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Curcumin (Turmeric) in Pill Form ?


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2 hours ago, Shiver said:

Usually it is in oil, so it will go through the liver and is absorbed a little better - not greatly, but a liposome encapsulation makes a decent difference, even for water soluble substances if you get the chemistry right.  All can be made in the kitchen though inexpensively.

The other mention about yellow pee is much why fecal matter is darker - Bile from the gallbladder in response to things like oil.


When I had severe liver cirrhosis I had to self educate on how it all fits together.  Curcumin was my starting point while I was trying to maintain a holding pattern to give me time to work it out.  Doctors told me I was doomed in under a year.  I have 100% liver now (without surgery or meds) and the docs were a 'little bit' wrong.  I took some Chinese wisdom and it snapped back into full working order, so I no longer look like Homer Simpson (apart for the two hairs on the head).  It's impossible to reverse cirrhosis ...they said.  You need a liver transplant ...they said. Pha!  Sadly I haven't solved the follicle challenge yet.


Do you think this Curcumin / Turmeric helped your liver or did you receive other treatments as well ?


I know someone who has his stomach drained every week or two due to what he says are liver issues, I don't know the specifics. He gave up drinking long ago but it's still happening.

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Addendum: (after looking at some other posts):


Turmeric contains only 2-3% curcuminoids.  If you get straightCurcumin rather than Turmeric from a bulk supplier, and an ultrasonic cleaner (like they use for jewelry), then you can mix it with your preferred oil (I like cold pressed coconut since we're in Thailand, but olive oil, avacado oil, lecithin etc will all do), and you can get straight curcumin up to the 12-13% absorbtion level.  Easy cheap and simple, and you can take a shot glass a day or whatever you choose.

There are some good capsules on the market, but as has been said here it gets expensive to get a decent dose.  People will still buy them.  I found that showing people how to do things doesn't always convince them, and they say "I'd rather just buy it and know that it's done properly" (not trusting themselves), so I started a supplements company and made some 'handsum' money, at the same time as telling people how to do it on the cheap.  They still bought though, almost as if they felt they owed a debt to repay for how things helped them.  Curious psycholigy, like people robbing banks to buy things honestly - why not just cut out the middle man if that's your leaning?  I don't have an answer for that one.

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1 hour ago, Shiver said:

Addendum: (after looking at some other posts):


Turmeric contains only 2-3% curcuminoids.  If you get straightCurcumin rather than Turmeric from a bulk supplier, and an ultrasonic cleaner (like they use for jewelry), then you can mix it with your preferred oil (I like cold pressed coconut since we're in Thailand, but olive oil, avacado oil, lecithin etc will all do), and you can get straight curcumin up to the 12-13% absorbtion level.  Easy cheap and simple, and you can take a shot glass a day or whatever you choose.

There are some good capsules on the market, but as has been said here it gets expensive to get a decent dose.  People will still buy them.  I found that showing people how to do things doesn't always convince them, and they say "I'd rather just buy it and know that it's done properly" (not trusting themselves), so I started a supplements company and made some 'handsum' money, at the same time as telling people how to do it on the cheap.  They still bought though, almost as if they felt they owed a debt to repay for how things helped them.  Curious psycholigy, like people robbing banks to buy things honestly - why not just cut out the middle man if that's your leaning?  I don't have an answer for that one.

Yes when I said "Good deal" last page i thought it was $9.95 for 120 caps of full strength curcumin.....but that was just the shipping.

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4 hours ago, ukrules said:


Do you think this Curcumin / Turmeric helped your liver or did you receive other treatments as well ?


I know someone who has his stomach drained every week or two due to what he says are liver issues, I don't know the specifics. He gave up drinking long ago but it's still happening.

Curcumin is what gives Turmeric its yellow colour (aka E100 as a dye).
I took milk thistle as well in measures way above the bottle suggestion while I worked out how to fix the issue.  Also no alcohol, no paracetamol or anything that would burden the liver (6 weeks in my case until Doc said it wouldn't be an issue given my progress - which I think he was startled at and wanted me as a test case - he charged me for my input and his learning of course).


I say no meds, but I did take Lasix for a month (self prescribed), and switched to Spironolactone (50mg/day, as it is potassium sparing, and added electrolyes that you can get at 7Eleven for surety), and the Ascites (the massive solid gut belly I had I guess was approximately 16 litres of fluid) - because it's not in the cells and not in the blood it just sat there inbetween organs adding pressure.  I had a one time shunt (at my request) and they took 3 litres of coffee coloured gunk out and said "that's enough for one session" and it didn't make a dent in it (that 1/2 hour took 5Kg off me so whatever it is, is more dense than water).  There was a *lot*.  Diuretics forced that to the kidneys (which fortunately were working fine) but I was running (I mean running - not walking) to the toilet and taking out what felt  like gallons of liquid, horrible rancid stuff, and you get no warning.  Within seconds you go from normal to immediacy and try not to embarrass yourself on the way.   I went from 86Kg to 67Kg in that couple of months.  I'm more than 86Kg now but I've got muscle back without trying, and also a gut which is plain old fat that I will deal with as soon as I've sorted out a foot issue that is repairing (different story, but one challenge at a time preferred).  I have a solution for fat loss without calorie restriction also (0.5 Kg a day) but that would be a different thread.

The key product that did all the magic is "Cordyceps Sinensis" which you can get on Aliexpress (plus Spironolactone from the pharmacy).  You can get it cheaper on Alibaba, but that is the wild west and you don't have guarantees, need to establish relationships and learn if they're trustworthy - Aliexpress you have escrow an you're safe, so for life saving issues I'd suggest it's worth paying a little more for the surety (about $80/Kg which is plenty to see it working).  I took more of that than the studies (found in the 1986 edition of Materia medica), about a tablespoon a day in water - it doesn't taste great but isn't really a drama.

If you want more info then you can PM/DM me and I'll do whatever I can to point you or your friend in the right direction.  I don't sell anything, but can give you links if you can't find then.  I have enough money now not to be on the make, but time and health are important to me, so ask you to respect that.


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7 hours ago, Shiver said:

Curcumin is what gives Turmeric its yellow colour (aka E100 as a dye).
I took milk thistle as well in measures way above the bottle suggestion while I worked out how to fix the issue.  Also no alcohol, no paracetamol or anything that would burden the liver (6 weeks in my case until Doc said it wouldn't be an issue given my progress - which I think he was startled at and wanted me as a test case - he charged me for my input and his learning of course).


I say no meds, but I did take Lasix for a month (self prescribed), and switched to Spironolactone (50mg/day, as it is potassium sparing, and added electrolyes that you can get at 7Eleven for surety), and the Ascites (the massive solid gut belly I had I guess was approximately 16 litres of fluid) - because it's not in the cells and not in the blood it just sat there inbetween organs adding pressure.  I had a one time shunt (at my request) and they took 3 litres of coffee coloured gunk out and said "that's enough for one session" and it didn't make a dent in it (that 1/2 hour took 5Kg off me so whatever it is, is more dense than water).  There was a *lot*.  Diuretics forced that to the kidneys (which fortunately were working fine) but I was running (I mean running - not walking) to the toilet and taking out what felt  like gallons of liquid, horrible rancid stuff, and you get no warning.  Within seconds you go from normal to immediacy and try not to embarrass yourself on the way.   I went from 86Kg to 67Kg in that couple of months.  I'm more than 86Kg now but I've got muscle back without trying, and also a gut which is plain old fat that I will deal with as soon as I've sorted out a foot issue that is repairing (different story, but one challenge at a time preferred).  I have a solution for fat loss without calorie restriction also (0.5 Kg a day) but that would be a different thread.

The key product that did all the magic is "Cordyceps Sinensis" which you can get on Aliexpress (plus Spironolactone from the pharmacy).  You can get it cheaper on Alibaba, but that is the wild west and you don't have guarantees, need to establish relationships and learn if they're trustworthy - Aliexpress you have escrow an you're safe, so for life saving issues I'd suggest it's worth paying a little more for the surety (about $80/Kg which is plenty to see it working).  I took more of that than the studies (found in the 1986 edition of Materia medica), about a tablespoon a day in water - it doesn't taste great but isn't really a drama.

If you want more info then you can PM/DM me and I'll do whatever I can to point you or your friend in the right direction.  I don't sell anything, but can give you links if you can't find then.  I have enough money now not to be on the make, but time and health are important to me, so ask you to respect that.


At last something more substantial than, my mates grand mother said....... Did you add, very simple fix, any black pepper to the curcumin?? this greatly helps gut absorption. Also would be interested to read you 'fat loss' (this is with a HEAVY dose of heard this before itis) ideas. The calorie in calorie out thing is a myth, again would be happy to chip in my tuppence if you would like to start the new thread and we can go from there??

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I didn't add pepper (piperine) because it was a gel capsule in oil, but if taking curcumin powder then I would add it as it does help absorption greatly in percentage terms, but the end result is still in single digits.


For fat loss I've used over the years (mainly when I was a gym monkey) ECA, DNP (powerful but dangerous - especially in this heat), T3 + Clenbuteral etc.

What I was referring to is Cryptotanshinone.  It's a few thousand dollars for 50% purity, and about triple or more for 98%, so not commercially viable unless it's for Hollywood and Dynesty.  It took 0.5 Kg per day of me - and I mean real fat loss, not water weight, not muscle loss - it's a body builders dream product.  The reason I'm not taking it right now and why I have a belly is because I had an operation on my foot that was a simple hack and slash job to remove what looked like a cyst that got infected, and I want to heal that first and bought a Hydrogen H2 machine and put a bag over the foot and the canula into the bag and taped it up.  It's amazing how quickly it's healing now.  I'd say I'm getting in 1 week the repair rate of what was 2 months with regular methods.  I also now take Carbon C60.

The reason I'm not taking the Cryptotanshinone right now is because the same mechanism that stops the body from accepting fat into storage has the downside of also stopping muscle from accepting growth, and I just took a guess that maybe it also slows repair.  What it does is forces fat out of the cells (both adipose and visceral - so theoretically should work on fat that is life threatening, not just vanity fat).  It doesn't require diet, doesn't generate heat, but does give you a lot of energy, and the liver converts that to ketones, which the body prefers for fast fuel, even more than carbs.  The only thing to remember is that although the liver will happily convert the fat, it cannot use it itself, so some carbs (maybe 100g per day? and some parts of  the brain where the ketones can't reach would also need low amounts of carbs, but you can get that from a clean diet).  It also curbs appetite.  I used coconut oil as an MCT which my particular body seems to like a lot.

As for a calorie being a calorie, remember how calories are calculated by burning them in a lab and getting a number. YMMV.  One time on a 2 week mountain bike trip with a buddy I matched him salad for salad, steak for steak, beer for beer, and in 2 weeks I'd gained 9lbs and he'd lost 9lbs - identical calories, identical hard daily exercise from just after sunrise to just before sunset, 14 days.  So it's not just the available energy in your gasoline, but how you car runs.

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3 minutes ago, Shiver said:

I didn't add pepper (piperine) because it was a gel capsule in oil, but if taking curcumin powder then I would add it as it does help absorption greatly in percentage terms, but the end result is still in single digits.


For fat loss I've used over the years (mainly when I was a gym monkey) ECA, DNP (powerful but dangerous - especially in this heat), T3 + Clenbuteral etc.

What I was referring to is Cryptotanshinone.  It's a few thousand dollars for 50% purity, and about triple or more for 98%, so not commercially viable unless it's for Hollywood and Dynesty.  It took 0.5 Kg per day of me - and I mean real fat loss, not water weight, not muscle loss - it's a body builders dream product.  The reason I'm not taking it right now and why I have a belly is because I had an operation on my foot that was a simple hack and slash job to remove what looked like a cyst that got infected, and I want to heal that first and bought a Hydrogen H2 machine and put a bag over the foot and the canula into the bag and taped it up.  It's amazing how quickly it's healing now.  I'd say I'm getting in 1 week the repair rate of what was 2 months with regular methods.  I also now take Carbon C60.

The reason I'm not taking the Cryptotanshinone right now is because the same mechanism that stops the body from accepting fat into storage has the downside of also stopping muscle from accepting growth, and I just took a guess that maybe it also slows repair.  What it does is forces fat out of the cells (both adipose and visceral - so theoretically should work on fat that is life threatening, not just vanity fat).  It doesn't require diet, doesn't generate heat, but does give you a lot of energy, and the liver converts that to ketones, which the body prefers for fast fuel, even more than carbs.  The only thing to remember is that although the liver will happily convert the fat, it cannot use it itself, so some carbs (maybe 100g per day? and some parts of  the brain where the ketones can't reach would also need low amounts of carbs, but you can get that from a clean diet).  It also curbs appetite.  I used coconut oil as an MCT which my particular body seems to like a lot.

As for a calorie being a calorie, remember how calories are calculated by burning them in a lab and getting a number. YMMV.  One time on a 2 week mountain bike trip with a buddy I matched him salad for salad, steak for steak, beer for beer, and in 2 weeks I'd gained 9lbs and he'd lost 9lbs - identical calories, identical hard daily exercise from just after sunrise to just before sunset, 14 days.  So it's not just the available energy in your gasoline, but how you car runs.

I am definitely running Keto adapted and all the supplements that go with that. Very interested to hear more about the DNP (i am very aware of the side effects & dangers) clen I use sporadically, (due to adaptation) and i find yohimbine to work very well in a fasted state.  Where are you sourcing the Cryptotanshinone and what is the protocol? 

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1 minute ago, eezergood said:

I am definitely running Keto adapted and all the supplements that go with that. Very interested to hear more about the DNP (i am very aware of the side effects & dangers) clen I use sporadically, (due to adaptation) and i find yohimbine to work very well in a fasted state.  Where are you sourcing the Cryptotanshinone and what is the protocol? 

China.  Everything useful seems to come from there.  I'll see if I can find the actual supplier, but it might be next week as my #1 computer flipped out with a 1 second power outage so am writing on an old laptop, and have ordered a new laptop and SSD drive so that I can keep the existing HDD and put it in an external USB case to retrieve stuff I would like to retrieve.  I have multiple backups of essential data of course, but things like running a full BTC node and taking 2 weeks to regenerate I'd much rather just copy over.  SSD maybe I can cut that down to a couple of hours but I've yet to test that.

From memory I think the company is called Honson (or similar).  If you go on Alibaba looking for cryptotanshinone you might see that name or something similar to that.  They're professional, and so far as I can tell the only supplier.  Talking to other companies and comparing notes I sometimes get "yes, they're a customer of hours, we're happy to help if you want to buy off them as we still get our markup, it's just that you'll be paying more".  If you go lower purity you can double up the amounts, it depends on you budget and tolerance to gulping down stuff that isn't water soluble.  The rat studies suggest that the rate it works is time and dose dependant.  That's not what I found.  I found that the body starts to fight back after 7-10 days, so I'd run that, take a couple of weeks of, and do it again, so it's not quite as golden as the idea might first appear, but there are no sides that I can discern.  It also resists tumour growth as well for a bonus if that is important to you.

DNP I was (in UK) paying about £200 for 100 capsules, and would titrate up, run it for a week then stop cold turkey.   You sweat like a mofo (it's main danger) and are hungry all the time, can eat all that you can see until the cupboard is bare and still see visible weight loss in the mirror every morning.  Water (lots of it) is essential because you'd be sweating 24/7 and also be out of breath to the level where you were jogging for the entire duration even if sitting still in UK winter time.  It's not pleasant, but for people that seek peak performance and will be their own guinea pig then almost anything is tolerable. *****The one critical thing is you don't feel it straight away, it takes days to kick in, and that's where people get into trouble and end up in A&E then in an ice bath for days to cool them off***** people have died by misadventure with that stuff.  Buying it yourself them it's buttons if you trust your supplier.  I got mine from a roids supplier (although I've never done roids).  I've done several cycles of it, but I won't use it again, I'd rather pay for cryptotanshinone as it's the lazy mans way out if you want a social life and your diet isn't dialed in, (and if you can afford it of course).

The way it works is it interrupts the Krebs cycle (more popularly known as the citric acid cycle these days), so it only gets 18 steps of the enzymatic process completed rather than getting the full cycle.  What's not used as energy is given off as heat, and therein lies the rub.  It's cheap, dirty and supremely effective - If you don't die that is.


Oh, the crypto protocol I use about a teaspoon heaped per day, just once a day.  I'm going to put some in caps and see if maybe 3x500mg is enought.  I was adding more and more but it seems there's only so much your body can do per day, and less may be enough.   It'll be a while before I can report back on that due to the above mentioned issues that take preferece over having a bit of a gut (I'm in Thailand and have an ATM card so things work a little differently here than UK :) ).

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3 minutes ago, Shiver said:

China.  Everything useful seems to come from there.  I'll see if I can find the actual supplier, but it might be next week as my #1 computer flipped out with a 1 second power outage so am writing on an old laptop, and have ordered a new laptop and SSD drive so that I can keep the existing HDD and put it in an external USB case to retrieve stuff I would like to retrieve.  I have multiple backups of essential data of course, but things like running a full BTC node and taking 2 weeks to regenerate I'd much rather just copy over.  SSD maybe I can cut that down to a couple of hours but I've yet to test that.

From memory I think the company is called Honson (or similar).  If you go on Alibaba looking for cryptotanshinone you might see that name or something similar to that.  They're professional, and so far as I can tell the only supplier.  Talking to other companies and comparing notes I sometimes get "yes, they're a customer of hours, we're happy to help if you want to buy off them as we still get our markup, it's just that you'll be paying more".  If you go lower purity you can double up the amounts, it depends on you budget and tolerance to gulping down stuff that isn't water soluble.  The rat studies suggest that the rate it works is time and dose dependant.  That's not what I found.  I found that the body starts to fight back after 7-10 days, so I'd run that, take a couple of weeks of, and do it again, so it's not quite as golden as the idea might first appear, but there are no sides that I can discern.  It also resists tumour growth as well for a bonus if that is important to you.

DNP I was (in UK) paying about £200 for 100 capsules, and would titrate up, run it for a week then stop cold turkey.   You sweat like a mofo (it's main danger) and are hungry all the time, can eat all that you can see until the cupboard is bare and still see visible weight loss in the mirror every morning.  Water (lots of it) is essential because you'd be sweating 24/7 and also be out of breath to the level where you were jogging for the entire duration even if sitting still in UK winter time.  It's not pleasant, but for people that seek peak performance and will be their own guinea pig then almost anything is tolerable. *****The one critical thing is you don't feel it straight away, it takes days to kick in, and that's where people get into trouble and end up in A&E then in an ice bath for days to cool them off***** people have died by misadventure with that stuff.  Buying it yourself them it's buttons if you trust your supplier.  I got mine from a roids supplier (although I've never done roids).  I've done several cycles of it, but I won't use it again, I'd rather pay for cryptotanshinone as it's the lazy mans way out if you want a social life and your diet isn't dialed in, (and if you can afford it of course).

The way it works is it interrupts the Krebs cycle (more popularly known as the citric acid cycle these days), so it only gets 18 steps of the enzymatic process completed rather than getting the full cycle.  What's not used as energy is given off as heat, and therein lies the rub.  It's cheap, dirty and supremely effective - If you don't die that is.


Oh, the crypto protocol I use about a teaspoon heaped per day, just once a day.  I'm going to put some in caps and see if maybe 3x500mg is enought.  I was adding more and more but it seems there's only so much your body can do per day, and less may be enough.   It'll be a while before I can report back on that due to the above mentioned issues that take preferece over having a bit of a gut (I'm in Thailand and have an ATM card so things work a little differently here than UK :) ).

I am very fully aware of the DNP risks ( russian army used it to keep the troops warm, side effects of death were of little consequence) not sure I would risk it. My diet is good, just need to stay off beer - may I PM you to swap emails as I think this is well off track and probably (not to sound like an idiot) beyond the magic pill to loose weight understanding.

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9 minutes ago, eezergood said:

I am very fully aware of the DNP risks ( russian army used it to keep the troops warm, side effects of death were of little consequence) not sure I would risk it. My diet is good, just need to stay off beer - may I PM you to swap emails as I think this is well off track and probably (not to sound like an idiot) beyond the magic pill to loose weight understanding.

Yes of course you can PM me.  I'm happy to chat about it, but was trying to avoid hijacking the thread, so probably better that way.

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  • 1 year later...

Have been using curcumin gels from iHerb for a couple of years now.


Looks like I need to find another supplier or maybe even a domestic supplier. I tried to order some more today and noticed this message about delivery.


"Customs Information


Due to Thailand customs currently preventing importing of our products, we have currently suspended shipping orders to Thailand with DHL Express or UPS International. We are currently working with customs to determine what we can do to get our packages to be allowed entry into your country."

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1 hour ago, SantiSuk said:

Have been using curcumin gels from iHerb for a couple of years now.


Looks like I need to find another supplier or maybe even a domestic supplier. I tried to order some more today and noticed this message about delivery.


"Customs Information


Due to Thailand customs currently preventing importing of our products, we have currently suspended shipping orders to Thailand with DHL Express or UPS International. We are currently working with customs to determine what we can do to get our packages to be allowed entry into your country."

I know of a company that can make the Lipo gels for you if you wanted to go into business.  I used to be in that business (but not in Thailand), and it was profitable too, but closed it down when crypto started out performing working for a living.



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