally, I feel that it's a language and ego issue for them. As I mentioned in a previous post, I have traveled all over the world. I have never been in a place where so many front line and customer service staff have no English proficiency at all. Now, here's where I will receive comments, I'm sure. The truth is, English, followed closely by French, is the world's international language. In many key international industries, it is the "official" language for communication (commercial aviation for example). It would improve the guest/customer/tourist experience exponentially if all these front line staff members were given an elemental course in English and would mitigate many of these communication-based customer issues, IMHO. I will casually step off my soap box now and await the onslaught of ugly American comments no doubt headed my way....

When I first moved here I went to Tesco to buy a big screen TV, a washing machine, a refrigerator an misc other stuff. My friend was with me buying same stuff. All in all about 50K worth of stuff. We left after an hour trying to find anyone who could speak English to help us. Came back next day and finally got one manager who could speak English-in Tesco.

Obviously, these people are not too bright. One would think with all the money spent by foreigners who speak English they would have a staff of at least a few who could speak English. But this is a country where common sense does not exist. All one has to do is read the constant dribble from disgruntled foreigners here to understand what really goes on here. Lots of nice people but lots of idiots here especially business people. And the truth is they don't care.

Sir I am not sure what country you are actually from. However as I am English, I know that within the larger cities there are large Polish/Eastern European, middle eastern, Asian communities. I suspect that Britain is no different to any other country within the western world. Now put yourself in an average sales persons position within the UK for just five seconds. You are working for shop related wages, on little or no commission. If you had a customer trying to negotiate buying a washing machine and TV in Bengali would your attitude change. Would not one element of thought be thinking, 'If you are in this country..... Speak the bloody Queens English' Now I am sure you can understand how Thai's feel. By the way I am not a sales person, nor ever have been.

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Caveat: I do not want this to sound "holier-than-thou", but the subject brought up something I've been thinking about in my first month here in Thailand and Chiang Mai. I have received both outstanding and incredibly poor service since I've been here. Interestingly, I was so disgusted with how (frustratingly) poor customer service had gotten in the U.S. before I left in late August that I had low expectations when I arrived anyway. Luckily, I live in a condo building with wonderfully responsive and reliable staff who have facilitated much of the installation for both internet and cable TV. Those specific-type firms are held in low esteem from my experience back home, so I did not think they would be any better here. What I have found, however, is this sort of ambivalence from some staff in dealing with farang customers. Personally, I feel that it's a language and ego issue for them. As I mentioned in a previous post, I have traveled all over the world. I have never been in a place where so many front line and customer service staff have no English proficiency at all. Now, here's where I will receive comments, I'm sure. The truth is, English, followed closely by French, is the world's international language. In many key international industries, it is the "official" language for communication (commercial aviation for example). It would improve the guest/customer/tourist experience exponentially if all these front line staff members were given an elemental course in English and would mitigate many of these communication-based customer issues, IMHO. I will casually step off my soap box now and await the onslaught of ugly American comments no doubt headed my way....

When I first moved here I went to Tesco to buy a big screen TV, a washing machine, a refrigerator an misc other stuff. My friend was with me buying same stuff. All in all about 50K worth of stuff. We left after an hour trying to find anyone who could speak English to help us. Came back next day and finally got one manager who could speak English-in Tesco.

Obviously, these people are not too bright. One would think with all the money spent by foreigners who speak English they would have a staff of at least a few who could speak English. But this is a country where common sense does not exist. All one has to do is read the constant dribble from disgruntled foreigners here to understand what really goes on here. Lots of nice people but lots of idiots here especially business people. And the truth is they don't care.

Sir I am not sure what country you are actually from. However as I am English, I know that within the larger cities there are large Polish/Eastern European, middle eastern, Asian communities. I suspect that Britain is no different to any other country within the western world. Now put yourself in an average sales persons position within the UK for just five seconds. You are working for shop related wages, on little or no commission. If you had a customer trying to negotiate buying a washing machine and TV in Bengali would your attitude change. Would not one element of thought be thinking, 'If you are in this country..... Speak the bloody Queens English' Now I am sure you can understand how Thai's feel. By the way I am not a sales person, nor ever have been.

Sir, you miss the whole point. I am not blaming any 200 baht a day salesperson. It is the company at fault. I suspect that the English speaking foreigners spend as much if not more than the local Thais in Tesco (s). And aren't they owned partly by the English? How many farongs are in any Tesco at one time vs someone from Saudi Arabia? I suspect a few more. As a businessman I find it incredible that they are that myopic.

As far as I know they are in business to make money. Hard difficult would it be to hire half a dozen Thais who CAN speak English? Put them in the hot spots in the store. From a business standpoint it is idiotic not to have a few who can speak English or Arabic even if the demand warrants it. I walked out in frustration. Lastly, how does one learn the language in a day or week here? Kinda silly response from you. I agree 100% it would better to know the language but hey I had just moved in and needed these things.

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How often are these broadcast to significantly influence your choice?

Rugby World Cup and F1 I can watch on freeview (Ex PatTV) and use catch up so I don't have to miss anything, which True doesn't have.

Tennis and Golf.......hmmm maybe Wimbledon & Ryder Cup, otherwise I'll be painting the house and watching it dry.wink.png

"Major Sporting Events"....."How often are they broadcast..."....well, different ones, but all the time. There are FOUR Tennis majors a year, there are FIVE golf majors a year, there are Football World Cup and European Championship Qualifiers like, well, all the time.....are you living on the moon Uptheos, and as for Expat TV. Well, give me a choice between free flowing images on my 50 inch Samsung against a frozen frame on my laptop.....well, wonder which one I ll choose ???!!!

You left out the most important one for most UK ex pats, English Premier League live.

It's true I have to suffer CTH on the big screen (though they still won't bill me)

All the other stuff you mention is secondary and I can get it from loads of places and linked to the big screen for free.

True is fine, service sucks and so do their prices, assuming of course you obviously have platinum package.

I guess you must need to record a lot of stuff too, unless you don't get back from the bar until 3 and watch it then.

Edited by uptheos
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As far as I know they are in business to make money. Hard difficult would it be to hire half a dozen Thais who CAN speak English? Put them in the hot spots in the store. From a business standpoint it is idiotic not to have a few who can speak English or Arabic even if the demand warrants it. I walked out in frustration. Lastly, how does one learn the language in a day or week here? Kinda silly response from you. I agree 100% it would better to know the language but hey I had just moved in and needed these things.

With senior membership, 324 posts aided to the fact that you are buying a substantial amount of electronic goods. It strikes me that you have had more than a passing interest within the Kingdom of Thailand for sometime. (I may be wrong on this fact, its just a mere assumption!) Even though you may carry out your occupation in a foreign land, or conduct your business elsewhere, there is a plethora of aids out there to help you learn the language.

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As far as I know they are in business to make money. Hard difficult would it be to hire half a dozen Thais who CAN speak English? Put them in the hot spots in the store. From a business standpoint it is idiotic not to have a few who can speak English or Arabic even if the demand warrants it. I walked out in frustration. Lastly, how does one learn the language in a day or week here? Kinda silly response from you. I agree 100% it would better to know the language but hey I had just moved in and needed these things.

With senior membership, 324 posts aided to the fact that you are buying a substantial amount of electronic goods. It strikes me that you have had more than a passing interest within the Kingdom of Thailand for sometime. (I may be wrong on this fact, its just a mere assumption!) Even though you may carry out your occupation in a foreign land, or conduct your business elsewhere, there is a plethora of aids out there to help you learn the language.

What is your point? As I stated regarding Tesco, that was when I first moved in.

Regarding True Vision language has nothing to do with the fact they lied repeatedly about the installation.

Amazing to me how many people here do not read nor comprehend plain English or follow a line of clear thought.

But then again, I am fairly literate and I don't drink so I'm not drunk when I read these posts from others.

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True Vision is a bit like Thailand it self ... : Overpriced, bad service, same thing showing again again and yes again once more ...

We have tried both Gold and Platinum but if you have a good internet connection (rare I know) then just get netflix, sports channels and what not ... Easy save 1,000B per month ...

True Vision suxx big time, thats for sure ...

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I wouldn't bother my erse with True. I have Thai Expat TV and Sport365. Very good customer service and everything I need.

Dont anyone be fooled. IN THEORY thaiexpat tv and sport 365 is good but IN PRACTICE it doesnt work very well. It stutters and freeze frames all the time, and no, its not my internet speed, I had to abandon expattv and now have Ilikehd in addition to true and Ilikehd is vastly superior to expattv in delivery, it almost never freezes and produces good hd quality live sport all the time.

In this instance I would have to completely disagree and for me it was quite the opposite in that likehd was complete garbage,no catch up facility and continuos buffering.

Expat TV and 365sport work phenomenally well even upcountry where I stay,plus the catch up facility makes it ideal.

On another plus side I've just returned to the UK and can continue to use 365sport having watched the champions league and numerous 3pm and 4pm games that would otherwise be unavailable in the UK it's a thumbs up from me.

Also on a side note expat TV now offer a premium service whereby they carry all the sky sports channels and some.

Upon my return home to Thailand CTH will be going and I've already downgraded True,I only keep True for the cartoons for the kids.

Pay TV in Thailand wether cable of satellite is simply terrible.

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In this instance I would have to completely disagree and for me it was quite the opposite in that likehd was complete garbage,no catch up facility and continuous buffering.

Expat TV and 365sport work phenomenally well even upcountry where I stay,plus the catch up facility makes it ideal.

On another plus side I've just returned to the UK and can continue to use 365sport having watched the champions league and numerous 3pm and 4pm games that would otherwise be unavailable in the UK it's a thumbs up from me.

Also on a side note expat TV now offer a premium service whereby they carry all the sky sports channels and some.

Upon my return home to Thailand CTH will be going and I've already downgraded True,I only keep True for the cartoons for the kids.

Pay TV in Thailand wether cable or satellite is simply terrible.

Edited by stoneyboy
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Always amusing to read people bitching that Thais who work in, for example, Tesco, can't speak English.

This remains a largely poor country, with a decrepit and under-funded education system, where employees at such as Tesco usually have a Moh 3 education at best, and earn perhaps 9k Baht a month.

Learn the local language, why don't you?

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Caveat: I do not want this to sound "holier-than-thou", but the subject brought up something I've been thinking about in my first month here in Thailand and Chiang Mai. I have received both outstanding and incredibly poor service since I've been here. Interestingly, I was so disgusted with how (frustratingly) poor customer service had gotten in the U.S. before I left in late August that I had low expectations when I arrived anyway. Luckily, I live in a condo building with wonderfully responsive and reliable staff who have facilitated much of the installation for both internet and cable TV. Those specific-type firms are held in low esteem from my experience back home, so I did not think they would be any better here. What I have found, however, is this sort of ambivalence from some staff in dealing with farang customers. Personally, I feel that it's a language and ego issue for them. As I mentioned in a previous post, I have traveled all over the world. I have never been in a place where so many front line and customer service staff have no English proficiency at all. Now, here's where I will receive comments, I'm sure. The truth is, English, followed closely by French, is the world's international language. In many key international industries, it is the "official" language for communication (commercial aviation for example). It would improve the guest/customer/tourist experience exponentially if all these front line staff members were given an elemental course in English and would mitigate many of these communication-based customer issues, IMHO. I will casually step off my soap box now and await the onslaught of ugly American comments no doubt headed my way....

I hope your rant made you feel better.

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All in all about 50K worth of stuff.

I hope you got a Tesco card before you spent all that money. You should have gotten a free full set of knives or whatever they have nowadays.

No that's Big C not Tesco you only get club card points at Tesco.

Edited by stoneyboy
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I wouldn't bother my erse with True. I have Thai Expat TV and Sport365. Very good customer service and everything I need.

Where do I go to find out about Thai Expat TV and Sport 365? Is it cable or satellite? Thanks

My, you are tetchy aren't you?

Thai expat TV is streaming onto your PC (or other device) alternatively, they do a set top box.

As for Thai Expat TV -- unlike another poster, I find it excellent quality with virtually no buffering and I expect that their sister sports service is the same.

I should say that the Expat TV is only for U.K TV stations. It not only streams live but stores programmes for up to 7 days over 19 channels.

I should tell you to take the trouble to Google it yourself but here is the link anyway (both services offer a 2 day free trial to see if your connection is compatible then about 600 baht per month:


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This is standard service you get in Thailand This is customer care it means "THEY DON'T CARE"

When a company gets bigger then they have the attitude they are more important they the customer

Its not like the UK or USA where you get very good service

Here they don't care about the customer as long as they make money

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Always amusing to read people bitching that Thais who work in, for example, Tesco, can't speak English.

This remains a largely poor country, with a decrepit and under-funded education system, where employees at such as Tesco usually have a Moh 3 education at best, and earn perhaps 9k Baht a month.

Learn the local language, why don't you?

Another individual who apparently cannot read nor comprehend. You mean to tell me that Tesco cannot find one University student in Chiang Mai who wants a job there who can speak English? Really.

One more time. I went there the first week or so I moved to Thailand. Hardly enough time to learn the language. Perhaps I should have spent two years learning passable Thai so I could order a TV?

Again, they run a business to make money. How many farongs live in CM? Maybe 50? How much money have they lost because customers give up in frustration? You call this a good business model? Pretty dumb to me. Maybe I will buy Tesco out and make a bundle.

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I wouldn't bother my erse with True. I have Thai Expat TV and Sport365. Very good customer service and everything I need.

Where do I go to find out about Thai Expat TV and Sport 365? Is it cable or satellite? Thanks

My, you are tetchy aren't you?

Thai expat TV is streaming onto your PC (or other device) alternatively, they do a set top box.

As for Thai Expat TV -- unlike another poster, I find it excellent quality with virtually no buffering and I expect that their sister sports service is the same.

I should say that the Expat TV is only for U.K TV stations. It not only streams live but stores programmes for up to 7 days over 19 channels.

I should tell you to take the trouble to Google it yourself but here is the link anyway (both services offer a 2 day free trial to see if your connection is compatible then about 600 baht per month:


Yet another poster who cannot read nor comprehend. Note I said earlier I come from a country West of the UK ergo I ain't interested in their stuff dude.

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I wouldn't bother my erse with True. I have Thai Expat TV and Sport365. Very good customer service and everything I need.

Where do I go to find out about Thai Expat TV and Sport 365? Is it cable or satellite? Thanks

My, you are tetchy aren't you?

Thai expat TV is streaming onto your PC (or other device) alternatively, they do a set top box.

As for Thai Expat TV -- unlike another poster, I find it excellent quality with virtually no buffering and I expect that their sister sports service is the same.

I should say that the Expat TV is only for U.K TV stations. It not only streams live but stores programmes for up to 7 days over 19 channels.

I should tell you to take the trouble to Google it yourself but here is the link anyway (both services offer a 2 day free trial to see if your connection is compatible then about 600 baht per month:


Yet another poster who cannot read nor comprehend. Note I said earlier I come from a country West of the UK ergo I ain't interested in their stuff dude.

Please note that I am not and never will be your 'dude' whatever that is!

My apologies for trying to give you help and information.

You really sound unpleasant and if you communicated with TRUE in the manner that you do with contributors here, then I'm surprised that they were as polite as they were.

You really have a lot to learn about living in a different culture, dude.

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I wouldn't bother my erse with True. I have Thai Expat TV and Sport365. Very good customer service and everything I need.

Dont anyone be fooled. IN THEORY thaiexpat tv and sport 365 is good but IN PRACTICE it doesnt work very well. It stutters and freeze frames all the time, and no, its not my internet speed, I had to abandon expattv and now have Ilikehd in addition to true and Ilikehd is vastly superior to expattv in delivery, it almost never freezes and produces good hd quality live sport all the time.

In this instance I would have to completely disagree and for me it was quite the opposite in that likehd was complete garbage,no catch up facility and continuos buffering.

Expat TV and 365sport work phenomenally well even upcountry where I stay,plus the catch up facility makes it ideal.

On another plus side I've just returned to the UK and can continue to use 365sport having watched the champions league and numerous 3pm and 4pm games that would otherwise be unavailable in the UK it's a thumbs up from me.

Also on a side note expat TV now offer a premium service whereby they carry all the sky sports channels and some.

Upon my return home to Thailand CTH will be going and I've already downgraded True,I only keep True for the cartoons for the kids.

Pay TV in Thailand wether cable of satellite is simply terrible.

ILIKEHDTV , When I first installed it I had problems with the picture freezing . My tv is an LG smart tv with wifi and I was connecting to the router via the wifi . I have fiber optic by TOT at 20 down and 7-12 up . After I posted my tv problems on here I was advised by Worgeordie to connect the tv to the router by cable , which I did and now I seldom have any problems .. I am a sports fan and this company provides all the sports channels that are available from the UK and more , also all the popular UK channels + movies ect . Only disappointment is that the events are not available on demand . I think that for 450 baht a month ILIKEHDTV is good value , unless you know better .


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Ah Thailand the land where yes is no or maybe :) All the service industries are the same. Even the Thais get frustrated. Have had countless issues like this with True, the Electrical Authority and all sorts of contractors..you name it. Between not wanting to lose face and the thai work ethic and language which seems to be a combination of "drip feed them information" and "tell them what they want to hear" its a mighty frustrating place. Best to try to stay calm or walk away and let a thai handle it.

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(I do not doubt some people get poor service.

I, however, have had good service from True ever since it was called UBC. Recently I was even given 2 more outlets at a lower monthly billing fee than I had been paying for just 2 outlets. That's now 4 outlets for less monthly billing fees.)

Same with me any problem ive had with reception has been addressed at once , overall no problems.....i believe the installers are sub contractors not true employees,and far as customer service goes what i have experienced here is better service than i got i the US ,,, and as far as not being able to speak english, well this IS Thailand and i know in the good old USA service people dont speak any foreign language and for that matter barely understand english

and when i have had problems with communicating something important i find a thai girl or my condo manager to help communicate.

T.I.T. relax and enjoy the reason why you came here,, remember you can always go back home

ive been here 4 years and i cant really think of any real problem ive had with buying things, finding fun girls, etc etc, maybe its my karma or im just luckier than 90% of people on TV

good luck relax and enjoy the remainder of the ride

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Duh says the guy sitting around all weekend for the true installer. With a reply like that I would have left you at home all weekend waiting also.

No idea what this dullard is talking about. Point I was making which anyone with a brain would realize is that it was the True Vision girl wasn't smart enough to figure out maybe she could find the order by using my name. "I" had to point it out to her.

How can a company hire people too stupid to realize how to find out someone's order number? DUH! Or maybe they don't train them at all. Fact is I had to spend two hours there getting things done. It was a joke.

If you took that attitude and spoke to the True people in the same, arrogant, insulting way, I would let you wait forever. I have found that if I'm polite, patient, then I get good service. Not there job to learn English; it's your responsibility to learn Thai.

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Duh says the guy sitting around all weekend for the true installer. With a reply like that I would have left you at home all weekend waiting also.

No idea what this dullard is talking about. Point I was making which anyone with a brain would realize is that it was the True Vision girl wasn't smart enough to figure out maybe she could find the order by using my name. "I" had to point it out to her.

How can a company hire people too stupid to realize how to find out someone's order number? DUH! Or maybe they don't train them at all. Fact is I had to spend two hours there getting things done. It was a joke.

If you took that attitude and spoke to the True people in the same, arrogant, insulting way, I would let you wait forever. I have found that if I'm polite, patient, then I get good service. Not there job to learn English; it's your responsibility to learn Thai.

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(I do not doubt some people get poor service.

I, however, have had good service from True ever since it was called UBC.

Yes, I too have always had good service from TRUE since it was UBC. Once I can get through to them!

Whenever I call them the automated system tells me to press 9 (or is it 2?) for English only to get another recorded Thai message.

When I do get through, they are polite and helpful in good English. Do you have a secret contact number?

Of course their choice of programmes and prices are quite another matter.

Sorry if it infuriates the original poster troll/flamer, but to go back to ThaiExpat TV, whenever I've had a problem they've replied within minutes even at night by an expat.

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Jeffkp your 100% right. He is new here and still learning. I tried to point out in my first post if he asked the ladies name? Did he raise his voice? But he could only come back with me being an idiot as I missed one part of his ranting post. I have been here for years and in sure like most that have been here for years you have learned how to get things done the Thai way. But his ignorance will only make it more difficult. Obviously he is never wrong and everyone else is the fool. Anyone willing to guess how long it takes him to open his mind to living in a new culture and adapting to it rather then it adapting to him?

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Duh says the guy sitting around all weekend for the true installer. With a reply like that I would have left you at home all weekend waiting also.

No idea what this dullard is talking about. Point I was making which anyone with a brain would realize is that it was the True Vision girl wasn't smart enough to figure out maybe she could find the order by using my name. "I" had to point it out to her.

How can a company hire people too stupid to realize how to find out someone's order number? DUH! Or maybe they don't train them at all. Fact is I had to spend two hours there getting things done. It was a joke.

If you took that attitude and spoke to the True people in the same, arrogant, insulting way, I would let you wait forever. I have found that if I'm polite, patient, then I get good service. Not there job to learn English; it's your responsibility to learn Thai

If the company is so good why did I have to call them in the first place dude? How many days would you suggest I wait for my contracted service to begin without getting the paid for service? I wouldn't have an attitude if the idiots came as per the contract or perhaps even the second day or maybe even the third day. And again for those who cannot read nor comprehend the True Vision situation has nothing to do with speaking Thai. Funny how some make excuses for Tesco employees who cannot speak English but they can at True Vision and Siam TV. All four times I called TV I spoke with someone who could speak English.

It's fun to banter with the numnuts here. Makes my day. Yes, it's a rant on my part but hey nothing else to do while waiting for the professional, service oriented, customer pleasing TV installers to show up. To the guy who bet me they would show up today how much did you bet? You lost. LOL

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AIS fibre: first month free, then 300 a month gets you very good wifi, android box, and cable. 1000 baht for equipment...but you get that back (we cancelled true and got our 1000 baht back right away). AIS had a great team that showed up and did the installation ... only a few hours late.

That was a limited time offer..but I now save 600 a month and have "free" computer (buy a wireless keyboard for their android box)

Edited by slipperylobster
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