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Up Country Internet For Newbie. Options?


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Hi all,

I am currently having a house built west of Khon kaen and it will be some months before it is finished and has a phone line. I will be there frequently with my laptop during the building and getting a bit concerned about internet withdrawels.

Pardon my lack of knowledge but what options do I have and estimate of costs using a mobile phone and a laptop computer?

I heard of various options quite a hile ago but didnt absorb it at the time.

Andy advice would be gratefully received.

Khun Andy

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I use a Solomon USB GPRS modem I think just about any Telewiz has them I have used one with both my desktop and my laptop . They will work anywhere in Thailand if there is a cell phone signil.

I think that the prices have come down also.

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Edited by Totster
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