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Thai govt to launch info campaign to correct image of country


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Its too late and a lost cause!

I agree with you. I believe Thailand is morally and ethically so degraded that it will never come close to being respected by the world community.

Having the Shin mafia back - or like minded oligarchy in place - is certainly not going to bolster Thailand's immoral, unethical corruptness... let alone "image." Initiating Rule of Law is the only way forward, but Thailand would rather not choose this as a way up and out of the quagmire for what Thailand is infamous for.

You can't say never, but it is something to be measured in generations for sure. We won't see progress in our lifetimes.

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1. Serious punishment for institutional corruption.

2. Scrap plans to buy unnecesary submarines and scrap useless wasteful aircraft carrier.

3. Demand extradition for all expatriate Thai criminals.

4. Give foreigners the same rights in Thailand as Thai's have in the foreigner's country.

5. Completely revamp RTP and pay them a decent salary.

Until some of the above are seen to be enacted then Thailand will remain a corrupt dangerous country with a medieval power structure and will be viewed as such by external governments.

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'The world 'misunderstands' Thailand'. 'Thai society is different from other countries'.

It would be funny if it wasn't quite so tragic. The only reason stand-up comics (apart from John Oliver), don't flay Thailand and it's persistent delusional nonsense, is that nobody really cares enough about Thailand or Thais to laugh at them.

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We all know that this is another facet of "Thainess" - pretend to care about solving the root problem by a misjudged surface treatment, that will probably end up creating additional problems and not make a dent on the root cause of the original problem. Then try to (mis)manage the resulting confusion, emergence of additional problems and the like. Then time passes, because the earth keeps spinning and the sun keeps rising each day, and nature's self healing mechanisms do a partial job of changing the situation anyway, all outside of the influence of human beings, and things move on, mysteriously.

To balance the above, which points out something negative about "Thainess", I would like to go on the record as saying there are positive aspects to Thainess, but we don't seem to have much cause to talk about those these days. For the sake of our mental health and happiness (not the propaganda type happiness, but our own real perspective of what happiness might be), I suggest that for every time we highlight a negative aspect, we should at least privately if not publicly remind ourselves of a positive aspect - otherwise we get too full of bitterness. Just a little thought, ok - not an order given on a leaflet dropped from the sky.

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1. Serious punishment for institutional corruption.

2. Scrap plans to buy unnecesary submarines and scrap useless wasteful aircraft carrier.

3. Demand extradition for all expatriate Thai criminals.

4. Give foreigners the same rights in Thailand as Thai's have in the foreigner's country.

5. Completely revamp RTP and pay them a decent salary.

Until some of the above are seen to be enacted then Thailand will remain a corrupt dangerous country with a medieval power structure and will be viewed as such by external governments.

It won't happen, none of it. Because:

1. We have to consider what is the actual source of corruption in Thailand and why it is tolerated. Nobody has the gumption (or the intestinal fortitude) to tackle it at source.

2, Submarines are one way the Thai armed forces can feel better about themselves. They believe it will buy them credibility and that incompetence and corruption will cease to make them a laughing-stock. Price is unimportant, the Thai kwais will pay and be grateful.

3. Extradition won't happen while 112 is on the books and is the main complaint of the Thai establishment.

4. Admitting that foreigners are as good as or better than Thais goes against the propaganda of the past several decades. Thai exceptionalism is the natural consequence of long-term propaganda and conditioning.

6. RTP will not be reformed. See reason number 1.

Dead loss I'm afraid. Thailand is stuck in a groove of believing it's own lies and it isn't going to get out of it any time soon. If you want to understand Thailand and it's culture/priorities, spend a few days watching Thai TV.

Edited by Joe Brennan
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Its too late and a lost cause!

I agree with you. I believe Thailand is morally and ethically so degraded that it will never come close to being respected by the world community.

Having the Shin mafia back - or like minded oligarchy in place - is certainly not going to bolster Thailand's immoral, unethical corruptness... let alone "image." Initiating Rule of Law is the only way forward, but Thailand would rather not choose this as a way up and out of the quagmire for what Thailand is infamous for.

You can't say never, but it is something to be measured in generations for sure. We won't see progress in our lifetimes.

Suffice to say, Thailand had become a major mess prior to the coup.

And, today, is a different kind of major mess, with attitude adjustments and such.

Hard to say whether it's a bigger mess now vs. the prior regime.

I'd say it's a pretty close competition.

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1. Serious punishment for institutional corruption.

2. Scrap plans to buy unnecesary submarines and scrap useless wasteful aircraft carrier.

3. Demand extradition for all expatriate Thai criminals.

4. Give foreigners the same rights in Thailand as Thai's have in the foreigner's country.

5. Completely revamp RTP and pay them a decent salary.

Until some of the above are seen to be enacted then Thailand will remain a corrupt dangerous country with a medieval power structure and will be viewed as such by external governments.

As to 4 while there are restrictions on foreign ownership ( as there are in many countries) Thailand and its immigration policy is far more accommodating than most to foreigners.

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He's so far in the bubble that he thinks he can appeal to the elites in western countries, not knowing that they find military dictatorships noxious. It also could be he genuinely believes what he is doing, I think not, but it is a possibility.

I don't disagree with the bubble bit.

But "Western" elites do not find military dictatorships noxious. They love them. They lay awake at night, their hearts pounding at the thought of somehow becoming a dictator. Just the passing thought of dictatorial power is like a mega dose of Viagra.

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1. Serious punishment for institutional corruption.

2. Scrap plans to buy unnecesary submarines and scrap useless wasteful aircraft carrier.

3. Demand extradition for all expatriate Thai criminals.

4. Give foreigners the same rights in Thailand as Thai's have in the foreigner's country.

5. Completely revamp RTP and pay them a decent salary.

Until some of the above are seen to be enacted then Thailand will remain a corrupt dangerous country with a medieval power structure and will be viewed as such by external governments.

As to 4 while there are restrictions on foreign ownership ( as there are in many countries) Thailand and its immigration policy is far more accommodating than most to foreigners.

I don't think you're right, Name any 3 countries which are more accommodating to foreigners than Thailand.

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What worries me is that I actually think he believes it. From the girl putting on make up in the wing mirror of the motor-bike up to the general making this statement, I despair that the whole of this country seems to be concerned simply about 'image' rather than substance.

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1. Serious punishment for institutional corruption.

2. Scrap plans to buy unnecesary submarines and scrap useless wasteful aircraft carrier.

3. Demand extradition for all expatriate Thai criminals.

4. Give foreigners the same rights in Thailand as Thai's have in the foreigner's country.

5. Completely revamp RTP and pay them a decent salary.

Until some of the above are seen to be enacted then Thailand will remain a corrupt dangerous country with a medieval power structure and will be viewed as such by external governments.

As to 4 while there are restrictions on foreign ownership ( as there are in many countries) Thailand and its immigration policy is far more accommodating than most to foreigners.

I don't think you're right, Name any 3 countries which are more accommodating to foreigners than Thailand.

Presumably you mean less accommodating.

China, Japan,USA,UK,Indonesia etc etc.

Very few countries would permit,as Thailand does by default, thousands of foreigners with such a minimum of immigration restrictions.The whole visa run rigmarole is proof of this.

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The West did not see the General as a "hero", saving the country from chaos,,, what a surprise.

Why doesn't he realise that the West fully understand everything and there is no need for this. I think what he means by lack of understanding is that they dont all agree with him. (and to him thats just not fair)

Did he expect the other world leaders to lift him up and parade him around the room cheering the new heroic world leader? Probably yes,,

As I have said before this guy is not a politician and he never will be. He needs to focus on getting things in place as soon as possible so the country can be given back to the people and have what we all hope to be a fair election and a real effort to eradicate corruption. Thats what he said he will do so just get on with it.

As for the other things in the press he should simply ignore,, results are what people want to see and if he delivers it will be what he is remembered for,, at present he will be remembered for delivering very little...

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'The world 'misunderstands' Thailand'. 'Thai society is different from other countries'.

It would be funny if it wasn't quite so tragic. The only reason stand-up comics (apart from John Oliver), don't flay Thailand and it's persistent delusional nonsense, is that nobody really cares enough about Thailand or Thais to laugh at them.

Sad but true, they are just not in anyones mind outside of Thailand. Thais will find that very difficult to believe but its just so true.

To most foreigners Thailand is known for


sex trade

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spicy food

I am willing to bet a considerable sum that if you surveyed it this is what you would hear from people. For sure no one sees them as a country with any political standing at all

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To balance the above, which points out something negative about "Thainess", I would like to go on the record as saying there are positive aspects to Thainess, but we don't seem to have much cause to talk about those these days. For the sake of our mental health and happiness (not the propaganda type happiness, but our own real perspective of what happiness might be), I suggest that for every time we highlight a negative aspect, we should at least privately if not publicly remind ourselves of a positive aspect - otherwise we get too full of bitterness. Just a little thought, ok - not an order given on a leaflet dropped from the sky.

That's an individual perspective, if it works for you then good luck. Personally, while I like many Thai people and admire many others, I have never yet known or known of one who I would aspire to be like. Most are uneducated and narcissistic or downtrodden and lack broader perspective.

The policy to keep most Thais undereducated and blinkered which has been referred to by many people has been wildly successful. So successful in fact, that the people who have benefitted would quite like to continue benefitting. Hence Sondhi, Suthep et al. The fact that they can be hoodwinked into thinking they are defending something noble and enlightened instead of something venal and exploitative, speaks volumes for the success of the program.

Then we have people like Prayuth, Meechai, Paochinda etc. These people really don't know any better and are too stupid to work it out for themselves. In the noble words of Phil Rudd, "It's just a total head job".

So. Granted it has a depressing quality but the essence of survival is not to become swamped by it - down that road lies bitter and twisted, which deprives us of the benefits that brought us to Thailand in the fist place.

By whatever means one is capable of.

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The West did not see the General as a "hero", saving the country from chaos,,, what a surprise.

Why doesn't he realise that the West fully understand everything and there is no need for this. I think what he means by lack of understanding is that they dont all agree with him. (and to him thats just not fair)

Did he expect the other world leaders to lift him up and parade him around the room cheering the new heroic world leader? Probably yes,,

As I have said before this guy is not a politician and he never will be. He needs to focus on getting things in place as soon as possible so the country can be given back to the people and have what we all hope to be a fair election and a real effort to eradicate corruption. Thats what he said he will do so just get on with it.

As for the other things in the press he should simply ignore,, results are what people want to see and if he delivers it will be what he is remembered for,, at present he will be remembered for delivering very little...

All of which is very true, but the good general will not change his ways by persuasion or common sense or reality because he is convinced he has God on his side.

There is a chance of the FAA and EU decide they've had enough of the lies, deceit and delay/obfuscation that usually characterises dealing with Thais and apply sanctions. The only way to change Thailand is to kick it until it is brought to its knees, then help them to rebuild. Without the people who have always and continue to cause the problem.

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'The world 'misunderstands' Thailand'. 'Thai society is different from other countries'.

It would be funny if it wasn't quite so tragic. The only reason stand-up comics (apart from John Oliver), don't flay Thailand and it's persistent delusional nonsense, is that nobody really cares enough about Thailand or Thais to laugh at them.

Sad but true, they are just not in anyones mind outside of Thailand. Thais will find that very difficult to believe but its just so true.

To most foreigners Thailand is known for


sex trade

mail order brides



spicy food

I am willing to bet a considerable sum that if you surveyed it this is what you would hear from people. For sure no one sees them as a country with any political standing at all

Very true.

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Suffice to say, Thailand had become a major mess prior to the coup.

And, today, is a different kind of major mess, with attitude adjustments and such.

Hard to say whether it's a bigger mess now vs. the prior regime.

I'd say it's a pretty close competition.

I would say the subjugation of the masses opened the door for the likes of Taksin and his populism. Had the predominantly poor populace been treated fairly over the decades prior to his emergence, he wouldn't have been upheld as the saviour of the poor rather than the equally corrupt insincere self aggrandising crook he really was/is. So it's the 'elite's' fault Thailand is and will continue to be a mess.

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"My dear Barack, as a thank you for shaking my hand, here is a small pamphlet for you, it is called the "truth on Thailand". All your advisers are not Thais and therefore they do not understand Thailand, but all you need to know is in this 4 page pamphlet. I have also included a DVD to show Thailand's core values. It has some quite videos with happy children painting pictures of Hitler and stuff."

Dear PM ,you are wasting your money. You already said that foreigners do not understand Thailand, so why even bother doing this. Use the money to focus on poverty instead as you said you would in your UN speech. Then people might get a more positive attitude.

Of course, the next Dusit poll will show 99% of all foreigners now has a better understanding of Thailand's situation.

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Once Thailand accepts that the rest of the world is not stupid and has a comprehensive in depth understanding of international affairs, then and only then they may be in a position to gain ground in the international arena. Until then it would be better to say nothing.

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Many people post on here how everything is this or that persons fault as they are or were PM. It is like saying the Obama or Cameron are solely responsible fr their failures they are not. There are many other members in a government not just the PM or President. No matter what the man / woman at the top says the others can stop it happening.

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International "Attitude adjustments?"

I just cannot get out of my mind that repeated reference to "putting lipstick on a pig" Who started that anyways. It keeps popping up here. When I started reading this thread it popped into my mind again.

Edited by elgordo38
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International "Attitude adjustments?"

I just cannot get out of my mind that repeated reference to "putting lipstick on a pig" Who started that anyways. It keeps popping up here. When I started reading this thread it popped into my mind again.

I keep getting flashes of Pavlov's dog incessantly going in circles around the Dhamma Wheel!

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Thank you, dear Junta Leader, but you explained this to Farangs 10 times already. If we didn't understand previously, we'll not understand better this time. The point is that we are not that stupid and we understand perfectly: human is human everywhere on this planet. You can explain and explain again, it will not change our opinion.

Is that so? Can you name me 3 first-world country's where one can buy 1 million votes for 500 baht (15 us$) a piece?

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I thought the international community already understood everything in Thailand.

Of course the west understand.

They have their own corrupt lying politicians who, when in power, do nothing to help the lower classes and generally avoid making any sound long term decisions.

Instead they give themselves huge pay rises every year, usually on the last day parliament sits before going on holidays...or when they think no-one is watching.

Thailand do it different. They dont get paid much in comparison, but have to make up for it in other ways.

The differance in the west is the sheeple are conditioned to not kick up a stink and are otherwise happy in their own little self obsessed, drug/alcohol stimulated lives.

They also have the vote. Say no more.

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Change image.

1. Serious punishment for institutional corruption.

2. Scrap plans to buy unnecesary submarines and scrap useless wasteful aircraft carrier.

3. Demand extradition for all expatriate Thai criminals.

4. Give foreigners the same rights in Thailand as Thai's have in the foreigner's country.

5. Completely revamp RTP and pay them a decent salary.

Until some of the above are seen to be enacted then Thailand will remain a corrupt dangerous country with a medieval power structure and will be viewed as such by external governments.

You forgot the big one - No more coups

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Thank you, dear Junta Leader, but you explained this to Farangs 10 times already. If we didn't understand previously, we'll not understand better this time. The point is that we are not that stupid and we understand perfectly: human is human everywhere on this planet. You can explain and explain again, it will not change our opinion.

Is that so? Can you name me 3 first-world country's where one can buy 1 million votes for 500 baht (15 us$) a piece?

Well, so says the propaganda anyway. But nobody has been able to identify a single voter who changed his vote after taking any amount of money. Mostly, people accept the money and vote the way they were going to anyway. Vote-buying has been debunked so many times, it seems the only people who mention it these days are those for whom to do so is an unthinking reaction, much like you would scratch your leg if a mosquito landed on it. Automatic and not requiring any intelligence or questioning ability.

I'm afraid the whole vote-buying superstition was designed to appeal to Thais, not foreigners. Nor foreigners who listen to Thais for whatever reason. It needs to be given a decent burial.

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