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TV Is Becoming Almost Unusable.


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The Google ads that open a pop-up window when the mouse hovers over it seem to be in fashion; I counted five on this page. Perhaps they are not really covered by that Google AdSense placement policy I cited. I think I shall have to talk to Google about it.

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Adsense - so when I click to reply and instead of appearing where I want to type the cursor is about 4 lines above....that is adsense????

Either way it is a really annoying glitch.

When this happens I simply can't edit anything in my reply without moving the cursor with the keyboard...the mouse just leaves it 3 or 4 lines above where I want it.

No, yours is an entirely different problem. You click your mouse in the place where you want to start typing. As you type, the text cursor moves along, always to the place after the last letter you typed, but the mouse cursor is somewhere else on the screen. Then suddenly, as if by magic, what you continue to type gets inserted a the place where the mouse cursor is, as if you had clicked the mouse at that place. This is how it happens to me sometimes: the screen thinks that I clicked the mouse when in fact I did not click it. Not just in a reply box on Thaivisa, but also on other websites, in other programs. Bloody annoying, but it has nothing to do with the website or application program that is open on the screen, I think, but has to do with the hardware, ie my monitor and/or my mouse.

Only on TV - as said....you start typing at the beginning of the free space allotted for comment.....accept the cursor isn't there, it is several lines up in the previous comment........ it can't be moved by the mouse and the only way is to use the arrows on the keyboard.

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There's a new one as of today.

I was talking to my mother on Skype and she wanted to know the lotto results. I Googled them and what popped up well a Thai visa page saying POWERED BY WAJAM. That Bloody program is getting everywhere.

I am now going too get rid of your ticker tape and anything that's to do with TV on my comp: only hope that that works.

Do hope that your getting bundles of cash from them as pretty soon you wont have a punter going onto your site.

I like many others I know will be long gone.

Edited by fredob43
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Only on TV - as said....you start typing at the beginning of the free space allotted for comment.....accept the cursor isn't there, it is several lines up in the previous comment........ it can't be moved by the mouse and the only way is to use the arrows on the keyboard.

For me, it is not only on Thaivisa. I get it everywhere, on Gmail, Skype, Microsoft Word, etc. The only way I can avoid it is by moving the mouse cursor outside the text entry area after having clicked in the place where I want to start to type.
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There's a new one as of today.

I was talking to my mother on Skype and she wanted to know the lotto results. I Googled them and what popped up well a Thai visa page saying POWERED BY WAJAM. That Bloody program is getting everywhere.


That's extraordinary. You should go out and buy a lottery ticket. When you get back home, you should check your computer for viruses and malware.

If you get the same again, please take a screenshot and post it here. There are a lot of websites calling themselves Thaivisa out there and I'd like to see if it is our thaivisa.com

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About the pop-up window when the mouse is moved over an ad or the ad moves under the mouse cursor when the page is scrolled, I talked to a Googler this afternoon over a glass of wine but he wasn't much help because his speciality is Google Maps for Mobile (GMM). He did say, though, that even if a pop-up on mouseover falls within current Google guidelines it surprises him that the ad opens even when the user does not move the mouse over the ad but the ad moves under the cursor when the page is scrolled, as it should be possible to detect this. Whether the creator of the code for the ad would have to make this distinction or Google or the operator of the web page where such ad is displayed, he could not say.

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I use a slow Dtac connection and a version of Firefox with noscript and image blocking. This has helped a lot, but I see others having troubles which I used to have, and which were down to the slowness of loading ALL the scripts for a page. They seem to come from all over the cloud and as such are prone to differing load speeds. The most common issue was the quotes being a total mess when trying to reply to a posting - this was due to clicking the reply button before the page had loaded all it's scripts.

I don't see any ads thanks to noscript, and I only turn images on if there's something worth looking at :)

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you know what......getting into detailed discussing about single problems is not helpful .The truth is that the site is in a pretty poor state and needs an overhaul from the ground up....discussing single issues is actually harmful as they are red herrings and detract from the overall situation.

IOt is this that I'd like to hear TV's proposals on.

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you know what......getting into detailed discussing about single problems is not helpful .The truth is that the site is in a pretty poor state and needs an overhaul from the ground up....discussing single issues is actually harmful as they are red herrings and detract from the overall situation.

IOt is this that I'd like to hear TV's proposals on.

It's not any worse than lots of forums I use, just a diferent range of issues. Having to load so many scripts increases the chances of them being screwed up, plus not every browser handles them exactly the same way. Look at the fun they have with the 90-day reporting site!

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There's a new one as of today.

I was talking to my mother on Skype and she wanted to know the lotto results. I Googled them and what popped up well a Thai visa page saying POWERED BY WAJAM. That Bloody program is getting everywhere.


That's extraordinary. You should go out and buy a lottery ticket. When you get back home, you should check your computer for viruses and malware.

If you get the same again, please take a screenshot and post it here. There are a lot of websites calling themselves Thaivisa out there and I'd like to see if it is our thaivisa.com

Its your site all right. It gave your TV.com tool box full page and plastered all over the bottom it's now powered by Wajam.

I have several systems that check for viruses all say that I don't have any. Have deleted anything to do with TV your RSS feed the full Monty. Now even signed out

Only hoping that that has cured it. If not Good by. Yet another peeps you've lost.

N/B all this has only happened since you changed round your set up and got Wajam on, before never a problem over the several years I have been using you.

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you know what......getting into detailed discussing about single problems is not helpful .The truth is that the site is in a pretty poor state and needs an overhaul from the ground up....discussing single issues is actually harmful as they are red herrings and detract from the overall situation.

IOt is this that I'd like to hear TV's proposals on.

It's not any worse than lots of forums I use, just a diferent range of issues. Having to load so many scripts increases the chances of them being screwed up, plus not every browser handles them exactly the same way. Look at the fun they have with the 90-day reporting site!

As already pointed out by several posters, they use many forums and many devices and browsers to access.....if you do this you will become aware that the faults of TV are spread over many browsers ans devices...one is used to "normal" aberrations but with frequent use it becomes clear that it is

THaiVisa that is underperforming compared to the rest.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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That issue with the cursor "appearing" in the wrong place in a "reply-to" situation is almost certainly a case of the scripts not having fully loaded and actioned. Try doing a reply to and don't touch anything for a few minutes - - give the scripts time to load and inter-act. Unfortunately the scripts appear to come from various places in the cloud, so if one is a bit slower, or maybe doesn't get loaded at all, that's obviously going to spoil your experience. Also -- given the amount of "filtering" and "scanning" of connections that goes on - it's actually a miracle that some of these heavily scripted sites work at all -- I know of several that don't. :(

Meantime -- before you complain about "poor service" and "bugs" - do a thorough check on your connection and your browser. Having been on the receiving end at "customer service" I can safely say that the vast majority of issues are self-inflicted. ;)

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Yesterday I began using a new browser, one I'd never heard of (not surprising because I don't keep-up with such things, but it was mentioned in a now-deleted post in this thread) in place of IE & Chrome and the improvement has been dramatic so far. MUCH quicker loading - 12 seconds compared to 66 with IE, gave up counting with Chrome. No ads., no ' ... long running script ... ' or ' ... something went wrong ... ' or '... TV is not responding ... ' or similar error messages. Posts have been made without any problems whatsoever. PMs have been sent & received, again with no problems.

I'm using the same computer. My internet connection is unchanged, computer settings are unchanged. The only change is the browser and the capabilities it has - which I'm not allowed to mention - which IE & Chrome didn't have.

I know what I think - no, am certain - the problem is.

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