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Austria returns migrants to point of entry into Europe to register


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Austria returns migrants to point of entry into Europe to register

VIENNA: -- Migrants attempting to move through the EU to the country of their choice face disappointment, as Austria and Germany have reestablished rules requiring asylum seekers to register at the point of entry.

AUSTRIA: Over 6000 Refugees Arrive In Austria - Johanna Mikl-Leitner - http://t.co/zFd05jen0L - ... pic.twitter.com/b9ex5Ba1Wg
— Politicoscope (@Politicoscope) September 5, 2015

As the exodus to Europe from mainly Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan continues Austria is now sending asylum seekers back to where they first entered Europe.

Austrian Interior Minister, Johanna Mikl-Leitner said:

“If I remember the numbers rightly, we have sent more than 5,000 or 5,500 back from Austria, especially to Bulgaria and Romania among others.”

Ministar #mupRH Ranko Ostojić dočekao je austrijsku kolegicu Johanne Mikl-Leitner cc @MFA_Austria pic.twitter.com/xgmHdMeGS2
— Vlada R. Hrvatske (@VladaRH) February 18, 2015

Mikl-Leitner intimated that safety is one thing choice is another.

Migrants keep coming as Angela Merkel tells EU to do more http://t.co/E3S5rI2r1p pic.twitter.com/rsHdbV4GZ6
— NDTV (@ndtv) September 24, 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel believes a solution is far away, but the first steps are in place: “A redistribution can only work if we arrive at a consistent registration process at the EU’s external borders verifying the need for protection of incoming refugees. I am deeply convinced that Europe doesn’t just need redistribution now, but rather a permanent process for a fair distribution of the refugees in the member states.”

On Tuesday EU ministers supported mandatory quotas to divide up the asylum seekers among member states.

The vote was passed only by majority sparking fierce opposition from some nations, with Slovenia launching a legal challenge.

-- euronews 2015-09-25

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Just when the poor sods thought they made the land of milk and honey and now the Austrians skittle them all the way back.

This could finally be the downfall of the EU,reintroduction of borders and countries passing the buck.

Edited by stoneyboy
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Aw, the EU is just one big borderless happy family. Who dreamed up that stupidity anyway and how did they sucker the nations to sign on?

If they were as inclusive as they claim to be they would be chartering flights from Africa and the Middle East and bringing them in by the millions. The far-out wacko liberal progressive ideas might look good on paper but never when put to the test. The problem is that a liberal has to be hit with a sledgehammer in order to teach him anything.

These liberals are slow learners and they'll destroy Europe before they get a clue.


Edited by NeverSure
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Aw, the EU is just one big borderless happy family. Who dreamed up that stupidity anyway and how did they sucker the nations to sign on?

If they were as inclusive as they claim to be they would be chartering flights from Africa and the Middle East and bringing them in by the millions. The far-out wacko liberal progressive ideas might look good on paper but never when put to the test. The problem is that a liberal has to be hit with a sledgehammer in order to teach him anything.

These liberals are slow learners and they'll destroy Europe before they get a clue.


EU regulations to reduce member States border controls were put in-place to enhance and reduce the costs of business for member countries; the objectives were mainly a success. EU countries border regulations were not enacted to permit entry for 'economic refugees' from third party countries.

The German decision to encourage entry for those fleeing conflict and persecution, primarily Syrians, who currently represent an estimated 38% of refugees, led to the collapse of the Dublin Regulation administrative rules enforcement which is causing the angst we are now witnessing. The decision by Germany has been put on hold whilst EU member States try to sort out the mess.


Edited by simple1
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Aw, the EU is just one big borderless happy family. Who dreamed up that stupidity anyway and how did they sucker the nations to sign on?

If they were as inclusive as they claim to be they would be chartering flights from Africa and the Middle East and bringing them in by the millions. The far-out wacko liberal progressive ideas might look good on paper but never when put to the test. The problem is that a liberal has to be hit with a sledgehammer in order to teach him anything.

These liberals are slow learners and they'll destroy Europe before they get a clue.


EU regulations to reduce member States border controls were put in-place to enhance and reduce the costs of business for member countries; the objectives were mainly a success. EU countries border regulations were not enacted to permit entry for 'economic refugees' from third party countries.

The German decision to encourage entry for those fleeing conflict and persecution, primarily Syrians, who currently represent an estimated 38% of refugees, led to the collapse of the Dublin Regulation administrative rules enforcement which is causing the angst we are now witnessing. The decision by Germany has been put on hold whilst EU member States try to sort out the mess.


That sums it up nicely.

Germany invited all and was then the first to react and close her borders.

Yet again EU has to all suffer and sort out another German screw up.

But "Mutti" Merkel is on hand, finding her voice again, to tell everyone else what they must do.

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