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Prayut must be judged by Thais, not outsiders


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Of course the PM must be judged by Thai's, he is the Thai PM, unelected maybe but we are where we are. It is a pretty obvious statement that really does not need to be said, like any PM his first duty must always be to his / her country and the people that live in it and the people having confidence in the PM's ability to "steer the ship" means everything.

However, the World is changing every year and Thailand heavily relies on export and International trade. So, if the UN states concern over human rights, people trafficking and blatant corruption it also has a duty. If Thailand take a stance of "you are not my father" then yes he may win praise from the local people for looking strong and backing the country but what abut the human rights issues? Will they not be tackled? Also, how will the people feel if trade sanctions are imposed and thailand starts to lose huge levels of business?

The backlash of this could be terrible wit companies closing down, foreign investment starts to dwindle, foreign companies start to look at relocating to a politically more stable country, etc.

So, the role of a PM nowadays is more then just keeping your people happy, it is a role where you must have some say or influence in International matters if you want your country to survive and thrive in todays world. This means being careful what you say and doing the right thing and making tough decisions.

Unfortunately this PM rules in the interests of and with the support of only one particular faction of the country. This faction is infused with face, status and xenophobia so they choose to ignore, or possibly just don't believe, the effects of international opinion and actions which you describe.

We will probably soon see the first manifestations of that denial with sanctions looming over the fishing industry, human trafficking and mismanagement of civil aviation. Thailand will start to hurt, and the first to hurt will be working people - the group who have no say in who forms the government.

Of course many (similar ) allegations of incompetence, mismanagement and corruption can ( and are ) made against the previous elected government. The difference is that, if the constitution had been followed last year, that government could have been removed by the people and replaced with one chosen by the people.

If the present one is changed it is likely to be effected by the coterie it serves, who will also select it's replacement.

That's the point... if Thais don't like a government they can remove them at an election. What happened here was thousands were paid to protest and this was used as an EXCUSE to bring down the elected government by FORCE.

Let's not mistake what happened here it was GUNS that brought in the present Junta. No guns No current PM.

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"Prayut must be judged by Thais, not outsiders"

So have an election then and see how he gets on??

And the winner of election would be,...... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Guess who.......
Hard to guess at that point.....which puppet would be brought in ? Options are getting thin.....if the supposed to be winner wants to be a bit credible.

Whoever it be, apparently Prayuth and the establishment knows the outcome and scared stiff which warrant serious attempts to re-write the rules to their advantage. If Thais be the judge today, the establishment would not stand a chance.

I am not that sure, really.

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The editorial begins...

BANGKOK: -- To many people, how Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha fares internationally is more important than how he fares locally.

Ah, well, it's generally not a good idea to start a "reasoned exposition" with a premise that is arguable, at best.

The phrase, "many people say..." is the refuge of the lazy journalist and the demagogue.

But it's The Nation, dear.

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Prayut himself complained that his government was "provoked" to take tough action against political dissents so he would look bad at the UN.

Not provoked at all, his decision to squash all opposition!

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It would seem the "have an election" is becoming like A44, a magic wand. Good for those believing in faery tales.

You are actually correct, although you don't think you are.

This is a country that doesn't like going without an election. All the previous dictators of the previous 80 years knew that. They either got out really fast (Sonthi, recently) or they had elections for parliament or whatever. Going without an election gets you into October 14 and Black May country. Pibulsonggram and his foes had interchangeable dictatorships but they all had elections. The former General Sarit had several elections. If this current General Sarit II doesn't have elections in an acceptable amount of time, he will get problems that are very, very predictable.

"Acceptable amount of time" will be decided in due course.

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Well i agree Prayut should be judged by the Thai population and possible voters. But as he has to play a role international he has to accept judgment from other countries.

Even in Thailand is no free press, no free speach: so how people can judge him beeing sacred to run into trouble if not imprisoned easy while Prayut can talk all his power to kill the open minded people with that!

Bye bye democracy that will never happen in Thailand in this way!

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Despite all of the differing opinions posted to this forum, at the end of the day, the "coup" issue (that has not affected my "foreign guest" visa-status) is strictly the business of the THAI people. Periodcoffee1.gif

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Prayut himself complained that his government was "provoked" to take tough action against political dissents so he would look bad at the UN.

Not provoked but ordered!

Prayut is the victim. He didn't want the job. His love of the Thai People forced him to act.



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Thailand is part of the global ecconomy.Thailand has many international ties and treaties. Thailand has benefitted from very large international investments. When a military General decides to take over the country it is unthinkable that his actions and performance should not be judged by all who have a concern for the future of Thailand. His 'good people' will surely find the things that he does to benefit them to be wonderful, but many others at the other end of the barrel, may not agree. If no dissent or critical opinions can be expressed. then there can be no reconcillation, only the increasing use of suppression leading to the illusion of acceptance.A calm before the storm.

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Prayut himself complained that his government was "provoked" to take tough action against political dissents so he would look bad at the UN.

Not provoked but ordered!

Prayut is the victim. He didn't want the job. His love of the Thai People forced him to act.


Thank you for making me laugh so hard. The funniest thing I have heard today.clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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"Prayut must be judged by Thais, not outsiders"

So have an election then and see how he gets on??

If they have an election right now then the riots/shootings/bombings will start all over again. Is that what you like? I don't.

If BKK becomes a warzone again i will leave thailand and many other people as well. Investors will pull out, tourists won't come and Thailand will sink in a hole.

It will cost jobs, have casualty's and the whole economy will melt, also outside BKK.

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Give the Thais an opportunity to tell what they think of the progress (and not through Suan Dusit polls or other polls). There is only one way and that is a referendum.

If it only matters what Thais think of the current progress why bother applying for UNSC seat (why even going to New York?), why bother about the trafficking reports, why do you care of an EU ban on fishing products?

I still believe it is behaving like a kindergarten kid not to take into consideration what the international community is saying - just because they are not Thai and therfore do not understand Thailand.

Well, flipped around then you have no say internationally as you are Thai and therefore do not understand the international community?

Thailand, you must realize that you are not an island in the world. History is full of failed states that chose isolation.

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"Prayut must be judged by Thais, not outsiders"

So have an election then and see how he gets on??

If they have an election right now then the riots/shootings/bombings will start all over again. Is that what you like? I don't.

If BKK becomes a warzone again i will leave thailand and many other people as well. Investors will pull out, tourists won't come and Thailand will sink in a hole.

It will cost jobs, have casualty's and the whole economy will melt, also outside BKK.

If you had an election and the side which lost, whichever shirt colour they may claim, kicked off with riots and bombings etcetera then the duly elected government would be entitled to use its powers, within the law, to stop them.

As it is, with a Junta in power, no prospect of a return to an elected government, sanctions on several fronts looming and the junta proposing taking control of the Internet and so forth, Thailand is teetering on the edge of your hole, if not already in it.

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The UN is not my father ......? where have we heard that one before ? yea ok ok i know, but but.... Thaksin. Ill get my coat

"where have we heard that one before ? yea ok ok i know, but but.... Thaksin."

The author of the report said exactly that, that it was a Thasksin quote, Prayut wasn't being quoted.

Edited by Sviss Geez
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If you're asking for investment from abroad, looking for exporting Thai products, inviting "high-end tourists" from around the globe and FIT from China... well then you have to deal with being judged by "outsiders". Close your borders if you want to be on your own and close all foreign companies who pay the salary of Thai people who tell you to "shut up or leave".

Even though it is true that many foreigners don't have a clue what's actually going on in Thailand and comparing apples to oranges, there are still some who know Thailand and its problems damn well. Much more than many ignorant and hypocrite Thais who don't even have the ability to discuss different point of views without getting hostile after a few sentences.

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"Prayut must be judged by Thais, not outsiders"

So have an election then and see how he gets on??

He won't "get on" at all. At election time he won't be standing, candidates from political parties will be up for election.

Are you sure ? What's to stop him forming his own party and standing ?

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"Prayut must be judged by Thais, not outsiders"

So have an election then and see how he gets on??

How can you judge someone when your freedom of speech is gone kaput. Discussions should be held opinions given and well that works against government policy as it exists today. It the gateway is ever put into operation each person will be an island unto himself.

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"Prayut must be judged by Thais, not outsiders"

So have an election then and see how he gets on??

How can you judge someone when your freedom of speech is gone kaput. Discussions should be held opinions given and well that works against government policy as it exists today. It the gateway is ever put into operation each person will be an island unto himself.

Amen, it is against the law for Thais to have an opinion, much less judge. Outsiders are Thais' only chance.

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If you're asking for investment from abroad, looking for exporting Thai products, inviting "high-end tourists" from around the globe and FIT from China... well then you have to deal with being judged by "outsiders". Close your borders if you want to be on your own and close all foreign companies who pay the salary of Thai people who tell you to "shut up or leave".

Even though it is true that many foreigners don't have a clue what's actually going on in Thailand and comparing apples to oranges, there are still some who know Thailand and its problems damn well. Much more than many ignorant and hypocrite Thais who don't even have the ability to discuss different point of views without getting hostile after a few sentences.

Exactly and never forget who is the real boss in Thailand, that's not the general, he just does his job.

Corruption is/was rampant and will also have big influence on new elections. That has to be stopped first just as Thailand needs a real law enforcement agency whoever that will be or is.

The past has shown that they couldn't organise these things themselves without interference from above.

There is no way back at this moment or the war will continue and all party's will loose from that, any color of shirt. Thai don't even know the word "democracy", they think it's the same as democrazy. They have no idea what it means and sure will sell their votes to the highest bidder (whoever that will be).

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America gave you your infrastructure and pretty much everything you have that your neighbours don't have. Thailand you have nothing to show for yourselves. You're seen as unprofessional, lazy, lying cheats with emotional problems who are incapable of making it to adulthood.

You don't want our "judgement"? Well you're going to get it. As to money, English, expertise... you don't deserve anything more than to fail on every level.

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What a bloody rag this newspaper is, well how about getting off your high hypocritical horse and do some soul searching as to why you, as a representative of Thailand, can't come up with anyone better to run your country other than a self-above-all-others telecoms billionaire or the bumbling anachronism that is your current, er 'leader' laugh.png

What are you talking about? The Nation is a million miles away from being a representative of Thailand but, as you said, it's just a rag.

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How many large foreign companies operate within the borders of Thailand? One can say hundreds if not thousands. How many foreign companies buy commodities exported by Thailand? Again hundred if not thousands. So Mr. P. OUTSIDERS have every right to judge you because without their investments and spending Thailand is nothing.

"So Mr. P. OUTSIDERS have every right to judge you..."

Of course they have that right but Prayut didn't say anything to the contrary, it was an editorial by The Nation, not a report of anything he said.

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