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I have a main PC, a back up PC and a laptop. For the main PC and lap top I have successfully downloaded the free avg anti virus software from the avg site.

For the last three days, I have been trying to download avg for my back up PC -non stop, from morning to evening. I must have tried at least 20 - 30 times. I have even tried downloading from diffrent sources but am never successful.

Each time the download is finished, I am advised I have corrupt files, and to try again. It's not always the same files that are corrupt; sometimes it's several files, sometimes only one, but I'm never "corrupt free".

I use Ipstar 512 connection, and lately it's been pretty good - just now the download speed test to the Singapore server was 328 kbps. It does still have a habit of frequently disconnecting, but hasn't during most of my download attempts.

Any advice from the experts? :D

Shall I try using dial up? :o

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I have a main PC, a back up PC and a laptop. For the main PC and lap top I have successfully downloaded the free avg anti virus software from the avg site.

For the last three days, I have been trying to download avg for my back up PC -non stop, from morning to evening. I must have tried at least 20 - 30 times. I have even tried downloading from diffrent sources but am never successful.

Each time the download is finished, I am advised I have corrupt files, and to try again. It's not always the same files that are corrupt; sometimes it's several files, sometimes only one, but I'm never "corrupt free".

I use Ipstar 512 connection, and lately it's been pretty good - just now the download speed test to the Singapore server was 328 kbps. It does still have a habit of frequently disconnecting, but hasn't during most of my download attempts.

Any advice from the experts? :D

Shall I try using dial up? :o

doesn't avg , when u download it , give u an *.exe file? Copy this file to the 'bad" computer and run it from there. Otherwise u might have a virus on that machine, It's not a download problem.

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iPSTAR has a nasty habit of delivering corrupted downloads...Not really caused by Csloxinfo, but an inherrent problem of satellite internet connections.

You can always try by dial-up, but the AVG package has gotten quite big at some 17mb now, so you'll have to be patient...

Or you can drop by at my place with a thumbdrive and download it, thats why I have the puters over here :o:D



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iPSTAR has a nasty habit of delivering corrupted downloads...Not really caused by Csloxinfo, but an inherrent problem of satellite internet connections.

You can always try by dial-up, but the AVG package has gotten quite big at some 17mb now, so you'll have to be patient...

Or you can drop by at my place with a thumbdrive and download it, thats why I have the puters over here :D:D



Thanks monty and chingching.

I've just tried downloading onto my main pc (which is already avg protected) and the files were corrupt yet again :o

I think I've been the model of patience, having tried to download for 3 days, almost non-stop! :D

I've downloaded loads of stuf in the past with little or no problem - so is this Ipstar thing something new/getting worse?

Don't seem to have an "exec" file I can copy - and woudn't know how to copy onto another pc anyway. (I'm a bit of a dinasaur).

Monty, what's a thumbdrive??? :D

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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thumbdrive, usb drive, usb memory stick

Many names, same thing.

Small device the size of your thumb (hence the name, although most of them nowadays are even smaller). Holds data just like the good old floppy disks, only much more.

Available in sizes from 128mb up to 2gb, so hundreds of times bigger the the 1.44mb floppy!

512mb (holds just a little less then a cd) only costs something like 700 Baht last time I looked.

Very easy to transfer stuff from 1 pc to another (unfortunately also very easy to loose), since you just put it into any PC and it will be instantly recognized as an external drive, no installation or drivers needed...

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Try from here:

This file 'avg70free.exe' is a synonym of the latest version available from Grisoft, currently avg71free_407a808.exe

Don't be fooled by the name. It's really 7.1 but I have to keep that name because several people use it.

Since it's a domestic site, you may have a chance that the download completes. You have my word that it's not a trojan or whatever.

While you're at it, you can also download:

then unzip it in some place and tell AVG to update from this folder.

This is updated several times per day. It's my own AVG mirror... used by a few people.

By the way corrupt download are not inherent to satellite links (fortunately!). They are inherent to satellite links with broken TCP accelerators, what Shin Satellite (operator of iPSTAR) has.


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If you downloaded the avg file recently the file name should be:

avg71free_405a791.exe (17,398KB)

search for this file on your main PC or Laptop (it has to be there somewhere!) and copy it over to your other PC if you are on a LAN otherwise burn it on a CD and install it from the CD.

The avg (grisoft) servers for the free edition can be quite tricky at times.


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Well, of course it's sods law aint it. :D

I have resisted posting this problem for 2 days in the hope that I would eventually get a corrupt-free download. Then I thought if I posted my problem I would probably immediately get a clean dowload. Well, it wasn't immediate - but guess what? I just got it :D

It's the same file you quoted Lannig

I have a USB stick Monty - didn't know they are called thumbnails - should have guessed.

I wonder if someone form Ipstar monitors this forum and when their name get trashed, they fix the problem :o

(Slightly off thread, but I read somewhere the other day that Ipstar nare the biggest satellite provider of broadband in the world, and do big business in Australia.)

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