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Rupert Murdoch suggests Obama isn't 'real black president'


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Is this intended as satire? If so, it's brilliant!

If not - if you are actually serious - then how unfortunate for you and your delusional other personality. Wow. gigglem.gif

If you don't like it, try getting 270 electoral votes. Chances are you won't for the next few times. Who'll be smiling then?

Certainly not Rupert Murdoch!

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Dude, you're in the wrong place if you don't want a debate. You don't get to pronounce republicans aren't widely homophobic or widely racist, which of course they are, and get to expect that everyone is going to accept your daft beliefs.

Debates are fruitless and a waste of time. I want to understand the psychology of the left - I already get the right but want to understand the left. Especially this whole "bigot" card they are playing. I do not understand if lefties genuinely believe people who oppose them are motivated by "bigotry", or if that is just a card they play to suit their ends.


judging from your name you might(?) be of a science background.

could you please define your understanding of 'right' and/or 'left'?

would make a lot of difference to many members here.

Mind it pls - it will be very debatable!

Would be glad to, at a very basic level. The right is conservative - they want to preserve tradition, the way things are. They are neophobic. They do not like new things and want to keep things the way they were before. They believe how it was before was great and are suspicious of anything new. They believe preserving the way things are done is the best way of moving civilization forward.

The left is neophilic. They believe the current state of civilization is founded in an evil past, and the only way to get around this is through "Change" (Obama's motto btw). They are suspicious of the past and believe that instituting new ways is the best way to move civilization.

It works the same on an individual level, but there needs to be a balance between the two. Extremes are sometimes necessary but a general balance is the ideal.

Well, a very interesting viewpoint.

If I try to abbreviate it to a shorter version from your position Right => conservatism, neo-phobia and traditionalism. Whereas Left => neo-phils given to "Change" and progress of civilization.

This model is a typical 'linear straight' painting in modern times social structures

from extreme left (commies, socialists, liberals, revolutionaries)

via your 'balance between the two or ideal moderation' (may I insert here democracy?)

towards another extreme on the right (presumably fascism, racism, monarchism, dictatorships).

If I misunderstood you up to this point, please correct me. And thanks for reply.

I can argue about this your model, but this is way off the topic. Perhaps in another thread.

Going back to Rupert Murdoch. Not a model of an American, definitely not black and maybe senile. But senile people being usually old may have some good ideas too.

I am trying to analyze his phrase about "Obama is not a real black President". I did criticize him in previous post here. But the more I think about it the more I wonder.

Is there at least a possibility that he (R. M.) meant something not on the surface of coined phrase?

* I'm sure Murdoch does not consider himself a real American. Maybe he had a go at this aspect of Obama?

* Or maybe he meant Obama is not real black? This is hard to argue against knowing his heritage.

* Is it possible that Murdoch questions Obama not as a President but as a real American President from his heritage aspect?

* Or maybe he is questioning Obama Presidency from the point of view of his allegiance to American interests?

* And finally, maybe Murdoch is questioning Obama's Religious lenience towards Islam? ( pls, do not lecture me on American Constitution re this issue, I know what it says).

I am not retracting anything I've said in my previous post on this topic. But the more I think the more I feel that most posters here, myself included, are missing something in Sir Rupert's comment.

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Notwithstanding all the off topic conversation about Obama's successes/failures, permit me to take a little look at why Murdoch might be correct in his assessment.

1. Obama is of mixed heritage with a black father and white mother.

2. His black father deserted him when he was an infant and Obama had only a fleeting relationship with him until his father's death.

3. His parents divorced when Barack was only two years old and his mother married one Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia.

4. Obama lived in Hawaii with his mother and maternal grand-parents from birth until 1967 when he moved to Indonesia, where he lived and went to school for the next four years before returning to Hawaii.

5. Obama remained in Hawaii with his grand-parents until his graduation from a private high school in 1979, which he attended on a scholarship.

6. Obama left Hawaii in 1979 when he moved to Los Angeles to attend Occidental College, where his records remain sealed to this date.

7. Obama then attended Columbia in NYC where he obtained a Bachelors degree in 1983. His records remain sealed at Columbia to this date.

8. Obama worked as a community organizer for several organizations in both NYC and Chicago for the next five years.

9. Obama then entered Harvard Law in 1988 where he obtained a JD. Records are sealed there as well.

10. After graduation from Harvard he returned to Chicago and fell under the wing of Valerie Jarrett, and the rest is history.

Now somebody please tell me where Obama went through a tumultuous childhood fraught with being a minority having to ride in the back of the bus that could even begin to make him feel discriminated against because of his skin color.

He has led a sheltered life with free spending helping hands throughout.

He doesn't have a clue what real life is like, much less being a black man in real life. Give it some thought.

PS: An earlier poster tried to give Obama credit for the TARP program. TARP was passed by Congress and signed into law by George Bush in 2008. All Obama did was join 73 other Senators and vote "Aye" on the bill. Since this was the only known financial adventure the US government actually ran at a profit, he doesn't get credit for the whole thing simply by voting to approve the legislation.

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Rupert Murdoch's Naturalized America and Dr. Ben Carson's Republican party America.


Over half of surveyed Republicans said they believe that the president is a socialist Muslim who wants to take away gun rights and turn over U.S. sovereignty to the U.N. What’s deeper, though, is the vitriol of those beliefs, with a substantial number of Republicans believing that Obama resents America’s heritage (47 percent), is the “domestic enemy that the U.S. Constitution speaks of” (45 percent), wants to use an economic or terrorist event as an excuse to take dictatorial powers (41 percent), is doing some of the same stuff that Hitler did (38 percent), and may, in fact, be the Anti-Christ (24 percent). Daily Beast

Right half view of planet earth from the rightwingnutosphere which most notably sees only the dark bottom.


I pointed at the moon one time and the rightwinger said I had dirt under my fingernail.

Edited by Publicus
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Black American voters vote the Democratic party at the rate of 90% probably 98% of the time.

Carson is a Republican which makes him the exception among black American voters. The dimwit Murdoch focused his statement on blackness, specifically Prez Obama and Dr. Carson. Then Murdock did the wise thing to apologize and to retract the statement.

All this yapping about bigots and liberal devils determined to destroy the United States is a rightwing diversion to avoid the issue that Carson is a political crackpot extremist lunatic who does not have the brain to be a town council member nevermind POTUS.

The political analysis is that Carson's crackpot views would destroy the country, apart from being black, apart from Barack Obama, apart from being some kind of conservative.

The discussion is about Carson, not some kind of concocted evil liberals and a hateful bigotry toward Dr. Carson. Carson and his views are open to critique and criticism. Carson's views have nothing to do with his being black, nor does anyone who criticises Carson's mad hatter political views have anything to do with bigotry. The rightwing is again trying to mangle the thread abut Carson the political lunatic and the rightwing is trying to obscure and hide the fact Carson is a political nutcase wierdo psycho.

Think Roger Ailes on steriods.

The discussion is NOT about Carson, it is about Murdoch.

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*cutting out idiot rhetoric*

So please tell me again how Obama is the best president?

1. Operation Neptune Spear (this alone weighed against all the quagmire of the Iraq war and your favorite topic.. the national debt created from it, not to mention the lives and limbs lost from Iraq war).. consider that next time you vote for a neocon

2. Equal Rights for LBGT (I couldn't even take my spouse to the USA without DOMA ruling)

3. Obamacare works beautifully for my spouse

4. My 401k is a lot better today than it was in October 2008.

5. Gas costs less than half of what it did in 2008.

6. The economy. His gamble on TARP and his plan is working.. the economy is recovering.. slowly but surely compared to Europe/ China/ Russia/ Brazil.. they would kill to be in the United States shoes right now. We're definitely not losing 750,000 jobs a month.. we're adding 200k or more consistently.

7. Anti-War Stance and getting out of Iraq

8. Opening Cuba

9. The alternative is just obstruct obstruct obstruct and do nothing except preaching trickle down economics which convincing suckers at the bottom of the economic pyramid they can make money when the only one's making anything are those at the top, kill food stamps, pell grants, medicare, medicaid, privatize social security, education, pensions, get cronies to run it into the ground, lower taxes for the 1% while raising sales taxes, tolls, fees and then rail on and on how government doesn't work.

I would like the next POTUS to continue progressive policies and try to be even better than Obama has been.

Hopefully it's Bernie Sanders! I think Bernie can do a 5 times better job than Obama but that doesn't mean Obama isn't better than Reagan, Bush and Bush.

5. Gas costs less than half of what it did in 2008.

DESPITE Obama, not because of him. He has done everything he can to increase the price of fuel, including stopping the Keystone pipeline. It is only because of frakking that the price of fuel in the US has come down, combined with a world recession.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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*cutting out idiot rhetoric*

So please tell me again how Obama is the best president?

1. Operation Neptune Spear (this alone weighed against all the quagmire of the Iraq war and your favorite topic.. the national debt created from it, not to mention the lives and limbs lost from Iraq war).. consider that next time you vote for a neocon

2. Equal Rights for LBGT (I couldn't even take my spouse to the USA without DOMA ruling)

3. Obamacare works beautifully for my spouse

4. My 401k is a lot better today than it was in October 2008.

5. Gas costs less than half of what it did in 2008.

6. The economy. His gamble on TARP and his plan is working.. the economy is recovering.. slowly but surely compared to Europe/ China/ Russia/ Brazil.. they would kill to be in the United States shoes right now. We're definitely not losing 750,000 jobs a month.. we're adding 200k or more consistently.

7. Anti-War Stance and getting out of Iraq

8. Opening Cuba

9. The alternative is just obstruct obstruct obstruct and do nothing except preaching trickle down economics which convincing suckers at the bottom of the economic pyramid they can make money when the only one's making anything are those at the top, kill food stamps, pell grants, medicare, medicaid, privatize social security, education, pensions, get cronies to run it into the ground, lower taxes for the 1% while raising sales taxes, tolls, fees and then rail on and on how government doesn't work.

I would like the next POTUS to continue progressive policies and try to be even better than Obama has been.

Hopefully it's Bernie Sanders! I think Bernie can do a 5 times better job than Obama but that doesn't mean Obama isn't better than Reagan, Bush and Bush.

5. Gas costs less than half of what it did in 2008.

DESPITE Obama, not because of him. He has done everything he can to increase the price of fuel, including stopping the Keystone pipeline. It is only because of frakking that the price of fuel in the US has come down, combined with a world recession.

The price of gas is linked to long term oil contracts. In the US, Henry Hub is a distribution hub in Louisiana that provides a reference price for natural gas. With the fall in oil prices, shale gas and shale oil in many part of the US are now too expensive to extract. The utilisation of shale gas in the US requires significant investment in infrastructure including pipelines. For export, large investments in terminals and liquefaction facilities are needed to ship it as LNG to global markets.

The Keystone Pipeline would have a negligible effect, if any, on US/Global oil and gas prices.

The only way a politician can offer lower gas prices, an in this context gas usually means fuel for vehicles is to lower taxes, which comprise a significant portion of the pump price in most countries or by subsidies. Anyone who claims otherwise, as certain right wing politicians in the last Presidential election cycle, have their heads up their butt.

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Notwithstanding all the off topic conversation about Obama's successes/failures, permit me to take a little look at why Murdoch might be correct in his assessment.

1. Obama is of mixed heritage with a black father and white mother.

2. His black father deserted him when he was an infant and Obama had only a fleeting relationship with him until his father's death.

3. His parents divorced when Barack was only two years old and his mother married one Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia.

4. Obama lived in Hawaii with his mother and maternal grand-parents from birth until 1967 when he moved to Indonesia, where he lived and went to school for the next four years before returning to Hawaii.

5. Obama remained in Hawaii with his grand-parents until his graduation from a private high school in 1979, which he attended on a scholarship.

6. Obama left Hawaii in 1979 when he moved to Los Angeles to attend Occidental College, where his records remain sealed to this date.

7. Obama then attended Columbia in NYC where he obtained a Bachelors degree in 1983. His records remain sealed at Columbia to this date.

8. Obama worked as a community organizer for several organizations in both NYC and Chicago for the next five years.

9. Obama then entered Harvard Law in 1988 where he obtained a JD. Records are sealed there as well.

10. After graduation from Harvard he returned to Chicago and fell under the wing of Valerie Jarrett, and the rest is history.

Now somebody please tell me where Obama went through a tumultuous childhood fraught with being a minority having to ride in the back of the bus that could even begin to make him feel discriminated against because of his skin color.

He has led a sheltered life with free spending helping hands throughout.

He doesn't have a clue what real life is like, much less being a black man in real life. Give it some thought.

PS: An earlier poster tried to give Obama credit for the TARP program. TARP was passed by Congress and signed into law by George Bush in 2008. All Obama did was join 73 other Senators and vote "Aye" on the bill. Since this was the only known financial adventure the US government actually ran at a profit, he doesn't get credit for the whole thing simply by voting to approve the legislation.

Spoken like a true old white man. You have not one iota of understanding of what it means to grow up and live as a minority in an environment that is structured to favour a stereotyped gender, race, religion and sexual orientation.

You merely wish to diminish Obama's life experience because of his miscegenation. This discredited concept is the very core of racism. It is disgraceful and reeks of the plantation mentality.

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Black American voters vote the Democratic party at the rate of 90% probably 98% of the time.

Carson is a Republican which makes him the exception among black American voters. The dimwit Murdoch focused his statement on blackness, specifically Prez Obama and Dr. Carson. Then Murdock did the wise thing to apologize and to retract the statement.

All this yapping about bigots and liberal devils determined to destroy the United States is a rightwing diversion to avoid the issue that Carson is a political crackpot extremist lunatic who does not have the brain to be a town council member nevermind POTUS.

The political analysis is that Carson's crackpot views would destroy the country, apart from being black, apart from Barack Obama, apart from being some kind of conservative.

The discussion is about Carson, not some kind of concocted evil liberals and a hateful bigotry toward Dr. Carson. Carson and his views are open to critique and criticism. Carson's views have nothing to do with his being black, nor does anyone who criticises Carson's mad hatter political views have anything to do with bigotry. The rightwing is again trying to mangle the thread abut Carson the political lunatic and the rightwing is trying to obscure and hide the fact Carson is a political nutcase wierdo psycho.

Think Roger Ailes on steriods.

The discussion is NOT about Carson, it is about Murdoch.

Just a reminder here of the OP:

Murdoch was praising Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson and his wife on Twitter Wednesday evening when he wrote: "Ben and Candy Carson terrific. What about a real black President who can properly address the racial divide?"

Hence the posts about Murdoch, Prez Obama, Carson. The OP is not about liberals nor is it about bigots but the rightwing are all over the thread using each word, throwing both at anyone who dares to criticise Carson. Carson is the poster child of the harebrain right and Murdoch is one among them.

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Destroyed Egypt

Destroyed Ukraine

Destroyed Libya.

Destroyed Syria.

Aren't the Republicans claiming he's such a good muslim? Why is he not caring about them then?

Funny got you there.. by your own admission..

If you want to know the reason answer it's because Obama is an American who cares about Americans. He wants to keep us away from wars like Iraq that just funnel money into Halliburton who don't even pay taxes while real Americans are paying the price in lives, limbs and taxes while Billionaires are living the good life of supermodels champagne and caviar.

It's time we came to a realization.. Obama is not the problem. He's doing the best he can in a corrupt system which has been rigged by the money in politics thanks to billionaires (created by Reagan's trickle down economics) and their charade. The billionaires strategy is to keep the former middle class, now lower class preoccupied with bullshit and keep them delusional, while the elite 1%, both liberal and conservative, royally screw them with free trade agreements, ever decreasing wages, endless wars, dumb & dumber education system void of any real world skills like finance, industrial arts (you know working with your hands that is looked on as being beneath our educators and only for those that couldn't get into college), critical thinking skills, etc.

But wait it gets better, use Hollywood, Television, media in general to tell them what to believe, what to buy, while bankers extend them credit so they can buy things they don't need with money they don't have putting them into perpetual debt, tell them obesity is in vogue so they feel good about their unhealthy lifestyles, you can be whatever you want, just sign off on this Student Loan, we will worry about the details later, etc.

Now these people are struggling, angry, frustrated that the American Dream is becoming more of a nightmare, and in come The Rush Limbaugh types that direct that anger towards liberals like that unAmerican muslim from kenya, in order to keep their eyes off big business and corporate types that want it all for them and none for you.

And through all of that, what's pretty ironic is that their all time favorite talking point about the entitled (the middle class and the poor) stealing from the rich because they'd rather collect welfare or unemployment benefits or food stamps than work includes millions of folks from their own party that can't find jobs due to their own Republican legislator's very rich benefactors and financiers off-shoring jobs and willingly keeping the borders open to keep exploiting the illegals for fun and obscene profits.

The notion that Obama isn't really black or American is a total charade just played for political gain.

Just look at the schmuck refusing to grant marriage license to SS couples.

Or the types that stand up at a Donald Trump event sounding off that Obama is a Muslim from Kenya.

Pretty scary there are so many low educated, uneducated, non educated people in America who don't even believe in the validity of US citizenship of the President.


Seriously the best way to serve this country and move it forward is obstruction and ignoring the facts birtherism?

What happened to actually having a solution and convincing the people your idea is better? Oh that's right, GOP's solution is we don't have a solution except cut income and estate taxes for the rich and obstruction.

You should run for office...you seem to have more common sense than most politicians...

I may not agree with all of your political views...but I do admire you passion...

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Notwithstanding all the off topic conversation about Obama's successes/failures, permit me to take a little look at why Murdoch might be correct in his assessment.

1. Obama is of mixed heritage with a black father and white mother.

2. His black father deserted him when he was an infant and Obama had only a fleeting relationship with him until his father's death.

3. His parents divorced when Barack was only two years old and his mother married one Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia.

4. Obama lived in Hawaii with his mother and maternal grand-parents from birth until 1967 when he moved to Indonesia, where he lived and went to school for the next four years before returning to Hawaii.

5. Obama remained in Hawaii with his grand-parents until his graduation from a private high school in 1979, which he attended on a scholarship.

6. Obama left Hawaii in 1979 when he moved to Los Angeles to attend Occidental College, where his records remain sealed to this date.

7. Obama then attended Columbia in NYC where he obtained a Bachelors degree in 1983. His records remain sealed at Columbia to this date.

8. Obama worked as a community organizer for several organizations in both NYC and Chicago for the next five years.

9. Obama then entered Harvard Law in 1988 where he obtained a JD. Records are sealed there as well.

10. After graduation from Harvard he returned to Chicago and fell under the wing of Valerie Jarrett, and the rest is history.

Now somebody please tell me where Obama went through a tumultuous childhood fraught with being a minority having to ride in the back of the bus that could even begin to make him feel discriminated against because of his skin color.

He has led a sheltered life with free spending helping hands throughout.

He doesn't have a clue what real life is like, much less being a black man in real life. Give it some thought.

PS: An earlier poster tried to give Obama credit for the TARP program. TARP was passed by Congress and signed into law by George Bush in 2008. All Obama did was join 73 other Senators and vote "Aye" on the bill. Since this was the only known financial adventure the US government actually ran at a profit, he doesn't get credit for the whole thing simply by voting to approve the legislation.

Spoken like a true old white man. You have not one iota of understanding of what it means to grow up and live as a minority in an environment that is structured to favour a stereotyped gender, race, religion and sexual orientation.

You merely wish to diminish Obama's life experience because of his miscegenation. This discredited concept is the very core of racism. It is disgraceful and reeks of the plantation mentality.

Just curious what all you liberal progressives have against "old white men"? Do you resent us because of our ages, our experiences or simply because you think you are smarter than "old white men" are? Why do people like you feel so superior to those of my age and ethnicity?

I don't wish to diminish Obama's life experiences at all. He has accomplished that all be himself, without any help from me. If you want to continue to believe, if you ever did, that Obama was qualified for the Presidency at any time in his life, then that is your mistake. Don't expect many of us to fall for that old bait and switch game he and the main stream media pulled on the electorate the first (and second) time around.

One good thing about many of us "old white men". We have seen it, done it and have the T-shirt to prove it.

That old adage comes to mind in this.

"If you are a conservative in your 20's, you have no heart. If you are a liberal in your 30's, you have no brain."

I'm making a wild stab here, but my guess is you are a liberal.

PS: I am married to a Thai and have two half-Thai children. How does that miscegenation thing work again?

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Notwithstanding all the off topic conversation about Obama's successes/failures, permit me to take a little look at why Murdoch might be correct in his assessment.

1. Obama is of mixed heritage with a black father and white mother.

2. His black father deserted him when he was an infant and Obama had only a fleeting relationship with him until his father's death.

3. His parents divorced when Barack was only two years old and his mother married one Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia.

4. Obama lived in Hawaii with his mother and maternal grand-parents from birth until 1967 when he moved to Indonesia, where he lived and went to school for the next four years before returning to Hawaii.

5. Obama remained in Hawaii with his grand-parents until his graduation from a private high school in 1979, which he attended on a scholarship.

6. Obama left Hawaii in 1979 when he moved to Los Angeles to attend Occidental College, where his records remain sealed to this date.

7. Obama then attended Columbia in NYC where he obtained a Bachelors degree in 1983. His records remain sealed at Columbia to this date.

8. Obama worked as a community organizer for several organizations in both NYC and Chicago for the next five years.

9. Obama then entered Harvard Law in 1988 where he obtained a JD. Records are sealed there as well.

10. After graduation from Harvard he returned to Chicago and fell under the wing of Valerie Jarrett, and the rest is history.

Now somebody please tell me where Obama went through a tumultuous childhood fraught with being a minority having to ride in the back of the bus that could even begin to make him feel discriminated against because of his skin color.

He has led a sheltered life with free spending helping hands throughout.

He doesn't have a clue what real life is like, much less being a black man in real life. Give it some thought.

PS: An earlier poster tried to give Obama credit for the TARP program. TARP was passed by Congress and signed into law by George Bush in 2008. All Obama did was join 73 other Senators and vote "Aye" on the bill. Since this was the only known financial adventure the US government actually ran at a profit, he doesn't get credit for the whole thing simply by voting to approve the legislation.

Spoken like a true old white man. You have not one iota of understanding of what it means to grow up and live as a minority in an environment that is structured to favour a stereotyped gender, race, religion and sexual orientation.

You merely wish to diminish Obama's life experience because of his miscegenation. This discredited concept is the very core of racism. It is disgraceful and reeks of the plantation mentality.

Just curious what all you liberal progressives have against "old white men"? Do you resent us because of our ages, our experiences or simply because you think you are smarter than "old white men" are? Why do people like you feel so superior to those of my age and ethnicity?

I don't wish to diminish Obama's life experiences at all. He has accomplished that all be himself, without any help from me. If you want to continue to believe, if you ever did, that Obama was qualified for the Presidency at any time in his life, then that is your mistake. Don't expect many of us to fall for that old bait and switch game he and the main stream media pulled on the electorate the first (and second) time around.

One good thing about many of us "old white men". We have seen it, done it and have the T-shirt to prove it.

That old adage comes to mind in this.

"If you are a conservative in your 20's, you have no heart. If you are a liberal in your 30's, you have no brain."

I'm making a wild stab here, but my guess is you are a liberal.

PS: I am married to a Thai and have two half-Thai children. How does that miscegenation thing work again?

That old adage comes to mind in this.

"If you are a conservative in your 20's, you have no heart. If you are a liberal in your 30's, you have no brain."

Very old adage. FDR died a liberal.
It and $25 bucks will get someone a coffee at Starbucks in Manhattan but it with even a billion bucks will not get 270 electoral votes in the coming election. The Republican party has been practicing dust bowl politics since the 1930s when T-shirts had only dirt on 'em.
Justice Kennedy of SCOTUS gets more liberal with each birthday, as have many other SCOTUS justices. It rarely goes in the opposite direction, i.e,. a liberal justice becomes conservative. Justices Scalia and Thomas never had a heart or a brain.
Edited by Publicus
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Notwithstanding all the off topic conversation about Obama's successes/failures, permit me to take a little look at why Murdoch might be correct in his assessment.

1. Obama is of mixed heritage with a black father and white mother.

2. His black father deserted him when he was an infant and Obama had only a fleeting relationship with him until his father's death.

3. His parents divorced when Barack was only two years old and his mother married one Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia.

4. Obama lived in Hawaii with his mother and maternal grand-parents from birth until 1967 when he moved to Indonesia, where he lived and went to school for the next four years before returning to Hawaii.

5. Obama remained in Hawaii with his grand-parents until his graduation from a private high school in 1979, which he attended on a scholarship.

6. Obama left Hawaii in 1979 when he moved to Los Angeles to attend Occidental College, where his records remain sealed to this date.

7. Obama then attended Columbia in NYC where he obtained a Bachelors degree in 1983. His records remain sealed at Columbia to this date.

8. Obama worked as a community organizer for several organizations in both NYC and Chicago for the next five years.

9. Obama then entered Harvard Law in 1988 where he obtained a JD. Records are sealed there as well.

10. After graduation from Harvard he returned to Chicago and fell under the wing of Valerie Jarrett, and the rest is history.

Now somebody please tell me where Obama went through a tumultuous childhood fraught with being a minority having to ride in the back of the bus that could even begin to make him feel discriminated against because of his skin color.

He has led a sheltered life with free spending helping hands throughout.

He doesn't have a clue what real life is like, much less being a black man in real life. Give it some thought.

PS: An earlier poster tried to give Obama credit for the TARP program. TARP was passed by Congress and signed into law by George Bush in 2008. All Obama did was join 73 other Senators and vote "Aye" on the bill. Since this was the only known financial adventure the US government actually ran at a profit, he doesn't get credit for the whole thing simply by voting to approve the legislation.

Spoken like a true old white man. You have not one iota of understanding of what it means to grow up and live as a minority in an environment that is structured to favour a stereotyped gender, race, religion and sexual orientation.

You merely wish to diminish Obama's life experience because of his miscegenation. This discredited concept is the very core of racism. It is disgraceful and reeks of the plantation mentality.

You make it sound as though Obama grew up in a black slum in an American city on the mainland. In fact he grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia brought up by middle class white people. How then did he live as a minority in an environment that is structured to favour a stereotyped gender, race?

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Firstly, Not even 50% of Americans vote.

Your opinion that Obama was the best president is laughable. His legacy is,

Added $8 Trillion (so far) to the national debt - about $3.2 billion every day that he was president.

Destroyed Egypt

Destroyed Ukraine

Destroyed Libya.

Destroyed Syria. (AND, made the USA a complete laughing stock by supporting ISIS and then having to fight against them, then abandoning the entire country to Russia clap2.gif Good work


He was the First Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb and kill another Nobel Prize winner in the Aghanistan hospital bombing this last week.

And supported numerous - likely thousands - of civillians "collateral damage" who were killed through authorized air and drone strikes throughout the middle east. Including authorizing kill operation on American citizens.

So please tell me again how Obama is the best president? Maybe he's the biggest killer of all presidents in the last 40 years. If you hate GW Bush, then you must hate Obama as well, because he's basically like GWBush on steroids

If you hate GW Bush, then you must hate Obama as well, because he's basically like GWBush on steroids


A conservative or a Republican especially who disagrees with a Democratic party president is normal and natural, healthy.

The statement is assinine [sic] however concerning Barack Obama and predecessor presidents, that, "Maybe he's the biggest killer of all presidents in the last 40 years."

For one thing, an inability to distinguish between Barack Obama and GW Bush indicates a compelling need of special edu attention. More broadly speaking, normal society does not think or speak in such terms. The statement is bizarre.

Still beleive in fairies do you? I guess you're one of people brainwashed by the american media who make a living on dividing society into two sides.

The reality is many very rich donors give money, lot's of it, to both sides of politics. Why would they do that? Think about this question.

Basically they don't care whoever gets elected, they'll benefit greatly either way. Close your eyes to the truth if you want, but both sides are EXACTLY the same. War industry, corporate cronyism and government surveillance of all citizens is what Obama stands for. Nothing differnt from GWBush.

If you want to argue, oh one president wants gays marrying, and the other doesn't. Big deal...Like I said, whatever.

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1. Operation Neptune Spear (this alone weighed against all the quagmire of the Iraq war and your favorite topic.. the national debt created from it, not to mention the lives and limbs lost from Iraq war).. consider that next time you vote for a neocon

2. Equal Rights for LBGT (I couldn't even take my spouse to the USA without DOMA ruling)

3. Obamacare works beautifully for my spouse

4. My 401k is a lot better today than it was in October 2008.

5. Gas costs less than half of what it did in 2008.

6. The economy. His gamble on TARP and his plan is working.. the economy is recovering.. slowly but surely compared to Europe/ China/ Russia/ Brazil.. they would kill to be in the United States shoes right now. We're definitely not losing 750,000 jobs a month.. we're adding 200k or more consistently.

7. Anti-War Stance and getting out of Iraq

8. Opening Cuba

9. The alternative is just obstruct obstruct obstruct and do nothing except preaching trickle down economics which convincing suckers at the bottom of the economic pyramid they can make money when the only one's making anything are those at the top, kill food stamps, pell grants, medicare, medicaid, privatize social security, education, pensions, get cronies to run it into the ground, lower taxes for the 1% while raising sales taxes, tolls, fees and then rail on and on how government doesn't work.

I would like the next POTUS to continue progressive policies and try to be even better than Obama has been.

Hopefully it's Bernie Sanders! I think Bernie can do a 5 times better job than Obama but that doesn't mean Obama isn't better than Reagan, Bush and Bush.

Is this intended as satire? If so, it's brilliant!

If not - if you are actually serious - then how unfortunate for you and your delusional other personality. Wow. gigglem.gif

Many would support Jake Sully's contention that President Obama has done a great job with the economy. Including this guy:



"The strides we've made the last eight years are pretty amazing," billionaire hedge fund manager Jim Chanos told CNN's Poppy Harlow this week from his midtown Manhattan office.

Chanos rattled off a laundry list of things that reflect the Obama economy's success: The country is nearing full employment, the stock market is near all-time highs, corporate profits have shattered records, there's universal health care, gas prices are near $2 a gallon, and the federal deficit has shrunk.

"Of all the major economies right now, we're the place to be," Chanos said.

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Firstly, Not even 50% of Americans vote.

Your opinion that Obama was the best president is laughable. His legacy is,

Added $8 Trillion (so far) to the national debt - about $3.2 billion every day that he was president.

Destroyed Egypt

Destroyed Ukraine

Destroyed Libya.

Destroyed Syria. (AND, made the USA a complete laughing stock by supporting ISIS and then having to fight against them, then abandoning the entire country to Russia clap2.gif Good work


He was the First Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb and kill another Nobel Prize winner in the Aghanistan hospital bombing this last week.

And supported numerous - likely thousands - of civillians "collateral damage" who were killed through authorized air and drone strikes throughout the middle east. Including authorizing kill operation on American citizens.

So please tell me again how Obama is the best president? Maybe he's the biggest killer of all presidents in the last 40 years. If you hate GW Bush, then you must hate Obama as well, because he's basically like GWBush on steroids

If you hate GW Bush, then you must hate Obama as well, because he's basically like GWBush on steroids


A conservative or a Republican especially who disagrees with a Democratic party president is normal and natural, healthy.

The statement is assinine [sic] however concerning Barack Obama and predecessor presidents, that, "Maybe he's the biggest killer of all presidents in the last 40 years."

For one thing, an inability to distinguish between Barack Obama and GW Bush indicates a compelling need of special edu attention. More broadly speaking, normal society does not think or speak in such terms. The statement is bizarre.

Still beleive in fairies do you? I guess you're one of people brainwashed by the american media who make a living on dividing society into two sides.

The reality is many very rich donors give money, lot's of it, to both sides of politics. Why would they do that? Think about this question.

Basically they don't care whoever gets elected, they'll benefit greatly either way. Close your eyes to the truth if you want, but both sides are EXACTLY the same. War industry, corporate cronyism and government surveillance of all citizens is what Obama stands for. Nothing differnt from GWBush.

If you want to argue, oh one president wants gays marrying, and the other doesn't. Big deal...Like I said, whatever.

I guess you're one of people brainwashed by the american media who make a living on dividing society into two sides...both sides are EXACTLY the same.

EXACTLY the same, got it.
Looks like you've got my number cause I always assert that there are two kinds of people in the world, those who dichotomise and those who don't. laugh.png You obviously don't.
So I stand by my post thx as one of the brainwashed masses. If you'd want to preach your stuff btw then kindly preach it without trying to single out anyone in particular because I do not need your instruction in your ways of the world.
Or concerning anything thx.
Have a nice day.
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1. Operation Neptune Spear (this alone weighed against all the quagmire of the Iraq war and your favorite topic.. the national debt created from it, not to mention the lives and limbs lost from Iraq war).. consider that next time you vote for a neocon

2. Equal Rights for LBGT (I couldn't even take my spouse to the USA without DOMA ruling)

3. Obamacare works beautifully for my spouse

4. My 401k is a lot better today than it was in October 2008.

5. Gas costs less than half of what it did in 2008.

6. The economy. His gamble on TARP and his plan is working.. the economy is recovering.. slowly but surely compared to Europe/ China/ Russia/ Brazil.. they would kill to be in the United States shoes right now. We're definitely not losing 750,000 jobs a month.. we're adding 200k or more consistently.

7. Anti-War Stance and getting out of Iraq

8. Opening Cuba

9. The alternative is just obstruct obstruct obstruct and do nothing except preaching trickle down economics which convincing suckers at the bottom of the economic pyramid they can make money when the only one's making anything are those at the top, kill food stamps, pell grants, medicare, medicaid, privatize social security, education, pensions, get cronies to run it into the ground, lower taxes for the 1% while raising sales taxes, tolls, fees and then rail on and on how government doesn't work.

I would like the next POTUS to continue progressive policies and try to be even better than Obama has been.

Hopefully it's Bernie Sanders! I think Bernie can do a 5 times better job than Obama but that doesn't mean Obama isn't better than Reagan, Bush and Bush.

Is this intended as satire? If so, it's brilliant!

If not - if you are actually serious - then how unfortunate for you and your delusional other personality. Wow. gigglem.gif

Many would support Jake Sully's contention that President Obama has done a great job with the economy. Including this guy:



"The strides we've made the last eight years are pretty amazing," billionaire hedge fund manager Jim Chanos told CNN's Poppy Harlow this week from his midtown Manhattan office.

Chanos rattled off a laundry list of things that reflect the Obama economy's success: The country is nearing full employment, the stock market is near all-time highs, corporate profits have shattered records, there's universal health care, gas prices are near $2 a gallon, and the federal deficit has shrunk.

"Of all the major economies right now, we're the place to be," Chanos said.

You link makes the following statement:

"Chanos was a major bundler for Obama's re-election campaign, helping to raise more between $200,000 and $500,000, according to OpenSecrets."

In other words, the hedge fund owner is in the box for Obama.

Let's examine just a couple of his comments...

1. " The country is nearing full employment..."

While the unemployment rate has dipped to 5.1% in the latest unemployment report, perhaps the fact the labor force is at it's lowest point in 38 years might have something to do with the low percentage. Anybody that has not been seeking a job in the past month is dropped from the roles of the unemployed and is no longer counted as such. The current 5.1% is a fictitious number.

Record 94,031,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Stuck at 38-Year Low for 3rd Straight Month


2. "there's universal health care..."

​Obamacare is hardly universal health care. It is very simply an instrument to enroll citizens in Medicaid and provide government assistance to some in procuring health insurance at higher costs than they had before. Obamacare will be in a death spiral when the young people keep dropping out as has already begun happening.

3. " gas prices are near $2 a gallon..."

You can't seriously believe Obama's energy policies had anything to do with this. What has caused the drop in gasoline is private enterprise getting with the program and drilling. using the fracking process, on privately owned land. The federal government is still not issuing drilling permits on publicly held land. Saudi Arabia has also aided in this by keeping their production up to drive out the small US drillers.

4. " the federal deficit has shrunk."

​This is spot on. The annual federal deficit has come down from his first year 2009 deficit of $1.413 Trillion to an estimated 2015 deficit of $435 Billion. This can be attributed to two factors. Tax revenue in 2015 is set to be the highest ever collected and sequester is still holding up.

Looking at federal debt tells us a little more about Obama's fiscal policies.

On 20 January 2009, the federal debt stood at $10.6 Trillion. The current debt clock has the federal debt at $18.2 Trillion, and rising at the rate of $16,692 per second.



Shows you can't believe everything you read, particularly when it is mouthed by an Obama campaign bundler.

Edited by chuckd
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I found an answer to my question while studying Saul Alinsky - another leftist community organizer from the slums of Chicago - his Rule #4 for Radicals is to "ridicule the enemy." Ie: instead of addressing them head-on, or doing something to actually improve yourself, Alinsky's idealogy recommends the "powerless" seek power by ridiculing the powerful. I'm not suggesting all of Obama's crew studied Alinsky for their tactics but that explains a lot. Funny that these radicals never actually talk about where wealth comes from - in a free enterprise system, from providing services or products that actually solve problems people face - but instead suggest ridiculing and defaming successful people, ie: people who have actually contributed to the world. That explains a lot about Obama and his mob.

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I found an answer to my question while studying Saul Alinsky - another leftist community organizer from the slums of Chicago - his Rule #4 for Radicals is to "ridicule the enemy." Ie: instead of addressing them head-on, or doing something to actually improve yourself, Alinsky's idealogy recommends the "powerless" seek power by ridiculing the powerful. I'm not suggesting all of Obama's crew studied Alinsky for their tactics but that explains a lot. Funny that these radicals never actually talk about where wealth comes from - in a free enterprise system, from providing services or products that actually solve problems people face - but instead suggest ridiculing and defaming successful people, ie: people who have actually contributed to the world. That explains a lot about Obama and his mob.

IMO people like Obama and Alinsky hate people that actually contribute to the world as it shows them up for people who have nothing other than hatred of those with money to give them a power base by recruiting those that want it all without doing anything to get it. Hence the mantra that the poor are poor because they are discriminated against ( not because they were too lazy to get off their butts and work their way up by getting a job and an education- tell that to Carson ), and the desire to "redistribute" wealth from those with to those without, for free.

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