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FLR UK - Change to English Test (Updated FLR Form)?

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Hi Folks,

Some of may remember a few months ago I posted about my wife who failed her A1 English test with Trinity for FLR - I incorrectly thought she had to sit a new test due to the changes in the UK test providers. Anyway, thanks to this forum (and section 32D - I think it was) it turned old test certificates are accepted if they were used for the original application.

We decided to leave the renewal to November - I'm just filling out the FLR form which was updated in April. The question seems to have changed it states

"Have you passed an acceptable English test provided by a test provider approved by the Home office for this purpose" Answers are Y or N and then gives the URL for approved providers. It then states Transitional arrangements apply for people who sat a test before the 6th April 2015 - You may still be able to use your test with applications made before 5th November 2015.


The would seem to indicate that after the 5th November you must have a English test from the new provider - which seems to contradict section 32D!!!

Wouldn't mind people thoughts should the old test certificate be accepted? Despite what the applications says.....Im a bit of panic!! PS I cant apply early as we are off to Thailand in two weeks and not back until 7th Nov.

Many Thanks again


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Hi Greg, I have just applied for my wife's FLR (and still awaiting the result). I used the same form (updated April 15) and I also found it confusing. I believe the transitional arrangements it refers to are related to other changes in approved testers. Before I sent the FLR form I double checked that 32D was still in effect and it is. I made specific reference to it in the place for Other Information on the form. I know of one other poster on TVE whose wife had her FLR accepted with a BULATS test previously accepted - sorry I can't recall his name.

Btw, my wife's BRP letter came through from the Home Office. Not sure if that is a sign that her FLR is accepted. Anyone know?

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Thanks Durham boy - I've had a look at some other sites and it appears that most people are saying the same. If I think about logically it would mean everybody who is applying for FLR from November would have to re-sit the English test (mind you when does logic come into VISA applications!!). I've doubled check as well and 32D is still valid - hope they don't change it in the next few weeks!! Good point about the comments sections I'll add it in.

I think in general the FLR form is a bit strange - Don't understand why the ask "When did you last see your sponsor" when you really have to be living together....It seems a lot of questions are lifted straight from the initial visa application form which makes it confusing.

PS - My understanding is the BRP doesn't mean you application has been successful just you have submitted a valid application (Not sure what a valid application is thou). How long did you apply?

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"I think in general the FLR form is a bit strange - Don't understand why the ask "When did you last see your sponsor" when you really have to be living together....It seems a lot of questions are lifted straight from the initial visa application form which makes it confusing."

Only a bit strange. Strikes me it was thought up by a complete moron. Like you say, applying for the FLR and asking when you last saw the sponsor. Why do I have to supply my own son's birth certificate? Why does he need to be on the form at all, he is nothing to do with it.

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Yes Trevor - it is a 74 page form much of which is either irrelevant or a duplication of info already submitted. Whilst I think my wife and I fulfil all the criteria for FLR there is always that nagging doubt that I may have ticked the wrong box or some other minor error. The English language part is very confusing. I have double checked and triple checked. What if the person assessing the application isn't up to speed with everything? Just another load of bureaucratic expensive nonsense i.m.o.

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Yes Trevor - it is a 74 page form much of which is either irrelevant or a duplication of info already submitted. Whilst I think my wife and I fulfil all the criteria for FLR there is always that nagging doubt that I may have ticked the wrong box or some other minor error. The English language part is very confusing. I have double checked and triple checked. What if the person assessing the application isn't up to speed with everything? Just another load of bureaucratic expensive nonsense i.m.o.

I am in the same boat. My wife did Bulats so I just got her to take the Trinity so I knew exactly where we stood. I can't deal with the confusing ambiguous forms and the never ending bloody expense.

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