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Germany faces 1.5 million asylum claims this year - report


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Germany faces 1.5 million asylum claims this year - report

(BBC)The number of people seeking asylum in Germany this year will be as high as 1.5 million - almost double the previous estimate, German media report.

The German government has not confirmed the new estimate, which comes from an internal official report cited by popular daily Bild.

The report warns that services helping refugees will not be able to cope.

Separately a centre-right regional minister put the expected total at 1.2-1.5 million for this year.

The German government previously estimated the number of asylum claims this year to reach 800,000 to one million in total.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34442121

-- BBC 2015-10-05

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Merkel should be hanged drawn and quartered for what she has done.

The trouble with our politicians is they are busy telling us how broke we are, then the next thing you know is they can't give our tax payers money away fast enough.

They never put their own country people first and the quicker this lot irrupts the better.

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Merkel should be hanged drawn and quartered for what she has done.

The trouble with our politicians is they are busy telling us how broke we are, then the next thing you know is they can't give our tax payers money away fast enough.

They never put their own country people first and the quicker this lot irrupts the better.

Bleeding hearts always get more votes.

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German media demands the ‘real’ numbers for the refugee influx


BERLIN: -- Quoting what they call an anonymous source within the German government one media outlet said on Monday Chancellor Angela Merkel had got her sums wrong.

If anyone knew exactly how many people had entered Germany this year, and the paper claims no-one’s sure, it was more likely to be 1.5 million, not the 800,000 figure being quoted.

As anti-immigrant marches grow in size and number, not all of Merkel’s ministers are toeing the line.

“We have to limit the inflow to Europe. This problem shows that we
cannot solve these kind of problems on a national level, that’s globalization,” said Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble.

Angela Merkel has made a point of having her photo taken with refugees and early on in the crisis made it clear they would be welcome in Germany, getting ahead of the rest of the EU on the question.

Now some Germans fear she may have got ahead of herself.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-06
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Merkel should be hanged drawn and quartered for what she has done.

The trouble with our politicians is they are busy telling us how broke we are, then the next thing you know is they can't give our tax payers money away fast enough.

They never put their own country people first and the quicker this lot irrupts the better.

obviously some smartàsses have no idea that Chancellor Merkel stated nothing else than what our German constitution clearly says dry.png

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Perfect timing, and the winter is around the corner - but don't be fooled. If Germany is doomed so is Europe; Merkel will go in history of having sunk Europe. Alternative scenario is that the Germans stand up and get their act in order which will create havoc. Just wondering why entire Europe is actionlessly watching those infiltrants - which have nothing to do with the +/- 10% genuine refugees.
Congrats are in order to the (official, Washington DC) United States for screwing around in the Middle East while meddling in European affairs at the same time. Maybe Putin is getting things straightened out - oh well ........

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Merkel wont pay for this error it will be the tax payer again, democracy has become a sick joke why dont politicians ask the people by way of referendum on such matters,

German law does not provide for referenda and (as already mentioned) asylum law, based on various reasons, is an integral part of the German constitution which was forced on Germany by the righteous allied victors without asking any German citizen for his/her opinion.

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A dozen years ago Merkel addressed the German immigration issue by quoting Orianna Fallaci, whose writings and documented studies re Islamic thrusts, i.e., the "Policy of the Womb", convinced her to label the European continent, "Eurabia".

Birth rates in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, etc. (average 1.5) are well below the 2.2 number that is required to assure the continuation of the native cultures in these places. However, populations in Europe have only increased over time, based on massive influx of Muslims....Merkle stated that by 2045 Germany will be a Muslim nation...and Fallaci survived three Fatwahs for her publications..now Merkle has spun away from her previous POV and embraced the NWO mandate to homogenize the planet and introduce true post-Medieval economic serfdom...for all.

.Europe is going Islamic; got Shariya Law? Time for Diane Von Furstenburg to put together some haute couture burkas.( like Henry Ford's Model T you can have any color as long as it's black)

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Merkel wont pay for this error it will be the tax payer again, democracy has become a sick joke why dont politicians ask the people by way of referendum on such matters,

German law does not provide for referenda and (as already mentioned) asylum law, based on various reasons, is an integral part of the German constitution which was forced on Germany by the righteous allied victors without asking any German citizen for his/her opinion.

I'm sure Chancellor Merkel acts within the confines of German law, with due regard to international and EU laws.

However, having clearly signaled "open door" for all in Germany, she then about faced and closed German borders. Previously she vowed to defend the free movement policy and Schengen.

She also tried, and keeps trying to force quotas on other countries, who she thinks must do what she wants rather than listening to their own electorate; and tries to nudge EU to more and more centralized government control which she sees Germany dominating. She seems to like those parts of DDR where government controlled so much more than in a free democracy.

The migrant explosion could swing a UK referendum to the leave the EU brigade. If Britain goes, expect others to follow. Many now realize they can't get any more out of the EU, (a la Greece) and aren't going to stay in to be ruled by German and EU bureaucrats based on what suits German interests. A by product of this, ironically, is a rise in far right politics and parties.

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Germigrantmany full of gimmiegrants.

If Merkel were working secretly for Putin, she could hardly have done a better job of trashing Europe than she has....

I think the curse of the Hebrews is finally here, whatever you do to the Jews you get back with interest. So Germany scapegoats an 'other' who were as assimilated and economically productive as you could ask for. Now Germany is invaded by an 'other' who are a huge liability, burden and danger yet the government seems intent on suicide by immigrant to make up for sins of the past.

P.s And as with the third reich the rest of Europe is being pressured to accept the same fate. What irony.

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Germigrantmany full of gimmiegrants.

If Merkel were working secretly for Putin, she could hardly have done a better job of trashing Europe than she has....

I think the curse of the Hebrews is finally here, whatever you do to the Jews you get back with interest. So Germany scapegoats an 'other' who were as assimilated and economically productive as you could ask for. Now Germany is invaded by an 'other' who are a huge liability, burden and danger yet the government seems intent on suicide by immigrant to make up for sins of the past.

P.s And as with the third reich the rest of Europe is being pressured to accept the same fate. What irony.

P.S. What? You mean the rest of Europe will face a German invasion again?

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Germigrantmany full of gimmiegrants.

If Merkel were working secretly for Putin, she could hardly have done a better job of trashing Europe than she has....

I think the curse of the Hebrews is finally here, whatever you do to the Jews you get back with interest. So Germany scapegoats an 'other' who were as assimilated and economically productive as you could ask for. Now Germany is invaded by an 'other' who are a huge liability, burden and danger yet the government seems intent on suicide by immigrant to make up for sins of the past.

P.s And as with the third reich the rest of Europe is being pressured to accept the same fate. What irony.

P.S. What? You mean the rest of Europe will face a German invasion again?

Don't be deliberately dense.

He means that once again, Germany's power will force other nearby countries to follow its lead.

In the 1940s, the strategy was persecuting Jews; in 2015, it is throwing the door open to Muslims.

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Merkel wont pay for this error it will be the tax payer again, democracy has become a sick joke why dont politicians ask the people by way of referendum on such matters,

Because they know the answer would not be to their liking. As I have pointed out before, pretty much no political party puts rolling out the red carpet to immigrants in their manifestos. Why? Because they are well aware it would be political suicide.

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