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Swedish Man Arrested And Charged After He Assaults A Singer From Walking Street Discotheque.

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I'm getting all Captain Picard about this. A line must be drawn HERE!

Nail this bitch police womans ass to the wall.

Nail the singer bitches ass to the wall as well.

Lets all boycott Lucifer's until the bitch is sacked.

Enough of this nonsense already.

He got into enough trouble by slapping her rear...but nailing it to the wall would probably mean life.

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Good on her for not copping that crap.

The sweed should have more respect

Ive let your post sit for half a day Donz.................

............dont be an inflammatory bastard and get back under your rock.........

(only my opininon of course) :o


Disregard from my only post on this issue. I should have spent more time reading all the posts but unfortunately my initial thoughts were based on previous bad behaviour of Swedish men.



only my opininon of course

I doubt that.. :o

totster :D

Second that.

I doubt that too :D

It's about time Mr. Donz thinks twice before his finger(s) touches the keyboard.... :D



Good on her for not copping that crap.

The sweed should have more respect

Ive let your post sit for half a day Donz.................

............dont be an inflammatory bastard and get back under your rock.........

(only my opininon of course) :o

Recieved a pm reprimand this a.m.

Apologies to anyone who may of been offended by the above post i was merely giving the response that Donz's 2 line post was trying to elicit.............coupled with a night on the Chang. :D


We have some VERY interesting news on this case which I will report you soon.

I just need now time to make sure everything goes as we have planned and there is no-one reading this forum who might do something unwanted at this phase... :o

Hope to let you know by tomorrow morning.


Good on her for not copping that crap.

The sweed should have more respect

Ive let your post sit for half a day Donz.................

............dont be an inflammatory bastard and get back under your rock.........

(only my opininon of course) :o

Recieved a pm reprimand this a.m.

Apologies to anyone who may of been offended by the above post i was merely giving the response that Donz's 2 line post was trying to elicit.............coupled with a night on the Chang. :D

Don't see anything to apologize for. Was someone upset about the use of the word B@stard?

Don't see anything to apologize for. Was someone upset about the use of the word B@stard?

Apparently so.

Looking forward to the update Hans...........not often we see a bit of news through to its conclusion.

We have some VERY interesting news on this case which I will report you soon.

I just need now time to make sure everything goes as we have planned and there is no-one reading this forum who might do something unwanted at this phase... :D

Hope to let you know by tomorrow morning.

I just wish, and hope that it doesn't mean that I am doing something unwanted, to send my symphaties to Mr. Kid, a fellow farang, who has, by one might be silly action apparently, been sent into what looks like an abyss of dispair.

Oi! :o



The girl look rightly pissed. I don't blame her for being upset as most non P4P girls do their utmost to distinguish themselves from those that are in the game. This physical *abuse* may just be a culmunation of dozens of flirts and suggestions over the years on the job at Lucifer.

To the Swede, SOMNAMNA! (serves you right--in Thai).

I happen to know this case very closely since this Swede is a client of mine and I have now helped him with this case also.

1. The news report is incorrect stating the "small fine" etc. The case is that he was pressed to pay the police 200 000 baht in cash. Out of what he got a receipt of 100 000 and was then the next day rightly returned the extra 100 000. The remaining 100 000 baht is the bale sum out of what is deducted what ever the "victim" (now the "victim" is not very clear in this case... read ahead.) gets her compensation.

2. Mr Kid spent all night and half of the next day in jail. After what he was released without his passport in order to stop him running out of the country. (This is pretty normal way to keep the "criminal" within reach. Actually the only normal in this case...)

The "victim" does not want money and wants to carry the case untill Mr. Kid is convicted to a jail-term. These are her words. After these 3 days of the happening she still wants to get him in the jail.

This means up to 2 years of waiting for the court case and this time Mr. Kid cannot go out of Thailand.

This "victim" also attacked viciously immediately after the "assault" on Mr. Kid causing him damage to his eye. She was of course never accused of this since she is the "victim" here.

Mr. Kid himself describes that he touched the girls bottom; yes. 2 times very softly and friendly slapping to have room on the alley while exiting from the toilet. A gentle touch with a smile but obviously not too gentleman-like behaviur and this of course he regrets.

I have also a friend here who claims to have more or less nasty experiences of a very similar looking "lady" and from the very same premises.

So all you out there near Lucifer: take care to be far enough of this singer girl!!!

Wow. Great advice. In other words it's okay to slap a girl's ass you don't know.....just not THIS girl. :D

If my wife had gone to the toilet or whatever and some <deleted> slapped her ass....I'd be going to jail.... :o I'm tired of these farangs coming here and doing stupid $hit like this; makes those of us who try hard to fit in and be respected look bad.

This is violence and it has no place in Pattaya whatever your justification may be.


Really looking forward to the update.

I think I have half the story already but I won't speculate.

Suffice to say those who posted about filthy falangs doing nasty things on this tread better be ready to apologise.


The swede signed a confession to the effect that he had apparently 'touched' the singer's genitals on the night in question.

Personally, I find this very difficult to believe under the circumstances. Patted/groped her backside - yes....but not the former serious charge.

This is a difficult situation and the swedish gentleman MUST ABSOLUTELY appoint a lawyer.

And the less than helpful actions of his girlfriend can be dismissed - I guess - emotions were running high at the police station and she was just as upset about the whole sorry affair as Mr. Kid and her frustration and anger had to find a vent.

I've heard the group at Lucifers - they're a 'mafia outfit'. Sorry to say but it sounds like this incredibly opportunist woman is after a big pay-off rather than any kind of legal redress.

If Mr. Kid's version of events is true (and I believe he's telling the truth) then Pattaya's BIB won't be doin' themselves any favours if this story takes off.

I may attend the next court case.

Suffice to say those who posted about filthy falangs doing nasty things on this tread better be ready to apologise.

Regardless of what happens doesnt change the fact he groped her bum and was clearly in the wrong. :o


Suffice to say those who posted about filthy falangs doing nasty things on this tread better be ready to apologise.

Regardless of what happens doesnt change the fact he groped her bum and was clearly in the wrong. :o

Brit , let's look a this in a Western crime sense.

To feel the azz on the outside of the clothes is one thing and a cheap move by Mr. Kid , but to stick a finger inside is much more severe.


Suffice to say those who posted about filthy falangs doing nasty things on this tread better be ready to apologise.

Regardless of what happens doesnt change the fact he groped her bum and was clearly in the wrong. :o

Yes, there's no disputing this - but the 'poor unfortune victim' is alleging much worse - basically asserting with out proof - a very serious charge.

Quite frankly, considering her demeanour, profession and place of work and the gravity of the charge I'm surprised (or not) the police have come down so heavily on her side.

The case stinks.


This whole unfortunate episode reminds me of the 'Only Fools and Horses' series # 3 'wanted'.

If the Swede is just guilty of smacking a girls arse, then all he deserves if a fine.

However; If he molested her intimately whilst he was drunk then he should receive the full penalty of the law.

I am sick of neighbours, giving my Mrs. the tongue in cheek visible 'blow-job' sign across the way from the balcony; they are all Germans. I let it pass, but I know one day the Mrs. will snap and do something more terrible than I can think of.

We have some VERY interesting news on this case which I will report you soon.

I just need now time to make sure everything goes as we have planned and there is no-one reading this forum who might do something unwanted at this phase... :o

Hope to let you know by tomorrow morning.

Any news Hans?


I only hope the guy gets off with a small "non deserved fine" IMO.................and i hope the lady in question gets 10" inches off what she deserves at some point....(the whole thing stinks) :o

I only hope the guy gets off with a small "non deserved fine" IMO.................and i hope the lady in question gets 10" inches off what she deserves at some point....(the whole thing stinks) :D

Well she won't get 10" inches from a Thai man :o:D


I happen to know this case very closely since this Swede is a client of mine and I have now helped him with this case also.

1. The news report is incorrect stating the "small fine" etc. The case is that he was pressed to pay the police 200 000 baht in cash. Out of what he got a receipt of 100 000 and was then the next day rightly returned the extra 100 000. The remaining 100 000 baht is the bale sum out of what is deducted what ever the "victim" (now the "victim" is not very clear in this case... read ahead.) gets her compensation.

2. Mr Kid spent all night and half of the next day in jail. After what he was released without his passport in order to stop him running out of the country. (This is pretty normal way to keep the "criminal" within reach. Actually the only normal in this case...)

The "victim" does not want money and wants to carry the case untill Mr. Kid is convicted to a jail-term. These are her words. After these 3 days of the happening she still wants to get him in the jail.

This means up to 2 years of waiting for the court case and this time Mr. Kid cannot go out of Thailand.

This "victim" also attacked viciously immediately after the "assault" on Mr. Kid causing him damage to his eye. She was of course never accused of this since she is the "victim" here.

Mr. Kid himself describes that he touched the girls bottom; yes. 2 times very softly and friendly slapping to have room on the alley while exiting from the toilet. A gentle touch with a smile but obviously not too gentleman-like behaviur and this of course he regrets.

I have also a friend here who claims to have more or less nasty experiences of a very similar looking "lady" and from the very same premises.

So all you out there near Lucifer: take care to be far enough of this singer girl!!!

One bright side....he will not have to make boarder runs for 2 years


Oh come one, all you frigging saints who are ready to cut this poor guys balls for slapping a butt in Lucifers. This is Walking street we're talking about, at night. It's the red light district of Pattaya. If you can't handle getting your butt slapped you should find another place to work. Sheesh.

Oh come one, all you frigging saints who are ready to cut this poor guys balls for slapping a butt in Lucifers. This is Walking street we're talking about, at night. It's the red light district of Pattaya. If you can't handle getting your butt slapped you should find another place to work. Sheesh.

What a load of shi*e!!!! :o

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