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Sulphur, rock phosphate, manure and coated urea?


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Hi, I'm looking for contacts of suppliers and prices for 4 materials:

1. Sulphur (yellow powder). This is sometimes used for reducing pH but my main interest is to use it for increasing protein in forage crops. One advantage of sulphur over other sulphur-containing materials like gypsum and ammonium sulphate is that it releases the sulphure more slowy and less likely to be leached out of the soil.

2. Rock phosphate. This a slow-release form of phosphate. And it's considered organic. I've got the contact and price of one supplier in Kanchanaburi (which I can share if anyone is interested) but I'm looking for others that may have a higher phosphate content and/or lower price.

3. Animal manures. In this case, I am mainly interested in the organic matter and micro-nutrients, not just the NPK content. Being bulky, I'll probably be looking at fairly local suppliers (in the Ubon area), but even so I'd be interested to know what prices others are paying in other parts of the country. I'm interested in truck loads, not bags. It can be cow, pig or chicken manure. I've got one price of 24,000 baht for a 10-wheel truckful of chicken manure, but don't know how many cubic metres or tons that might be? If anyone has a rough idea about that, I'd like to know. I know moisture content will make a difference to the weight per truck, so if you have some idea about what a typical moisture content might be, that would be very handy to throw into the equation.

4. Coated urea. In other countries there are different kinds of coated urea, such as plastic-coated and sulphur-coated urea. The advantage of coated urea is that the urea is released more slowly, so it better matches the uptake of N by the crop and it's less likely to be lost to leaching. Has anyone come across this kind of urea in Thailand and if so, do you have any brand-names, contacts of manufacturers/suppliers and prices?

Thanks very much for any info shared.


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pig poo. had a guy in some time this year and wanted to by a 10 wheeler truck full, loose. in the end he bought in bags, easyer to load.. In the end he picked it all up in high sided pickups, again lower to load onto. I think the bags would weigh no more than 20 kg when dry and pressed down ect. ie very full. poo again would be dry, can break up in the hand ect... I would imagine you could get 400 bags plus on a 10 wheeler truck, depends on the loading, so 8 ton ish...... have seen a high sided modified pickup take 120 bags, over the limit me thinks........ bags wife sells at 40 baht. have been told some sell at 30 -35 but these would be from finishing farms. poo washed out in to pit then sucked out and dried later. if you were to buy pig poo try and get it from a sow farm as it would be collect "dry" daily and left in the sun. ie not sitting in loads of water for any length of time. if you have a CP of BETAGRO shop-office in your area pop in and see if they can tell where the farms are- either chicken of pigs. in areas that you have farms they will be grouped together for easy relocating animals ect. hope this helps

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