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Thai govt eyeing BBC Thai over 'negative' Prayut report


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Your possibly right on the bias as far as Thailand is concerned. But they do have the budget (now influenced by advertising) they just spend it on the wrong stuff- which includes highly paid presenters and talking heads who behave like prima donna's whos views are more important (to them) than the facts and who incorporate their pet biases and frequently anti-British leanings into the news. You can just see the eagerness (slavering like Rotties) to blame the UK/US for "bombing children" instead of blaming those bringing children into the line of fire. Or telling the world it is the Wests fault that they are inundated with refugees. Also far too much emphasis on the views of minorities instead of balanced coverage.

They are not perfect but they are also the organisation that brings you HardTalk, Questiontime, Panorama, Horizon and a shed load of other hard hitting stuff that goes in hard and doesn't care who it riles, they also brought us Top Gear and Spitting Image so personally I cannot think of any other broadcaster that does that so successfully and much as I like Al Jazeera the goings on in Mauritania or Qatar have limited appeal for me

I also personally think it is right to highlight where the UK and others get it wrong but yes it sometimes goes way to far the other way too, still could be worse could be Faux News....

Yes, I should have made myself clearer. Auntie does some fantastic programmes especially drama (shame about TG). Its the new overseas news department that is commercialised and has such lousy, really, really lousy "personality" not news content dominated programmes; and I think it is a mistake by the UK government to let them broadcast commercial advertising in the name of the BBC and to allow them to broadcast so little news about the UK and so many hours spent on how some remote bunch of raggies are shooting up somebody as if their pathetic suicidal attacks have any real relevance to the rest of the world or to the UK. Its supposed to be news , not a continuous stream of hour long programs about how one village in Africa has made water pipes out of bamboo and the like. Its sports coverage is even more pathetic, without counting I would bet they broadcast more promo hours than actual sports coverage. Talking of personalities how about the Wimbledon coverage where the guy spent the entire programme talking about how he made too much noise and not one frame of actual tennis was shown. That is absolutely typical of my complaints. But to bring things back to Thailand, I think they can do much better and report on why the economy is going down and tourists are not coming because of the unh.

The Beeb is never more pathetic than when reporting sports events for which it won't pay viewing rights. The reason nothing was shown from Wimbledon was, I assume, as my granny in Elgin would say, "No tickie, no washie".

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Your possibly right on the bias as far as Thailand is concerned. But they do have the budget (now influenced by advertising) they just spend it on the wrong stuff- which includes highly paid presenters and talking heads who behave like prima donna's whos views are more important (to them) than the facts and who incorporate their pet biases and frequently anti-British leanings into the news. You can just see the eagerness (slavering like Rotties) to blame the UK/US for "bombing children" instead of blaming those bringing children into the line of fire. Or telling the world it is the Wests fault that they are inundated with refugees. Also far too much emphasis on the views of minorities instead of balanced coverage.

They are not perfect but they are also the organisation that brings you HardTalk, Questiontime, Panorama, Horizon and a shed load of other hard hitting stuff that goes in hard and doesn't care who it riles, they also brought us Top Gear and Spitting Image so personally I cannot think of any other broadcaster that does that so successfully and much as I like Al Jazeera the goings on in Mauritania or Qatar have limited appeal for me

I also personally think it is right to highlight where the UK and others get it wrong but yes it sometimes goes way to far the other way too, still could be worse could be Faux News....

Yes, I should have made myself clearer. Auntie does some fantastic programmes especially drama (shame about TG). Its the new overseas news department that is commercialised and has such lousy, really, really lousy "personality" not news content dominated programmes; and I think it is a mistake by the UK government to let them broadcast commercial advertising in the name of the BBC and to allow them to broadcast so little news about the UK and so many hours spent on how some remote bunch of raggies are shooting up somebody as if their pathetic suicidal attacks have any real relevance to the rest of the world or to the UK. Its supposed to be news , not a continuous stream of hour long programs about how one village in Africa has made water pipes out of bamboo and the like. Its sports coverage is even more pathetic, without counting I would bet they broadcast more promo hours than actual sports coverage. Talking of personalities how about the Wimbledon coverage where the guy spent the entire programme talking about how he made too much noise and not one frame of actual tennis was shown. That is absolutely typical of my complaints. But to bring things back to Thailand, I think they can do much better and report on why the economy is going down and tourists are not coming because of the unh.

The Beeb is never more pathetic than when reporting sports events for which it won't pay viewing rights. The reason nothing was shown from Wimbledon was, I assume, as my granny in Elgin would say, "No tickie, no washie".

Your granny obviously still retains her marbles.

No the Beeb showed the results and some frames of the matches later and I think the "real" BBC in the UK may still broadcast some live matches, it is the narcissistic emphasis on the presenter not the news item that is one of my pet beefs - and I have soooo many about Aunty. Bah Humbug.

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Tempest in a tea cup. Thai officialdom doesn't understand that if they make a big deal about something, many people will perk up and take notice. If Thai sages hadn't mentioned the non-event, only a few hi-so Thais would have noticed, and forgotten about it 5 minutes later.

P.S. I like BBC and their special reports. I think they're at the vanguard of news coverage ww.

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This is beginning to remind me of this exchange....

Nux: Immortan! Immortan Joe!
[immortan Joe turns and looks at Nux]
Nux: He looked at me. He looked right at me.
Slit: He looked at your blood bag.
Nux: He turned his head. He looked me straight in the eye.
Slit: He was scanning the horizon.
Nux: No, I am awaited. I am awaited in Valhalla!
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This is beginning to remind me of this exchange....

Nux: Immortan! Immortan Joe!

[immortan Joe turns and looks at Nux]

Nux: He looked at me. He looked right at me.

Slit: He looked at your blood bag.

Nux: He turned his head. He looked me straight in the eye.

Slit: He was scanning the horizon.

Nux: No, I am awaited. I am awaited in Valhalla!

Tea break over, back on your head.
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Snarky "Solomon" responded to me with the brilliant aperçu "Oh wise one, in case you haven't noticed, it ain't the 1940's anymore!". So, out of kindness, I moved his fatuous timeline up three decades to the late 70's. Now he's gone "Silent Sol" on us. How come, Sol?

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It would be pure insanity to " take on " the world's largest international

media group " ! They don't take kindly to Government, any government's,

" negative Invitations " !

Yes, having perused todays newspaper - the good one not the one promoted here - I need to make it clear my complaints about the new Beeb are about the quality of the news broadcasts and the cult of the "super star" (555) news reader. To even threaten to ban the Beeb in Thailand by this chicken-farm minister shows just how unsuited the government are to run a country and the complete lack of understanding of what can happen if they start buggering about with the world media. They can get away with threatening local reporters and using their fellow travellers to force them out of work, but not with trying to intimidate the Beeb.
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