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US Cuts Off Millions In Military Aid To Thailand


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Exactly ulysse and once the first moment elapsed, European Governments are now more subtle than the Cow boys... But shades of thinking are too much subtle for those Yanks...

Clean your house first, then maybe we will listen to you...

are you sure you understand the u.s.a.? it's a melting pot of a vast representation of the worlds diverse ethnicity. those voting in elections represent every possible grouping available. so, when you deride the u.s. system, you include EVERY ethnic group on the planet. get a grip.

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A coup d'etat is surely not anarchy. And what Thaksin did was surely not democracy.

Of course, duly elected autocrats prefer duly elected autocracy; it appears to legitimize oppression of the masses, massive corruption and theft, etc.

I like what we have now far better than what we had before September 19.

Of course the USA State Dept. will drag out the law as it suits them; so will most "developed democracies."

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lannabirth I appreciate all your references coming from the very impartial ....CNN as it is well known!!!

About the melting pot, after one or two generations, the way of thinking is very different from the origin, washed by very intellectual paper like USA today. If you are so clever, how have you been able to impose the Bush administration to the world?

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I like what we have now far better than what we had before September 19.

What we have now are no civil liberties, no freedom of the media at all. And we have only very vague statements regarding when martial law will be lifted.

I personally have a few difficulties to like what we have now. Lets wait and see though.

Edited by ColPyat
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lannabirth I appreciate all your references coming from the very impartial ....CNN as it is well known!!!

About the melting pot, after one or two generations, the way of thinking is very different from the origin, washed by very intellectual paper like USA today. If you are so clever, how have you been able to impose the Bush administration to the world?

I guess that joke went over your head, sorry. Well, I don't read USA Today or watch TV, so I'm a poor one to ask. Well, I never voted for Bush , but I did see him speak a few times on TV several years ago and figured he was unelectable. Hey! Go figure.

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lannabirth I appreciate all your references coming from the very impartial ....CNN as it is well known!!!

About the melting pot, after one or two generations, the way of thinking is very different from the origin, washed by very intellectual paper like USA today. If you are so clever, how have you been able to impose the Bush administration to the world?

by not overthrowing it militarily. the u.s. constitution works, although NOTHING is utopian. pls. show us what "government" you can showcase as being "the guiding" light in your "utopian" philosophy.

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I am not Thai, I am a guest here and as everything is moving smoothly until now with more than 80% of Thais happy, I do not have to interfere with my muddy boots in this Asian dramatic. keep out your boots, and stop to give lessons; are all the Governments sustained by your Administration democratic under your criteria? (middle East, Saudia Arabia....the list is impressive). Is lobbying and business the key of politics? Are your political campaigns "democratic, as you need millions of dollars to be able to participate?Are your fellows citizens enough educated to understand what happens in this world as most of them were ignorant that Bagdad was the capital of Irak before the war? Clean your house before giving any lesson.

Please put your superb in your pocket, one american life has the same value that any other human being, begin to respect other people: I respect the will of the Thai population and I understand that Unity of the country and peace are very important values which can explain that they put between bracket and apparently for a small period of time, the pseudo democracy you are the apologist for.

Why do you think USA are loosing grip and influence in the world?...

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